VSCode Extension Run Code can't run C++ in terminal - c++

I am new in C++. I like VSCode very much. I want to run my C++ code in VSCode and so I am using MinGW and Run Code Extension of VSCode.
MinGW setup worked and I could also run my C++ code in the output terminal in VSCode, but when I enabled Code Runner in the settings to run my code in the terminal (so that I can take inputs), I am getting this error:
bash: cd: d:\CodeForces" && g++ inSearchOfAnEasyProblem.cpp -o inSearchOfAnEasyProblem && d:CodeForces"inSearchOfAnEasyProblem: No such file or directory
My Folder structure is: d://CodeForces//inSearchOfAnEasyProblem.cpp
I am trying to run this file: inSearchOfAnEasyProblem.cpp
I am using the Bash terminal. I tried to change the terminal to cmd, but when I click the run button of code runner, it always runs in a bash terminal.
enter image description here
Can anyone please help me? I would have been grateful.


Unable to build and run c++ code in visual studio code

I have setup the correct path for mingw and am successfully able to compile my code using terminal in vscode. But when I press ctrl+shift+b to build i get the following error in my terminal
Executing task: C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -g 'c:\Users\Ansh Kapoor\Desktop\cpp\main.cpp' -o 'c:\Users\Ansh
/usr/bin/bash: C:MinGWbing++.exe: command not found
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 127
whereas the same code is successfully executed when I write
g++ main.cpp -o 'main.exe'
Now I have checked the path and environment variables and all those things are correct.
The error in finding the proper path was because of using git bash as the terminal rather than windows powershell or cmd.

How to call the python program in update mode using pre-buid program?

I have been following the "Making an Emotion-Aware Music Player" tutorial and everything was works fine until running the main program in update.
I searched for "argparse " in tutorials and found nothing about this method.
I have a very little knowledge about python so that could anyone please explain me how run the main program in update mode and where should type the following code.
source page: Making an Emotion-Aware Music Player
Once the file is downloaded, call the main program in “update mode” like this:
#To activate update mode, pass the --update flag
python <filename.py> --update
#To get help, use the -h or --help flag
python <filename.py> -h
python <filename.py> --help
When I ran the above code in Command prompt it gave me a error, which says there is no XML file. But as for the main program it should create XML if there wasn't.
I'm using Visual studio 2015 with python 2.7

C++ Programs can't run from Notepad++

I've tried to compile the c++ programs from the Notepad++ editor.
I am using mingw64 g++ compiler here.
Added the execution script using NppExec plugin in notepad++, the script I have used is given below,
D:\mingw64\bin\g++.exe -g "$(FILE_NAME)"
Saved this script as a macro and executed to run a cpp program, but getting the System error The program can't start because libwinpthread-1.dll is missing from your computer.
The same mingw64 compiler am using in Code::Blocks and its working fine.
How we can solve this issue ?
Press ctrl+F5 and input this command, then click 'run'. You can also save it as a shortcut.

Try to execute command line codes from c++ linux

I tried the following code, to communicate with the command line from c++ code.
int main()
The gnome-terminal command is executing fine. After I close the terminal, when am expecting the cd to execute, however, is not happening. Could you please help me and point out the reason? Thanks. I was expecting the function to make the cmd go down to the home directory
, but it did not. am working in linux
I tried it even by removing gnome. simple cd is not working. am I doing something rong>?
If I try ls, it seems to be working fine!
My main aim is to open a new terminal, and execute commands on that new terminal through the present program that opened the new terminal. Could you please tell me how I can achieve this??
If you want to run a program and wait for it to finish before executing next line, take a look at this page and example code here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/c-process-control-functions/
But if you want to run gnome-terminal and execute a command in newly created window, do this:
system("gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'cd /tmp ; ls -la'");
The system function creates a shell child process to execute the specified command.
cd is a shell command which changes the current working directory of that shell process only.
So the child's cd probably works fine, but it has no effect on your C++ program, which is a different process.
Instead, you probably want to look at the Linux system call chdir.
Thanks for your help!! This command worked perfectly fine from this link
gnome-terminal -x sh -c 'command1; command2; exec bash'
and I entered the respective commands in the new window. But to change the working directory in the shell am working o, I haven't still figured that out.

What needs to be done to get a distributable program from Eclipse?

I’ve produced a C++ program in Eclipse running on Redhat, which compiles and runs fine through Eclipse.
I thought that to run it separately to Eclipse you use the build artifact which is in the directory set via the project’s properties.
However this executable doesn’t run (I know it’s an executable as I’ve set it to be an executable via the project’s properties and it shows up as such via the ls command and the file explorer).
When attempting to run it using the executable’s name, I get the error:
bash: <filename>: command not found
When attempting to run it as a bash file:
<filename>: <filename>: cannot execute binary file
And when running it with "./" before the file name, nothing happens. Nothing new appears in the running processes and the terminal just goes to the next line as though I’d just pressed enter with no command.
Any help?
You've more or less figure out the first error yourself. when you just run <filename> , it is not in your PATH environment variable, so you get "command not found". You have to give a full or relative path when to the program in order to run it, even if you're in the same directory as the program - you run it with ./<filename>
When you do run your program, it appears to just exit as soon as you start it - we can't help much with that without knowing what the program does or see some code.
You can do some debugging, e.g. after the program just exits run echo $? to see if it exited with a particular exit value, or run your program using the strace tool to see what it does (or do it the usual way, insert printf debugging, or debug it with gdb)