About the rotation of the ellipse - glsl

I have a shader that rotates a rectangle in GLSL as shown below.
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
mat2 rotate2d (float _angle) {
return mat2 (cos (_angle), -sin (_angle),
sin (_angle), cos (_angle));
void main (void) {
vec2 st = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) /min(resolution.x,resolution.y);
float p = 0.0;
st = rotate2d (sin (time) * PI) * st;
vec2 c = max (abs (st) - 0.2,0.0);
p = length (c);
p = ceil (p);
vec3 color = vec3 (1.0-p);
gl_FragColor = vec4 (color, 1.0);
I want to change the rectangle of this shader to the following ellipse and rotate it at the center point p, which is an ellipse. What should I do?
Is it multiplication of r.x, r.y in the horizontal and vertical directions of the ellipse with rotate2d (sin (time) * PI) in the rotation or multiplication over the whole?
// Center point
vec2 p = vec2 (0.0,0.0);
// radius
vec2 r = vec2 (2.0,1.0);
// oval shape
float d = (length (p / r) - 1.0) * min (r.x, r.y);

Rotate the coordinates and calculate the distance from the point to the center of the ellipse. Set the color depending on the distance:
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
mat2 rotate2d(float _angle)
return mat2(cos(_angle), -sin(_angle), sin(_angle), cos(_angle));
void main (void)
vec2 st = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
st = rotate2d(time * PI) * st;
vec2 center = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
vec2 ab = vec2(0.2, 0.1);
vec2 e = (st - center) / vec2(0.2, 0.1);
float d = length(e);
vec3 color = d < 1.0 ? vec3(1.0) : vec3(0.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);


Fish-eye warping about mouse position - fragment shader

I'm trying to create a fish-eye effect but only in a small radius around the mouse position. I've been able to modify this code to work about the mouse position (demo) but I can't figure out where the zooming is coming from. I'm expecting the output to warp the image similarly to this (ignore the color inversion for the sake of this question):
Relevant code:
// Check if within given radius of the mouse
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse - 0.5;
float distance = dot(diff, diff); // square of distance, saves a square-root
// Add fish-eye
if(distance <= u_radius_squared) {
vec2 xy = 2.0 * (myUV - u_mouse) - 1.0;
float d = length(xy * maxFactor);
float z = sqrt(1.0 - d * d);
float r = atan(d, z) / PI;
float phi = atan(xy.y, xy.x);
myUV.x = d * r * cos(phi) + 0.5 + u_mouse.x;
myUV.y = d * r * sin(phi) + 0.5 + u_mouse.y;
vec3 tex = texture2D(tMap, myUV).rgb;
gl_FragColor.rgb = tex;
This is my first shader, so other improvements besides fixing this issue are also welcome.
Compute the vector from the current fragment to the mouse and the length of the vector:
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse;
float distance = length(diff);
The new texture coordinate is the sum of the mouse position and the scaled direction vector:
myUV = u_mouse + normalize(diff) * u_radius * f(distance/u_radius);
For instance:
uniform float u_radius;
uniform vec2 u_mouse;
void main()
vec2 diff = myUV - u_mouse;
float distance = length(diff);
if (distance <= u_radius)
float scale = (1.0 - cos(distance/u_radius * PI * 0.5));
myUV = u_mouse + normalize(diff) * u_radius * scale;
vec3 tex = texture2D(tMap, myUV).rgb;
gl_FragColor = vec4(tex, 1.0);

How to implement Screen Space Reflection with DDA

I am trying to implement screen space reflection with DDA.
But, not working well.
Below is my shader codes.
This is vertex shader code.
layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 color_0;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 normal;
uniform mat4 mtxL2W; // Local to World space.
uniform mat4 mtxW2C; // World to Clip space.
out vec4 varColor;
out vec3 varNormal;
void main()
gl_Position = mtxW2C * mtxL2W * position;
varColor = color_0;
varNormal = normalize(mtxL2W * vec4(normal, 0)).xyz;
This is fragment shader code.
in vec4 varColor;
in vec3 varNormal;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
uniform sampler2D s0; // color
uniform sampler2D s1; // linear depth.
uniform mat4 mtxW2V; // World to View(Camera) space.
uniform mat4 mtxV2C; // View(Camera) to Clip space.
uniform mat4 mtxC2V; // Clip to View(Camera) space.
uniform mat4 mtxV2W; // View(Camera) to World space.
uniform vec4 camPos; // Camera position (World space).
uniform float nearPlaneZ;
uniform float maxDistance;
uniform float zThickness;
uniform int maxSteps;
uniform float stride;
float squaredLength(vec2 a, vec2 b)
a -= b;
return dot(a, a);
bool intersectsDepthBuffer(float z, float minZ, float maxZ)
z += zThickness;
return (maxZ >= z) && (minZ - zThickness <= z);
bool traceScreenSpaceRay(
vec3 csOrig,
vec3 csDir,
out vec2 hitPixel,
out vec3 hitPoint)
// Clip to the near plane.
float rayLength = (csOrig.z + csDir.z * maxDistance) < nearPlaneZ
? (nearPlaneZ - csOrig.z) / csDir.z
: maxDistance;
vec3 csEndPoint = csOrig + csDir * rayLength;
// Project into homogeneous clip space.
vec4 H0 = mtxV2C * vec4(csOrig, 1);
vec4 H1 = mtxV2C * vec4(csEndPoint, 1);
float k0 = 1.0 / H0.w;
float k1 = 1.0 / H1.w;
// The interpolated homogeneous version of the camera-space points.
vec3 Q0 = csOrig * k0;
vec3 Q1 = csEndPoint * k1;
// Screen space point.
vec2 P0 = H0.xy * k0;
vec2 P1 = H1.xy * k1;
// [-1, 1] -> [0, 1]
P0 = P0 * 0.5 + 0.5;
P1 = P1 * 0.5 + 0.5;
ivec2 texsize = textureSize(s0, 0);
P0 *= vec2(texsize.xy);
P1 *= vec2(texsize.xy);
P1.x = min(max(P1.x, 0), texsize.x);
P1.y = min(max(P1.y, 0), texsize.y);
// If the line is degenerate, make it cover at least one pixel to avoid handling zero-pixel extent as a special case later.
P1 += squaredLength(P0, P1) < 0.0001
? vec2(0.01, 0.01)
: vec2(0.0);
vec2 delta = P1 - P0;
// Permute so that the primary iteration is in x to collapse all quadrant-specific DDA cases later.
bool permute = false;
if (abs(delta.x) < abs(delta.y))
permute = true;
delta = delta.yx;
P0 = P0.yx;
P1 = P1.yx;
float stepDir = sign(delta.x);
float invdx = stepDir / delta.x;
// Track the derivatives of Q and k.
vec3 dQ = (Q1 - Q0) / invdx;
float dk = (k1 - k0) / invdx;
// y is slope.
// slope = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)
vec2 dP = vec2(stepDir, delta.y / invdx);
// Adjust end condition for iteration direction
float end = P1.x * stepDir;
int stepCount = 0;
float prevZMaxEstimate = csOrig.z;
float rayZMin = prevZMaxEstimate;
float rayZMax = prevZMaxEstimate;
float sceneZMax = rayZMax + 100.0f;
dP *= stride;
dQ *= stride;
dk *= stride;
vec4 PQk = vec4(P0, Q0.z, k0);
vec4 dPQk = vec4(dP, dQ.z, dk);
vec3 Q = Q0;
for (;
((PQk.x * stepDir) <= end)
&& (stepCount < maxSteps)
&& !intersectsDepthBuffer(sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax)
&& (sceneZMax != 0.0);
rayZMin = prevZMaxEstimate;
rayZMax = (PQk.z + dPQk.z * 0.5) / (PQk.w + dPQk.w * 0.5);
prevZMaxEstimate = rayZMax;
if (rayZMin > rayZMax) {
float tmp = rayZMin;
rayZMin = rayZMax;
rayZMax = tmp;
hitPixel = permute ? PQk.yx : PQk.xy;
//hitPixel.y = texsize.y - hitPixel.y;
sceneZMax = texelFetch(s1, ivec2(hitPixel), 0).r;
PQk += dPQk;
// Advance Q based on the number of steps
Q.xy += dQ.xy * stepCount;
hitPoint = Q * (1.0f / PQk.w);
hitPoint = vec3(sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax);
return intersectsDepthBuffer(sceneZMax, rayZMin, rayZMax);
void main()
vec3 normal = normalize(varNormal);
float linearDepth = texelFetch(s1, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0).r;
ivec2 texsize = textureSize(s0, 0);
// Ray origin is camera origin.
vec3 rayOrg = camPos.xyz;
// Screen coordinate.
vec4 pos = vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy / texsize, 0, 1);
// [0, 1] -> [-1, 1]
pos.xy = pos.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Screen-space -> Clip-space
pos.xy *= linearDepth;
// Clip-space -> View-space
pos = mtxC2V * pos;
pos.z = linearDepth;
// View-space -> World-space.
vec3 worldPos = (mtxV2W * vec4(pos.xyz, 1)).xyz;
// Compute ray direction.
// From ray origin to world position.
vec3 rayDir = normalize(worldPos - rayOrg);
// Compute reflection vector.
vec3 refDir = reflect(rayDir, normal);
// Reflection vector origin is world position.
vec3 refOrg = worldPos;
// Transform to view coordinate.
refOrg = (mtxW2V * vec4(refOrg, 1)).xyz;
refDir = (mtxW2V * vec4(refDir, 0)).xyz;
vec2 hitPixel = vec2(0, 0);
vec3 hitPoint = vec3(0, 0, 0);
// Trace screen space ray.
bool isIntersect = traceScreenSpaceRay(refOrg, refDir, hitPixel, hitPoint);
vec2 uv = hitPixel / texsize.xy;
if (uv.x > 1.0 || uv.x < 0.0f || uv.y > 1.0 || uv.y < 0.0) {
isIntersect = false;
if (isIntersect) {
outColor = varColor * texture(s0, uv);
else {
outColor = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
I think Q0.z and Q1.z are always 1.0.
So, I think dQ.z is also always 0.0.
And, dk is always minus value.
What is wrong?

GLSL Atmospheric Scattering Not Scaling With Transformations

I am trying to implement atmospheric scatting in GLSL version 4.10. I am adapting the shaders from the this Shadertoy shader https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lslXDr. The atmosphere in my program is created from a scaled version of the planet sphere.
I have the actual scattering equations working, but the inner radius of the atmosphere does not line up with the outer radius of the sphere for most camera positions. I know this is from the radius of the atmosphere being bigger than the planet sphere, but I cannot seem to get it to scale right.
My problem is best illustrated here. The model is scaled up in these pictures. As can be seen, the atmosphere inner radius does not match the radius of the planet (the dark blue sphere).
Here the model is scaled and translated. The atmosphere is off center from the camera and the inner atmosphere is still not lined up with the planet.
Here is the vertex shader, which is essentially a pass through shader
#version 410
in vec4 vPosition;
in vec3 vNormal;
out vec3 fPosition;
out mat3 m;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
fPosition = vec3(vPosition);
m = mat3(model);
gl_Position = projection*view*model*vPosition;
And the fragment shader.
#version 410
uniform float time;
uniform vec3 camPosition;
uniform float fInnerRadius;
uniform float fOuterRadius;
in vec3 fPosition;
in mat3 m;
out vec4 FragColor;
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
const float degToRad = PI / 180.0;
const float MAX = 10000.0;
float K_R = 0.166;
const float K_M = 0.0025;
const float E = 14.3;
const vec3 C_R = vec3(0.3, 0.7, 1.0);
const float G_M = -0.85;
float SCALE_H = 4.0 / (fOuterRadius - fInnerRadius);
float SCALE_L = 1.0 / (fOuterRadius - fInnerRadius);
const int numOutScatter = 10;
const float fNumOutScatter = 10.0;
const int numInScatter = 10;
const float fNumInScatter = 10.0;
vec3 rayDirection(vec3 camPosition) {
vec3 ray = m*fPosition - camPosition;
float far = length(ray);
return ray /= far;
vec2 rayIntersection(vec3 p, vec3 dir, float radius ) {
float b = dot( p, dir );
float c = dot( p, p ) - radius * radius;
float d = b * b - c;
if ( d < 0.0 ) {
return vec2( MAX, -MAX );
d = sqrt( d );
float near = -b - d;
float far = -b + d;
return vec2(near, far);
// Mie
// g : ( -0.75, -0.999 )
// 3 * ( 1 - g^2 ) 1 + c^2
// F = ----------------- * -------------------------------
// 2 * ( 2 + g^2 ) ( 1 + g^2 - 2 * g * c )^(3/2)
float miePhase( float g, float c, float cc ) {
float gg = g * g;
float a = ( 1.0 - gg ) * ( 1.0 + cc );
float b = 1.0 + gg - 2.0 * g * c;
b *= sqrt( b );
b *= 2.0 + gg;
return 1.5 * a / b;
// Reyleigh
// g : 0
// F = 3/4 * ( 1 + c^2 )
float rayleighPhase( float cc ) {
return 0.75 * ( 1.0 + cc );
float density(vec3 p) {
return exp(-(length(p) - fInnerRadius) * SCALE_H);
float optic(vec3 p, vec3 q) {
vec3 step = (q - p) / fNumOutScatter;
vec3 v = p + step * 0.5;
float sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < numOutScatter; i++) {
sum += density(v);
v += step;
sum *= length(step)*SCALE_L;
return sum;
vec3 inScatter(vec3 o, vec3 dir, vec2 e, vec3 l) {
float len = (e.y - e.x) / fNumInScatter;
vec3 step = dir * len;
vec3 p = o + dir * e.x;
vec3 v = p + dir * (len * 0.5);
vec3 sum = vec3(0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < numInScatter; i++) {
vec2 f = rayIntersection(v, l, fOuterRadius);
vec3 u = v + l * f.y;
float n = (optic(p, v) + optic(v, u))*(PI * 4.0);
sum += density(v)* exp(-n * ( K_R * C_R + K_M ));
v += step;
sum *= len * SCALE_L;
float c = dot(dir, -l);
float cc = c * c;
return sum * ( K_R * C_R * rayleighPhase( cc ) + K_M * miePhase( G_M, c, cc ) ) * E;
void main (void)
vec3 dir = rayDirection(vec3(camPosition.x, 0.0, camPosition.z));
vec3 eye = vec3(camPosition.x, 0.0, camPosition.z);
vec3 l = normalize(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
vec2 e = rayIntersection(eye, dir, fOuterRadius);
if ( e.x > e.y ) {
vec2 f = rayIntersection(eye, dir, fInnerRadius);
e.y = min(e.y, f.x);
vec3 I = inScatter(eye, dir, e, l);
FragColor = vec4(I, 1.0);
If needed here is the code that draws the atmosphere. The code that draws the planet has essentially the same transformations sans the scaleFactor.
void drawAtmosphere()
v = getViewMatrix();
vec3 Position = getCameraPosition();
float scaleFactor = 1.25;
m = multiplymat4(translate(0.0, 0.0, -10), scale(fScale*scaleFactor));
float fOuter = (fScale*scaleFactor);
float fInner = fScale;
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(atmosphereShader, "fInnerRadius"), fInner);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(atmosphereShader, "fOuterRadius"), fOuter);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(atmosphereShader, "camPosition"), Position.x, Position.y, Position.z);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(atmosphereShader, "time"), glfwGetTime());
initMVP(atmosphereShader, m, v);
glBindVertexArray (atmosphereVAO);
glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, planet.vertexNumber);
Any help, or anything that can point me in the right direction is appreciated.
Found the problem was caused by incorrect calculation of the camera position and not taking into account the model space of the object. I uploaded a stripped down version of the code here.
Hopefully this will help anyone trying to implement Sean O'Neil's atmosphere code.

Is it possible to draw simple geometrical shapes in a Pixel Shader?

I'm currently learning about shaders and graphics pipelines and I was wondering if a pixel shader could be used to create, for example, a triangle or a more complex shape like a zigzag.
Could this be done without the use of a vertex shader?
Answer is yes! You can draw anything you want using pixel shader by implementing a ray Tracer. Here is a sample code:
uniform vec3 lightposition;
uniform vec3 cameraposition;
uniform float motion;
struct Ray
vec3 org;
vec3 dir;
struct Sphere
vec3 Center;
float Radius;
vec4 Color;
float MatID;
float id;
struct Intersection
float t;
vec3 normal;
vec3 hitpos;
vec4 color;
float objectid;
float materialID;
bool sphereIntersect(Ray eyeray, Sphere sp, inout Intersection intersection)
float t1=0.0;
eyeray.dir = normalize(eyeray.dir);
float B = 2.0 *( ( eyeray.dir.x * (eyeray.org.x - sp.Center.x ) )+ ( eyeray.dir.y *(eyeray.org.y - sp.Center.y )) + ( eyeray.dir.z * (eyeray.org.z - sp.Center.z ) ));
float C = pow((eyeray.org.x - sp.Center.x),2.0) + pow((eyeray.org.y - sp.Center.y),2.0) + pow((eyeray.org.z - sp.Center.z),2.0) - pow(sp.Radius,2.0);
float D = B*B - 4.0*C ;
t1= (-B - pow(D, .5)) / 2.0;
if (t1 < 0.0)
t1 = (-B + pow(D, .5)) / 2.0;
if( t1 < 0.0)
return false;
if (t1 > 1e-2 && t1 < intersection.t)
intersection.t = t1;
intersection.materialID = sp.MatID;
intersection.hitpos = eyeray.org + t1 * eyeray.dir;
intersection.normal = normalize(intersection.hitpos - sp.Center);
intersection.color = sp.Color;
intersection.objectid = sp.id;
return true;
if(t1 > 1e-2 && t1 < intersection.t)
intersection.t = t1;
intersection.materialID = sp.MatID;
intersection.hitpos = eyeray.org + t1 * eyeray.dir;
intersection.normal = normalize(intersection.hitpos - sp.Center);
intersection.color = sp.Color;
intersection.objectid = sp.id;
return true;
return false;
void findIntersection(Ray ray, inout Intersection intersection)
intersection.t = 1e10;
intersection.materialID = 0.0;
Sphere sp1 = Sphere(vec3(-2.0,0.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0),1.0,1.0);
Sphere sp2 = Sphere(vec3( 2.0,0.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.5,0.5,0.1,1.0),1.0,2.0);
Sphere sp3 = Sphere(vec3( 0.0,3.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.1,0.5,0.5,1.0),1.0,3.0);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp1, intersection);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp2, intersection);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp3, intersection);
vec4 CalculateColor(vec4 ambient ,float shiness,vec3 intersection, vec3 normal);
Ray ReflectedRay(vec3 Normal,Ray EyeRay,vec3 intersection);
vec4 GetColor(Ray ray)
Ray currentRay = ray;
vec4 finalColor = vec4(0.0);
for(int bounce = 1 ; bounce < 4 ; bounce++)
Intersection intersection;
intersection.objectid = 0.0;
findIntersection(currentRay, intersection);
if (intersection.materialID == 0.0) // We could not find any object. We return the background color
return finalColor;
else if (intersection.materialID == 1.0)
vec3 lv = lightposition - intersection.hitpos;
vec3 nlv = normalize(lv);
Intersection shadowIntersection;
Ray shadowRay = Ray(intersection.hitpos, nlv);
shadowIntersection.objectid = intersection.objectid;
findIntersection(shadowRay, shadowIntersection);
if (shadowIntersection.t > length(lv) || shadowIntersection.t < 1)
finalColor = finalColor + float(1.0f/bounce) * CalculateColor(intersection.color, 100.0, intersection.hitpos, intersection.normal);;
finalColor = finalColor + float(1.0f/bounce) * intersection.color;
//currentRay = Ray(intersection.hitpos, reflect(ray.dir, intersection.normal));
currentRay = ReflectedRay(intersection.normal,ray,intersection.hitpos);
return finalColor;
Ray createRay(float ScreenWidth,float ScreenHeight)
Ray toret;
toret.org = cameraposition;
float left = -3.0;
float bottom = -3.0;
float screenZ = -3.0;
float su = -3.0 + gl_FragCoord.x/ScreenWidth * 6; //gl_FragCoord gives you the current x and y component of your current pixel
float sv = -3.0 + gl_FragCoord.y/ScreenHeight * 6;
float sz = screenZ - cameraposition.z;
toret.dir = normalize(vec3(su,sv,sz));
//vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution) * 2 ;
//toret.dir = normalize(vec3(p, -1.0));
return toret;
Ray ReflectedRay(vec3 Normal,Ray EyeRay,vec3 intersection)
Ray reflection;
reflection.dir = EyeRay.dir - 2 * Normal * dot(EyeRay.dir,Normal);
reflection.org = intersection + reflection.dir * 0.01;
return reflection;
vec4 CalculateColor(vec4 ambient ,float shiness,vec3 intersection, vec3 normal)
vec3 Idifuse = vec3(1, 1, 1);
vec3 Iambient = vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
vec3 Ispecular = vec3(1,1,1);
vec3 kDifuse = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); //for difuse
vec3 kSpecular = vec3(0.75, 0.6, 0.3); //for specular
vec3 kAmbient = vec3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3); //for ambient
//vec4 kSpecular = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0);
//vec4 kDifuse = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0);
float ColorDifuse = max(dot(normal,lightposition),0.0) * kDifuse;
//vector calculations
vec3 l = normalize(lightposition - intersection); //light vector
vec3 n = normalize(normal); // normalVector of point in the sea
vec3 v = normalize(cameraposition - intersection); // view Vector
vec3 h = normalize(v + l); // half Vector
vec3 difuse = kDifuse * Idifuse * max(0.0, dot(n, l));
vec3 specular = kSpecular * Ispecular * pow(max(0.0, dot(n, h)), shiness);
vec3 color = ambient.xyz + difuse + specular;
return vec4(color,1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);
void main()
if(lightposition == vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0))
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);
Ray eyeray = createRay(600.0,600.0);
gl_FragColor = GetColor(eyeray);
A useful technique is to use a fragment shader (I'm an OpenGL guy) with point sprites. Point sprites in OpenGL 3+ get rendered as squares of pixels, with the size of the square (gl_PointSize) set by the vertex shader.
In the fragment shader, gl_PointCoord has the x and y coords of this particular pixel within the square, from 0.0 to 1.0. So you can draw a circle by testing if gl_PointCoord.x and gl_PointCoord.y are both within the radius and discarding if not, a framed square by checking that .x and .y are with some distance of the edge, and so on. It's classic maths, define a function(x, y) which returns true for points within the shape you want, false if not.
The Orange book, OpenGL Shading Language 3rd edition, has some examples (which in turn come from RenderMan) of how to draw such shapes.
Hope this helps.
What you want is called procedural textures or procedural shading.
You can draw different shapes with a simple (and not so simple) math.
Take a look for some examples here:
More on google.

Physically based shader not producing desired results

Over the past ~2-3 weeks, i've been learning about Physically Based Shading and I just cannot wrap my head around some of the problems I'm having.
Fragment Shader
#version 430
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Inputs
in vec3 inputNormal;
vec3 fNormal;
// Material
float reflectance = 1.0; // 0 to 1
float roughness = 0.5;
vec3 specularColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // f0
// Values
vec3 lightVector = vec3(1, 1, 1); // Light (l)
vec3 eyeVector = vec3(2.75, 1.25, 1.25); // Camera (v)
vec3 halfVector = normalize(lightVector + eyeVector); // L + V / |L + V|
out vec4 fColor; // Output Color
// Specular Functions
vec3 D(vec3 h) // Normal Distribution Function - GGX/Trowbridge-Reitz
float alpha = roughness * roughness;
float alpha2 = alpha * alpha;
float NoH = dot(fNormal, h);
float finalTerm = ((NoH * NoH) * (alpha2 - 1.0) + 1.0);
return vec3(alpha2 / (PI * (finalTerm * finalTerm)));
vec3 Gsub(vec3 v) // Sub Function of G
float k = ((roughness + 1.0) * (roughness + 1.0)) / 8;
return vec3(dot(fNormal, v) / ((dot(fNormal, v)) * (1.0 - k) + k));
vec3 G(vec3 l, vec3 v, vec3 h) // Geometric Attenuation Term - Schlick Modified (k = a/2)
return Gsub(l) * Gsub(v);
vec3 F(vec3 v, vec3 h) // Fresnel - Schlick Modified (Spherical Gaussian Approximation)
vec3 f0 = specularColor; // right?
return f0 + (1.0 - f0) * pow(2, (-5.55473 * (dot(v, h)) - 6.98316) * (dot(v, h)));
vec3 specular()
return (D(halfVector) * F(eyeVector, halfVector) * G(lightVector, eyeVector, halfVector)) / 4 * ((dot(fNormal, lightVector)) * (dot(fNormal, eyeVector)));
vec3 diffuse()
float NoL = dot(fNormal, lightVector);
vec3 result = vec3(reflectance / PI);
return result * NoL;
void main()
fNormal = normalize(inputNormal);
fColor = vec4(diffuse() + specular(), 1.0);
//fColor = vec4(D(halfVector), 1.0);
So far I have been able to fix up some things and now I get a better result.
However it now seems clear that the highlight is way too big; this originates from the normal distribution function (Specular D).
Your coding of GGX/Trowbridge-Reitz is wrong:
vec3 NxH = fNormal * h;
The star * means a term by term product where you want a dot product
float alphaTerm = (alpha * alpha - 1.0) + 1.0;
Is not correct since the formula multiplies n.m by (alpha * alpha - 1.0) before adding 1.0. Yours formula is equal to alpha*alpha!
// Specular
vec3 D(vec3 h) // Normal Distribution Function - GGX/Trowbridge-Reitz
float alpha = roughness * roughness;
float NxH = dot(fNormal,h);
float alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
float t = ((NxH * NxH) * (alpha2 - 1.0) + 1.0);
return alpha2 / (PI * t * t);
In many other places you use * instead of dot. You need to correct all these. Also, check for your formulas, many seem incorrect.