Warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension - c++

While trying to compile a simple range based for loop on MacOS Big Sur, I got this warning:
warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
I tried using clang++ and g++ but both gave the same warning. Is there a way to always compile with C++11 without having to use -std=c++11 and without using aliases?
Edit: The reason I would prefer not to use -std=c++11 is because I want the compiler to default to C++11 or higher.

To provide this question with a proper answer, based on the discussion in the comments:
Compilers such as GCC and Clang set the default in their source code and it cannot be changed by, e.g., modifying a config file. The only way to change the default would be to change it in the source code and to compile the compiler yourself. This is not worth it.
Furthermore, compilers change their default language from time to time, and setting another default, e.g. to C++11, will make all non-C++11 code require setting the language version explicitly.
Here's the key point: code and compilation options belong together. Do not rely on compiler defaults. Any serious project will use a build system (e.g. Make) which specifies how to compile the project.
For completeness sake, the default C++ version for GCC 10.2.0 is hardcoded in /gcc/c-family/c-opts.c:
/* Set C++ standard to C++17 if not specified on the command line. */
if (c_dialect_cxx ())
set_std_cxx17 (/*ISO*/false);


I'm getting an error when I use size(vec) to find size of a vector instead of vec.size(). How to fix this?

The error that is being generated is below.
error: 'size' was not declared in this scope
When I use nums.size(), it is working fine. It could be because of using an older compiler version, but in my system when I check the version it shows 10.3.0, which I think is the latest version. How do I fix this?
The std::size function was added in C++17, therefore, you need to enable its support. With GCC, just add -std=c++17 as a command-line argument to your g++ call.
You can also check the libstdc++ source code: https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/master/libstdc%2B%2B-v3/include/bits/range_access.h#L236. As you can see, there is an #ifdef that makes std::size available only if C++17 (or higher standard) support is applied.

Does C++17 provide a cross-platform scheme to record compiler version and options like Fortran?

Modern Fortran offers a few cross-platform mechanisms to record the compiler version and settings used to build an application. What methods does C++17 have to capture this information? The book by Horton and Van Weert, Beginning C++17, does not appear to address this question.
The Fortran tools are surveyed below.
1. Access to compiler versions and options
The iso_fortran_env in Fortran provides a standard way to access the compiler version and settings used to compile a code. A sample snippet follows.
Code sample
program check_compiler
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_options, compiler_version
implicit none
write ( *, 100 ) "compiler version = ", compiler_version ()
write ( *, 100 ) "compiler options = ", trim ( compiler_options () )
100 format ( A, A, / )
stop "normal termination . . ."
end program check_compiler
Sample output
$ gfortran -o check_compiler check_compiler.f08
$ ./check_compiler
compiler version = GCC version 8.0.0 20170604 (experimental)
compiler options = -fPIC -mmacosx-version-min=10.12.7 -mtune=core2
STOP normal termination . . .
2. Probing and interacting with host OS
Fortran commands like execute_command_line, get_command, and get_environment_variable offer another route to record information at compile time.
What methods does C++17 have to capture this information?
None. The C++ standard does not even recognize the concept of "compiler" or "options"; there is merely the "implementation".
Furthermore, it would not really make sense, as different C++ files linked into the same program can be compiled with different options. And I'm not just talking about DLL/SOs; you can in theory statically link files that were compiled with different options or even different compiler versions.
Different compilers have ways to specify what version they are through macros. But each one has its own way to report this.
Searching the C++20 standard draft, which is available in GitHub, I find no results for closely-localted "compiler" and "version", nor have I found something like this looking at the text of the standard.
C++20 is at this time still very close to C++17, and certainly such a mechanism has not been removed, so I think it's pretty safe to say that there's no such thing in C++20.
Each compiler injects their own preproxessor tokens indicating itmwas compiled by them, and what version. These tokens are cross platform on compilers that compile on and to kore than one platdorm, such as icc, gcx and clang.
There are now standard defined ways to detect the existence of some srd header files. Boost has extensive headers that decode compiler capabilities based of a myriad of techniques.
__cplusplus in theory is defined to the standard version, but compilers lie.
The language standard specifies macros __cplusplus that encode the version of the standard that the compiler claims to support. It expands to 201703L on a C++17 compiler, 201710L on a C++14 compiler, and so on. It might also define _STDC and _STDC_VERSION. Beyond that, everything is a vendor-specific extension that you should look up in your compiler's manual.
Some but not all compilers, including GCC and Clang, predefine a macro named __VERSION__ that expands to a string describing the compiler version. You can check for this with #ifdef. Beyond that, many compilers contain macros that expand to version numbers, which you can stringify and concatenate. However, be aware that some compilers treat these as compatibility tests, and will claim to be a different compiler if you ask. In addition to its own version numbers, Clang defines __GNUC__, __GNUC_VERSION__ and __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ to indicate its compatibility with GCC, and the Windows version will also define _MSC_VER, _MSC_FULL_VER and so on in its Microsoft-compatiblity mode.
You could therefore create a complicated set of nested #elif blocks to recognize various compilers' version macros, but it could never be complete or forward-compatible.

Printing contents of a vector using auto variable

I read in a book that a shorter way to iterate through a vector is as follows:
for (auto x : v)
cout << x << "\n";
When I tried the same out in my compiler I got two error messages stating:
'auto' changes meaning in C++11, please remove it range based 'for' loops only available in c++11" and " 'x' maybe used uninitialized in this function
Can someone please point out the error and the solution?
Your syntax is correct. Be mindful that you're taking a copy of every element in x though, you might want to use const auto& instead.
You need to enable C++11 in your compiler - if you're using gcc or clang, you can simply pass the -std=c++11 flag.
Are you sure you are compiling your code with a C++11 compiler?
With gcc you need the -std=c++11 flag:
g++ -std=c++11
Same for clang:
clang++ -std=c++11
The error is that you use language features that were introduced in the C++11 standard, while compiling with a compiler (in a mode) that doesn't support C++11.
Solution is to use a compiler (in a mode) that does supports C+++11. If your compiler supports C++11 (and it probably does, since it knows of the change of meaning of auto), then its documentation will specify how to enable C++11 or later standard mode.
What compiler are you using?
gcc (tdm 64-1) 5.1.0
The manual of your compiler says:
To select this standard in GCC, use the option -std=c++11; to obtain all the diagnostics required by the standard, you should also specify -pedantic

how can I check a particular gcc feature in configure.ac

For example, gcc 4.7 has a new feature -Wnarrowing. In configure.ac, how can I test where a feature is supported by the current gcc or not?
There's a file in gnulibc, but doesn't make much sense to me.
Both gcc and clang support -W[no-]narrowing and -W[no-]error=narrowing options.
With -std=c++11, gcc emits a warning by default, and clang emits an error by default. Even though you only mention gcc, I think you could extend the functionality check to compilers like clang that attempt to provide the same options and extensions. That might include Intel's icc too.
Let's assume you've selected the C++ compiler with AC_PROG_CXX, and have ensured that it's using the C++11 standard.
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wno-error=narrowing"
[[int i {1.0}; (void) i;]])],
[ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=1], [ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=0])
AS_IF([test $ac_cxx_warn_narrowing -ne 0],
[AC_MSG_RESULT(['$CXX' supports -Wnarrowing])])
Compilation will only succeed if: 1) the compiler supports -Wnarrowing related options, which implies it supports -Werror, and: 2) recognizes C++11 initialization syntax.
Normally, configure.ac scripts and flags passed to configure should avoid -Werror, as it breaks too many internal tests. In this context, we ensure there are no other warnings besides the narrowing, which is why (void) i; is needed to prevent a warning about unused variables.
The logic behind this should probably be:
Create a correct file that should get a warning with -Wnarrowing. Verify that it gets compiled correctly. This is a sanity check.
Then compile that same file with -Wnarrowing, and verify that it still gets compiled correctly. This makes sure you detect compilers that don't support -Wnarrowing as an option, and don't attempt to pass bogus options to them.
Finally, compile that same file with -Werror=narrowing, and verify that it now does not get compiled correctly. If it now fails, you can be fairly certain that the compiler does indeed support -Wnarrowing. This last check is useful to detect compilers that do accept -Wnarrowing/-Werror=narrowing, but spit out a warning "ignoring unknown option -Wnarrowing". In that case, you shouldn't be passing -Wnarrowing.
Optionally, you may also want to compile a file that shouldn't get a warning with -Wnarrowing with -Werror=narrowing, in case you find a compiler where -Wnarrowing is useless and -Werror=narrowing is a hard error. I cannot think of a compiler where this would be required, though.
Translating this to a configure check should be trivial.
See http://code.google.com/p/opendoom/source/browse/trunk/VisualC8/autotools/ac_c_compile_flags.m4 for an example test of this sort - this tries to compile a trivial program with the given compiler flag, and adds it to CFLAGS if it works.

How can I use a C++11 to program the Arduino?

How can I use C++11 when programming the Arduino?
I would be fine using either the Arduino IDE or another environment. I am most interested in the core language improvements, not things that require standard library changes.
As of version 1.6.6, the Arduino IDE enables C++11 by default.
For older versions, read on:
It is very easy to change the flags for any element of the toolchain, including the assembler, compiler, linker or archiver.
Tested on the Arduino IDE version 1.5.7 (released on July 2014),
Locate the platform.txt file,
AVR architecture => {install path}\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt
SAM architecture => {install path}\hardware\arduino\sam\platform.txt
Inside that file, you can change any flag, for instance,
compiler.c.flags for changing the default compilation flags for C++ files.
compiler.cpp.flags for changing the default compilation flags for C++ files.
You can also change any of the "recipes" or compile patters, at the corresponding section of the configuration file, under the title "AVR/SAM compile patterns".
After making the changes, you must restart the Arduino IDE, at least on version 1.5.7.
For instance,
To enable support for C++11 (C++0x), tested on Arduino IDE versions 1.5.7 and 1.5.8, you will simply add the flag "-std=gnu++11" at the end of the line starting with compiler.cpp.flags=".
It is expected that C++11 is enabled by default in the near future on the Arduino IDE. However, as of version 1.5.8 (Oct 2014) it is still not the case.
Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and newer have C++11 enabled by default (they have the compiler flag "-std=gnu++11" set in the platform.txt file).
Firstly, only GCC 4.7 and above (and therefore AVR-GCC 4.7 and above) support C++11. So, check the versions installed with:
gcc --version
avr-gcc --version
If AVR-GCC is 4.7 or higher, then you may be able to use C++11.
The Arduino IDE does not support custom compiler flags. This has been requested, but has not yet been implemented.
So, you are left with having to use other environments or to compile your program directly from the command line.
In case, of compiling directly from the command line using AVR-GCC, you simply need to add an extra compiler flag for enabling C++11 support.
For specific development environments, most would support editing of the compiler flags from the build options within the IDE. The above mentioned flag needs to be added to the list of flags for each environment.
C++0x was the name of working draft of the C++11 standard. C++0x support is available GCC 4.3 onwards. However, this is strictly experimental support so you cannot reliably expect C++11 features to be present. Here is the complete list of features available with the corresponding version of GCC. The availability of features in AVR-GCC will be the same as what's available in the corresponding GCC version.
The compiler flag for C++0x is:
Please, note, that there is no easy way to specify additional flags from Arduino IDE or use other IDE (Eclipse, Code::Blocks, etc.) or command line.
As a hack, you can use a small proxy program (should be cross-platform):
// Name : gcc-proxy.cpp
// Copyright : Use as you want
// Description : Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5846934/how-to-pass-a-vector-to-execvp
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
vector<string> arguments;
vector<const char*> aptrs;
// Additional options, one per line
ifstream cfg((string(argv[0]) + ".ini").c_str());
if (cfg.bad())
cerr << "Could not open ini file (you're using proxy for some reason, er?)" << endl;
string arg;
while (cfg) {
getline(cfg, arg);
if(arg == "\r" || arg == "\n")
for (const string& arg : arguments)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
// Add null pointer at the end, execvp expects NULL as last element
// Pass the vector's internal array to execvp
const char **command = &aptrs[0];
return execvp(command[0], command);
Compile the program.
Rename the original avr-g++.exe to avr-g++.orig.exe (or any other name).
Create avr-g++.ini file where the first line is FULL path to the original program (e.g. D:\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avr-g++.orig.exe) and add additional parameters, one per line, as desired.
You're done!
Example avr-g++.ini:
I use Ino and this worked:
ino build -cppflags="-std=c++0x"
This generated a hex file at least 15k in size (that's with optimizations turned on), compared to about 5k for the standard build, which is a consideration for a poor little ATmega328. It might be okay for one of the microcontrollers with a lot more program space.
If you need more control and a better IDE, I recommend using Sloeber Plugin for Eclipse or the Sloeber IDE itself.
Creating more complicated code is much easier using this IDE. It also allows to add flags to the compiler (C, C++ and linker). So to customize the compile, just right click on project and select Properties. In the Properties window, select Arduino → Compiler Option. This way you can add options to your build.