How to generate a C++ executable file on Clion (using Ubuntu) - c++

I'm currently learning C++ and I'm working on a small project. I was wondering how I can generate an executable of my project. I'm not sure how to do it, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04
I've googled it but I can not find any instructions on how to do it.

Well. If you are using CLion, you can just create a new project, and check the CMake file that CLion generate. Something like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
add_executable(Test main.cpp)
And in that file there was a line with a function called add_executable, in that function you set first the exe name and then the source files. And just run the project in CLion. By default CLion create a directory calle "cmake-build-debug" where the exe file are located.
If you want to add more libraries, change the binaries source directory and more. You will need learn CMake. Also you can use CMake standalone whiteout CLion, you just need install it sudo apt-get install cmake and use then in the terminal.

Expanding over #Steback's answer:
First, a clarification: an executable file is a file that can be executed by the system. It (roughly) contains assembly commands. Under Windows executable files are marked with an .exe extension. Under linux, they are usually extension-less.
To generate an executable file from C / C++ code you ("only") need a C/C++ compiler. A default / pre-installed one on Ubuntu is gcc / g++ (whereas on Windows you need to actively install one).
CLion is an IDE and (exactly like any other IDE) can run the compiler for you. IDE (stands for Integrated Development Environment) is a program which incorporates (minimally) a text/code editor, a compiler and a debugger (all of which it invokes normally via command line, just as you can do yourself).
CLion is an advanced (and excellent) IDE. In CLion, the way you specify how exactly it should invoke the compiler is via the CMake language (not to be confused with the unix tool make which chiefly only knows to run commands conditionally on file modified date).
CMake code should be placed in a file named CMakeLists.txt in the project root directory (sometimes CLion creates this file for you automatically). A minimal cmake project looks like
# Specify cmake language version to use for this file
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
# Specify any name for the project
# A name for your executable file and the code files needed to build it
add_executable(YourExecutableName source_file1.cpp somefolder/source_file2.cpp header_file.h)
Of course this is just a very minimal example. The CMake language is a powerful language to specify build processes, with cross-platform support. You can look it up / learn it someday.
When giving the "build" command to CLion it will now do two things:
use the cmake tool to generate a set of commands for gcc/g++ (this is called "cmake configure" + "cmake generate") - according to what you wrote in CMakeLists.txt
run the generated commands to hopefully build your executable.
As a beginner, you may be better off first trying to run the compiler yourself via the command line to see what it does. You can also opt for a different IDE (e.g. CodeBlocks, eclipse, Dev C++) where you specify what you need the compiler to do via a GUI and not via CMake (although CMake is arguably more convenient).

I'm using Dev C++. When I run and compile it, it automaticcally generate a .exe file. Just install it and open ur file with it and compile it. Should work good.


CMake cache windows

When using CMake on unix I dont have any issues. I can use CLion to do a cmake setup, cmake build and cmake install, open a different project and it will find the previously built library when using find_package. On windows this does not seem to be possible. By default it tries to install the build code into strange directories (like C:\Program Files). I have added a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to both my library CMakeLists.txt and the appliation CMakeLists.txt, however when using find_package(SDL2)CMake still complains there is no config file for CMake and SDL2. When checking the following file exists:
U:\various\cmake-cache\Program Files (x86)\SDL2\cmake\SDL2Config.cmake
The directory U:\various\cmake-cache was used as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for both SDL2 and my application. Yet it still refuses to compile.
What can I do to make CMake at least somewhat useful on windows? On Unix things work great, but it feels like a huge PITA on Windows so far... It seems like all the concepts dont work there. I would really like to have one central location that is used by every CMake build on my system and everything is installed there and when another project uses a library it is searched there. Is this possible?

Build instructions when distributing C++ written in CLion

JetBrains has spoiled me. I'm familiar with the standard UNIX make file and the make, make install routine normally associated with installing software with traditional make files, but I'm not as familiar with cmake since CLion does it all for me.
I want to distribute my code to others and provide simple instructions for building it via cmake so that they have a binary they can execute. The official cmake tutorial shows writing install rules in the CMakeLists.txt file but it isn't clear if this is supported by CLion (or even if it needs to be).
For a simple, single-file (main.cpp) application, what would be an example of how to build it using cmake (assuming those it is distributed to don't have CLion nor use another IDE, they just want to build and use it)?
To build code that comes with a CMakeLists.txt file, you run cmake to generate a Makefile (or other build configuration file):
cmake <path_to_CMakeLists.txt>
Then you run
make;make install
as usual. (or as described in the comment, you can type cmake --build . instead of make - useful if you're on a platform with a different build system)
You don't want to check in the Makefile into your source control, though, as it needs to be generated on the computer that will actually be doing the building.

Issue with CLion and find_package: Generated CMake files are placed in some odd location

So basically I have the following setup:
A small test library called mylib with an according CMake file. The CMake file creates all the necessary information so that another project (which is going to be my binary) can use find_package to add the library. The library also has a install target.
A small binary called mybin again wih according CMake file which is depended on the mylib project. Using find_package I can add mylib either by specifying the location of the according myLibConfig.cmake (and myLibTargets.cmake etc.) files or by executing the install target of mylib and then letting CMake find the library itself.
Using CMake and XCode everything works like a charm. First, I configure and build the library. Second, I configure my binary project, specify the location of the library and then build it without any problems.
Now I want to do the same using CLion. My problem now is that CLion puts all the generated CMake file (which usually are placed in the build folder) in some cryptic location which can't be changed in the IDE. Now, when I want to build the mybin project I have to specify this cryptic location which seems kinda odd to me (especially because you have to find out first where CLion actually places those files).
So my question is: Is there a more convenient way to handle the described configuration? I guess this is more or less the standard use case which makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something. Being able to specify where CLion should put the generated CMake files would solve my problem I guess.
I know that i can install the library (using the install target) and then let CMake find it. The problem here is that CLion (to my understanding) doesn't support install targets and therefore I have to use (in my case) XCode to build and install the library first.
I was misunderstsanding the intention of find_package(as Tsyvarev pointed out). By using the solution proposed in this question I managed to add an install target to CLion which now allows me to conveniently build "mylib" and use it in the "mybin" project without having to configure anything manually.

Netbeans project imported from existing cmake application fails to build with filesystem error on Windows

I am attempting to import a manually-created cmake project that I had been using in a different IDE into Netbeans 8.0.2 on Windows 7. Needless to say, my cmake configuration worked fine there.
Netbeans seems to import the directory fine. I imported it in "automatic" (cmake) mode. However, when I attempt to build the project, I get a rather cryptic (Java?) error message:
Makefile:76: recipe for target 'all' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, /C/MinGW/bin/make.exe -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Knowing very little about Java, I am not sure how to interpret this error. The first directory (/C/MinGW/bin/make.exe) stands out to me as not being in Windows-format, but I am not sure if that's incorrect. I do indeed have a file by that name, as I copied the longer-named mingw make binary so I would only need to type "make".
Presuming this is being run in the project root, and that the first directory is formatted correctly, I don't see any problem with finding these files.
My CMakeLists.txt is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)
set(Project_Name "Test")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_executable(${Project_Name} ${SOURCE_FILES})
target_link_libraries(${Project_Name} SDL2main SDL2 OgreMain) #Ogre
Running the "generate makefile" command in the IDE completes without issue, but does not fix the problem. Additionally, clean fails, but "help" does work.
This is a problem within the IDE, it seems, because if I run make from the command line in the project root, it builds without issue.
Also, I fiddled with the file path mode setting under C/C++ -> Project Options, and it did nothing. Even set to absolute, what seems to be a relative path (CMakeFiles/Makefile2) is still in the failed command. I'm not sure if that option is expected to change that sort of reference or not.
What could be wrong with this imported project to cause this issue?
However, when I attempt to build the project, I get a rather cryptic (Java?) error message:
This is an error shown by netbeans to tell you, that it was unable to execute make command successfully. Usually this indicates a wrong setting of your (mingw-) tools.
Here are some points you can check:
Don't use make from mingw/bin, you have to use the one from mingw/msys/... There's a mingw make within mingw's msys folder, usually C:\<Path to MSYS>\<Version>\bin\make.exe - this bin-path must also be set in PATH environment variable! If MSys wasn't installed with your mingw installation, please install it.
Please check the tools set in Tools -> Options -> C/C++ -> Build Tools; you can test them by clicking Versions....
(If existing) Clean the CMake generated files and clean the cmake's cache. If not done yet, please use an out-of-source build as described here.
Can you build your project from terminal (without netbeans)?
The first directory (/C/MinGW/bin/make.exe) stands out to me as not being in Windows-format, but I am not sure if that's incorrect.
This is ok and intended by mingw - it uses linux / unix like paths.
Which make program should I use?
Many MinGW users have a problem because they use mingw32-make.exe from
the MinGW installation. While this seems like the right choice, it
actually breaks the build. The problem is that this is a non-Posix
implementation of the Unix make program and doesn't work well at all.
In fact, thats why the MinGW people renamed it! They've also made a
FAQ entry explaining why you should not use mingw32-make.exe. Instead,
you should use the make.exe program from the MSYS package.
As of NetBeans 6.1, the Build Tools panel no longer allows a user to
select mingw32-make. If you choose a MinGW compiler collection it will
default to make in MSYS. If MSYS is not found, it will tell you no
make program has been found.

How to build a cpp module on a cmake project?

I'm using cmake and it's a wonderfull tools. I'm using it under Linux with the Ecplise IDE. But, there are something I could do easily when I was working on Windows through Visual Studio, and I don't know how to do it with cmake :
I want to build the ".o" of a single ".cpp" file of my project. I can't find a way to do that easily (i.e. without invocate gcc directly).
I tryed the following command line
make CMakeFiles/project.dir/src/module.cpp.o
But I doesn't work... Have you got any idea how to do that ?
Simply write
make module.cpp.o
in the build directory (where you have executed cmake)