Amazon DynamoDB read latency while writing - amazon-web-services

I have an Amazon DynamoDB table which is used for both read and write operations. Write operations are performed only when the batch job runs at certain intervals whereas Read operations are happening consistently throughout the day.
I am facing a problem of increased Read latency when there is significant amount of write operations are happening due to the batch jobs. I explored a little bit about having a separate read replica for DynamoDB but nothing much of use. Global tables are not an option because that's not what they are for.
Any ideas how to solve this?

Going by the Dynamo paper, the concept of a read-replica for a record or a table does not exist in Dynamo. Within the same region, you will have multiple copies of a record depending on the replication factor (R+W > N) where N is the replication factor. However when the client reads, one of those records are returned depending on the cluster health.
Depending on how the co-ordinator node is chosen either at the client library or at the cluster, the client can only ask for a record (get) or send a record(put) to either the cluster co-ordinator ( 1 extra hop ) or to the node assigned to the record (single hop to record). There is just no way for the client to say 'give me a read replica from another node'. The replicas are there for fault-tolerance, if one of the nodes containing the master copy of the record dies, replicas will be used.
I am researching the same problem in the context of hot keys. Every record gets assigned to a node in Dynamo. So a million reads on the same record will lead to hot keys, loss of reads/writes etc. How to deal with this ? A read-replica will work great because I can now manage the hot keys at the application and move all extra reads to read-replica(s). This is again fraught with issues.


Why sometimes the DynamoDB is extremely slow?

I am developing an application using DynamoDB. This application is not yet open to the public so only certain employees can access the application.
Generally, the application is very fast and there are no performance issues. Sometimes, however, the application is extremely slow.
At first I suspected that the problem comes from React JS application or from the API but that problem is from DynamoDB.
How can I affirm this?
I tested by stopping Node JS (so the API was offline)
I tested directly in the AWS console in "Explore table items" screens and in "PartiQL editor" screens
And DynamoDB was very very slow and I get this error:
The level of configured provisioned throughput for one or more global secondary indexes of the table was exceeded.
Consider increasing your provisioning level for the under-provisioned global secondary indexes with the UpdateTable API
I cannot understand because no application is running.
So why DynamoDB because slow ?
---> Maybe there is a bug in the API. Engineer are works on that.
But why does the DynamoDB keep running slow when API was offline?
How can I "restart" and/or "stop" DynamoDB service?
Best regards
Update: 2022-09-05 17h42 (Japan Time)
I created two videos to illustrate what I say (Sorry for the delay because to create the videos I had to wait for the database bugs):
Normal Case: DynamoDB is very very fast
Issue Case: DynamoDB is very very slow
---> On my example, I have only 52 Users so this is bug not normal.
The error message is giving you a potential cause for your perceived slowness.
I suspect that what you perceive as slowness is because the throughput of the Global Secondary Index your app is reading from is exhausted, and the app (or the AWS SDK) is performing exponential backoff to retry the API call.
The one dimension you scale DynamoDB with aside from the Key schema is Throughput. You decide how many requests per second (it's a bit more complicated than that) DynamoDB can handle, and AWS ensures that load can be served. If you go beyond that, AWS throttles API calls, and you receive the errors.
GSIs have their own throughput that you can manage. I suggest you take a look at the provided metrics to identify where your throughput bottleneck is and adjust the throughput accordingly. If you don't want to deal with throughput at all, switch the table to On-Demand Capacity (Pay per request) and AWS handles that for you at a small premium.
The error message mentions provisioned throughput of a GSI, so it is quite likely that this is your problem:
The DynamoDB GSI documentation explains that
When you create a global secondary index on a provisioned mode table, you must specify read and write capacity units for the expected workload on that index. The provisioned throughput settings of a global secondary index are separate from those of its base table. A Query operation on a global secondary index consumes read capacity units from the index, not the base table. When you put, update or delete items in a table, the global secondary indexes on that table are also updated. These index updates consume write capacity units from the index, not from the base table.
For example, if you accidentally set a GSI's read provisioning to 1, then you can only do on average one read per second from this GSI. If you do a scan that needs to return 10 items, it may take around 10 seconds to complete. Even if no other application is using the table.
Please read the aforementioned link for the full story on how to provision secondary indexes in DynamoDB.
If this is not your problem, please update your question with details on the provisioned throughput settings of your base table and its GSI.

Is it possible to write to DynamoDB only when spare capacity is available?

I am working on an application which receives very predictable, heavy traffic during working hours. Users typically interact with the app for about 40 minutes at a time. DynamoDB table A receives a steady stream of writes throughout user sessions and handles things without difficulty. We attempt to write a large amount of data to table B at the end of each session, however, and early in the day this can result in throttling. Our tables are billed on-demand (no, this is not something I am able to change), but the sudden spike in writes still causes throttling, which is expected.
The data being written to table A is both critical and time sensitive. The data going to table B is critical and must not be lost, but delays in data availability from table B on the order of a few hours is acceptable, but not ideal. So I'm looking for a way to say "please write this to the table ASAP, but only as long as it won't cause throttling". Provisioning for the expected capacity is not an option (don't ask). An SQS queue with a long message delay doesn't really fit the bill because (a) 15 minutes may not be long enough and (b) it doesn't meet the "ASAP" part of the story. I've considered pre-warming the table, but that's just cludgy.
So... you take all the expected ways to handle this that were designed and provided by AWS then say you can't use them. That... doesn't leave you much options.
You're pretty much left with designing some custom architecture. Throttling, provisioning, burst provisioning, on demand, and all are all part of the package for handling these kinds of bursts. If you can't use them, then you'll have to do something like write the entry as a json to an s3 bucket and have some cron event pick them up in an hour or something one a time and batch write them to the table.
You may want to take a look at how your table is arranged. If you are having to make a lot of writes all at once (ie, because you have to duplicate data through multiple PK/SK combinations in order to be able to recall it with a single query) then an RDS may be better suited for the task at hand. Dynamo is more for quick and snappy queries and not really for extended data logging or storage.
Here's the secret to DDB on-demand...
From the page you linked to
For new on-demand tables, you can immediately drive up to 4,000 write
request units or 12,000 read request units, or any linear combination
of the two. For an existing table that you switched to on-demand
capacity mode, the previous peak is half the previous provisioned
throughput for the tableā€”or the settings for a newly created table
with on-demand capacity mode, whichever is higher. For more
information, see Initial throughput for on-demand capacity mode.
And the Inital throughput for on-demand capacity mode page says:
Initial Throughput for On-Demand Capacity Mode If you recently
switched an existing table to on-demand capacity mode for the first
time, or if you created a new table with on-demand capacity mode
enabled, the table has the following previous peak settings, even
though the table has not served traffic previously using on-demand
capacity mode:
Newly created table with on-demand capacity mode: The previous peak is
2,000 write request units or 6,000 read request units. You can drive
up to double the previous peak immediately, which enables newly
created on-demand tables to serve up to 4,000 write request units or
12,000 read request units, or any linear combination of the two.
Existing table switched to on-demand capacity mode: The previous peak
is half the maximum write capacity units and read capacity units
provisioned since the table was created, or the settings for a newly
created table with on-demand capacity mode, whichever is higher. In
other words, your table will deliver at least as much throughput as it
did prior to switching to on-demand capacity mode.
The key thing to realize is that DDB on-demand "peaks" are never lowered..
So if you have a table that at some point peaked at 20K WCU, you can scale cleanly from 1-20K without throttling.
In other words, you shouldn't continue to see throttling in an app unless you hit a new peak.
You can also artificially set the peak by changing the table to provisioned at double the expected peak. Then when you convert it back to on-demand, you'll have a "peak" set for half the provisioned capacity.

How does the snapshot size affects restore process in Amazon Redshift?

I am doing some POC around creating a cluster from a snapshot. But I am uncertain about the time it takes to restore from an existing snapshot. Sometimes it takes around 10 mins but sometimes it also takes as long as 30 min.
Is there any data(size of snapshot) vs time breakup is available?
What operations does redshift perform in the background during the restore process?
Redshift restore from snapshot does not require a full repopulate of data before the cluster is available. Cluster availability is based on having the hardware, OS, and application up alone with populating the leader node (blocklist mostly). Once these are in place the cluster can take queries and if the table data is not yet loaded into the cluster from the snapshot the restore of the data blocks needed will be prioritized and the query will run slow until these blocks are populated. Since most queries are based on a minority of "hot" blocks the query speed for most will be as fast as usual fairly quickly.
I know this just complicates the analysis you are performing but this is how restore works. I expect you are seeing variability based on many factors and a small one of these is the size of the blocklist table on the leader node. How does the time for creating an empty cluster compare? How variable is this?

How do you handle Amazon Kinesis Record duplicates?

According to the Amazon Kinesis Streams documentation, a record can be delivered multiple times.
The only way to be sure to process every record just once is to temporary store them in a database that supports Integrity checks (e.g. DynamoDB, Elasticache or MySQL/PostgreSQL) or just checkpoint the RecordId for each Kinesis shard.
Do you know a better / more efficient way of handling duplicates?
We had exactly that problem when building a telemetry system for a mobile app. In our case we were also unsure that producers where sending each message exactly once, therefore for each received record we calculated its MD5 on the fly and checked whether it is presented in some form of a persistent storage, but indeed what storage to use is the trickiest bit.
Firstly, we tried trivial relational database, but it quickly became a major bottleneck of the whole system as this isn't just read-heavy but also write-heavy case, since the volume of data going though Kinesis was quite significant.
We ended up having a DynamoDB table storing MD5's for each unique message. The issue we had was that it wasn't so easy to delete the messages - even though our table contained partition and sort keys, DynamoDB does not allow to drop all records with a given partition key, we had to query all of the to get sort key values (which wastes time and capacity). Unfortunately, we had to just simply drop the whole table once in a while. Another way suboptimal solution is to regularly rotate DynamoDB tables which store message identifiers.
However, recently DynamoDB introduced a very handy feature - Time To Live, which means that now we can control the size of a table by enabling auto-expiry on a per record basis. In that sense DynamoDB seems to be quite similar to ElastiCache, however ElastiCache (at least Memcached cluster) is much less durable - there is no redundancy there, and all data residing on terminated nodes is lost in case of scale in operation or failure.
The thing you mentioned is a general problem of all queue systems with "at least once" approach. Also, not just the queue systems, the producers and consumers both may process the same message multiple times (due to ReadTimeout errors etc.). Kinesis and Kafka both uses that paradigm. Unfortunately there is not an easy answer for that.
You may also try to use an "exactly-once" message queue, with stricter transaction approach. For example AWS SQS does that: . Be aware, SQS throughput is far smaller than Kinesis.
To solve your problem, you should be aware of your application domain and try to solve it internally like you suggested (database checks). Especially when you communicate with an external service (let's say an email server for example), you should be able to recover the operation state in order to prevent double processing (because double sending in the email server example, may result in multiple copies of the same post in the recipient's mailbox).
See also the following concepts;
At-least-once Delivery:
Exactly-once Delivery:
Idempotent Processor:

RDS - max replica lag when using read replica

I am using RDS's read replica mechanism for a schema update to a very large Mysql table.
I ran an Alter command which locks the table for a long period of time (more than 24 hours).
In that period of time my read replica was not getting updated and I noticed the Replica lag value was slowly increasing.
When the table update was complete I saw that the Replica lag was slowly decreasing until the read replica finally caught up with the original DB.
While my Alter command was running, I did a small experiment and occasionally updated a specific row so I can follow it on my read replica. My experiment showed that the updates to this specific row indeed eventually happened also in the read replica (after the table was unlocked).
Based on the above experiment result I assume all updates that were blocked while my read replica was updating eventually were also performed on my replicated DB after the table modification but it would be hard to prove something like that for such a big table and such a long period of time.
I couldn't find any official documentation on how this mechanism works and I was wondering where exactly all these updates are buffered and what would be the limit of this buffer (e.g. when will I start loosing changes that occured on my master DB)?
This is covered in the documentation. Specifically, the replica ("slave") server's relay log is the place where the changes usually wait until they are actually executes on the replica.
But, the limit to how far behind a replica can be -- but still, eventually, have data identical to the master -- is a combination of factors. It should not ever quietly "misplace" any of the buffered changes, as long as it's being monitored.
Each time the data on the master database changes, the master writes a replication event to its binary log, and these logs are delivered to the replica, usually in near-real-time, where they are stored, pretty much as-sent, in the relay logs, as the first step in a 2-step process.
The second step is for the replica to read through those logs, sequentially, and modify its local data set, according to what the master server sent. The statements are typically executed sequentially.
The two biggest factors that determine how far behind a replica can safely become are the amount of storage available for relay logs on the replica and the amount of storage plus log retention time on the master. RDS has additional logic on top of "stock" MySQL Server to prevent the master from purging its copy of the log until the replica(s) have received them.