I'm working on an OpenFX plugin to process images in grading/post-production software.
All my processing is done in a series of Metal kernel functions. The image is sent to the GPU as buffers (float array), one for the input and one for the output.
The output is then used by the OpenFX framework for display inside the host application, so up till then I didn't have to take care of it.
I now need to be able to read the output values once the GPU has processed the commands. I have tried to use the "contents" method applied on the buffer but my plugin keeps crashing (in the worst case), or gives me very weird values when it "works" (I'm not supposed to have anything over 1 and under 0, but I get very large numbers, 0 or negative 0, nan... So I assume I have a memory access issue of sorts).
At first I thought it was an issue with Private/Shared memory, so I tried to modify the buffer to be shared. But I'm still struggling!
Full disclosure: I have no specific training in MSL, I'm learning as I go with this project so I might be doing and-or saying very stupid things. I have looked around for hours before deciding to ask for help. Thanks to all who will help out in any way!
Below is the code (without everything that doesn't concern my current issue). If it is lacking anything of interest please let me know.
id < MTLBuffer > srcDeviceBuf = reinterpret_cast<id<MTLBuffer> >(const_cast<float*>(p_Input)) ;
//Below is the destination Image buffer creation the way it used to be done before my edits
//id < MTLBuffer > dstDeviceBuf = reinterpret_cast<id<MTLBuffer> >(p_Output);
//My attempt at creating a Shared memory buffer
MTLResourceOptions bufferOptions = MTLResourceStorageModeShared;
int bufferLength = sizeof(float)*1920*1080*4;
id <MTLBuffer> dstDeviceBuf = [device newBufferWithBytes:p_Output length:bufferLength options:bufferOptions];
id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [queue commandBuffer];
commandBuffer.label = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"RunMetalKernel"];
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> computeEncoder = [commandBuffer computeCommandEncoder];
//First method to be computed
[computeEncoder setComputePipelineState:_initModule];
int exeWidth = [_initModule threadExecutionWidth];
MTLSize threadGroupCount = MTLSizeMake(exeWidth, 1, 1);
MTLSize threadGroups = MTLSizeMake((p_Width + exeWidth - 1) / exeWidth,
p_Height, 1);
[computeEncoder setBuffer:srcDeviceBuf offset: 0 atIndex: 0];
[computeEncoder setBuffer:dstDeviceBuf offset: 0 atIndex: 8];
//encodes first module to be executed
[computeEncoder dispatchThreadgroups:threadGroups threadsPerThreadgroup: threadGroupCount];
//Modules encoding
if (p_lutexport_on) {
//Fills the image with patch values for the LUT computation
[computeEncoder setComputePipelineState:_LUTExportModule];
[computeEncoder dispatchThreadgroups:threadGroups threadsPerThreadgroup: threadGroupCount];
[computeEncoder endEncoding];
[commandBuffer commit];
if (p_lutexport_on) {
//Here is where I try to read the buffer values (and inserts them into a custom object "p_lut_exp_lut"
float* result = static_cast<float*>([dstDeviceBuf contents]);
//Retrieve the output values and populate the LUT with them
int lutLine = 0;
float3 out;
for (int index(0); index < 35937 * 4; index += 4) {
out.x = result[index];
out.y = result[index + 1];
out.z = result[index + 2];
p_lutexp_lut->setValuesAtLine(lutLine, out);
If a command buffer includes write or read operations on a given MTLBuffer, you must ensure that these operations complete before reading the buffers contents. You can use the addCompletedHandler: method, waitUntilCompleted method, or custom semaphores to signal that a command buffer has completed execution.
[commandBuffer addCompletedHandler:^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> cb) {
/* read or write buffer here */
[commandBuffer commit];
I'm building a graphics engine, and I need to write te result image to a .bmp file. I'm storing the pixels in a vector<Color>. While also saving the width and the heigth of the image. Currently I'm writing the image as follows(I didn't write this code myself):
std::ostream &img::operator<<(std::ostream &out, EasyImage const &image) {
//temporaryily enable exceptions on output stream
enable_exceptions(out, std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit);
//declare some struct-vars we're going to need:
bmpfile_magic magic;
bmpfile_header file_header;
bmp_header header;
uint8_t padding[] =
{0, 0, 0, 0};
//calculate the total size of the pixel data
unsigned int line_width = image.get_width() * 3; //3 bytes per pixel
unsigned int line_padding = 0;
if (line_width % 4 != 0) {
line_padding = 4 - (line_width % 4);
//lines must be aligned to a multiple of 4 bytes
line_width += line_padding;
unsigned int pixel_size = image.get_height() * line_width;
//start filling the headers
magic.magic[0] = 'B';
magic.magic[1] = 'M';
file_header.file_size = to_little_endian(pixel_size + sizeof(file_header) + sizeof(header) + sizeof(magic));
file_header.bmp_offset = to_little_endian(sizeof(file_header) + sizeof(header) + sizeof(magic));
file_header.reserved_1 = 0;
file_header.reserved_2 = 0;
header.header_size = to_little_endian(sizeof(header));
header.width = to_little_endian(image.get_width());
header.height = to_little_endian(image.get_height());
header.nplanes = to_little_endian(1);
header.bits_per_pixel = to_little_endian(24);//3bytes or 24 bits per pixel
header.compress_type = 0; //no compression
header.pixel_size = pixel_size;
header.hres = to_little_endian(11811); //11811 pixels/meter or 300dpi
header.vres = to_little_endian(11811); //11811 pixels/meter or 300dpi
header.ncolors = 0; //no color palette
header.nimpcolors = 0;//no important colors
//okay that should be all the header stuff: let's write it to the stream
out.write((char *) &magic, sizeof(magic));
out.write((char *) &file_header, sizeof(file_header));
out.write((char *) &header, sizeof(header));
//okay let's write the pixels themselves:
//they are arranged left->right, bottom->top, b,g,r
// this is the main bottleneck
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image.get_height(); i++) {
//loop over all lines
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < image.get_width(); j++) {
//loop over all pixels in a line
//we cast &color to char*. since the color fields are ordered blue,green,red they should be written automatically
//in the right order
out.write((char *) &image(j, i), 3 * sizeof(uint8_t));
if (line_padding > 0)
out.write((char *) padding, line_padding);
//okay we should be done
return out;
As you can see, the pixels are being written one by one. This is quite slow, I put some timers in my program, and found that the writing was my main bottleneck.
I tried to write entire (horizontal) lines, but I did not find how to do it(best I found was this.
Secondly, I wanted to write to the file using multithreading(not sure if I need to use threading or processing). using openMP. But that means I need to specify which byte address to write to, I think, which I couldn't solve.
Latstly, I thought about immidiatly writing to the file whenever I drew an object, but then I had the same issue with writing to specific locations in the file.
So, my question is: what's the best(fastest) way to tackle this problem. (Compiling this for windows and linux)
The fastest method to write to a file is to use hardware assist. Write your output to memory (a.k.a. buffer), then tell the hardware device to transfer from memory to the file (disk).
The next fastest method is to write all the data to a buffer then block write the data to the file. If you want other tasks or threads to execute during your writing, then create a thread that writes the buffer to the file.
When writing to a file, the more data per transaction, the more efficient the write will be. For example, 1 write of 1024 bytes is faster than 1024 writes of one byte.
The idea is to keep the data streaming. Slowing down the transfer rate may be faster than a burst write, delay, burst write, delay, etc.
Remember that the disk is essentially a serial device (unless you have a special hard drive). Bits are laid down on the platters using a bit stream. Writing data in parallel will have adverse effects because the head will have to be moved between the parallel activities.
Remember that if you use more than one core, there will be more traffic on the data bus. The transfer to the file will have to pause while other threads/tasks are using the data bus. So, if you can, block all tasks, then transfer your data. :-)
I've written programs that copy from slow memory to fast memory, then transferred from fast memory to the hard drive. That was also using interrupts (threads).
Fast writing to a file involves:
Keep the data streaming; minimize the pauses.
Write in binary mode (no translations, please).
Write in blocks (format into memory as necessary before writing the block).
Maximize the data in a transaction.
Use separate writing thread, if you want other tasks running "concurrently".
The hard drive is a serial device, not parallel. Bits are written to the platters in a serial stream.
I created an application a couple of years ago that allowed me to process audio by downmixing a 6 channel or 8 channel a.k.a 5.1 as 7.1 as matrixed stereo encoded for that purpose I used the portaudio library with great results this is an example of the open stream function and callback to downmix a 7.1 signal
Pa_OpenStream(&Flujo, &inputParameters, &outParameters, SAMPLE_RATE, 1, paClipOff, ptrFunction, NULL);
Notice the use of framesPerBuffer value of just one (1), this is my callback function
int downmixed8channels(const void *input, void *output, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * info, PaStreamCallbackFlags state, void * userData)
float *ptrInput = (float*)input;
float *ptrOutput = (float*)ouput;
/*This is a struct to identify samples*/
AudioSamples->L = ptrInput[0];
AudioSamples->R = ptrInput[1];
AudioSamples->C = ptrInput[2];
AudioSamples->LFE = ptrInput[3];
AudioSamples->RL = ptrInput[4];
AudioSamples->RR = ptrInput[5];
AudioSamples->SL = ptrInput[6];
AudioSamples->SR = ptrInput[7];
ptrOutput[0] = Encoder->gtLT();
ptrOutput[1] = Encoder->gtRT();
return paContinue;
As you can see the order set by the index in the output and input buffer correspond to a discrete channel
in the case of the output 0 = Left channel, 1 = right Channel. This used to work well, until entered Windows 10 2004, since I updated my system to this new version my audio glitch and I get artifacts like those
Those are captures from the sound of the channel test window under the audio device panel of windows. By the images is clear my program is dropping frames, so the first try to solve this was to use a larger buffer than one to hold samples process them and send then, the reason I did not use a buffer size larger than one in the first place was that the program would drop frames.
But before implementing a I did a proof of concept, would not include audio processing at all, of simple passing of data from input to ouput, for that I set the oputput channelCount parameters to 8 just like the input, resulting in something as simple as this.
for (int i = 0; i < FramesPerBuffer /*1000*/; i++)
ptrOutput[i] = ptrOutput[i];
but still the program is still dropping samples.
Next I used two callbacks one for writing to a buffer and a second one to read it and send it to output
float* ptrInput = (float*)input;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++)
buffer_input[i] = ptrInput[i];
return paContinue;
Callback to store.
float* ptrOutput = (float*)output;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++)
AudioSamples->L = (buffer_input[i] );
AudioSamples->R = (buffer_input[i++]);
AudioSamples->C = (buffer_input[i++] );
AudioSamples->LFE = (buffer_input[i++]);
AudioSamples->SL = (buffer_input[i++] );
AudioSamples->SR = (buffer_input[i++]);
Encoder->Encoder(AudioSamples->L, AudioSamples->R, AudioSamples->C, AudioSamples->LFE,
AudioSamples->SL, AudioSamples->SR);
bufferTransformed[w] = (Encoder->getLT() );
bufferTransformed[w++] = (Encoder->getRT() );
w = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_REDUCED; i++)
ptrOutput[i] = buffer_Transformed[i];
return paContinue;
Callback for processing
The processing callback use a reduced frames per buffer since 2 channel is less than eight since it seems in portaudio a frame is composed of a sample for each audio channel.
This also did not work, since the first problem, is how to syncronize the two callback?, after all of this, what recommendation or advice, can you give me to solve this issue,
Notes: the samplerate must be same for both devices, I implemeted logic in the program to prevent this, the bitdepth is also the same I am using paFloat32,
.The portaudio is the modified one use by audacity, since I wanted to use their implementation of WASAPI
Thank very much in advance!.
At the end of the day it I did not have to change my callbacks functions in any way, what solved it, was changing or increasing the parameter ".suggestedLatency" of the input and output parameters, to 1.0, even the devices defaultLowOutputLatency or defaultHighOutputLatency values where causing to much glitching, I test it until 1.0 was de sweepspot, higher values did not seen to improve.
TL;DR Increased the suggestedLatency until the glitching is gone.
I am writing a code to capture serial readings from the Arduino to C++
Is there a way to capture the readings line by line and then store it into an array? I have read another post similar to mine, but I am still unable to apply it.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Environment setup:
Arduino UNO
ADXL 335 accelerometer
Ubuntu 16.04
[Updated] applied solution from Bart
Cpp file
The reason why I added the "for-loop with print and break" is to analyze the array contents.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
char serialPortFilename[] = "/dev/ttyACM0";
int main()
char readBuffer[1024];
FILE *serPort = fopen(serialPortFilename, "r");
if (serPort == NULL)
return 0;
usleep(1000); //sync up Linux and Arduino
memset(readBuffer, 0, 1024);
fread(readBuffer, sizeof(char),1024,serPort);
for(int i=0; i<1024; i++){
return 0;
Ino file
Fetching data from the Accelerometer
#include <stdio.h>
const int xPin = A0;
const int yPin = A1;
const int zPin = A2;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
x = analogRead(xPin);
y = analogRead(yPin);
z = analogRead(zPin);
char buffer[16];
int n;
n = sprintf(buffer,"<%d,%d,%d>",x,y,z);
Running the code for three times
Click Here
The ideal outputs should be
but right now, some of the outputs has the values inside "corrupted" (please see the fourth line from the top).
Even if use the start and end markers to determine a correct dataset, the data within the set is still wrong. I suspect the issue lies with the char array from C++, due to it being unsynchronized with Arduino. Else I need to send by Bytes from Arduino (not really sure how)
When dealing with two programs running on different processors they will never start sending/receiving at the same time. What you likely see is not that the results are merged wrong it is more likely the reading program started and stopped half way through the data.
When sending data over a line it is best that you:
On the Arduino:
First frame the data.
Send the frame.
On Linux:
Read in data in a buffer.
Search the buffer for a complete frame and deframe.
1. Framing the data
With framing the data I mean that you need a structure which you can recognize and validate on the receiving side. For example you could add the characters STX and ETX as control characters around your data. When the length of your data varies it is also required to send this.
In the following example we take that the data array is never longer than 255 bytes. This means that you can store the length in a single byte. Below you see pseudo code of how a frame could look like:
The total length of the bytes which will be send are thus the length of the data plus three.
2. Sending
Next you do not use println but Serial.write(buf, len) instead.
3. Receiving
On the receiving side you have a buffer in which all data received will be appended.
4. Deframing
Next each time new data has been added search for an STX character, assume the next character is the length. Using the length +1 you should find a ETX. If so you have found a valid frame and you can use the data. Next remove it from the buffer.
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (buffer.size() - 2); ++i)
if(STX == buffer[i])
uint8_t length = buffer[i+2];
if(buffer.size() > (i + length + 3) && (ETX == buffer[i + length + 2]))
// Do something with the data.
// Clear the buffer from every thing before i + length + 3
buffer.clear(0, i + length + 3);
// Break the loop as by clearing the data the current index becomes invalid.
For an example also using a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) see here
Currently, I am working on real time interface with Visual Studio C++.
I faced problem is, when buffer is running for data store, that time .exe is not responding at the point data store in buffer. I collect data as 130Hz from motion sensor. I have tried to increase virtual memory of computer, but problem was not solved.
Code Structure:
int main(){
int no_data = 0;
float x_abs;
float y_abs;
int sensorID = 0;
while (1){
// Define Buffer
char before_trial_output_data[][8 * 4][128] = { { { 0, }, }, };
// Collect Real Time Data
x_abs = abs(inchtocm * record[sensorID].y);
y_abs = abs(inchtocm * record[sensorID].x);
//Save in buffer
sprintf(before_trial_output_data[no_data][sensorID], "%d %8.3f %8.3f\n",no_data,x_abs,y_abs);
//Increment point
// Break While loop, Press ESc key
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE)){
//Data Save in File
printf("\nSaving results to 'RecordData.txt'..\n");
FILE *fp3 = fopen("RecordData.dat", "w");
for (i = 0; i<no_data-1; i++)
fprintf(fp3, output_data[i][sensorID]);
The code you posted doesn't show how you allocate more memory for your before_trial_output_data buffer when needed. Do you want me to guess? I guess you are using some flavor of realloc(), which needs to allocate ever-increasing amount of memory, fragmenting your heap terribly.
However, in order for you to save that data to a file later on, it doesn't need to be in continuous memory, so some kind of list will work way better than an array.
Also, there is no provision in your "pseudo" code for a 130Hz reading; it processes records as fast as possible, and my guess is - much faster.
Is your prinf() call also a "pseudo code"? Otherwise you are looking for trouble by having mismatch of the % format specifications and number and type of parameters passed in.
I have a question regarding a sound synthesis app that I'm working on. I am trying to read in an audio file, create randomized 'grains' using granular synthesis techniques, place them into an output buffer and then be able to play that back to the user using OpenAL. For testing purposes, I am simply writing the output buffer to a file that I can then listen back to.
Judging by my results, I am on the right track but am getting some aliasing issues and playback sounds that just don't seem quite right. There is usually a rather loud pop in the middle of the output file and volume levels are VERY loud at times.
Here are the steps that I have taken to get the results I need, but I'm a little bit confused about a couple of things, namely formats that I am specifying for my AudioStreamBasicDescription.
Read in an audio file from my mainBundle, which is a mono file in .aiff format:
ExtAudioFileRef extAudioFile;
"couldn't open extaudiofile for reading");
memset(&player->dataFormat, 0, sizeof(player->dataFormat));
player->dataFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
player->dataFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
player->dataFormat.mSampleRate = S_RATE;
player->dataFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
player->dataFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
player->dataFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
player->dataFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 2;
player->dataFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 2;
// tell extaudiofile about our format
"couldnt set client format on extaudiofile");
SInt64 fileLengthFrames;
UInt32 propSize = sizeof(fileLengthFrames);
player->bufferSizeBytes = fileLengthFrames * player->dataFormat.mBytesPerFrame;
Next I declare my AudioBufferList and set some more properties
AudioBufferList *buffers;
UInt32 ablSize = offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers[0]) + (sizeof(AudioBuffer) * 1);
buffers = (AudioBufferList *)malloc(ablSize);
player->sampleBuffer = (SInt16 *)malloc(sizeof(SInt16) * player->bufferSizeBytes);
buffers->mNumberBuffers = 1;
buffers->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 1;
buffers->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = player->bufferSizeBytes;
buffers->mBuffers[0].mData = player->sampleBuffer;
My understanding is that .mData will be whatever was specified in the formatFlags (in this case, type SInt16). Since it is of type (void *), I want to convert this to float data which is obvious for audio manipulation. Before I set up a for loop which just iterated through the buffer and cast each sample to a float*. This seemed unnecessary so now I pass in my .mData buffer to a function I created which then granularizes the audio:
float *theOutBuffer = [self granularizeWithData:(float *)buffers->mBuffers[0].mData with:framesRead];
In this function, I dynamically allocate some buffers, create random size grains, place them in my out buffer after windowing them using a hamming window and return that buffer (which is float data). Everything is cool up to this point.
Next I set up all my output file ASBD and such:
AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFileFormat;
bzero(audioFormatPtr, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));
outputFileFormat->mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
outputFileFormat->mSampleRate = 44100.0;
outputFileFormat->mChannelsPerFrame = numChannels;
outputFileFormat->mBytesPerPacket = 2 * numChannels;
outputFileFormat->mFramesPerPacket = 1;
outputFileFormat->mBytesPerFrame = 2 * numChannels;
outputFileFormat->mBitsPerChannel = 16;
outputFileFormat->mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
UInt32 flags = kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile;
ExtAudioFileRef outputAudioFileRef = NULL;
NSString *tmpDir = NSTemporaryDirectory();
NSString *outFilename = #"Decomp.caf";
NSString *outPath = [tmpDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:outFilename];
NSURL *outURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:outPath];
AudioBufferList *outBuff;
UInt32 abSize = offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers[0]) + (sizeof(AudioBuffer) * 1);
outBuff = (AudioBufferList *)malloc(abSize);
outBuff->mNumberBuffers = 1;
outBuff->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 1;
outBuff->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = abSize;
outBuff->mBuffers[0].mData = theOutBuffer;
CheckError(ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)outURL,
The file is written correctly, in CAF format. My question is this: am I handling the .mData buffer correctly in that I am casting the samples to float data, manipulating (granulating) various window sizes and then writing it to a file using ExtAudioFileWrite (in CAF format)? Is there a more elegant way to do this such as declaring my ASBD formatFlag as kAudioFlagIsFloat? My output CAF file has some clicks in it and when I open it in Logic, it looks like there is a lot of aliasing. This makes sense if I am trying to send it float data but there is some kind of conversion happening which I am unaware of.
Thanks in advance for any advice on the matter! I have been an avid reader of pretty much all the source material online, including the Core Audio Book, various blogs, tutorials, etc. The ultimate goal of my app is to play the granularized audio in real time to a user with headphones so the writing to file thing is just being used for testing at the moment. Thanks!
What you say about step 3 suggests to me you are interpreting an array of shorts as an array of floats? If that is so, we found the reason for your trouble. Can you assign the short values one by one into an array of floats? That should fix it.
It looks like mData is a void * pointing to an array of shorts. Casting this pointer to a float * doesn't change the underlying data into float but your audio processing function will treat them as if they were. However, float and short values are stored in totally different ways, so the math you do in that function will operate on very different values that have nothing to do with your true input signal. To investigate this experimentally, try the following:
short data[4] = {-27158, 16825, 23024, 15};
void *pData = data;
The void pointer doesn't indicate what kind of data it points to, so erroneously, one can falsely assume it points to float values. Note that a short is 2 byte wide, but a float is 4 byte wide. It is a coincidence that your code did not crash with an access violation. Interpreted as float the array above is only long enough for two values. Let's just look at the first value:
float *pfData = (float *)pData;
printf("%d == %f\n", data[0], pfData[0]);
The output of this will be -27158 == 23.198200 illustrating how instead of the expected -27158.0f you obtain roughly 23.2f. Two problematic things happened. First, sizeof(float) is not sizeof(short). Second, the "ones and zeros" of a floating point number are stored very differently than an integer. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format.
How to solve the problem? There are at least two simple solutions. First, you could convert each element of the array before you feed it into your audio processor:
int k;
float *pfBuf = (float *)malloc(n_data * sizeof(float));
short *psiBuf = (short *)buffers->mBuffers[0].mData[k];
for (k = 0; k < n_data; k ++)
pfBuf[k] = psiBuf[k];
[self granularizeWithData:pfBuf with:framesRead];
for (k = 0; k < n_data; k ++)
psiBuf[k] = pfBuf[k];
You see that most likely you will have to convert everything back to short after your call to granularizeWithData: with:. So the second solution would be to do all processing in short although from what you write, I imagine you would not like that latter approach.