How to send WM_COPYDATA from C++ to AutoHotKey? - c++

Trying to SendMessage with WM_COPYDATA from a C++ application to an AutoHotkey script.
I tried to follow the example found in the docs:
Then I did:
HWND htarget_window = FindWindow(NULL, L"MyGui");
std::string str = "Hello World";
cds.dwData = 1;
cds.lpData = (PVOID) str.c_str();
cds.cbData = strlen((char*)cds.lpData);
auto Response = SendMessage(htarget_window, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)htarget_window, (LPARAM)&cds);
And in the Autohotkey script:
OnMessage(0x4a , "Receive_WM_COPYDATA")
Receive_WM_COPYDATA(wParam, lParam) {
; Retrieves the CopyDataStruct's lpData member.
StringAddress := NumGet(lParam + 2*A_PtrSize)
; Copy the string out of the structure.
Data := StrGet(StringAddress)
MsgBox Received the following string: %Data%
The message is being received, but this is the output:
When it should be: Hello World.
I have also checked for GetLastError() after the SendMessage and it output 0.
I must be doing something wrong inside of the COPYDATASTRUCT.
AutoHotkey x64.

Your use of StrGet() is wrong:
You are not including the std::string's null terminator in the sent data, but you are not passing the value of the COPYDATASTRUCT::cbData field to StrGet(), so it is going to be looking for a null terminator that does not exist. So you need to specify the length that is in the COPYDATASTRUCT::cbData field, eg:
StringLen := NumGet(lParam + A_PtrSize, "int");
StringAddress := NumGet(lParam + 2*A_PtrSize);
Data := StrGet(StringAddress, StringLen, Encoding);
More importantly, you are not specifying an Encoding for StrGet(), so it is going to interpret the raw data in whatever the native encoding of the script is (see A_IsUnicode). Don't do that. Be explicit about the encoding used by the C++ code. If the std::string holds a UTF-8 string, specify "UTF-8". If the std::string holds a string in the user's default ANSI locale, specify "CP0". And so on. What you are seeing happen is commonly known as Mojibake, which happens when single-byte character data is mis-interpreted in the wrong encoding.


How to use SHFileOperation() with CString paths

I am trying to convert CString to LPCWSTR and it works well. But something went wrong in the processing of the code.
I want to copy a directory to another path so I am using SHFILEOPSTRUCT:
HWND console = GetConsoleWindow();
s.hwnd = console;
s.wFunc = FO_COPY;
s.fFlags = FOF_SILENT;
CString _folderName("a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235"),
firstPath("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Temp\\"),
firstPathDest("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\"),
CString cstrTemp = firstPath + _folderName + lastPart,
cstrTempDest = firstPathDest + lastPartDest + _folderNameDest;
s.pTo = cstrTempDest /*_TEXT("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Documents\\a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235\0")*/;
s.pFrom = cstrTemp /*_TEXT("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Temp\\a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235\\Documents\\*\0")*/;
When I am using CString directly, the copy operation doesn't work, but when I use the _TEXT() macro (as in the comments) to assign the LPCWSTR members in the struct everything works.
In both variants of source and destination paths the code compiles.
In this variant, the code compiles and does the copy operation:
s.pTo = _TEXT("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Documents\\a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235\0");
s.pFrom = _TEXT("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Temp\\a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235\\Documents\\*\0");
In the other variant, which I actually need, the code compiles too, but the copy operation doesn't take place:
s.pTo = cstrTempDest;
s.pFrom = cstrTemp;
SHFILEOPSTRUCT expects strings ending with two NUL characters, but NUL terminated strings by definition end with one and any additional NUL characters are ignored by CString methods that don't take explicit length argument.
You can force double NUL by adding one manually:
CString cstrTempDest = firstPathDest + lastPartDest + _folderNameDest;
// *** Add NUL manually ***
cstrTempDest.AppendChar( 0 );
s.pTo = cstrTempDest;
// For debuging - verify resulting string with example.
TCHAR* test = _TEXT("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Documents\\a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235\0");
// +2 because we want to check two NULs at end.
ASSERT( memcmp( s.pTo, test, (_tcslen(test)+2)*sizeof(TCHAR) ) == 0 );
Alternative solution can use methods with explicit length argument:
CString cstrTempDest = firstPathDest + lastPartDest
+ CString(_folderNameDest, _tcslen(_folderNameDest)+1);
If your project is configured to use unicode character set, call CString constructors with wide strings:
CString _folderName(_T("a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235")),
firstPath(_T("C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Temp\\"))
CString in unicode mode automatically converts narrow strings to wide ones, but it can fail when threre is discrepancy between runtime and development codepages. If you plan to go Unicode and never look back, throw away _TEXT, TEXT and _T macros and just use wide literals:
CString _folderName( L"a6_töüst-Oa5Z.OZS-CI5O5235" ),
firstPath( L"C:\\ORTIM-Daten\\a5Pc 2.0.3\\Temp\\" )
You should also check SHFileOperation return value.
The answer of user msp0815 on creating double null ended CString solves your issue.
// strings must be double-null terminated
CString from(cstrTemp + (TCHAR)'\0');
PCZZTSTR szzFrom= from;
s.pFrom= szzFrom;
CString dest(cstrTempDest + (TCHAR)'\0');
PCZZTSTR szzDest= dest;
s.pTo= szzDest;
I generally don't use LPCWSTR that much but here is my idea:
CString TestCSTR = "Hello world";
TestLPC = (LPCWSTR)_TEXT(TestCSTR.GetString());
It works as expected in fact the variable TestLPC holds "Hello world" or to be more precise a long pointer to it. It should be possible to remove _TEXT without consequences but I'm not sure, the result is the same btw.

Error in converting BSTR to CString

I using Visual C++ 2008 and ADO to access a database and obtain a field value like this:
_variant_t vtValue;
vtValue = m_pRecordset->Fields->GetItem(_variant_t(strFieldName))->GetValue();
If (vtValue.vt == VT_BSTR)
strValue = vtValue.bstrVal;
TRACE(_T(“Field value is %s.\r\n”), strValue); // Cause CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error
.. other codes…
The TRACE statement for strValue will cause the following error:
“CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error”
I just check strValue and found it is a Chinese string with only 6 characters, nothing special. Why it will cause the error?
A BSTR is a composite data type that consists of a length prefix, a data string, and a terminator, you can not assign it to CString directly as CString doesn't have the length prefix.
You can use the smart point class _bstr_t to do the conversion.
strValue = (TCHAR*)(_bstr_t)vtValue;

WM_COPYDATA won't deliver my string correctly

I tried to use WM_COPYDATA to send a string from one window to another. The messaages gets received perfectly by my receiving window. Except the string I send does not stay intact.
Here is my code in the sending application:
HWND wndsend = 0;
wndsend = FindWindowA(0, "Receiving window");
if(wndsend == 0)
printf("Couldn't find window.");
TCHAR* lpszString = (TCHAR*)"De string is ontvangen";
cds.dwData = 1;
cds.cbData = sizeof(lpszString);
cds.lpData = (TCHAR*)lpszString;
SendMessage(wndsend, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)hwnd, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cds);
And this is the code in the receiving application:
pcds = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)lParam;
if (pcds->dwData == 1)
TCHAR *lpszString;
lpszString = (TCHAR *) (pcds->lpData);
MessageBox(0, lpszString, TEXT("clicked"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return 0;
Now what happens is that the messagebox that gets called outputs chinese letters.
My guess is that I didn't convert it right, or that I don't actually send the string but just the pointer to it, which gives a totally different data in the receiver's window. I don't know how to fix it though.
sizeof(lpszString) is the size of the pointer, but you need the size in bytes of the buffer. You need to use:
The code that reads the string should take care not to read off the end of the buffer by reading the value of cbData that is supplied to it.
Remember that sizeof evaluates at compile time. Keep that thought to the front of your mind when you use it and if ever you find yourself using sizeof with something that you know to be dynamic, take a step back.
As an extra, free, piece of advice I suggest that you stop using TCHAR and pick one character set. I would recommend Unicode. So, use wchar_t in place of TCHAR. You are already building a Unicode app.
Also, lpData is a pointer to the actual data, and cbData should be the size of the data, but you're actually setting the size of the pointer. Set it to the length of the string instead (and probably the terminating 0 character too: strlen(lpszString)+1

MultiByteToWideChar or WideCharToMultiByte and txt files

I'm trying to write a universal text editor which can open and display ANSI and Unicode in EditControl. Do I need to repeatedly call ReadFile() if I determine that the text is ANSI? Can't figure out how to perform this task. My attempt below does not work, it displays '?' characters in EditControl.
int bufferLen = fSize.QuadPart/sizeof(TCHAR)+1;
TCHAR* buffer = new TCHAR[bufferLen];
buffer[0] = _T('\0');
DWORD wasRead = 0;
buffer[wasRead/sizeof(TCHAR)] = _T('\0');
CHAR* ansiBuffer = new CHAR[bufferLen];
ansiBuffer[0] = '\0';
There are a few buffer length errors and oddities, but here's your big problem. You call WideCharToMultiByte incorrectly. That is meant to receive UTF-16 encoded text as input. But when IsTextUnicode returns false that means that the buffer is not UTF-16 encoded.
The following is basically what you need:
Note that I've fixed the length parameter to IsTextUnicode.
For what it is worth, I think I'd read in to a buffer of char. That would remove the need for the sizeof(TCHAR). In fact I'd stop using TCHAR altogether. This program should be Unicode all the way - TCHAR is what you use when you compile for both NT and 9x variants of Windows. You aren't compiling for 9x anymore I imagine.
So I'd probably code it like this:
char* buffer = new char[filesize+2];//+2 for UTF-16 null terminator
DWORD wasRead = 0;
ReadFile(hFile, buffer, filesize, &wasRead, NULL);
//add error checking for ReadFile, including that wasRead == filesize
buffer[filesize] = '\0';
buffer[filesize+1] = '\0';
if (IsTextUnicode(buffer, filesize, NULL))
SetWindowText(edit, (wchar_t*)buffer);
SetWindowTextA(edit, buffer);
delete[] buffer;
Note also that this code makes no allowance for the possibility of receiving UTF-8 encoded text. If you want to handle that you'd need to take your char buffer and send to through MultiByteToWideChar using CP_UTF8.

C++ concat LPCTSTR

I am implementing a custom action for a WindowsCE CAB file, and I need to concat a LPCTSTR to get a proper path to an exe.
My custom action receives a LPCTSTR as an argument.
So (pseudocode):
HWND hwndParent,
LPCTSTR pszInstallDir,
WORD cFailedDirs,
WORD cFailedFiles,
WORD cFailedRegKeys,
WORD cFailedRegVals,
WORD cFailedShortcuts
if (FALSE == LaunchApp(pszInstallDir + "\\MyApp.exe"))
::MessageBox(hwndParent, L"Could not launch app!", L"Setup", MB_ICONINFORMATION );
This is using the imaginary "+" operator, that I would use in my standard language, C#.
I have relatively little experience in C++. What is the proper way to append a LPCTSTR for my purposes? The LaunchApp method uses this type as an argument.
Also if I want to display the resulting path (for debugging purposes) in a MessageBox, is there a quick way to convert to a LPCWSTR?
For concatenation use StringCchCat
TCHAR pszDest[260] = _T("");
StringCchCat(pszDest, 260, pszInstallDir);
StringCchCat(pszDest, 260, _T("\\MyApp.exe"));
You need to allocate a new buffer to assemble the combined string in and then copy both parts into it. You can either pick a fixed, large buffer size
TCHAR fullPath[MAX_PATH + 11]; // 11 = length of "\MyApp.exe" + nul in characters
_sntprintf_s(fullPath, MAX_PATH + 11, _T("%s\\MyApp.exe"), pszInstallDir);
or allocate it dynamically to fit:
size_t installDirLen = tcslen(pszInstallDir);
size_t bufferLen = installDirLen + 11; // again 11 = len of your string
LPWSTR fullPath = new TCHAR[bufferLen];
// if you're paranoid, check allocation succeeded: fullPath != null
tcsncpy_s(fullPath, bufferLen, pszInstallDir);
tcsncat_s(fullPath, bufferLen, _T"\\MyApp.exe");
// use it
delete fullPath;
If you're in Unicode mode then LPCTSTR == LPCWSTR (in MBCS mode == LPCSTR instead). Either way the MessageBox macro should work for you - it'll choose between MessageBoxA or MessageBoxW as appropriate.
As ctacke points out below, this in on Windows CE and I can't assume you're going to have the _s functions. I think in the second case it's OK to use the non _s variants since we know the buffer is big enough, but in the first _sntprintf does not guarantee a trailing null on the output string (as the _s version does) and so we need to initialise the buffer ourselves first:
size_t bufferLen = MAX_PATH + 11;
TCHAR fullPath[bufferLen];
// zero the buffer out first
memset(fullPath, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * bufferLen);
// only write up to bufferLen - 1, i.e. ensure the last character is left zero
_sntprintf(fullPath, bufferLen - 1, _T("%s\\MyApp.exe"), pszInstallDir);
(It might also be possible to do this by omitting the memset and using _sntprintf's return value to find the end of the combined generated string and nul the next character.)
AFAICR Windows CE is Unicode only and so LPCTSTR == LPCWSTR always.
You can use string to be concatenated and then cast the result to LPCTSTR using ATL helpers like CA2T:
std::string filePath = "\\\\user\\Home\\";
std::string fileName = "file.ex";
std::string fullPath = filePath + fileName;
CA2T t(fullPath.c_str());
LPCTSTR lpctsrFullPath = t;