EmberJS: Cannot read property '_application' of undefined - ember.js

I'm working through the emberJS tutorial and every time I update the code it crashes with the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_application' of undefined
at appStarted (<anonymous>:9601:45)
at Object.initialize (<anonymous>:9721:11)
at index.js:136
at Vertices.each (dag-map.js:231)
at Vertices.walk (dag-map.js:145)
at DAG.each (dag-map.js:75)
at DAG.topsort (dag-map.js:83)
at App._runInitializer (index.js:151)
at App.runInstanceInitializers (index.js:134)
at Class._bootSync (instance.js:111)
The only way to get rid of it is to keep restarting the server. Any idea what is going on?

The solution was to stop using Ember Inspector


Getting error when trying to delete record from hasMany collection

I am getting the following error "Cannot set property 'jqXHR' of undefined" when attempting to delete a record. The item has already been deleted via model.deleteRecord, I am now trying to persist it to the server. I have tried this with both item.save() and item.destroyRecord() any ideas of what this message means? The request never actually reaches the server.
This is caused by a bug in v0.1.0 of the ember-data-has-many-query addon, which was fixed in v0.1.1. Updating to the latest version should fix it.

Use Ember.set() to set the 'content' property

We have an issue that seems to be very similar to https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/pull/9767. The error we get is the following:
Error while processing route: [route-name] Assertion Failed: You must use Ember.set() to set the 'content' property (of [route]) to 'undefined'.
So the only difference is that it complaints about 'content' instead of 'controller', and that it is trying to set it to 'undefined'. This only happens for a few users, and it seems to be mostly old Android-devices. We have managed to reproduce the error in the default browser on a device running android 2.3.4.
Does anyone have a clue to why this happens? Debugging on old android devices is a pain!
I forgot about this question on StackOverflow, and someone else in our team have committed a fix for the issue. This line of code:
return self.getJSON(self.get('dataUrl'))
Have been changed to this:
return self.getJSON(self.get('dataUrl'))
.then(function(data) {
return self._modelMap(data);
This was done in one of our base controllers.
Handlebars was also upgraded from v1.3.0 to v2.0.0 in the same commit. Don't know if that is required for fixing the issue though.
Hopefully this can help others with the same issue :)

Ember App Kit: Router#updatePaths throws TypeError

I try to migrate an existing Ember.js project to use Ember App Kit and I'm seeing some strange error which I think should not happen here...
If I start the app, everything is initialized, my util classes are up and running and Ajax requests are sent and received - everything seems well. But then I keep getting the same error over and over again:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
If I follow down the StackTrace I came to see that the error occurs in the updatePaths() function of the Router (I commented on the lines where the code starts to fail:
function updatePaths(router) {
var appController = router.container.lookup('controller:application');
if (!appController) {
// appController might not exist when top-level loading/error
// substates have been entered since ApplicationRoute hasn't
// actually been entered at that point.
var infos = router.router.currentHandlerInfos, // <-- empty Array ([])
path = Ember.Router._routePath(infos); // <-- empty String ("")
if (!('currentPath' in appController)) {
defineProperty(appController, 'currentPath');
set(appController, 'currentPath', path);
if (!('currentRouteName' in appController)) {
defineProperty(appController, 'currentRouteName');
set(appController, 'currentRouteName', infos[infos.length - 1].name); // throws Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
Here is the StackTrace:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined ember.js:35015
updatePaths ember.js:35015
Ember.Router.Ember.Object.extend.intermediateTransitionTo ember.js:34522
(anonymous function) ember.js:34919
forEachRouteAbove ember.js:34869
defaultActionHandlers.loading ember.js:34915
triggerEvent ember.js:34983
trigger ember.js:34116
Transition.trigger ember.js:33952
Ember.Router.Ember.Object.extend._fireLoadingEvent ember.js:34750
DeferredActionQueues.flush ember.js:5893
Backburner.end ember.js:5984
Backburner.run ember.js:6023
Ember.run ember.js:6426
runInitialize ember.js:39637
jQuery.Callbacks.fire jquery.js:3063
jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWith jquery.js:3175
jQuery.extend.ready jquery.js:3381
completed jquery.js:3397
Also, it seems that the appController is not my instance of the ApplicationController but a generated controller from ember itself and I can't see why (my ApplicationController is defined in app/controllers/application.js...
Does anybody know anything about this behaviour or could show me the right direction to track down this error somehow?
So, I digged deeper into this error and also found an issue over at the GitHub project which is describing what I thought was exactly my problem too.
It turns out that somehow Ember App Kit (or even Ember itself) is swallowing messages/errors thrown by Ember.assert and the like so that I followed the suggestion of Stefan Penner and switched to pause on caught exceptions within my browsers dev tools and I saw that it's not one, but several errors!
Unfortunately all these errors fail silently until the last error cannot be caught anymore which is why every error showed the same Stack Trace...
So, the solution seems to be to be sure to pause on caught exceptions and trace down the error message in Ember.assert()... has anybody else seen the same problem and has some other suggestions or could approve my conclusion?
Screenshot of "pause on caught exceptions" in Chrome Dev Tools:

Debugging Ember.js errors: Error while loading route

While in any particular case there are hints and clues on how to debug an error you get, I haven't really found a general Ember strategy.
For example, a typeError while loading a route:
Assertion failed: Error while loading route: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'window.router.lander') (ignore the fact that I'm trying to access window.router.lander. It's irrelevant)
Why does Ember not tell you which route it's loading when this error happens? Or whether it happens in afterModel(), or activate()? And what's the general strategy for finding that sort of context info?
So far all I've got is adding a bunch of console.logs scattered around. For example with the error above:
1) Find all occurrences of window.router.lander in my code
2) before the first occurrence, add a console.log('is it the first occurrence?'), and after the first occurrence put a console.log('its not the first occurrence')
3) Do the same for every occurrence
4) refresh. One of the 'is it the nth occurrence?' won't have a closer, and now you know where the error happened.
For better debugging, you can enable transitions logging by create app with LOG_TRANSITIONS and/or LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL properties:
window.App = Ember.Application.create({
// Basic logging, e.g. "Transitioned into 'post'"
// Extremely detailed logging, highlighting every internal
// step made while transitioning into a route, including
// `beforeModel`, `model`, and `afterModel` hooks, and
// information about redirects and aborted transitions
Referenece: http://emberjs.com/guides/understanding-ember/debugging/
Also, you can use canary build which provide detailed error stack:
Ember isn't particularly helpful when it comes to errors in the model hook, or the promises it returns. I'm sure I've read in one of the issues (or http://discuss.emberjs.com/ I'm not sure) that this is an open issue in which they're working.
What I do is use the Chrome Developer Tools to debug the issue (instead of just console loggin it). From my experience it's usually:
you're not returning anything in the model hook
an error inside one of the then functions on the promise the model hook returns
I hope it helps you!

ember Uncaught Error: assertion failed: Unable to find view at path

I am trying to learn ember.js and i started by trying to set up a simple (not so simple) mouseover, out, down example for myself.
I keep getting a "Uncaught Error: assertion failed: Unable to find view at path"
Can someone shed some light on this I am sure it is something simple.
Your first fiddle works if you declare the App as a global (without the var).
That beeing said, if you're new to ember, I advice you to starts with reading emberjs.com (do not forget the api:), where you can find what are the handlers for a view
from the doc:
Mouse events: 'mouseDown', 'mouseUp', 'contextMenu', 'click', 'doubleClick',
'mouseMove', 'focusIn', 'focusOut', 'mouseEnter', 'mouseLeave'
Finally, the version you use here is a quite old one, I suggest you to try the latest release: http://cloud.github.com/downloads/emberjs/ember.js/ember-latest.js (do not forget to include also http://cloud.github.com/downloads/wycats/handlebars.js/handlebars-1.0.rc.1.js
Try mouseEnter and mouseLeave instead mouseOver and mouseOut . Refer the ember.js view events guide