I have been trying to deploy my first contract on Remix using Ropsten Network with metamask but i am always seeing this
Creation of my_smart_contract pending
Please how can i resolve this
I think the error will because of EIther you haven't changed the deployed option to web3 provider or You haven;t changed the Port to 7545. Please check , i face the same issue
Make sure to compile the contract before deploying. Image for reference
I can’t see the ropsten test network on my meta mask.
I tried to distribute my dapp on the test net using ropsten, but I faced this problem.
The test network show option is active.
Please understand that my lang is korean. :o
enter image description here
Rinkeby, Kovan and Ropsten have been deprecated (see announcements on Ethereum.org and Infura.io). Because of this, MetaMask also removed these networks from their default list. It is recommended to use Goerli or Sepolia instead of any of these deprecated testnets.
I've created the following Solidity contract that emits an event:
And in my front-end JS code I'm using ethers.js and reading the data from the event with event.args[2] (line 76):
When I use a Hardhat local node the event.args[2] has what I'm expecting.
However event.args is undefined when I use the contract deployed on a Polygon Mumbai testnet node with Alchemy.com.
I appreciate any help or guidance with this error I'm facing, let me know if I should share any other info.
I found this quickstart guide on how to do it locally. But there is no information about on how I can deploy my smartcontract to devnet or mainnet.
So I changed endpoint:
const client = new TonClient({
network: {
endpoints: ["https://net.ton.dev"]
According to comment, I removed useGiver:
// Request contract deployment funds form a local TON OS SE giver
// not suitable for other networks.
// Deploy `hello` contract.
await helloAcc.deploy(/*{ useGiver: true }*/);
And got this this error message:
Account does not exist. You need to transfer funds to this account first to have a positive balance and then deploy its code
How do I fund my account, is there any automatic method like airdrop?
We added a couple of guides about how to deploy and configure your own giver in developer network. Please, check them out:
Work with devnet with everdev tool - https://github.com/tonlabs/everdev/blob/main/docs/work_with_devnet.md
Configure giver in AppKit - https://tonlabs.gitbook.io/appkit-js/guides/custom_giver
You need to first calculate the contract address in the target chain and then tip it up to 1 EVER for deployment to succeed.
The amount of gas needed depends on the code of the contract, but cannot exceed 1 EVER.
There are no automatic givers in net.ton.dev now. But you can get rubins from here: faucet.extraton.io Also you can create automatic giver in this test network by yourself.
Trying to run Metaplex with locally hosted test validator. The wallet seems to be connecting correctly and showing the balance as expected. But it fails to initialize the store. Whenever I press "init store" I run into a timeout waiting for the transaction confirmation.
To enable connecting to localhost I've modified ENDPOINTS in 'connection.ts by adding the following to the array:
name: 'localnet' as ENV,
endpoint: '',
ChainId: ChainId.Devnet,
Upon a closer investigation it seems that the init store does not actually deploy the programs to the local blockchain.
If by "Metaplex" in your orginal post you are referring to the Web UI here https://github.com/metaplex-foundation/metaplex/tree/master/js/packages/web keep in mind this UI does a lot of stuff.
As you have noted in your update: Metaplex is composed of many different program accounts. You would have to locate each of these accounts then "--clone" them on the solana-test-validator command line in order to ensure Metaplex works.
AFAIK there is no script or instructions about how to set up Metaplex from scratch.
The Metaplex storeFront is deprecated and is no longer maintained by the Metaplex Team. So i will advice for building an NFT Marketplace better use the Auction house contract for that. Here is the link for Auction house link
I'm developing the front-end to an application that I'm trying to test. However, MetaMask keeps giving me this error? I tried changing the gas limit like previously suggested and nothing. Any ideas?
MetaMask - RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error.
code: -32603
data: {code: -32000, message: "gas required exceeds allowance (30000000) or always failing transaction"}
message: "Internal JSON-RPC error."
Without seeing the code, it's hard to say for sure but you could try:
Check any code you changed in the front end, specifically in your code you may have something like this:
const contractInstance = new state.web3.eth.Contract(
"0x.....", // contract address
from: state.accounts[0],
gasPrice: 1000,
gas: 100000
Make sure the gas prices are similar to those, you may have to adjust for your case.
Re-compile and redeploy --> for truffle, run truffle develop first, then compile then migrate --reset for local deployment.
In Metamask, reset your test account. Metamask > Select Account > Settings > Advanced > Reset account. Only do this for testing accounts
Previously it used to happen in older versions due to a gas specification issue which was fixed. rpcErrors.internal` expects a string as the first argument, with arbitrary data being the optional second argument. Passing in a non-
string first argument results in the error being shadowed by an error
from eth-json-rpc-errors.
Please check what you are passing to Metamask.
In my case, after trying so many options I have restarted Ganache and re-imported new account from Ganache to Metamask.
I connected this new account with localhost application.
This resoles my issue.
Before performing any transaction the sending ETH address must be connected to your own site or UI. So it can get the address of sending account and goes towards the further transaction in the metamask.
Make sure Your sending account address must be connected to your UI.