Problem: When attempting to use conditional formatting on a card, table, etc. I can right click off the measure or column data involved to select conditional formatting. The process starts and the conditional formatting window starts up, but never completes and appears as a “Pop Up” to select conditions. It does show up as a second Power BI window.
Context: I using a Mac w/ 16GB ram and running windows 10 via the latest version of Parallels. I am running the latest Power BI Version. Models are built from SQL Imports. I have a Pro Edition of Power BI. I have looked through the Options section of Power BI and applied everything that could be removing involved in this situation. I am an analyst not a code writer.
Is this a Power BI or Windows issue?
Are there any know resolutions to this type of problem?
What do I need to confirm or check on in Power BI
If it helps, here's what I see on Windows. I have selected a table visual. In the Visualizations pane, I right click a field. I select Conditional formatting > Icons. I get a pop up window that lets me configure the conditional formatting. It sounds to me like this is working for you just fine.
The popup window is large and cannot be resized. The OK button is at the bottom of the window, and if your monitor is too small, you won't be able to see it. I'm guessing this is the issue you are running into.
If you don't see the OK button on the bottom of the popup window, the simple solution is to use a bigger monitor or try dragging the window higher so you see the bottom buttons. If this isn't an option, one workaround could be "clicking" OK through key commands.
Here are the key commands that would allow you to "click" OK:
Click on the top most control to select it. In my popup window, it is the Format by dropdown.
Press shift-Tab. This selects the X button in the upper right corner of the popup window.
Press shift-Tab again. This selects the Cancel button on the form.
Press shift-Tab one more time. This should select the OK button.
Press enter. This should select OK and complete your changes.
I'm using Power BI (May 2020 edition) and I've encountered a very weird problem. My visuals are based on SQL Server Stored Procedure. When I initially displayed data on visuals, I realized I need to add extra column on backend and switch columns on visual. So, I did the following:
I modified my Stored Procedure and applied changes on back-end
I navigated to Data View and clicked on Edit Queries menu item. Then I right-clicked on the column I needed to move and clicked "Move Right". This way 2 columns swapped the order in which they were displayed.
Then I clicked Refresh All and after a while got all my changes - recently added column from SP and swapped columns displayed correctly on Edit Queries window.
After all these manipulations I clicked Close & Apply and was redirected to Data View of my Visuals. None of the changes were reflected. I went to Report View - the same thing, of course.
Did I do anything wrong or it's a known bug that hopefully has workaround?
Appreciate everybody's help.
P.S. I was able to refresh the data by right-clicking on "Query" dropdown on Data View and clicking "Refresh Data". However, columns order still not resolved. Looks like everything we do under Edit Queries is not reflected in May 2020 edition. Please correct me if I'm wrong or if there is a workaround. Unfortunately I can't upgrade to newer version as our server doesn't support it.
Resolved the issue - instead of going to Edit Query mode, I simply dragged fields to appropriate place in Report Mode, Visualizations pane. But I still remain puzzled why Edit Queries changes are not reflected when Close & Apply is clicked.
Is it possible to turn a card (when you click on it), into a button that could be used to take you to another report page, in PowerBI Desktop?
Same question, but for a slicer, would it be possible, when I click on one of the selections in the slicer (list), to take me to another report page?
Not exactly, but you can put invisible buttons wherever you want as a workaround with effectively the same experience for the end-user.
Is there a Tab Control control in Power Bi that can be dropped onto a dashboard similar to other controls, like checkbox, list, etc. I would like the user to be able to add various inputs on each tab and then be able to plot a line on a chart based on their selections. Each tab on the Tab control would represent a separate product. An image of a tab control can be found at the link below.
Not sure if Power BI has something like that out of the box, but you could roll your own.
It looks like you want a bunch of slicers that are overlapping and come to the top when their "tab" is clicked. You can achieve this by showing/hiding slicers when a button is clicked. Conceptually:
add slicers to the report and arrange to overlap
add buttons to the report and arrange side by side
add bookmarks to the page that show the different hidden/visible states of the slicers
assign the bookmarks to the buttons
Matt Allington has a blog post about this technique. He uses just one slicer panel, so you will need to adjust it to your needs but it has everything you need to do what you describe.
I've done some basic things in a query editor via the user interface. For instance, I renamed a column. Now I'm going back to review, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where the details of the step are.
In Applied Steps, on the "Renamed Column", I can right click and go to properties, but it does not list the old and new column name. There is no gear/setting icon to the right. How do I figure out what the new and old column names are?
For the "remove top rows" step, I can click on the gear icon to the right, and get a box with the number of rows, and edit it. How can I do the same with other steps such as renaming columns?
Not all commands have a gear icon in the Applied Steps panel. The Advanced editor can be quite overwhelming at first.
To ease into things, go to the View ribbon and ensure that "Formula Bar" is ticked, like in the screenshot below. Now you can select a step in the Applied Steps panel and its formula shows in the formula bar, very much like in Excel. You can edit the formula and change parameters as you see fit.
You can expand the formula bar to show a few more rows, with the icon at the right of the formula bar.
The code behind the Query Editor is Power Query. Microsoft Power BI ports many useful / frequently-used functions to the user interface for easier / better user experience (but not all functions, obviously).
Therefore, if you want to find the details of a step, you can always go to the Advanced Editor and check out the original Power Query code to find the corresponding line of code. You can also modify the code directly if you understand Power Query.
Below is a screenshot of the Advanced Editor, where the Table.RenameColumns function in Power Query is highlighted, which is the same as Rename Column in Power BI:
Is there a way to include a collapsible text in a Power BI report?
The purpose would be to add text into the report (essentially explanations for the user on the data and the methodology), but without the text being allways present and taking real state. Right now I elaborate separate documentation on the reports but it could be more effective to be able to have the text appear right when the user needs documentation in the report.
I would add the text as either a Multi-Row Card, Table or Long Text Viewer (Custom Visual).
Then I would reduce the frame size of that object to show just the first line of text. Users can click the Focus Mode button to expand the visual to a full screen view.
That text might event say "Click the Focus Mode button (top right) to expand ...".