Getting Here Map Road types from ROUTE TYPES and ISO COUNTRY CODE - heremaps

I have datasets of route types and iso country code but do not know how to get the road type from these.


modeling datawarehouse multilanguage

I need your help.
I work for a survey company and I am responsible for creating its architecture and modeling a data warehouse that analyzes the results of an international survey (50 countries).
For the architecture, we decided to create a tabular model in PowerBI to analyze our data and to create our reports.
Here below is the model as I thought:
However, I have a design problem.
Since the survey is international, the wording of my dimensions differs from country to country.
My 1st question:
-Would it make more sense to create only one PowerBI embedded model for all countries or 50 PowerBI reports?
My 2nd question:
My model must be multilingual
With my 50 countries, I have several languages (5 languages) and for the same language, I have several variants.
The British English labels differ from the US English labels.
For example, for the Response dimension for France the IdReponse = 1 has the wording 'Vrai' while for the USA the wording is 'True' and for the Britain is 'OK'.
Do you know how to model multi language in a data warehouse?
About question #1 - It's always better, if there is only one model. It will be much easier to maintain. It isn't clear from your question will these 50 reports show the same data (excluding the internationalization of texts like Vrai/True/OK), or each report/country should show it's own subset of the data. In case all reports will show the same data, then definitely it will be better to make one common model and all report use it. You can do this with Power BI by making one "master" report and publishing it, and then the rest of your "per country" reports use it as a data source. And you will need separate reports per country, because you will need to translate the texts (column names, static texts, etc.).
About question #2 - You can create lookup tables in your model (maybe even in the database, it's up to you). The key value (1) will be linked to the key of the table, and there will be columns per language. Depending on the language of the current report, you will select the appropriate column (e.g. French, British, etc.) and even you can fallback to let's say US English, in case there is no translation entered for the current language (e.g. by making a computed column). It is also an option to make separate lookup table per language, but I think it will be more cumbersome to maintain this way.
About question #1: Yes you need only one data model.
About question #2: You Load a question in the language it is asked and the response you get as is in the response DIM. You should create a new column in your response DIM such as Clean_response where you transformed original response to a uniformed value. for example "Vrai", "OK", "True" has same meaning so you may chose to put "Yes" in the Clean_response column. You can also convert different variation of "No", "Nada", "noops", "nah" to a clean value of "No", but keep the original value too.
Labeling a column in the report should be handle in the report code. For example writing a report in French should use your dim column name "Question" and show it as "interroger" as a heading on the report.

In data mining what is a class label..? please give an example

i don't understand what it means.
in database a tuple means a field value and a attribute means a table field?
am i correct?
and what is a Class label in Data Mining?
Very short answer: class label is the discrete attribute whose value you want to predict based on the values of other attributes. (Do read the rest of the answer.)
The term class label is usually used in the contex of supervised machine learning, and in classification in particular, where one is given a set of examples of the form (attribute values, classLabel) and the goal is to learn a rule that computes the label from the attribute values. The class label always takes on a finite (as opposed to inifinite) number of different values.
For a concrete example, we might be given a set of adult people and we'd like to predict whether they're homeless or not. Suppose the attributes were highest educational level achieved and origin (examples are of the from (origin, educationalLevel; isHomeless):
(Manhattan, PhD; no)
(Brooklyn, Primary school; yes)
In this particular case, isHomeless is the class label. The goal is to learn a function that computes whether the person with a given attribute values is homeless or not. (More specifically, to learn a function that makes as little mistakes as possible under a certain quantification of the number of mistakes.)
The Wikipedia article Supervised learning gives a good description.
Regarding the other question: no, a tuple means the whole set of values of the attributes in a given row. For example, if you had a table Table person(id, name, surname) then a tuple representing the first row could be (0, 'Akhil', 'Mohan').
Basically a class label (in classification) can be compared to a response variable (in regression): a value we want to predict in terms of other (independent) variables.
Difference is that a class labels is usually a discrete/Categorcial variable (eg-Yes-No, 0-1, etc.), whereas a response variable is normally a continuous/real-number variable.
You can find more about Regression and Classification related to Response variables and Class lables at
Take an example of email spam filter, it classifies that an email is a spam or not, for which we define 2 classes which are spam(class 1) and not spam(class 2). Both of these are class labels or you can say that, if an email have some certain attributes then it belongs to spam class or not spam class

Web services with a large number of extensions

I need to design a traditional sort of "get customer by ID" SOAP service operation. The thing is that customer data is retrieved from about 15+ systems, and depending on the customer's geographical location, different data needs to come back in addition to the traditional base set of facts about a customer (name, address, phone number, etc).
There are therefore two types of customer information at hand:
Common customer data that can fit into a "canonical data model" type bucket, e.g. name, address, etc.
Region-specific customer data that is specific to a customer's region or country. Think social security number if you're in the U.S., National Insurance number if you're in the UK, and so on.
Customers can be from a wide range of regions and as a result if we were to follow the approach of a traditional customer base type and a number of extensions e.g. USACustomerType which extends the CustomerType base type, we'll quickly run into two issues:
The WSDL will be huge
The WSDL will have large bits of information that are irrelevant to large amounts of people
I'm trying to avoid both of these things.
The options I have thought of, all in my opinion quite mediocre, are:
Have only a base customer type and an unbounded list of name-value pairs, and different systems can add their own name-value pairs, and consumers looking for that data could look for those (this is nice and extensible, but just not a very good idea)
Bite the bullet and have a giant WSDL that has a CustomerType base type and a number of extensions, adding more nations as they become available
A variation on #2, which is have only a base CustomerType and a large number of optional fields
I suppose the question is: Have you run into a situation like this and if so, how did you deal with it?

How to highlight several countries using Google Chart API by country code?

I have a simple request that selects a country on a map by code (e.g. FR for France) in Google chart:,edf0d4,6c9642,13390a&chld=FR&chd=s:FR
I know that this can be extended to selecting several countries but I cannot construct a proper request. Can someone give an example of how to do it (e.g. highlighting FR and IT)?
I think I got the syntax more or less:,edf0d4,6c9642,13390a&chld=FR|IT|CZ|DE&chd=s:afhx
so one should use "|" to separate countries and then provide enough color by using alphanumeric encoding (1 char per country)

Simple SubSonic 3 Generation issues

I'm trying to do a proof of concept using SubSonic 3 but Sstraight away i'm hitting numerous errors with the generation. I started making alterations to the generator settings but that seems a little odd when I'm just trying to do a simple one to one mapping of my DB.
Firstly I found an SP that had #delagate as an SP parameter name, this was easily fixed, but should probably be in the standard templates as a user shouldn't have to make template changes for this simple an issue.
Next I found that the system choked on two tables and tried to create signatures the same
the tables where
now i know SubSonix 2 had a fixPluralClassName property but buggered if I can find one in the template for SubSonic 3
Any help on that one will get me started
Generally 'X' and 'Datum' type appendages/substitutions happen when you have used a 'reserved' word in a column or table name. In this case 'Reserved' being a word that Subsonic doesn't like to use for data objects.
A couple of rules I follow are;
Ensure both table names and column
names are not 'reserved' words (ie
'Data' or 'Int' or 'Table')
Ensure that each table has a primary key
Don't use date and time column types
as they are not supported yet
(DateTime is, just not Date and Time types)
Don't have a column with the same
name as the table
The Subsonic FAQ might be helpful.