I'm running into a weird situation where the aws cli doesn't show output at all. I tried running bad commands and it would show the expected error message but when I run a valid command such as: aws s3api list-buckets --profile prod it doesn't show anything, it just starts new line.
Trying to migrate contact flow from one instance to other able to migrate simple flow but issue is when I tried with lex bot not able to migrate contact flow.
aws connect describe-contact-flow --instance-id <value> --contact-flow-id <value> --region us-east-1
aws connect create-contact-flow --instance-id <value> --name test_flow --type AGENT_TRANSFER --region 'us-east-1' --content "{\"Version\":\"2019-10-30\",\"StartAction\":\"cd60c6aa-6229-4a47-81ae-bef78a528590\",\"Metadata\":{\"entryPointPosition\":{\"x\":15,\"y\":23.99998474121091},\"snapToGrid\":false,\"ActionMetadata\":{\"bbb8a214-1f5c-4534-bfe5-6bf5f0aab9a0\":{\"position\":{\"x\":685,\"y\":132}},\"d76376f8-9b97-42dc-8b96-60167fd5f7a2\":{\"position\":{\"x\":351,\"y\":15}},\"cd60c6aa-6229-4a47-81ae-bef78a528590\":{\"position\":{\"x\":194,\"y\":197.3333282470703},\"useDynamic\":false},\"e36919ca-8fe7-4797-8c7e-6524acd838f8\":{\"position\":{\"x\":446,\"y\":208},\"conditionMetadata\":[],\"useDynamic\":false,\"dynamicMetadata\":{},\"useLexBotDropdown\":true,\"useDynamicLexBotArn\":false,\"lexV2BotName\":\"jenkinsbooktrip\"}}},\"Actions\":[{\"Identifier\":\"bbb8a214-1f5c-4534-bfe5-6bf5f0aab9a0\",\"Type\":\"DisconnectParticipant\",\"Parameters\":{},\"Transitions\":{}},{\"Identifier\":\"d76376f8-9b97-42dc-8b96-60167fd5f7a2\",\"Parameters\":{\"FlowLoggingBehavior\":\"Enabled\"},\"Transitions\":{\"NextAction\":\"bbb8a214-1f5c-4534-bfe5-6bf5f0aab9a0\",\"Errors\":[],\"Conditions\":[]},\"Type\":\"UpdateFlowLoggingBehavior\"},{\"Identifier\":\"cd60c6aa-6229-4a47-81ae-bef78a528590\",\"Parameters\":{\"Text\":\"hi welcome\"},\"Transitions\":{\"NextAction\":\"e36919ca-8fe7-4797-8c7e-6524acd838f8\",\"Errors\":[],\"Conditions\":[]},\"Type\":\"MessageParticipant\"},{\"Identifier\":\"e36919ca-8fe7-4797-8c7e-6524acd838f8\",\"Parameters\":{\"Text\":\"welcome\",\"LexBot\":{\"Name\":\"jenkinsbooktrip\",\"Region\":\"us-east-1\",\"Alias\":\"$LATEST\"}},\"Transitions\":{\"NextAction\":\"bbb8a214-1f5c-4534-bfe5-6bf5f0aab9a0\",\"Errors\":[{\"NextAction\":\"bbb8a214-1f5c-4534-bfe5-6bf5f0aab9a0\",\"ErrorType\":\"NoMatchingError\"},{\"NextAction\":\"d76376f8-9b97-42dc-8b96-60167fd5f7a2\",\"ErrorType\":\"NoMatchingCondition\"}],\"Conditions\":[]},\"Type\":\"ConnectParticipantWithLexBot\"}]}"
An error occurred (InvalidContactFlowException) when calling the CreateContactFlow operation: None,
when trying without lex parameter it working fine able to create but with lex its through an error I am using aws cli command
I have had the same issue generally with connect. When the content is less than ~1500-2000 characters, the Api works perfectly. Once the contact flow content grows beyond that, you start getting those errors.
Yes that's right need to skip $ symbol and it will work fine.
I'm using the following in my jenkins file
sh aws ec2 describe-vpcs --vpc-ids ${VPC_ID} --query 'Vpcs[*].[State]' --output text
If it is valid is gives me available
else it gives me the error :
An error occurred (InvalidVpcID.NotFound) when calling the DescribeVpcs operation: The vpc ID 'vpc-0xx0xx0xx' does not exist
Is there a way to gracefully catch the response using this method ?
I think you can use filter rather than --vpc-ids.
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=vpc-id,Values="id" --query 'Vpcs[*].[State]'
It will not give an error just empty.
Furthermore, this is my modified one. Since the vpc-id is unique, you don't need [*] when you set the vpc-id and just select the first one and no bracket for state.
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=vpc-id,Values="id" --query 'Vpcs[0].State'
Then, the result looks like
I'm trying to create an event using the AWS CLI. When I issue this command:
aws events put-targets --rule Rotate-Old-Access-Keys-Notification-Scheduler --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:12345678910:function:rotate-old-access-keys-notification-sender" --profile=lab
I get the error:
Error parsing parameter '--targets': Expected: '=', received: 'EOF' for input:
How can I fix this command so that it works?
There is an issue while you are trying to parse profile to your command. Below command should work.
aws events put-targets --rule Rotate-Old-Access-Keys-Notification-Scheduler --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:12345678910:function:rotate-old-access-keys-notification-sender" --profile lab
I am trying to get all ec2 instance that have schedules events and filter by a tag name. But the filter by tag throws an error.
I am trying the below command:
aws ec2 describe-instance-status --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=*xyz*"
The above command throws:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
The filter 'tag:Name' is invalid
However when I run the same filer on describe-instances, it works fine:
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=*xyz*"
The above command returns the ec2 instances as expected.
It happens on boto3 as well.
Please help on this.
The filters that are accepted by describe-instance-status are documented here. As can be seen, filtering by tag is not an option. You will probably need to firstly get the list of instance-ids using describe-instances and filtering by tag, and then for each of these instance-ids, find the instance status.