I'm new to sitecore and have been trying to set up my 9.3 local instance and the 4.2.0 publishing service.
following company documentation regarding the publishing service ,i have tried these steps multiple times:
Downloaded and extracted the publishing files
Created the ISS site and added it to the hosts files
Added the connection strings files
Executed the schema upgrade command successfully
when checking the /api/publishing/operations/status url, I only get an server error code with no useful info, nor a log file.
If executed the publishing service runs properly on cmd, but it's not detected by sitecore cms when publishing.
anyone got any ideas?, thanks
I have just started using Amplify to build my web app, and set Web Preview by connecting with Github (followed here).
Even though Amplify App is integrated into my Github organization/repository, Web Preview does not get triggered and no pull requests are shown.
Could you tell me what causes this and how to solve the problem?
(e.g., Need to use Github Team/Enterprise plan?)
I recently updated my environment from WSO2 IS 5.0.0 to WSO2 IS 5.2.0. My environment consists of one machine deployed on EC2 AWS instance. I am using MySQL(not the default H2 database). The machine on which the IS is deployed is Windows Server 2012 R2.
I also have a solution which wraps the IS Admin Soap services and allows me to automate some of the processes like:
-- Service Provider creation and configuration
-- User creation and configuration
-- Tenant creation and configuration
After upgrading to WSO2 IS 5.2.0 I started experiencing delays in the responses of the admin SOAP Services. Since I am using AWS I double checked whether I am using the most appropriate region to have the IS machine. Indeed it was - I am using the Frankfurt region.
I decided to do a simple test to see whether there is delay and if so how it affect my applications. So I created a simple Console Application which was hosted on my local machine and configured the Service References first against my new DEV IS 5.2.0 machine(Frankfurt region). For my test purposes I am using RemoteUserStoreManagerService?wsdl and I am trying to create a user. Ran the test several times and it seems that it takes about 6-7 seconds to create user.
Then I used the exact same conditions in order to run the test against DEV IS 5.0.0 machine which is also hosted in the same region (Frankfurt) and is using the exact same machine configuration (t2.large). Once again the Console Application was hosted on my local machine. The result from the second test was - 1 second to create the user using the very same admin SOAP service and the exact same logic in the Console Application under the same conditions the first test was executed.
Please find below image that displays some of the test results:
Is this a known behavior, or some sort of configuration should be applied to avoid such delays from the admin SOAP services?
Thanks in advance.
It turned out to be a configuration issue. In the following file:
There is a section named "EventListeners" and in there the following listener:
<EventListener type="org.wso2.carbon.user.core.listener.UserOperationEventListener" name="org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.IdentityMgtEventListener" orderId="50" enable="true"/>
Once I disabled this listener, all my issues regarding the delays in the responses of the SOAP admin services disappeared.
I did basic search to see what is the purpose of this listener and was able ti find the following:
So I have got WSO2 P.PaaS installed and running. I want to deploy .war file to the Application Server. It seems the AS on P.PaaS does not accept .war file; but the stand-alone one does. See here. Also, I want to use the WSO2 products deployed into the PaaS. I am not sure what URL or port I should use. Is there a tutorial that I can use to experiment?
Sorry for the brevity, but, I am new to WSO2.
What PPaaS version you have installed, 4.0.0 or from current master branch which is 4.1.0 milestone 1 version?
Here is the quick start guide Quick start guide .
You can access the management console as https://STRATOS_DOMAIN:9443/console.
Assuming you are using PP 4.0.0 version,
Log into management console
Go to cartridges page. There you can find the available cartridges, you should find Application Server as a cartridge.
Click on AS cartridge in order to subscribe for it. At subscribing process you would be asked a GIT repository URL.
After you subscribe, PP will clone what is in your GIT repository url in to Application server. So if you provide a url which has your web application, those application would be automatically deployed into the Application server. Here is a sample GIT repository , you can include your web apps under "webapps" folder.
There after if you modify your web apps (say web app version 2) and commit the changes to your repository, Stratos/PP automatically update Application server with the new web apps.
Since you have already deployed PP, you can have a loot at this screencast to see how you can deploy a web app
I'm a beginner in Java EE development.
I try to make a REST web service using Netbeans 8.0.2 with a Glassfish Server 4.1 and a MySQL database which contains my tables.
So I create a new Web Application, then I create a new package in the folder Sources Package of the web application, and I create a new web service in that package, this web service is a RESTful web services from database.
In the Services tab, I click on Databases, then I register my MySQL server and I create a new connection to my database on my MySQL server, it works.
During the creation of the RESTful web service, it connects to my database.
But when I run my project, I have this error :
nbproject/build-impl.xml:1046: The module has not been deployed. See the server log for details.
I don't know how to resolve it.
The Glassfish server doesn't show log, I'm surprised because there isn't any log.
I go to the Services tab in Netbeans, and under Servers I right click on my Glassfish server and I click on View Domain Server Log but nothing occurs, so I open a command interface, and I go to the directory of the log of my Glassfish server and there is nothing
The tab which have the same name of my project shows this output :
NetBeansProjects\WebApplicationGlassfish2\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1046: The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 minute 53 seconds)
Just a couple of ideas in case you haven't check it.
If you are using the Glassfish server be sure the MySQL driver is installed on the server. You can check this in the documentation
Second, it's not enough to configure the DB in your Netbeans, in your project you should create the proper configuration in your persistence.xml file (usually, unless your are using jdbc manually). You should create your datasource or, at least, register the connection properties.
I hope it helps.
I have built a report that uses a SharePoint list as its data source. The data source is set to use Windows Authentication (integrated security) in SSRS. It runs just fine in SSRS/BIDS, but when deployed to the Report Manager environment, I receive an error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'ListData'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
An error occurred when accessing the specified SharePoint list. The connection string might not be valid. Verify that the connection string is correct. (rsSPDataProviderError)
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
I have deployed both the report object and the data source to the environment from BIDS. I checked the Properties to confirm that integrated security was set on the Report Manager end as well, so I am not sure as to why it's not passing the credentials properly to the source.
Any ideas/suggestions?
The service account for SSRS will not help you. It is good to have a specific service account to run the SSRS service, but that is not what gets used to authenticate. It is also good to set up an execution account on the server using the reporting services configuration tool which helps with running unattended reports, but again that's not your issue.
Kerberos is one option, yes, but if you aren't using it already it's a big effort for a small issue.
Sharepoint list datasource will only accept integrated security connections, so what you need to do in the datasource is to store a windows user as credentials in the report server.
I usually create a user called Reportuser (e.g. reportuser#[domain].com). Create this user on your domain, make sure it has access to SharePoint.
In BIDS/visual studio in the properties for the datasource for your report, under the credentials tab, click the radio button next to "Use Windows Authentication (integrated security)".
Upload the datasource to the report manager website. ( You've done this part).
Navigate to the Report manager website, and the properties of the uploaded datasource.
Under the section starting with "Connect using":
Check the "Credentials stored securely in the report server" option
Enter the username and password like this (where domain is replaced with the domain of your network):
Important part: Tick the "Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source"
Test the connection and will work - I have just tested it.
Check these cases:
use the second option in Connect Using section for datasource. Check attached Image.
Check whether you have configured all the web.config entries correctly. You can trace this type of error by attaching the w3wp process.
I had this very same problem and found out that the account that I was using was incorrect due to SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio using the same credentials. When I tried to deploy my reports I noticed that it failed because it was using a user without permissions. The user was not my currently logged in user. Instead it was the one that I had last used to log into SharePoint Designer. Once I logged into SharePoint Designer using a user who also had the report permissions I wanted it then was able to correctly log in to SSRS using Visual Studio. The windows credentials between those two programs are tied together.