Inspect Request Headers and Payload for a external request in Flask route - flask

I am relatively new to using Flask and the requests library. I have a route in my Flask app, and the route uses the requests library to call some external API. When I inspect the request headers (using Postman), I can only see the request headers for the Flask route (i.e. /sendData). Is there a way for me to inspect the request headers and payload of the call to external API as well, using Postman or the browser?
Thank you in advance!
#app.route('/sendData', methods = ["POST"])
def handle():
// Do something
// Making a call to external API
res ='https://externalapi', data)

Is there a way for me to inspect the request headers and payload of the call to external API as well, using Postman or the browser?
The short answer is: No
But that does not mean you can not inspect them at all. It depends on what you want to inspect them for, and how often you need to do it. (in order of complexity)
You can print/ log the headers and payload for the request in Flask and view it in the console
You can run Flask in debug mode in an IDE and add a breakpoint before the request and inspect the request being sent.
You can use a network analyzer like Wireshark to sniff the packets sent (you may not get the payload while using HTTPS)
There may me more methods, I will add them as I get it.


Is there any way to Block request from Postman or other apps to call Restful API

Infra of system
I want to block requests, which is not from Server FE (
Ex: Users make request from another apps such as Postman -> it will response 403, message access denied.
I used the rules of ALB, it works but users can cheat on Postman
Also I use AWS WAF to detect request. But it's not work.
Is there any way to block request from Postman or another apps?
We can generate secret_key and check between Server FE and Server BE. But users can see it on Headers and simulator the headers on Postman and call API success.
Current Solution:
I use Rule of Application Load Balancer to check Host and Origin. But users can add these params on Postman and request success.
Rule ALB
When I add Origin matching value (set on ALB) -> We can request successful
Postman success
Postman denied
Users can cheat and call API success.
Thanks for reading. Please help me give any solution for this one. Thanks a lot.
No. HTTP servers have no way to know what client is being used to make any HTTP request. Any HTTP client (Browsers, PostMan, curl, whatever) is capable of making exactly the same requests as each other.
The user-agent header is a superficial way to do this, but it's easy enough for PostMan or any other HTTP client to spoof the user-agent header to one that makes the request look like it is coming from a web browser agent.
You can only make it more challenging to do so. Some examples to thwart this behavior includes using tools like Google captcha or CloudFlare browser integrity check, but they're not bulletproof and ultimately aren't 100% effective at stopping people from using tools/automation to access your site in unintended ways. At the end of the day, you're limited to what can be done with HTTP, and PostMan can do everything at the HTTP layer.

Append header in a vue axios request

I have a django backend and a Vue 3 frontend.
For handling some request, my backend needs an 'Id-Client' header in the headers of the request.
Developing my BE everything worked like a charm, but now that I'm writing the FE I'm encountering some issues.
As I said before, I need to append an header to my headers in every request.
So the first step was the following:
// Note that the idClient is dynamic and can change.
this.$axios.setHeader('Id-Client', idClient)
const data = await this.$axios.$get(url)
But I can't get it to work, if I try to send that request, my GET request becomes (I don't know why) a OPTIONS request and I get the error "cross origin resource sharing error: HeaderDisallowedByPreflightResponse"
Instead if I remove the set header
// this.$axios.setHeader('Id-Client', idClient)
const data = await this.$axios.$get(url)
The server just respond me correctly giving me the error that the request is missing the 'Id-Client' in the header.
I also have a few request that don't need the 'Id-client' header and those request work, so I don't think is a CORS problem.
Well but is looks like CORS issue. CORS policies are not triggered by simple requests. By adding custom header, your requests are no longer simple and trigger CORS policies (sending OPTIONS before GET)
Your only option is to configure your backend server to reply to OPTIONS requests with the correct headers - Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers (server telling the browser "yes, im ok to accept particular custom header")
IF (and only if) you are planning to serve your Vue SPA from the same API server in production (same origin), you can avoid similar CORS issues during development by using Webpack Dev server Proxy - your SPA will send API requests to Webpack Dev Server (used for developing SPA) and Proxy will route it to your Django dev server. That way all request from your SPA are to the same origin and you don't need to care about CORS at all...

Django test client on an actual server

I'm testing deploying my first Django project using Apache.
I use Django's test client to perform an "internal" GET from my own server, which worked OK locally, but not runnning on the actual server.
The client ends up getting Django error messages, like
Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request
URL: http://testserver/polls/forms/test1/
How can I get the client's GET to work on the actual server, having the it be performed on the actual http: //my_actual_server_name.something/polls/forms/test1 instead of "testserver" ?
I tried setting SERVER_NAME= ‘my_actual_server_name.something’ in the file but that's not it.
Django's test client doesn't actually make HTTP requests, it just makes a request object and passes it to your middleware/views.
If your goal is to make an http request to your own server, an easy way is to install requests and do something like
# Some server on the network
# or some server running on the same machine
If you just want to use the functionality of some view, you should move that logic into a function and call that from both the view and your other code.
Very tangential side note:
If you're curious about how the test client doesn't make http requests, you can look at the test client's code in the django source (client.get() calls client.generic() which calls client.request() which instantiates WSGIRequest() and then passes that object to your app - which is the request that you receive in your views).

Login using python request module on a aspx webpage

I've being trying to log in to this web page but I fail every time. This is the code i used
import requests
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Chrome'}
payload = {'_GlobalLoginControl$UserLogin':'myUser','_GlobalLoginControl$Password':'myPass'}
s = requests.Session()
r ='',headers=headers,data=payload)
r = s.get('')
print r.url
The result I get from: print r.url is this:
You can't.
The main problem is, your payload isn't complete. Check chrome's networking tab. There are much more required payloads.
ScriptMgr_HiddenField:;;AjaxControlToolkit, Version=4.1.40412.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e:en-US:2d0688b9-5fe7-418f-aeb1-6ecaa4dca45f:475a4ef5:effe2a26:751cdd15:5546a2b:dfad98a5:1d3ed089:497ef277:a43b07eb:3cf12cf1
Probably, you could outsource this (I think it isn't possible, you have to use selenium or get the page first and scrape the informations.
But check this topic: How to make HTTP POST on website that uses
We considered that, the login should be pass-through with phantomjs/chrome with selenium, the you should pass the cookies and the headers to requests. After you pass the required informations for requests, you could work with request for the further steps.

Setting HTTP headers through Axis2 API

I am using apache axis2 server webservies, Basically I am sending xml response to android client through webservices. Here I need to maintain the session since the services per user basis. I know maintaining session in webservices is bad idea, but cant avoid it.
Actually I need to generate random unique string when user invoke first service from android client, that random string going to be used as session id. This session id, i need to set in http custom header, so that android client can able to get it and can send it subsequent requests as well.
I want to know whether any API is available in axis2 to set custom header information on http headers. Same way I need to read the http header, so that next request I can get the session id from header.
Can anyone advice me regarding this?? Thanks
Dead link on #Martin Dürrmeier's answer, here's a snapshot of the webpage that i've found on : Axis2 - Setting custom HTTP Headers on a response, it helped me.
Here's the lines needed :
MessageContext responseMessageContext =
List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
headers.add(new Header(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, "identity"));
responseMessageContext.setProperty(HTTPConstants.HTTP_HEADERS, headers);