How to close Child Dialog Window from Another Apps in MFC - mfc

I'm trying to Closing the Specific App's child dialog window from another MFC applications. PostMessage / SendMessage does not work even if i get the child HWND. any thought? thanks in advance.


Can't focus from main window after closing dialog from other thread

I create a new CWindThread in CWinApp::InitInstance(). In that thread, I create a dialog (for displaying a progress bar in that dialog).
After finishing InitInstance(), I close the dialog by calling DestroyWindow() from the dialog, but the application is loosing focus from main window.
I used AfxGetMainWnd()->SetActiveWindow(); to set focus for main window but it is not working.
How can I return the focus to the main window after closing the dialog?
There is no real good way to do that. The focus is set per thread. So there is no "focus" over all windows.
The only chance you have is to set the new foreground window, that belongs to the other thread with SetForegorundWindow. From within the same application this should work without restrictions.
If it doesn't work you need to "synch" both message queues. This is done by AttachThreadInput. If both messages queue are already attached, than there is no problem with settings the focus directly. But the behaviour of the application will change... Please read the docs, of the functions I linked too.
When a modal popup window is displayed, the reason a user cannot interact with the owner window is that it is disabled. When the modal window is destroyed, care must be taken to re-enable the owner window BEFORE destroying the popup as windows cannot activate a disabled window. This is the usual cause of popup windows re-activating the wrong window.

MFC: How to catch set focus of each control of dialog in one function

I have "n" dialogs which have the same base dialog. Each dialog has its own controls
edit boxes
combo boxes
list controls
In base dialog, how do I set focus messages of each control and,for example, give a Message box with
text("Hello I got focus, my ID is %d")?
The easiest way is using the classical subclassing method. The problem is that WM_SETFOCUS is not pumped through the message Loop, so PreTranslateMessage will not help.
Thee are some nice classes that help to do additional subclassing without disturbing the MFC stuff.
Paul Di Lascia wrote CSubclassWnd. PJ Naughter wrote CHookWnd. And with the ATL has CWindowsImpl.
All this classes allow easy additional subclassing even if a window is already subclassed by the MFC.
You can use "standard subclassing" GetWindowLong/SetWindowLong too.
According to this SO article, you can hook the WM_SETFOCUS message.
You can get the Control ID by using GetDlgCtrlID with the hwnd returned by the hook.
But beware of popping up a MessageBox, that will change the focus and trigger your hook proc, making it go into a loop!
As Jerry already said make a hook, get parent window handler via GetParent() and SendMessage(hParentWND, WM_MESSAGE, lParam, wParam).
Of course, you should handle WM_MESSAGE in your parent window.
Btw, framework calls OnSetFocus function when window gained focus.

Opening a window in other method than `DialogBox`

I have a dialog IDD_WINDOW_INFO that has to be opened when the user clicks a button or a menu item in my C++ Win32 application. The method that I use to open the dialog is in the following line:
DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_WINDOW_INFO), hMainWindow, WindowInfoProc);
but my problem is that when that dialog box opens, the user cannot operate with the main window of my application. So what can I do to have both windows active?
You are calling DialogBox which shows the dialog modally. When a modal dialog is shown, the other owning windows are disabled and only the modal dialog can accept input. That is the very essence and intent of a modal dialog. The idea is that you can interact only with the dialog, and cannot interact with the other windows.
Another answer suggests passing NULL as the hWndParent parameter to DialogBox. That's not the solution. That will result in you having an unowned window. Yes, you will be able to interact with the main window, but when you do so your main window will appear on top of the dialog. That's because the ownership is set incorrectly. I recommend that you read about window ownership to better understand the issue.
The correct solution to your problem is to show a modeless dialog. A modeless dialog allows you to interact with the other windows in your application. And that's exactly what you ask for in the question.
You show modeless dialogs by calling CreateDialog followed by ShowWindow. This MSDN article shows an example: Using Dialog Boxes.
If I recall correctly, you can either pass NULL instead of the handle to the parent window or change the dialogbox type in the resource editor.
That is an easy way to do it, however the following is certainly better - since having an unowned dialog isn't your best choice.
The point is that DialogBox() will create a modal dialog window, while CreateDialog does not. Modal dialogs disable the parent window.
From MSDN: A modeless dialog box neither disables the owner window nor sends messages to it.
That should solve your problem.
CreateDialog(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_WINDOW_INFO), hMainWindow, WindowInfoProc);
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW);

MFC modal dialog close error

I have a strange error and spend hours in the debugger without finding a solution.
(But it helped me to fixed another error that you should never call EndDialog from a WM_KICKIDLE task).
My problem is that i have a main window and a modeless dialog window wich raises a modal subdialog window. When the subdialog window is closed. The modeless dialog window turns itself into a modal window. My code really does leave the modal loop. And if i close the now modal window it behaves like an invisble modal window is active, meaning no interaction is possible anymore.
When i only run a modal dialog on top of the main window it is closed fine.
BTW: The main window is not the one available view CWinApp::m_pMainWnd but a new create FrameWindow. I hide the p_MainWnd and use it as an invisible message only window. From some comments and my debugging session i found that the pMainWnd has some special meaning but i could figure what exactly it has to do with modal windows (there is an undocumented "CWinApp::DoEnableModeless" for example).
EDIT: I'm posting a WM_CLOSE to the dialog and then use EndDialog(0) from the OnClose() handler to exit the modal state. I also tried to use EndDialog(0) directly. There is no difference between this two methods.
When MFC creates a modal dialog, it makes it modal by disabling the windows above it. The code that reenables those windows occurs when the dialog ends normally with a call to EndDialog. If anything prevents that code from running, the other windows will be locked out.
Modeless dialogs are a different beast, and there's a note specifically in the EndDialog documentation warning you to use DestroyWindow instead.
Maybe this is justifiable but I have a question:
why are you using hidden window? Was it created as message only window (passing HWND_MESSAGE as a parent handle and Message as a class) or you just call it message only?
OK, a little more info about MFC and dialogs.
MFC does not use Windows modal dialog. It always creates modeless dialog; either Create or DoModal call in turn ::CreateDlgIndirect windows API.
Modeless dialof rely on the main window message dispatch, while modal calls RunModalLoop that is similar to MFC window message pupmp (not a message loop).
It runs in the main thread of execussion without freezing because it allows for idle processing (calls OnIdle).
How do you dismiss the modeless dialog? As Mark pointed you should use DestroyWindow.
As for m_pMainWnd, MFC framework uses it extensively to determine may things that control main window behavior. By changing it you may have created the behavior you experience.
Did you set the value to a newly created frame you treat as a main window?
What kind of MFC application is it? SDI or MDI?
Would it be possible to create test app to duplicate this behavior and post it somewhere for download?
By the way, you do not have to be concern about DoEnableModeless, since it does not do anything but calls hook (COleFrameHook type) that is spasly used, unless you are trying to implement some functionality using OLE or ActiveX or you are trying to marry MFC and .NET Windows Forms.
In conclusion if your (or third party code uses this hook, I would suggest checking the code in the COleFrameHook class.

MFC MDI : how i can handle when the program switch from a child window to another?

I have a MDI application and i need to do an action when the user (or the program) change from a child window to another.
I tried both with WM_ACTIVATE both on the View and the child frame who own it but with no avail.
Those child are created from CMultiDocTemplate.