How do I disable AWS CDK Metadata for path and assets automatically? - amazon-web-services

There are 3 types of metadata CDK is writing to CFN. Version, Path, and Assets.
There's documentation on how to disable version metatadata and it works fine, but i'm struggling with the rest. CLI options --path-metadata false --asset-metadata false work fine, but are kind of annoying.
I've been through CDK Source code trying to figure out key words to plug into cdk.json, but they are ignored. The following is verbose cdk output where it reads my settings and seems to ignore the 2 i care about.
cdk.json: {
"app": "python",
"versionReporting": false, <-- custom, works as intended
"assetMetadata": false, <-- custom, doesn't seem to do anything
"pathMetadata": false, <-- custom, doesn't seem to do anything
"context": {
"#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId": true,
"#aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": "true",
"#aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier": true,
"#aws-cdk/aws-lambda:recognizeVersionProps": true,
"#aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier": "myQualifier",
"aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata": false, <-- custom, produces namespace warnings
"aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata": false, <-- custom, produces namespace warnings
merged settings: { <------------results of combined settings
versionReporting: false, <-- worked
pathMetadata: true, <--didn't work
output: 'cdk.out',
app: 'python',
assetMetadata: true, <--didn't work
context: {
'#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId': true,
'#aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports': 'true',
'#aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier': true,
'#aws-cdk/aws-lambda:recognizeVersionProps': true,
'#aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier': 'myQualifier',
'aws:cdk:enable-path-metadata': false, <-- seems like a dud
'aws:cdk:enable-asset-metadata': false,<-- seems like a dud
debug: false,
profile: 'mycdkIAMUser',
toolkitBucket: {},
staging: true,
bundlingStacks: [ 'my-cdk-policies' ],
lookups: true

Looking at the CDK source code, it seems as if the CLI options are currently the only viable option.
Have a look at execProgram() lines 23 to 31:
const pathMetadata: boolean = config.settings.get(['pathMetadata']) ?? true;
if (pathMetadata) {
context[cxapi.PATH_METADATA_ENABLE_CONTEXT] = true;
const assetMetadata: boolean = config.settings.get(['assetMetadata']) ?? true;
if (assetMetadata) {
The CLI options both default to true, which then override their respective context variables. Might warrant a bug report.


run same reporter with different config in newman

I need to run newman-reporter-htmlextra for the same execution with different settings (One with ShowErrorsOnly=true while other as false). The commands accept different reporters in an array, but I want the same reporter to execute twice with a different config. How can this be achieved? I tried something as follows, but it didn't work:{...
reporters: ["htmlextra","htmlextra"],
reporter: {
htmlextra: {
export: "./reports/FULL.html",
showOnlyFails: false,
htmlextra: {
export: "./reports/ERRORS.html",
showOnlyFails: true,

Gatsby Build Error on Netlify - page-data.json failed paged “/”

when I try to build a gatsby app on netlify, I'm having this error that is generated by a 3rd party module called react-water-wave.
This is the error
I've already implemented a null loader on gatsby-node.js:
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ stage, loaders, actions }) => {
if (stage === "build-html" || stage === "develop-html") {
module: {
rules: [
test: /react-water-wave/,
use: loaders.null(),
This is how is coded the gatsby-plugin-emotion on gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
{resolve: `gatsby-plugin-emotion`,
options: {
// Accepts the following options, all of which are defined by `#emotion/babel-plugin` plugin.
// The values for each key in this example are the defaults the plugin uses.
sourceMap: true,
autoLabel: "always",
labelFormat: `[local]`,
cssPropOptimization: true,
react-water-wave seems to be discontinued, the last commit is from 3 years ago and it has been reported with some incompatibilities during SSR and React version as it is inferred from and
It seems to don't work with React versions greater than 17.
That said, try playing (downgrading) with React-core versions (which can potentially lead to other errors) or try finding another alternative.

How do I solve this Apollo Control Cache error?

I am trying to set up my server side backend and I'm hitting this error:
node_modules/apollo-cache-control/dist/index.d.ts:24:9 - error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'cacheControl' must be of type 'ResolveInfoCacheControl', but here has type '{ setCacheHint: (hint: CacheHint) => void; cacheHint: CacheHint; }'.
24 cacheControl: {
140 cacheControl: ResolveInfoCacheControl;
'cacheControl' was also declared here.
I just found a fix for this, You have to add this to your tsconfig.json file:
"skipLibCheck": true
My tsconfig.json looks like:
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"target": "es2015",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "lib",
"baseUrl": "./",
"lib": ["es6", "esnext.asynciterable"],
"types": ["node"],
"skipLibCheck": true
"include": ["src/**/*"]
And also make sure to have all apollo packages to have same exact version.
Make sure all apollo packages (apollo-server, apollo-server-express, apollo-server-core) have the exact same version
In my case it was a bad import. I was importing import { VariableValues } from 'apollo-server-types/src' instead of import { VariableValues } from 'apollo-server-types'
I swear it was the auto-importer....

Ember-CLI: Fix for "'Ember' is not defined"?

When using Ember-CLI and running ember server, I get the following error from JSLint:
[app_path]/filename.js: line 1, col 16, 'Ember' is not defined.
Adding import Ember from 'ember'; fixes this.
Is this the official way to go now on all my files? The documentation does not mention this change yet.
From Stephan Penner:
We explicitly left it [Ember] out [of the .jshintrc file], please import ember instead.
We plan on exposing more and more of ember as es6, someday this will
allow the tooling to remove parts of ember you are not using.
Resulting in smaller builds.
Still, until that date it's probably going to save you a lot of hassle to put it in .jshintrc.
In your .jshintrc file (ortests/.jshintrc), add anything in the global namespace you don't want to have to define in each module to the predef object. For example:
"predef": {
"document": true,
"window": true,
"SprintStatusENV": true,
"Ember": true, // Added
"$": true, // ADDED
"Modernizr": true // ADDED
"browser" : true,
"boss" : true,
"curly": true,
"debug": false,
"devel": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"evil": true,
"forin": false,
"immed": false,
"laxbreak": false,
"newcap": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": false,
"nonew": false,
"nomen": false,
"onevar": false,
"plusplus": false,
"regexp": false,
"undef": true,
"sub": true,
"strict": false,
"white": false,
"eqnull": true,
"esnext": true,
"unused": true
In this example, I define Ember (could also define Em), jQuery using '$' and Modernizr. This will stop the jshint error messages appearing in the terminal.
This is per the ember-cli docs:
"If you want to use external libraries that write to a global namespace
(e.g. moment.js), you need to add those to the predef section of your
project’s .jshintrc file and set its value to true. If you use the lib
in tests, need to add it to your tests/.jshintrc file, too."
Expressly importing the Ember modules seems to be the official way now. The Ember documentation under Using Modules & the Resolver now says that you must expressly import Ember when you want to use Ember and import DS for Ember Data.
I've been searching for the reason and haven't found anything yet, but I'm presuming it's to make dependencies explicit and to make it possible to create plain old JavaScript object files.

Dojo build requesting already inlined templates

I'm hopelessly trying to make the Dijit template inlining functionality of Dojo builds for my AMD project work with no luck yet ...
The particular issue isn't the inlining of the HTML templates themselves, but the fact that they are still requested with Ajax (XHR) after being successfully inlined.
Templates are inlined the following way :
"url:app/widgets/Example/templates/example.html": '<div>\n\tHello World!</div>'
The Dijit widget itself, after building, defines templates like this :
define("dojo/_base/declare,dijit/_Widget,dojo/text!./templates/example.html".split(","), function (f, g, d) {
return f("MyApp.Example", [g], {
templateString: d,
I tried to build with :
the shrinksafe / closure optimiser
relative / absolute paths
using the old cache() method
using the templatePath property
but even after having run a successful build (0 errrors and a few warnings) where the templates were inlined, Dojo / Dijit still makes Ajax requests to these resources.
Here is my build profile :
var profile = {
basePath: '../src/',
action: 'release',
cssOptimize: 'comments',
mini: true,
optimize: 'closure',
layerOptimize: 'closure',
stripConsole: 'all',
selectorEngine: 'acme',
internStrings: true,
internStringsSkipList: false,
packages: [
layers: {
'dojo/dojo': {
include: [
boot: true,
customBase: true
staticHasFeatures: {
'dojo-trace-api': 0,
'dojo-log-api': 0,
'dojo-publish-privates': 0,
'dojo-sync-loader': 0,
'dojo-xhr-factory': 0,
'dojo-test-sniff': 0
Due to this issue my application is completely unusable because there are so many files to download separately (browsers have a limit on the number of parallel connections).
Thank you very much in advance !
The two lines loading dojo.js and the run.js in my index.html :
<script data-dojo-config='async: 1, tlmSiblingOfDojo: 0, isDebug: 1' src='/public/dojo/dojo.js'></script>
<script src='/public/app-desktop/run.js'></script>
Here is the new build-profile :
var profile = {
basePath: '../src/',
action: 'release',
cssOptimize: 'comments',
mini: true,
internStrings: true,
optimize: 'closure',
layerOptimize: 'closure',
stripConsole: 'all',
selectorEngine: 'acme',
packages : [
layers: {
'dojo/dojo': {
include: [
boot: true,
customBase: true
staticHasFeatures: {
'dojo-trace-api': 0,
'dojo-log-api': 0,
'dojo-publish-privates': 0,
'dojo-sync-loader': 0,
'dojo-xhr-factory': 0,
'dojo-test-sniff': 0
My new run.js file :
async: 1,
isDebug: 1,
baseUrl: '/public',
packages: [
deps: [
callback: function (Main) {
var main = new Main();
and my main.js file looks like this :
], function (declare, Application, ConfigClass, Prototyping, win) {
return declare([], {
init: function() {
// ... other stuff
application = new Application();
// ... some more stuff
In build-mode, I get the following error :
GET http://localhost:4000/app-desktop/run.js 404 (Not Found)
which is weird because it means that the build process made it so that dojo has an external dependency rather than an a already inlined dojoConfig variable in the builded file.
In normal-mode, files get requested, but the app is never created.
In both cases none of the two debuggers set in the run.js file were run which means that the callback method was never called for some reason.
Thank you for your help !
I've printed values of requireCacheUrl and require.cache to console in the method load() of dojo/text.js. At least in my case, keys of my templates in the cache differs from lookup keys on one leading slash.
For example, I have "dojo/text!./templates/Address.html" in my widget. It present with key url:/app/view/templates/Address.html in the cache but is searched like url:app/view/templates/Address.html, causing cache miss and xhr request.
With additional slash in dojo/text.js (line 183 for version 1.9.1) it seemingly works (line would looks like requireCacheUrl = "url:/" + url).
Not sure what kind of bugs this "fix" could introduce. So, it probably worth to report this issue to dojo folks.
UPD: Well, I see you've already reported this issue. Here is the link:
UPD: Don't use hack described above. It was only attempt to narrow issue. Real issue in my project was with packages and baseUrl settings. Initially I created my project based on Then fixed it as in neonstalwart's sample.
This sounds like If it is, you just need to update to Dojo 1.9.1.