LNK2005 & LNK1169 error when use QMap between 2 dlls - c++

I have an issue since 2days about an LNK2005 & LNK1169 error on MSVC 2015 (Qt 5.12.6)
My error is:
Core.lib(Core.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl QMap<int,double>::~QMap<int,double>(void)" (??1?$QMap#HN##QEAA#XZ) already defined in xxx.obj
I have the error when i'm trying to compile a library (named AAA)
The library AAA use Core.dll and both use a 2nd lib named Common.dll. The type QMap<int,double> is used in each libraries.
When i'm looking xxx.obj (located in AAA), the only one usage i have of QMap<int,double>, is when i'm use a function that return a QMap and located in Core.dll
I have lot of function defined in Core and used in AAA but i never seen this error before.
I have check multiple things: trying to change the QMap with QVector, same type of error.
I don't have any "include cpp file"
I don't have the error when i'm using Clang or GCC to compile the project.
I don't have the error if i'm using a QMap<int,double>*, but i don't want to
I think it's an error related to the qmap template but i'm not sure
Do you have an idea? Thanks
Ps: i'v change the name of third lib (AAA) cause this is a code i use for my work and cannot share lot of things about it

So, i have fix my pb by replacing each usage of QMap<int, double> by another object located in a third library.
I have seen multiple definition of QMap<int, double> in the dlls by using Dependency Walker and that why the code counln't compile.
But I don't know if is a problem with the compiler (MSVC2015) or with my code.
I have used these website to help me:


error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol (every static member of SFML library can't be loaded)

So, I have problem, when try to use any of static members of SFML Library like sf::RenderState::Default or sf::Color::Blue.
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class sf::RenderStates const sf::RenderStates::Default" (?Default#RenderStates#sf##2V12#B)
But when I comment lines, I have access to sf::window (it be created, but can't draw anything, because sf::Drawble has sf::RenderState::Default as standart argument).
I checked everything including linker and compiler in Solution properties in Visual Studio (I have VS19).
P.S. I use the latest version of SFML (2.5.1) and Visual C++20.
Thanks for your help.
The troubleshooting steps I would undertake in this situation go from easiest to the inverse of that.
If I check the declaration of sf::RenderState::Default, can it be found?
If I create a new project with just this feature used, does the error persist?
If I redo my linking and directory searches, is the problem fixed?
Do I have a version compatible with my compiler?
Furthermore, the amount of information you've given about your environment is not enough to speculate on what the issue could be. It might be helpful to post your version of SFML, your compiler (and kind), what your project is like (shorthand.)
SFML can be compiled from source if necessary. Sometimes, using an incompatible version on accident will not show any issues on many basic things until you run into weird errors.
See this document on compiling SFML from source:
So, thanks for AlixianaBritmonkey, I managed with this problem. I just create new project and moved every file. I don't know why problem occured before, but my solution helped.

Error LNK2019 when building Tensorflow debug

I try make a debug build of the CPU version of the C++ API of Tensorflow 2.0 in Windows. The command I use for building is:
bazel build -c dbg --copt=/w34716 tensorflow:tensorflow.dll
But when I build this I get this error:
depth_space_ops.lo.lib(depthtospace_op.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl tensorflow::functor::DepthToSpaceOpFunctor<struct Eigen::GpuDevice,struct Eigen::half,1>::operator()(struct Eigen::GpuDevice const &,class Eigen::TensorMap<class Eigen::Tensor<struct Eigen::half const ,4,1,__int64>,16,struct Eigen::MakePointer>,int,class Eigen::TensorMap<class Eigen::Tensor<struct Eigen::half,4,1,__int64>,16,struct Eigen::MakePointer>)" (??R?$DepthToSpaceOpFunctor#UGpuDevice#Eigen##Uhalf#2#$00#functor#tensorflow##QEAAXAEBUGpuDevice#Eigen##V?$TensorMap#V?$Tensor#$$CBUhalf#Eigen##$03$00_J#Eigen##$0BA#UMakePointer#2##4#HV?$TensorMap#V?$Tensor#Uhalf#Eigen##$03$00_J#Eigen##$0BA#UMakePointer#2##4##Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl tensorflow::DepthToSpaceOp<struct Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice,struct Eigen::half>::Compute(class tensorflow::OpKernelContext *)" (?Compute#?$DepthToSpaceOp#UThreadPoolDevice#Eigen##Uhalf#2##tensorflow##UEAAXPEAVOpKernelContext#2##Z)
The only thing I found regarding this issue was this GitHub issue, which wasn't solved.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Facing the same necessity, I dug around in the code and actually found the source of the problem: It is contained in the following two if blocks: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/v2.3.0/tensorflow/core/kernels/spacetodepth_op.cc#L129 and https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/v2.3.0/tensorflow/core/kernels/depthtospace_op.cc#L115.
If you are building a non-GPU version of the library in debug, it is sort of clear why the error happens: the if (std::is_same<Device, GPUDevice>::value) for the DepthToSpaceOp class, for example, parametrized with CPUDevice, would evaluate to if (false) during compile time. With any optimizations enabled, the code in the if-clause (which explicitly triggers DepthToSpaceOpFunctor with a template parameter GPUDevice - exactly the missing symbols you are getting) would not be compiled at all, and therefore not need to be linked.
In the debug build, it is still likely compiled, even though it is clear that it will never be executed. Then the linker tries to find the operator() for the DepthToSpaceOpFunctor template-parametrized with GPUDevice, and fails to do so.
A quick-and-dirty way to fix this is to comment out the entire if-clauses (if you are building a CPU-only dll) in both files mentioned above.
A more elegant solution is to avoid these linker errors via template specialization by changing the explicit references to GPUDevice to Device, since those will be in the code that is executed only when Device is GPUDevice. I will soon add a pull request to a similar issue I raised on github, hopefully, after a bit more testing.
Update: The pull request is submitted, you can find the code changes to fix this particular set of linker errors here: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/pull/42307/files#
For a GPU debug dll - I am not sure why these errors would still be there, but there are yet other linking errors in this case anyway ;)

CGAL Skeletonization compile errors

I'm new to C++ and CGAL, previously I worked mainly with C#.
I installed CGAL as described on https://www.cgal.org/download/windows.html and all steps finished successfully.
Then I looked to a CGAL 'Hello world' (https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/Kernel_23_2points_and_segment_8cpp-example.html); here I had no problem also; all the code was compiled and run propertly.
But when I tried with more complex things I got a strange issue. For example I tried to compile Skeletonization (https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Surface_mesh_skeletonization/Surface_mesh_skeletonization_2simple_mcfskel_example_8cpp-example.html);
here I got a number of errors like these:
C2039 ''extract_mean_curvature_flow_skeleton'': is not a member of ''CGAL''
C2039 ''Matrix'': is not a member of ''CGAL::Default''
C2039 ''Vector'': is not a member of ''CGAL::Default''
As far as I understand it the #include lines processed without errors, all needed headers exist.
I tried to search the answer and found this: http://cgal-discuss.949826.n4.nabble.com/Problem-on-Surface-mesh-deformation-td4661042.html
Unfortunately I don't be sure my case is similar and I don't know what exactly do the line #define CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED as recommended there.
In any case I tried to add it and got the same errors as previous if this #define inserted after #include ; in different case arise a lot of errors like this:
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp___gmpq_add referenced in function "class CGAL::Gmpq __cdecl CGAL::operator+(class CGAL::Gmpq const &,class CGAL::Gmpq const &)" (??HCGAL##YA?AVGmpq#0#AEBV10#0#Z)
I work with VS 2017, in Additional library directories I added:
in Additional include directories:
maybe some needed libraries or include directories are missing here?
All the components (CGAL, boost, QT) installed in 64 bits versions as well as test project.
UPD: The question is solved!
The answer was extremely simple (please note I'm new in C++):
1. I loaded and unzip EIGEN (it need not to install); for convenience I create also EIGEN_DIR variable;
2. I added to Additional Include Directories: $(EIGEN_DIR);
3. I added before #include statements #define CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED;
4. I added to Additional Dependencies such libs:
and it start to work!

LNK2005 error in debug mode only

Usually I eventually manage to sort out these LNK2005 (symbol already defined in object) errors but this one has me beat. I have a VS2010 solution containing several projects among them a project outputting an executable. This executable depends on libraries contained within the same solution thus I have added them into the "References" list for the executable project so that they get linked in automatically.
Now what happens when I try to build my executable (Server.exe) is that everything builds successfully when the release configuration is selected, but if I switch over to debug I get the following LNK2005 error:
error LNK2005: "public: class ACE_SOCK_Stream & __thiscall ACE_Svc_Handler<class ACE_SOCK_Stream,class ACE_NULL_SYNCH>::peer(void)const " (?peer#?$ACE_Svc_Handler#VACE_SOCK_Stream##VACE_NULL_SYNCH####QBEAAVACE_SOCK_Stream##XZ) already defined in Shell.obj network.lib(network.dll) Server (server\Server)
As can be seen in the error the projects use the ACE library.
I have had a look at ACE_Svc_Handler<class ACE_SOCK_Stream,class ACE_NULL_SYNCH> that is mentioned in the error and found out that one exported class in the network.dll inherits from it:
class DLL_API NetHandler : public ACE_Svc_Handler < ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH >
...and in the Server.exe there is also one class inheriting from it:
class Shell : public ACE_Svc_Handler < ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH >
The peer() method mentioned in the error is then used by both the NetHandler and Shell classes.
I am not sure if, and if so why, this would cause a LNK2005 error? What confuses me even more is that I only get the linker error in debug mode. I should also mention that the NetHandler class exported by network.dll is not used by the Server.exe, other projects that also depend on the network.dll do however.
Any ideas what could be causing this and how it can be solved? I am not sure where I should continue to investigate.
UPDATE: If I don't export the NetHandler class in my network.dll the linker error goes away, but I need to export that class.
UPDATE 2: I found this link in a different question about LNK2005 and although the link doesn't describe my scenario exactly I tried the proposed solution and I managed to get rid of the linker error if I place the following line before class Shell... in my Server.exe project:
extern template class __declspec(dllimport) ACE_Svc_Handler < ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH >;
So what does this line do exactly? Does it tell the Server project to not define ACE_Svc_Handler < ACE_SOCK_STREAM, ACE_NULL_SYNCH > itself but instead import it from one of the linked in libraries?

OpenCV 2.3 with Qt 4.3.7

I have successfully build and ran both Qt 4.3.7 and OpenCV 2.3 with Qt enabled. When I start a window using:
cvNamedWindow( "video", 0 );
I successfully load a full Qt interface! wonderful :)
However!! when I use the command
void callbackButton(int state, void* userdata){
int x;
I get the error message
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _cvCreateButton
I don't understand as the Qt interface already has lots of buttons on it? could someone please explain what I am missing from the include that could cause this?
You use the wrong parameters for to call to cvCreateButton. According to the documentation here the signature of the function is
cvCreateButton(const char* button_name CV_DEFAULT(NULL), CvButtonCallback on_change CV_DEFAULT(NULL), void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL), int button_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_PUSH_BUTTON), int initial_button_state CV_DEFAULT(0)
and sample calls are:
and the declaration of the callback function has to be:
CV_EXTERN_C_FUNCPTR( *CvButtonCallback)(int state, void* userdata));
You get a linking error and not a compiler error because cvCreateButton has extern "C" linkage - which means that parameters cannot be checked at compile time.
I solved this issue by calling the function cv::createButton instead of cvCreateButton (which is if I am correct the way to call methods in OpenCV2).
The third argument must be a void*. Change to:
and it will work.
The statement above was given an error.
The third needed argument is a "void *" - this is compatible with anything and thus neither C nor C++ should have a problem with what you were providing. You can not raise a linker error with that.
The only reason a linker error can be raised by coding is when you don't use prototypes (forgot to use the header file) in C++ and then C++ creates a mangled name on its own that wont be part of any library. In such a case the compiler will first tell you with a warning at compile time that you are missing the prototype (for C and C++) - and then the linker will probably raise an error (for c++ only).
If you don't see a prototype warning from the compiler then that is not your problem.
This is a linking error.
Try to add the opencv .lib file (or files) to the project libraries path.
This may help : VS2010 OpenCV.
Refined problem: Even if adding any OpenCV libary to your project the linking will fail.
Reason: The symbol is often simply not there in the libraries.
Solution: You have to change a few settings and compile them on your own.
See also: openCV 2.2 createButton LNK 2019 error in Visual Studio 2010