Mocking ES Modules when running the Vite development server - unit-testing

I need to find out how I can instruct Vite to replace references to local/relative modules at runtime. The use case here is the test runner mocha-vite-puppeteer, which uses Vite to run tests, but then stubbing of modules of course does not work when using Node machinery such as proxyquire or rewire.
So I basically need to either be tipped of some existing software that can help me in doing this, or some tips on how to create my own "vite-proxyquire" using import.meta and friends.
A normal use for temporarily stubbing out ./my-ugly-module might be that you want to avoid loading some sub-dependency that has some ugly transitive dependencies that suck the entire application tree into your little test, or you want to avoid loading a sub-dependency that has some ugly side effects on the global state.
Existing solutions
Modern Web, a refreshing "bundler- and frameworkless" approach to web development using standard tools, talk a bit about the issue around how the immutable nature of ES Modules prevent usual stubbing patterns. They present a solution in the form of Import Maps, which essentially would be similar to the alias config in Vite (Rollup really), mapping a path to a module to some other file. The problem with a static solution like this is that it would replace all imports of a given module, not just for a single test. Modern Web has a solution to this where they have chosen to use a custom html page for each such test. To make this less of a hassle with regards to running, they then have a custom test runner that handles dealing with all these extra test html files. Doing something like that could be one way of fixing it, but it would require developing quite a bit of middleware/plugin code IMHO to make it work transparently with Vite. Without any advanced tooling it would also introduce a lot of extra files that seems a bit of a downside compared to todays imperative mocking of dependencies with proxyquire, Jest or Test Double from inside of the test files.


Managing Django test isolation for installable apps

I maintain an installable Django app that includes a regular test suite.
Naturally enough when project authors run test for their site, the tests for both their own apps and also any third party installed apps such as mine will all run.
The problem that I'm seeing is that in several different cases, the user's particular will contain configurations that cause my app's tests to fail.
A couple of examples:
Some of the tests need to check for returned error messages. These error messages use the internationalization framework, so if the site language is not english then these tests fail.
Some of the tests need to check for particular template output. If the site is using customized templates (which the app supports) then the tests will end up using their customized templates in preference to the defaults, and again the tests will fail.
I want to try to figure out a sensible approach to isolating the environment that my tests get run with in order to avoid this.
My plan at the moment is to have all my TestCase classes extend a base TestCase, which overrides the settings, and any other environment setup I may need to take care of.
My questions are:
Is this the best approach to app-level test-environment isolation? Is there an alternative I've missed?
It looks like I can only override a setting at a time, when ideally I'd probably like a completely clean configuration. Is there be a way to do this, and if not which are the main settings I need to make sure are set in order to have a basic clean setup?
I believe I'm correct in saying that overriding some settings such as INSTALLED_APPS may not actually affect the environment in the expected way due to implementation details, and global state issues. Is this correct? Which settings do I need to be aware of, and what globally cached environment information may not be affected as expected?
What other environment state other than settings might I need to ensure is clean?
More generally, I'd also be interested in any context regarding how much of an issue this is for other third party installable apps, or if there are any plans to further address any of this in core. I've seen conversation on IRC regarding similar issues with eg. some of Django's contrib apps running under unexpected settings configurations. I seem to also remember running into similar cases with both third party apps and django contrib apps a few times, so it feels like I'm not alone in facing these kind of problems, but it's not clear if there's a consensus on if this is something that needs more work or if the status quo is good enough.
Note that:
These are integration-level tests, so I want to address these environment issues at the global level.
I need to support Django 1.3, but can put in some compatibility wrappers so long as I'm not re-implementing massive amounts of Django code.
Obviously enough, since this is an installable app, I can't just specify my own DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to be used for the tests.
A nice approach to isolation I've seen used by Jezdez is to have a submodule called my_app.tests which contains all the test code (example). This means that those tests are NOT run by default when someone installs your app, so they don't get random phantom test failures, but if they want to check that they haven't inadvertently broken something then it's as simple as adding myapp.tests to INSTALLED_APPS to get it to run.
Within the tests, you can do your best to ensure that the correct environment exists using override_settings (if this isn't in 1.4 then there's not that much code to it). Personally my feeling is that with integration type tests perhaps it doesn't matter if they fail. If you like, you can include a clean settings file (compressor.test_settings), which for a major project may be more appropriate.
An alternative is that you separate your tests out a bit - there are two separate bodies of tests for contrib.admin, those at django.contrib.admin.tests, and those at tests.regression_tests.contrib.admin (or some path like that). The ones to check public apis and core functionality (should) reside in the first, and anything likely to get broken by someone else's (reasonable) configuration resides in the second.
IMHO, the whole running external apps tests is totally broken. It certainly shouldn't happen by default (and there are discussions to that effect) and it shouldn't even be a thing - if someone's external app test suite is broken by my monkey patching (or whatever) I don't actually care - and I definitely don't want it to break the build of my site. That said, the above approaches allow those who disagree to run them fairly easily. Jezdez probably has as many major pluggable apps as anyone else, and even if there are some subtle issues with his approach at least there is consistency of behaviour.
Since you're releasing a reusable third-party application, I don't see any reason the developer using the application should be changing the code. If the code isn't changing, the developers shouldn't need to run your tests.
The best solution, IMO, is to have the tests sit outside of the installable package. When you install Django and run tests, you don't run the Django test suite, because you trust the version of Django you've installed is stable. This should be the same for developers using your third-party application.
If there are specific settings you want to ensure work your library, just write test cases that use those settings values.
Here's an example reusable django application that has the tests sit outside of the installed package:
It's a popular way to develop python modules as seen:

Unit testing installation of services

Our installer program is going to be installing a number of system services, under both Windows and UNIX, using JavaServiceWrapper. There will be a class responsible for creating JavaServiceWrapper config files, installing the services, etc.
Can I have some suggestions on how to unit-test this class?
I would not struggle too much with unit testing such a class, rather I would go for integration / smoke tests. You need these anyway to verify that your installation works properly - preferably not only on your own machine, but also in the target environment, in real life, before you are about to demonstrate it to your boss and most important client :-)
Update: I assume that the class in question would not contain much complicated logic, rather just gluing together different pieces supplied by other APIs. However, if this is not the case, and you feel you can't easily test a significant part of its functionality via integration tests, you can still try unit testing with good ol' mocks and/or dependency injection.
Lol! Found this last night. Environmentally Friendly Deployment. I really think as more complex your deployment, the more you need to validate your environment.

Unit/integration testing Asterisk configuration

Unit and integration testing is usually performed as part of a development process, of course. I'm looking for ways to use this methodology in configuration of an existing system, in this case the Asterisk soft PBX.
In the case of Asterisk, the configuration file is as much a programming language as anything else, complete with loops, jumps, conditionals, etc., and can get quite complex. Changes to the configuration often suffers from the same problems as changes to a complex software product - it can be hard to foresee all the effects without tests in place. It's made worse by the fact that the nature of the system is to communicate with external entities, i.e. make phone calls.
I have a few ideas about testing the system using call files (to create specific calls between extensions) while watching the manager interface for generated events. A test could then watch for an expected result, i.e. dialling *99# should result in the Voicemail application getting called.
The flaws are obvious - it doesn't test the actual result, only what the system thinks is the result, and it probably requires some modification of the system under test. It's also really hard to write these tests robustly enough to only trigger on the expected output, especially if the system is in use (i.e. there are other calls in progress).
Is what I want, a testing system for Asterisk, impossible? If not, do you have any ideas about ways to go about this in a reasonable manner? I'm willing to put a fair amount of development time into this and release the result under a friendly license, but I'm unsure about the best way to approach it.
This is obviously an old question, so there's a good chance that when the original answers were posted here that Asterisk did not support unit / integration testing to the extent that it does today (although the Unit Test Framework API went in on 12/22/09, so that, at least, did exist).
The unit testing framework (David's e-mail from the dev list here) lets you execute unit tests directly within Asterisk. Tests are registered with the framework and can be executed / viewed through the CLI. Since this is all part of Asterisk, the tests are compiled into the executable. You do have to configure Asterisk with the --enable-dev-mode option, and mark the tests for compilation using the menuselect tool (some applications, like app_voicemail, automatically register tests - but they're the minority).
Writing unit tests is fairly straight-forward - and while it (obviously) isn't as fully featured as a commercial unit test framework, it gets the job done and can be enhanced as needed.
That most likely isn't what the majority of Asterisk users are going to want to use - although Asterisk developers are highly encouraged to check it out. Both users and developers are probably interested in integration tests, which the Asterisk Test Suite provides. At its core, the Test Suite is a python script that executes other scripts - be they lua, python, etc. The Test Suite comes with a set of python and lua libraries that help to orchestrate and execute multiple Asterisk instances. Test writers can use third party applications such as SIPp or Asterisk interfaces (AMI, AGI) or a combination thereof to test the hosted Asterisk instance(s).
There are close to 200 tests now in the Test Suite, with more being added on a fairly regular basis. You could obviously write your own tests that exercise your Asterisk configuration and have them managed by the Test Suite - if they're generic enough, you could submit them for inclusion in the Test Suite as well.
Note that the Test Suite can be a bit tricky to set up - Leif wrote a good blog post on setting up the Test Suite here.
Well, it depends on what you are testing. There are a lot of ways to handle this sort of thing. My preference is to use Asterisk Call Files bundled with dialplan code. EG: Create a callfile to dial some public number, once it is answered, hop back to the specified dialplan context and perform all of my testing logic (play soundfiles, listen for keypresses, etc.)
I wrote an Asterisk call file library which makes this sort of testing EXTREMELY easy. It has a lot of documentation / examples too, check it out here: That may help you.
Good luck!
You could create a set of specific scenarios and use Asterisk's MixMonitor command to record these calls. This would enable you to establish a set of sound recordings that were normative for your system for these tests, and use an automated sound file comparison tool (Perhaps something from comparing-sound-files-if-not-completely-identical?) to examine the results. Just an idea.
Unit testing as opposed to integration testing means your code is supposed to be architectured so the logic itself is insulated from external dependencies. You said "the configuration file is as much a programming language as anything else" but that's the thing --- real languages has not just control flow but abstraction capabilities, which allow you to write the logic in a way that can be unit tested. That's why I keep logic outside of asterisk as much as possible.
For integration testing, script linphonec to drive your application, and grep the asterisk console to see what it's doing.
You can use docker, and fire up temporary asterisk instances for each test.

architecture/design advise for a test program

I am trying to build a test program in c++ to automate testing for a specific application. The testing will involve sending requests which have a field 'CommandType' and some other fields to a server
The commandType can be 'NEW', 'CHANGE' or 'DELETE'
The tests can be
Send a bunch of random requests with no pattern
Send 100 'NEW' requests, then a huge amount of 'CHANGE' requests followed by 200 'DELETE' requests
Send 'DELETE' requests followed by 'CHANGE' requests
... and so on
How can I design my software (what kind of modules or layers) so that adding any new type of test case is easy and modular?
EDIT: To be more specific, this test will be to only test one specific application that gets requests of the type described above and handles them. This will be a client application that will send the requests to the server.
I would not create your own framework. There are many already written that follow a common pattern and can likely accomodate your needs elegantly.
The xUnit framework in all incarnations I have seen allows you to add new test cases without having to edit the code that runs the tests. For example, CppUnit provides a macro that when added to a test case will auto-register the test case with a global registry (through static initialization I assume). This allows you to add new test cases without cracking open and editing the thing that runs them.
And don't let the "unit" in xUnit and CppUnit make you think it is inappropriate. I've used the xUnit framework for all different kinds of testing.
I would separate out each individual test into it's own procedure or, if it requires code beyond a function or two, it's own source file. Then in my main routine I'd do something like:
void main()
Alternatively, I'd recommend leveraging the Boost Test Library and following their conventions.
I'm assuming you're not talking about creating unit tests.
IMHO, Your question is too vague to provide useful answers. Is this to test a specific application or are you trying to make something generic enough to test as many different applications as is possible? Where do these applications live? Are they client server apps, web apps, etc.?
If it's more than one application that you want your tool to test, you'll need an architecture that creates a protocol in between the testing tool and the applications such that you can convert the instructions your tool and consumers of your tool can understand, into instructions that the application being tested can understand. I've done similar things in the past but I've only ever had to worry about maybe 5 different "applications" so it was a pretty simple matter of summing up all the unique functionality of the apps and then creating an interfact that supports them all.
I wouldn't presume that NEW, CHANGE, and DELETE would be your only command types either. A lot of testing involves data cleanup, test reporting, etc. And applications all handle this their own special ways.
use C++ unit testing framework , Read this for Detail and examples

Best practices with Unit testing on Third Party software API's (AutoCAD)

We are developing applications for use within AutoCAD.
Basically we create a Class Library Project, and load the .dll in AutoCAD with a command (NETLOAD).
As so, we can use commands, "palettes", user controls, forms etc...
AutoDesk provides an API through some dll's, running in their program directory.
When referencing these dll's you can only call the dll's at runtime while loading your app in AutoCAD (This is a licensing security from AutoDesk).
For us, while developing, this is not a problem, we need to visually test within the context of AutoCAD, so we just set the Debug Properties so that they start acad.exe and load our dll with a script in the acad.exe parameters.
The problem is, when trying to unit test our code, NUnit or mstest are not running from within the AutoCAD context and they also cannot start it.
There exist a tool called Gallio, which has provided an interface with AutoCAD, so that it can run Unit test through IPC with Named Pipes.
However, this solution is, for me, too much of a hassle. I want to be able to quickly write tests without having to leave my beloved IDE.
So, what, from a "good design view" would be a good approach to this problem? I'm thinking I would basically need a testable codebase which is not referencing the AutoCAD dll's and a non-testable that does references the untestable AutoCAD dll's.
I'm sure there are ways to get this to work: ( IOC, DI, Adapter Pattern,. .) I just don't these principles in depth and thus I don't know which route will best suit my purposes and goals.
The first step is to triage your code for parts which need AutoCAD and parts which are really independent. Create unit tests for the independent parts as you usually would.
For the other parts, you need mockups which behave like AutoCAD. Make them as simple as possible (for example, just return the correct answers in the methods without doing any calculations). Now, you need several sets of classes:
A set of interfaces which your code uses to achieve something (for example, load a drawing).
A set of implementations for said set of interfaces which call the AutoCAD dlls.
A set of classes which try the implementations within the context of AutoCAD. Just create a small UI with a couple of buttons where you can run this code. It is used to reassure yourself that your mockups do the right thing. Log method parameters and results to some file so you can try how AutoCAD responds. If a mockup breaks, you can use this code to verify what AutoCAD is doing and you can use it as a reference when developing the mockups.
When you know how AutoCAD responds, create the mockups. In your tests, create them with the desired results (and errors, so you can test error handling, too). So when you have boolean loadDrawing(File filename), create a mockup which returns true for the filename exists.dxf and false for anything else.
Use a factory or DI to tell your application code which implementation to use. I tend to have a big global config class with a lot of public fields where I simply store the objects to use. I can set this up in the beginning, it's fast, it's easy to understand. If you need to create objects at runtime, then put factories in the config class which generate the objects for you, so you can swap them out.
I wrote ... and later broke ... a Test runner for AutoCAD. It is at If you're interested in it nudge me along and I'll fix it faster. I am waiting for NUnit v3 release before I tackle it.
If you reset to the 3rd commit in that repo (I think) and fiddle with it from there it should run.