Casting regex match to String - regex

I created a simple code in Scala that checks whether an input is correctly formatted as HH:mm. I expect the code to result in an Array of valid strings. However, what I'm getting as a result is of type Any = Array(), which is problematic as when I try to print that result I get something like that:
I guess it's a simple problem but being a Scala newbie I didn't manage to solve it even after a good few hours of googling and trial & error.
val scheduleHours = if (inputScheduleHours == "") {
dbutils.notebook.exit(s"ERROR: Missing param value for schedule hours.")
else {
val timePattern = """^((?:[0-30]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9])$""".r
val inputScheduleHoursParsed = inputScheduleHours.split(";").map(_.trim)
for (e <- inputScheduleHoursParsed) yield e match {
case timePattern(e) => e.toString
case _ => dbutils.notebook.exit(s"ERROR: Wrong param value for schedule hours: '${inputScheduleHours}'")

The problem is that some branches return the result you want and others return dbutils.notebook.exit which (I think) returns Unit. Scala must pick a type for the result that is compatible with both Unit and Array[String], and Any is the only one that fits.
One solution is to add a compatible value after the calls to dbutils.notebook.exit, e.g.
val scheduleHours = if (inputScheduleHours == "") {
dbutils.notebook.exit(s"ERROR: Missing param value for schedule hours.")
Then all the branches return Array[String] so that will be the type of the result.


Linq get element from string list and a position of a char in this list

i want to get an element from a list of string and get the position of a char in this list by using linq ?
Example :
List<string> lines = new List<string> { "TOTO=1", "TATA=2", "TUTU=3"}
I want to extract the value 1 from TOTO in the list
here is the begin of my code
var value= lines.ToList().Single(x =>x.Contains("TOTO=")).ToString().Trim();
How to continue this code to extract 1 ?
Add this :
value = value[(value.LastIndexOf('=') + 1)..];
Using LINQ you can do this:
List<string> lines = new List<string> { "TOTO=1", "TATA=2", "TUTU=3" };
int value = lines
.Select(line => line.Split('='))
.Where(parts => parts[0] == "TOTO")
.Select(parts => int.Parse(parts[1]))
If you always expect each item in that list to be in the proper format then this should work, otherwise you'd need to add some validation.
Similar to What #jtate proposed, Some minor enhancements can help.
int value = lines
.Select(line => line.Split(new []{ '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
.Where(parts => string.Equals(parts[0], "TOTO", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.Select(parts => int.Parse(parts[1]))
SingleOrDefault - If you don't find any elements matching your constraints, Single() would thow an exception. Here, SingleOrDefault would return 0;
String.Equals - would take care of any upper lowere or any culture related problems.
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries - would limit some unecessary iterations and improve performance.
Also see if you need int.TryParse instead of int.Prase. All these checks would help cover edges cases in production

How to use match with regular expressions in Scala

I am starting to learn Scala and want to use regular expressions to match a character from a string so I can populate a mutable map of characters and their value (String values, numbers etc) and then print the result.
I have looked at several answers on SO and gone over the Scala Docs but can't seem to get this right. I have a short Lexer class that currently looks like this:
class Lexer {
private val tokens: mutable.Map[String, Any] = collection.mutable.Map()
private def checkCharacter(char: Character): Unit = {
val Operator = "[-+*/^%=()]".r
val Digit = "[\\d]".r
val Other = "[^\\d][^-+*/^%=()]".r
char.toString match {
case Operator(c) => tokens(c) = "Operator"
case Digit(c) => tokens(c) = Integer.parseInt(c)
case Other(c) => tokens(c) = "Other" // Temp value, write function for this
def lex(input: String): Unit = {
val inputArray = input.toArray
for (s <- inputArray)
for((key, value) <- tokens)
println(key + ": " + value)
I'm pretty confused by the sort of strange method syntax, Operator(c), that I have seen being used to handle the value to match and am also unsure if this is the correct way to use regex in Scala. I think what I want this code to do is clear, I'd really appreciate some help understanding this. If more info is needed I will supply what I can
This official doc has lot's of examples: What might be confusing is the type of the regular expression and its use in pattern matching...
You can construct a regex from any string by using .r:
scala> val regex = "(something)".r
regex: scala.util.matching.Regex = (something)
Your regex becomes an object that has a few useful methods to be able to find matching groups like findAllIn.
In Scala it's idiomatic to use pattern matching for safe extraction of values, thus Regex class also has unapplySeq method to support pattern matching. This makes it an extractor object. You can use it directly (not common):
scala> regex.unapplySeq("something")
res1: Option[List[String]] = Some(List(something))
or you can let Scala compiler call it for you when you do pattern matching:
scala> "something" match {
| case regex(x) => x
| case _ => ???
| }
res2: String = something
You might ask why exactly this return type on unapply/unapplySeq. The doc explains it very well:
The return type of an unapply should be chosen as follows:
If it is just a test, return a Boolean. For instance case even().
If it returns a single sub-value of type T, return an Option[T].
If you want to return several sub-values T1,...,Tn, group them in an optional tuple Option[(T1,...,Tn)].
Sometimes, the number of values to extract isn’t fixed and we would
like to return an arbitrary number of values, depending on the input.
For this use case, you can define extractors with an unapplySeq method
which returns an Option[Seq[T]]. Common examples of these patterns
include deconstructing a List using case List(x, y, z) => and
decomposing a String using a regular expression Regex, such as case
r(name, remainingFields # _*) =>
In short your regex might match one or more groups, thus you need to return a list/seq. It has to be wrapped in an Option to comply with extractor contract.
The way you are using regex is correct, I would just map your function over the input array to avoid creating mutable maps. Perhaps something like this:
class Lexer {
private def getCharacterType(char: Character): Any = {
val Operator = "([-+*/^%=()])".r
val Digit = "([\\d])".r
//val Other = "[^\\d][^-+*/^%=()]".r
char.toString match {
case Operator(c) => "Operator"
case Digit(c) => Integer.parseInt(c)
case _ => "Other" // Temp value, write function for this
def lex(input: String): Unit = {
val inputArray = input.toArray
val tokens = => x -> getCharacterType(x))
for((key, value) <- tokens)
println(key + ": " + value)
scala> val l = new Lexer()
l: Lexer = Lexer#60f662bd
scala> l.lex("a-1")
a: Other
-: Operator
1: 1

Spark: Add Regex column into Row

I am writing a spark job which iterates through dataset and finds matches, here's what the pseudo code looks like:
def map(data: Dataset[Row], queries: Array[Row]): Dataset[Row] = {
import spark.implicits._
val val1 = data
.flatMap(r => {
val text = r.getAs[String]("text");
queries.filter(t => t.getAs[String]("query").r.findFirstIn(message).text)
So, it iterates through the data and performs regex matching. The issue is, it tries to convert string into regex (t.getAs[String]("query").r) every time, and I am trying to swap it outside the loop as it's not really needed.
So, I tried this (where queries array is generated):
val convertToRegex = udf[Regex, String]((arg:String) => if(arg != null) arg.r else null)
queries.withColumn("queryR", convertToRegex(col("query"))) //queries is DataFrame here
However, as expected, it threw an error saying (Schema for type scala.util.matching.Regex is not supported).
Is there any way I can add a Regex column into an array or create a temp column before stating the iteration?

Match case not behaving the same as Regex.findAll

I have a little helper method, which has to normalize some money values. Hence, I wrote some regular expressions, which should detect different ways of representing them. Strangely they only trigger if used with Regex.findAllIn(..), but not if used in a match case statement.
val result = extractAmount("23772.90")
def extractAmount(amountStr: String): BigDecimal = {
val Plain = """^\d+$""".r
val Dot = """^(\d+)\.(\d*)$""".r
val Comma = """^(\d+),(\d*)$""".r
val DotComma = """^(\d+)\.(\d+),(\d*)$""".r
val CommaDot = """^(\d+),(\d+)\.(\d*)$""".r
if (Dot.findAllIn(amountStr).hasNext)
amountStr match {
case Plain(value) => new java.math.BigDecimal(value)
case Dot(values) => new BigDecimal(s"${values(0)}.${values(1)}")
case Comma(values) => new BigDecimal(s"${values(0)}.${values(1)}")
case DotComma(values) => new BigDecimal(s"${values(0)}${values(1)}.${values(2)}")
case CommaDot(values) => new BigDecimal(s"${values(0)}${values(1)}.${values(2)}")
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Money amount string -->${amountStr}<-- did not match any pattern.")
Debugger output hitting Regex.findAllIn(..):
Debugger output not hitting the match case for Dot(values):
Also interesting might be following error message in the debugger:
Using scala version 2.11.8.
I am puzzled, for sure overlooking something obvious. Thankful for a hint.
Instead of doing e.g.
case Dot(values) => new BigDecimal(s"${values(0)}.${values(1)}")
rewrite the usage of your Regex extractors like this:
case Dot(a, b) => new BigDecimal(s"$a.$b")
The amount of arguments in each extractor must match the amount of groups your regex contains (here: 2). Each argument is just a string that represents the content of one single group.

How does regex capturing work in scala?

Here is an example:
object RegexTest {
def main (args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val input = "Enjoy this apple 3.14 times"
val pattern = """.* apple ([\d.]+) times""".r
val pattern(amountText) = input
val amount = amountText.toDouble
I understand what this does, but how does val pattern(amountText) = input actually work? It looks very weird to me.
What that line is doing is calling Regex.unapplySeq (which is also called an extractor) to deconstruct input into a list of captured groups, and then bind each group to a new variable. In this particular scenario, only one group is expected to be captured and bound to the value amountText.
Validation aside, this is kinda what's going on behind the scenes:
val capturedGroups = pattern.unapplySeq(input)
val amountText = capturedGroups(0)
// And this:
val pattern(a, b, c) = input
// Would be equivalent to this:
val capturedGroups = pattern.unapplySeq(input)
val a = capturedGroups(0)
val b = capturedGroups(1)
val c = capturedGroups(2)
It is very similar in essence to extracting tuples:
val (a, b) = (2, 3)
Or even pattern matching:
(2,3) match {
case (a, b) =>
In both of these cases, Tuple.unapply is being called.
I suggest you have a look at this page : It is the official tutorial regarding extractors which this the pattern you are looking for.
I find that looking at the source makes it clear how it works :
Then, note that your code val pattern(amountText) = input is perfectly working, but, you must be sure about the input and be sure that there is a match with the regex.
Otherwise, I recommend you to write it this way :
input match {
case pattern(amountText) => ...
case _ => ...