braintree hosted payment fields client undefined Ember 3.25 - ember.js

Ember and Braintree Hosted Fields are not a good mix so far, Braintree Support are out of ideas on this one. When the form renders on the page it calls the action to create the client. The client is undefined.
picture-this-44ac48bef9f8df633632a4d202da2379.js:57 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'client' of undefined
component hbs
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="demo-frame" {{did-insert this.setupBraintreeHostedFields}}>
<form action="/" method="post" id="cardForm" >
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="card-number">Card Number</label>
<div id="card-number" class="hosted-field"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="expiration-date">Expiration Date</label>
<div id="expiration-date" class="hosted-field"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="cvv">CVV</label>
<div id="cvv" class="hosted-field"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="postal-code">Postal Code</label>
<div id="postal-code" class="hosted-field"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<input type="submit" class="button button--small button--green" value="Purchase" id="submit"/>
component class
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
import { action } from '#ember/object';
import { inject as service } from '#ember/service';
import { tracked } from '#glimmer/tracking';
import { braintree } from 'braintree-web';
export default class CardPaymentComponent extends Component {
setupBraintreeHostedFields() {
var form = document.querySelector('#cardForm');
var authorization = 'sandbox_24nzd6x7_gyvpsk2myght4c2p';
authorization: authorization
}, function(err, clientInstance) {
if (err) {
function createHostedFields(clientInstance) {
client: clientInstance,
styles: {
'input': {
'font-size': '16px',
'font-family': 'courier, monospace',
'font-weight': 'lighter',
'color': '#ccc'
':focus': {
'color': 'black'
'.valid': {
'color': '#8bdda8'
fields: {
number: {
selector: '#card-number',
placeholder: '4111 1111 1111 1111'
cvv: {
selector: '#cvv',
placeholder: '123'
expirationDate: {
selector: '#expiration-date',
placeholder: 'MM/YYYY'
postalCode: {
selector: '#postal-code',
placeholder: '11111'
}, function (err, hostedFieldsInstance) {
var tokenize = function (event) {
hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize(function (err, payload) {
if (err) {
alert('Something went wrong. Check your card details and try again.');
alert('Submit your nonce (' + payload.nonce + ') to your server here!');
form.addEventListener('submit', tokenize, false);
"ember-cli": "^3.25.2",
"braintree-web": "^3.81.0",
** Final Solution **
NPM braintree-web not required. Component class does not have access to the Braintree Window object. Move the tags to the app/index.html as outlined in the accepted answer.
component hbs
<article class="rental">
<form action="/" method="post" id="cardForm">
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="card-number">Cardholder Name</label>
<div id="card-holder-name" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="card-number">Email</label>
<div id="email" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="card-number">Card Number</label>
<div id="card-number" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="expiration-date">Expiration Date</label>
<div id="expiration-date" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="cvv">CVV</label>
<div id="cvv" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<label class="hosted-fields--label" for="postal-code">Postal Code</label>
<div id="postal-code" class="hosted-field payment"></div>
<div class="button-container">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Purchase" id="submit"/>
var form = document.querySelector('#cardForm');
var authorization = 'sandbox_24nzd6x7_gyvpsk2myght4c2p';
authorization: authorization
}, function(err, clientInstance) {
if (err) {
function createHostedFields(clientInstance) {
client: clientInstance,
styles: {
'input': {
'font-size': '1.2em',
'font-family': 'courier, monospace',
'font-weight': 'lighter',
'color': '#ccc'
':focus': {
'color': 'black'
'.valid': {
'color': '#8bdda8'
fields: {
number: {
selector: '#card-number',
placeholder: '4111 1111 1111 1111'
cvv: {
selector: '#cvv',
placeholder: '123'
expirationDate: {
selector: '#expiration-date',
placeholder: 'MM/YYYY'
postalCode: {
selector: '#postal-code',
placeholder: '11111'
}, function (err, hostedFieldsInstance) {
var tokenize = function (event) {
hostedFieldsInstance.tokenize(function (err, payload) {
if (err) {
alert('Something went wrong. Check your card details and try again.');
alert('Submit your nonce (' + payload.nonce + ') to your server here!');
form.addEventListener('submit', tokenize, false);

You can use Braintree SDK via either the direct script tag or using the npm module with the help of ember-auto-import. In your case, you are using both.
For simplicity, let's use the script tag to inject the SDK. The issue in your snippet is that you are trying to load the script tag inside a component handlebar file. the handlebars (.hbs file) cannot load scripts using a <script> tag. We need to move the script tag to the index.html file present inside the app folder. This will load the SDK properly to be used inside a component.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
{{content-for "body-footer"}}
Once you inject the SDK properly, you can use the braintree window object without any issue.


Vue.js - Vuetify - Hard time to test a menu component

Given the following Toolbar component, I am trying to test the locale changing upon click on menu item ... but the wrapper content is not changing after a mouseover event on the menu selector ...
<v-toolbar height="80px" fixed>
<img src="#/assets/images/app_logo.png" alt="">
<v-menu bottom offset-y open-on-hover class="btn btn--flat" style="margin-bottom: 12px;">
<v-btn id="current-flag" flat slot="activator">
<img :src="flagImage(currentLocaleIndex)" width="24px">
<v-list-tile v-for="(locale, index) in locales" :key="index" #click="switchLocale(index)">
<div class="list__tile__avatar avatar--tile" #click="switchLocale(index)">
<img :src="flagImage(index)" width="24px">
<div class="list__tile__title" v-html="flagTitle(index)"></div>
<!-- MENU HOME-->
<v-btn flat #click="$router.push(">
<v-icon left>{{ menuItems.home.icon }}</v-icon>
<span>{{ menuItems.home.title | translate }}</span>
<!-- ABOUT HOME-->
<v-btn flat #click="$router.push(">
<v-icon left>{{ menuItems.about.icon }}</v-icon>
<span>{{ menuItems.about.title | translate }}</span>
// import i18n from '#/locales'
export default {
name: "Toolbar",
props: ["appName"],
data() {
return {
menuItems: {
home: { icon: "home", title: "Home", link: "/" },
about: { icon: "info", title: "About", link: "/about" }
locales: [
{ id: "en", title: "English", flag: "#/assets/images/flag_en_24.png" },
{ id: "fr", title: "Français", flag: "#/assets/images/flag_fr_24.png" },
{ id: "br", title: "Português", flag: "#/assets/images/flag_br_24.png" }
computed: {
currentLocaleIndex: function() {
let index = this.locales.findIndex(o => === this.$i18n.locale);
return index;
currentLocaleTitle: function() {
let obj = this.locales.find(o => === this.$i18n.locale);
return obj.title;
currentLocaleFlag: function() {
let obj = this.locales.find(o => === this.$i18n.locale);
return obj.flag;
methods: {
flagImage: function(index) {
return require("#/assets/images/flag_" +
this.locales[index].id +
flagTitle: function(index) {
return this.locales[index].title;
switchLocale: function(index) {
this.$i18n.locale = this.locales[index].id;
mounted() {}
import Vue from "vue";
import router from "#/router";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
import i18n from "#/locales";
import { mount, shallowMount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import Toolbar from "#/components/shared/Toolbar.vue";
describe("App.vue", () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
Vue.filter("translate", function(value) {
if (!value) return "";
value = "" + value.toString();
return i18n.t(value);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('data-app', true);
it("should change locale", () => {
// given
wrapper = mount(Toolbar, { router, i18n });
console.log('CURRENT LOCALE INDEX: ', wrapper.vm.currentLocaleIndex);
// console.log(wrapper.html());
const currentFlagBtn = wrapper.find("#current-flag");
wrapper.vm.$nextTick( () => {
// const localesBtn = wrapper.findAll("btn");
// when
//"click"); // French locale
// then
// expect(wrapper.wrapper.vm.currentLocaleIndex).toBe(1);
console.log tests/unit/Toolbar.spec.js:32
console.log tests/unit/Toolbar.spec.js:35
<button type="button" class="v-btn v-btn--flat" id="current-flag"><div class="v-btn__content"><img src="[object Object]" width="24px"></div></button>
console.log tests/unit/Toolbar.spec.js:38
<nav class="v-toolbar v-toolbar--fixed" style="margin-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; transform: translateY(0px);">
<div class="v-toolbar__content" style="height: 80px;">
<div class="v-toolbar__title">
<img src="#/assets/images/app_logo.png" alt="">
<div class="v-menu btn btn--flat v-menu--inline" style="margin-bottom: 12px;">
<div class="v-menu__activator">
<button type="button" class="v-btn v-btn--flat" id="current-flag">
<div class="v-btn__content">
<img src="[object Object]" width="24px">
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="v-toolbar__items">
<button type="button" class="v-btn v-btn--flat">
<div class="v-btn__content">
<i aria-hidden="true"class="v-icon v-icon--left material-icons">home</i>
<button type="button" class="v-btn v-btn--flat">
<div class="v-btn__content">
<i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon v-icon--left material-icons">info</i>
I found a solution, but maybe someone can explain why :$emit('click'); // OK
and'click'); // NOT OK
this is the spec which is running fine :
import Vue from "vue";
import router from "#/router";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
import i18n from "#/locales";
import { mount, shallowMount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import Toolbar from "#/components/shared/Toolbar.vue";
describe("Toolbar.vue", () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
Vue.filter("translate", function(value) {
if (!value) return "";
value = "" + value.toString();
return i18n.t(value);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('data-app', true);
it("should change locale", async () => {
// given
wrapper = shallowMount(Toolbar, { router, i18n });
console.log('CURRENT LOCALE INDEX: ', wrapper.vm.currentLocaleIndex);
const btnFlags = wrapper.findAll("v-list-tile-stub");
// when$emit('click');
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();
// then
console.log('NEW LOCALE INDEX: ', wrapper.vm.currentLocaleIndex);

I'm using Angular 1.6 with django, if i refresh a page django serves the html file but controllers are not loading

I'm sharing my main.js, controller.js, home_page.html, index.html file below. Please some one help me fix the issue which is, when i was in the home page ('') and try to refresh the page im getting only the html page and all the contents in the rootScope or scope disappears. But this is usual but i don't know how to again gain the data from the controller.
.state("base", {
url : "/",
views : {
"main-content" : {
controller : "baseController",
template : "<div ui-view='content'></div>"
.state("base.login", {
url : "account/login/",
views : {
"content" : {
controller : "loginController",
templateUrl : "/account/login/"
.state("base.register", {
url : "account/register/",
views : {
"content" : {
controller : "registerController",
templateUrl : "/account/register/"
.state("base.home", {
url : "home/",
views : {
"content" : {
controller : "homeController",
templateUrl : "/home/"
.state("base.changepassword", {
url : "settings/",
views : {
"content" : {
controller : "changePasswordController",
templateUrl : "/settings/"
myApp.controller('homeController', ['$http', '$scope', '$window', '$rootScope', function($http, $scope, $window, $rootScope) {
// debugger;
if (! $rootScope.currentUser.first_name) {
var search_payload = {
"email": $
url: '/api/current/user/',
method: "POST",
data : search_payload,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(function(response) {
$rootScope.currentUser =;
console.log("Current User - ", $rootScope.currentUser);
$scope.clear_cookie = function ($event) {
console.log("Clear Cookie");
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = cookies[i];
var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("=");
var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie;
document.cookie = name + "=;expires=Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:00:00 GMT";
url: '/api/logout/',
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(function(response) {
if ( == 'success') {
window.location = '/';
$scope.submit = function ($event, currentUser, isValid) {
if (isValid) {
var search_payload = {
"update": "true",
"username": currentUser.username,
"first_name": currentUser.first_name,
"last_name": currentUser.last_name,
"age": currentUser.age,
"address": currentUser.address
url: '/api/current/user/',
method: "POST",
data : search_payload,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(function(response) {
$rootScope.currentUser =;
console.log("Current User - ", $rootScope.currentUser);
if( == 'success') {
title: "Success",
text: "Successfully updated your profile.",
icon: "success",
button: "Okay!",
} else {
title: "Failed",
text: "Something went wrong sorry please try again after sometime.",
icon: "error",
button: "Okay!",
} else {
title: "Failed",
text: "Please correct the errors and submit the form.",
icon: "error",
button: "Okay!",
<div class="login_form_class" ng-if="currentUser.username">
<form name="updateForm">
{% csrf_token %}
<div name="login_form" class="login_form col-md-4">
<div class="header">PROFILE</div>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="username">USERNAME</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="text" id="username" name="username" ng-init="username='{$ currentUser.username $}'" ng-model="currentUser.username" placeholder="{$ currentUser.username $}" value="{$ currentUser.username $}" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+"/>
<div role="alert">
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.username.$error.pattern">Must contain only alphanumeric Special characters are not allowed</span>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="first_name">FIRST NAME</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" ng-init="first_name='{$ currentUser.first_name $}'" ng-model="currentUser.first_name" placeholder="{$ currentUser.first_name $}" value="{$ currentUser.first_name $}" pattern="[A-Za-z]+"/>
<div role="alert">
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.first_name.$error.pattern">Must contain only alphabets</span>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="last_name">LAST NAME</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="text" id="last_name" name="last_name" ng-init="last_name='{$ currentUser.last_name $}'" ng-model="currentUser.last_name" placeholder="{$ currentUser.last_name $}" value="{$ currentUser.last_name $}" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+"/>
<div role="alert">
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.last_name.$error.pattern">Must contain only alphabets</span>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="age">AGE</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="text" id="age" name="age" ng-init="age='{$ currentUser.age $}'" ng-model="currentUser.age" placeholder="{$ currentUser.age $}" value="{$ currentUser.age $}" ng-minlength="2" ng-maxlength="2" pattern="[0-9]{2}"/>
<div role="alert">
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.age.$error.minlength">Must have a number</span>
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.age.$error.maxlength">Must be two digit</span>
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="updateForm.age.$error.pattern">Must be an integer</span>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="email">EMAIL</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="email" id="email" ng-init="email='{$ $}'" ng-model="" placeholder="{$ $}" value="{$ $}" disabled/>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="mobile">MOBILE</label>
<input class="input_box col-md-7" type="text" id="mobile" name="mobile" ng-init="mobile='{$ $}'" ng-model="" placeholder="{$ $}" value="{$ $}" ng-minlength="10" ng-maxlength="10" pattern="[0-9]{10}" />
<div role="alert">
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="$error.minlength">Must contain 10 digits</span>
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="$error.maxlength">Must contain only 10 digits</span>
<span class="error error_msg pull-right" ng-show="$error.pattern">Must contain only numbers</span>
<label class="input_label col-md-5" for="address">ADDRESS</label>
<textarea class="input_box col-md-7" id="address" ng-init="address='{$ currentUser.address $}'" ng-model="currentUser.address" placeholder="{$ currentUser.address $}">{$ currentUser.address $}</textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info update_btn" ng-click="submit($event, currentUser, updateForm.$valid)">SAVE CHANGES</button>
<script src=""></script>
var cookie = document.cookie.split('=')[1];
var search_payload = {
"email": cookie.split(';')[0]
var promise = $.ajax({
url: '/api/current/user/',
method: 'POST',
data: search_payload
promise.done(function(response) {
// $rootScope.currentUser = response;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<div class="content_panel" ui-view="main-content"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var csrftoken = Cookies.get('csrftoken');
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'ngMaterial', 'ngMessages', 'ngSanitize', 'ui.router']);
<script src="{% static 'main.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'controllers.js' %}"></script>

I am try to login with django using Angular4

i create Rest API for login in Django and i want to call it in angular4
heare is my angular4 code
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router } from '#angular/router';
import { Http, Response, Headers} from '#angular/http';
selector: 'app-login',
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./login.component.css']
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private router:Router, private http:Http) { }
getData = [];
with this function i get data from my APIand i am trying to compare this data with form data
fatchData = function(){
this.http.get("").subscribe((res:Response) => {
this.getData = res.json();
var username =[0].value;
var password =[1].value;
if(username == 'this.getData.username' && password == 'this.getData.password')
console.log('Error Find');
ngOnInit() {
this is my login.comonents.login i want that when user give user name and password its compare with my API data and it's true then navigate to other page..
<form (submit)="loginUser($event)">
<div class="input">
<input type="text">
<div class="input">
<input type="password">
<div class="input">
<input type="submit" value="Login">

Vue.js unit test w avoriaz , how to test submit event

I am trying to test a form submit.. it seems that trigger is not appropriate
1) calls store action login when the form is submitted
TypeError: wrapper.find(...).trigger is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (webpack:///test/unit/specs/pages/LoginPage.spec.js:35:28 <- index.js:50826:29)
my vue component to be tested
<div class="container">
<div class="login-page">
<h1 class="title">Login to existing account</h1>
<form #submit.prevent="submit()" class="form form--login grid">
<div class="row">
<label for="login__email">Email</label>
<input type="text" id="login__email" class="input--block" v-model="email" v-on:keyup="clearErrorMessage" />
<div class="row">
<label for="login__password">Password</label>
<input type="password" id="login__password" class="input--block" v-model="password" v-on:keyup="clearErrorMessage" />
</div><!-- /.row -->
<div class="row">
<button id="submit" type="submit">Login</button>
</div><!-- /.row -->
<div v-show='hasError' class="row">
<p class="error">Invalid credentials</p>
</div><!-- /.login-page -->
import store from '#/vuex/store'
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import _ from 'underscore'
export default {
name: 'loginPage',
data () {
return {
email: '',
password: 'john123',
hasError: false
methods: _.extend({}, mapActions(['login']), {
clearErrorMessage () {
this.hasError = false
submit () {
return this.login({user: { email:, password: this.password }})
.then((logged) => {
if (logged) {
} else {
this.hasError = true
import LoginPage from '#/pages/LoginPage'
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import { mount } from 'avoriaz'
describe('LoginPage.vue', () => {
let actions
let getters
let store
beforeEach(() => {
actions = {
login: sinon.stub()
getters = {
isAuthenticated: () => {
state => state.isAuthenticated
store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
isAuthenticated: false,
currentUserId: ''
it('calls store action login when the form is submitted', (done) => {
const wrapper = mount(LoginPage, { store })
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
Should be trigger 'click' on the form tag !
it('calls store action login when the form is submitted', (done) => {
const wrapper = mount(LoginPage, { store })
const form = wrapper.find('form')[0]
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {

Activeadmin Rails 4 TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar is not a function

Am using rails 4 in my application with active admin gem. i am using fullcalender to show the events.
my code is below index.html.erb
<br />
<div class="link_back">
<%= link_to "Back", meeting_rooms_path, class: "btn-sm btn-primary" %>
<br />
<%= render 'errors' %>
<%=link_to 'Create Event', new_event_url(meeting_room_id: params["meeting_room_id"]), :id => 'new_event' %>
<br />
<!-- <div>
<div class='calendar'></div>
</div> -->
<div id='calendar'>
<div id = "desc_dialog" class="dialog" style ="display:none;">
<div id = "event_desc">
<div id = "event_actions">
<span id = "edit_event"></span>
<span id = "delete_event"></span>
<div id = "create_event_dialog" class="dialog" style ="display:none;">
<div id = "create_event">
// page is now ready, initialize the calendar...
$('#new_event').click(function(event) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
url: url,
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
success: function(data) {
title: 'New Event',
modal: true,
width: 500,
close: function(event, ui) { $('#create_event_dialog').dialog('destroy') }
editable: true,
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
//defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
defaultView: 'month',
height: 500,
slotMinutes: 15,
loading: function(bool){
if (bool)
events: "/events/get_events?meeting_room_id=<%= params[:meeting_room_id]%>",
timeFormat: 'h:mm t{ - h:mm t} ',
dragOpacity: "0.5",
eventDrop: function(event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay, revertFunc){
// if (confirm("Are you sure about this change?")) {
moveEvent(event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay);
// }
// else {
// revertFunc();
// }
eventResize: function(event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, revertFunc){
// if (confirm("Are you sure about this change?")) {
resizeEvent(event, dayDelta, minuteDelta);
// }
// else {
// revertFunc();
// }
eventClick: function(event, jsEvent, view){
if ((<%= %>) == event.user_id){
the same fullcalender i have used with normal rails 4 applicaiton its working fine.
but with activeadmin its throwing the javascript error as,
TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar is not a function
and the calender is not displaying in view
Because of this error am not able to continue pls help ..
You are not importing fullcalendar js and css files, add these lines
in app/assets/javascripts/
#= require fullcalendar
in app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.css.scss
#import "fullcalendar"