Hellosign conversion old system cordinates - hellosign-api

I'm wanting to take advantage of the fields created by Hellosign that can be downloaded by the get / template /:id api, to assemble a pdf here with the document, but I saw that in the return from the API they use an old 80 DPI system where I only have o X, Y, Width, Height, I wanted to convert it to a 72 dpi format how do I do this conversion to inject this with a PDBox for example?
GET https://[api key]:#api.hellosign.com/v3/template/[:template_id] "form_fields": [
"api_id": "b65e03_10",
"name": "DepartmentA",
"type": "checkbox",
"x": 117,
"y": 19,
"width": 15,
"height": 15,
"required": false,
"group": "group1"
"api_id": "b65e03_11",
"name": "DepartmentB",
"type": "checkbox",
"x": 118,
"y": 41,
"width": 15,
"height": 15,
"required": false,
"group": "group1"
"api_id": "0ec7a7_1",
"name": "VendorName",
"type": "text",
"x": 160,
"y": 141,
"width": 80,
"height": 30,
"required": true,
"group": null
"api_id": "0ec7a7_2",
"name": "VendorTitle",
"type": "text",
"x": 160,
"y": 181,
"width": 80,
"height": 30,
"required": true,
"group": null
"api_id": "0ec7a7_3",
"name": "ManagerName",
"type": "text",
"x": 160,
"y": 221,
"width": 80,
"height": 30,
"required": true,
"group": null
"api_id": "0ec7a7_4",
"name": "ManagerTitle",
"type": "text",
"x": 160,
"y": 251,
"width": 80,
"height": 30,
"required": true,
"group": null
"api_id": "0ec7a7_5",
"name": "DateSigned",
"type": "date_signed",
"x": 523,
"y": 28,
"width": 105,
"height": 16,
"required": true,
"group": null
I want inject fields in PDBox in document.

I believe this was also discussed on a support ticket but I'm also posting the answer here in case anyone else would like to know about this. Here are the calculations our team has come up to be able to get the closest as possible to converting the coordinates. The below might differentiate depending on the file size, but I'm basing this on a US Standard Landscape Letter Document , which has the following dimension : 8.5 x 11, which is 612 x 792 DPI.
For the x coordinates:
Those should be multiplied by 0.9 (0.9 is the result when dividing 72/80) - 100 (because the old coordinates for the x will start in 100).
Let's try an example with "x:"450.
(450 - 100) * 0.9 = 315. So the x coordinate in the new system should be 315
For the y coordinates:
Those should also be multiplied by 0.9 (0.9 is the result when dividing 72/80), then minus the page size depending on which page these fields are. For US standard letter the page size is 792. If the fields is on the third page for example, then you'd have the same calculation - the page size for the number of pages you'd want to remove.
Let's try an example with "y": 1734
First thing we need to confirm in this case is in which page this field is, since we don't have the page parameter on the old system.In order to know that, we must divide the y coordinate for the page size. So in this example should be 1734/792, and the result is 2.1893939394. With that we know that field should be on the second page.
After that, we can check the new coordinates:
1734 * 0.9 = 1,560.6 (which we can round for 1561)
1561 - 792 (since we need to subtract an entire page) = 769
If the field is on the first page, in this case it's only necessary to multiply the value of y for 0.9.
In this case:
218 * 0.9 - 196.1 (rounding for 196)
Adding the page parameter
With the new coordinates, a page parameter should be specified. You can check the page for each field by dividing the y coordinate/ page size.
Subtracting the signer index
In the Get template response, the signer index will start at 1. To add the form_fields_per_document, we're expecting the signer index to start at 0, so just subtract 1 from all signers from the response.
Example old system:
"signer": "1",
Example new system:
"signer": "0",
The above will also depend on the file size. Form_fields_per_document coordinate system is designed to use with US Letter-sized documents, and the following formula to convert fields will not work in all circumstances - however, it may be useful as a starting point if you are trying to place fields on a non-standard document and are willing to experiment. We have instructions on the article below for another type of document sizing https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577-How-to-use-the-Form-Fields-Per-Document-parameter.


how to create a shape with min and max values power bi

I have a data below:
xmin xmax ymin ymax
2 4 1 2
4 6 2 3
I wanted to generate a shape which I can use to fill in values. Please assist.
Thank you
Create your data like this.
Make sure every column says do not aggregate.
Import the Deneb visual from marketplace.
Add the fields to the Deneb visual well as follows:
Paste the following code into Deneb.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"width": 300,
"height": 240,
"background": "white",
"data": {"name": "dataset"},
"layer": [
"mark": {"type": "rect", "color": "#9bc2e6"}
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "xmin",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"domain": [0, 10]}
"x2": {"field": "xmax"},
"y": {
"field": "ymin",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"domain": [8, 0]}
"y2": {"field": "ymax"},
"color":{"field": "id"}
That's it.

Cannot add widget to AWS Cloudwatch Dashboard

I am trying to configure an existing AWS Dashboard with adding one new widget.
In Amazon Kinesis / Analytics application / Streaming application I click on the graphs 'View in metrics" of which I would like to add to my dashboard
In the next screen I click Actions / Add to dashboard
after selecting my dashboard I click add, and then I can see my dashboard with the chart:
However, if I click on "Save" I get the following error:
There was an error while trying to save your dashboard:
The dashboard body is invalid, there are 6 validation errors: [
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/metrics/0", "message": "Should NOT have more than 4 items" },
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/metrics/1", "message": "Should NOT have more than 4 items" },
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/yAxis/left", "message": "Should be null" },
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/yAxis/left", "message": "Should match some schema in anyOf" },
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/yAxis/right", "message": "Should be null" },
{ "dataPath": "/widgets/5/properties/yAxis/right", "message": "Should match some schema in anyOf" } ]
I am totally clueless, as I did not enter anything manually, all I done was just clicking on the menu items. What is the problem here? I don't even understand the error messages even. I have 4 logs, and 1 chart already on the screen, this would be the 6th item if that is important.
Update: adding the source code of the template (I censored some sensitive information with "......."):
"widgets": [
"height": 6,
"width": 24,
"y": 12,
"x": 0,
"type": "log",
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/kinesis-analytics/.......' | fields #timestamp, message | filter applicationARN like /arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:eu-west-1:......./| filter messageType = \"ERROR\"| sort #timestamp desc",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"title": "Error log (last 1000 records)",
"view": "table"
"height": 6,
"width": 24,
"y": 6,
"x": 0,
"type": "log",
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/kinesis-analytics/.......' | fields #timestamp, message | filter applicationARN like /arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:eu-west-1:......./| sort #timestamp desc",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"title": "Full log (last 1000 records)",
"view": "table"
"height": 6,
"width": 24,
"y": 18,
"x": 0,
"type": "log",
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/kinesis-analytics/.......' | fields #timestamp, message | filter applicationARN like /arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:eu-west-1:......./| filter message like / OEE Data Streaming app v / | sort #timestamp desc",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"title": "Version - works only right after deployment, othervise look at the name of the jar file :) ",
"view": "table"
"height": 6,
"width": 24,
"y": 0,
"x": 0,
"type": "log",
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/kinesis-analytics/.......' | fields #timestamp, message | filter applicationARN like /arn:aws:kinesisanalytics:eu-west-1:338785721659:.......") | sort #timestamp desc",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"title": "OEE app inside logs",
"view": "table"
"height": 6,
"width": 6,
"y": 24,
"x": 0,
"type": "metric",
"properties": {
"region": "eu-west-1",
"yAxis": {
"left": {
"min": 0
"metrics": [
[ "AWS/Kinesis", "GetRecords.Records", "StreamName", ".......", { "id": "m3", "visible": true } ]
"stat": "Sum",
"title": "GetRecords - .......",
"start": "-PT3H",
"end": "P0D",
"view": "timeSeries",
"stacked": false
and if I try to add the uptime widget, it's code is this :
"type": "metric",
"x": 6,
"y": 24,
"width": 6,
"height": 6,
"properties": {
"region": "eu-west-1",
"yAxis": {
"left": {
"min": 0,
"stat": "Maximum",
"showUnits": false
"right": {
"min": 0,
"stat": "Maximum",
"showUnits": false
"metrics": [
[ "AWS/KinesisAnalytics", "uptime", "Application", "...", { "yAxis": "left", "label": "uptime", "stat": "Maximum", "showUnits": false } ],
[ ".", "fullRestarts", ".", ".", { "yAxis": "right", "label": "fullRestarts", "stat": "Maximum", "showUnits": false } ]
"stat": "Maximum",
"title": "Uptime (Milliseconds) - Maximum",
"start": "-PT3H",
"end": "P0D",
"view": "timeSeries",
"stacked": false
but I cannot save it now with the error message I described earlier.
Looks like the properties on axis definition and metric definition are mixed up.
Axis should not have the stat property: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/CloudWatch-Dashboard-Body-Structure.html#CloudWatch-Dashboard-Properties-YAxis-Properties-Format
Metric definition should not have the showUnits property: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/CloudWatch-Dashboard-Body-Structure.html#CloudWatch-Dashboard-Properties-Rendering-Object-Format
Try removing the stat property from both left and right axis definition. Also remove the showUnits property from the metrics definition (that should only be on the axis definitions).
If this was generated automatically, then it looks like a bug in the console.

How to get Vega/Vega-Lite gradient to behave correctly when zoomed in

I have created a graph with a gradient which is zoomable (see code below), but the gradient doesn't behave the way I'd like. When the user zooms in, the gradient effectively disappears. This effect is particularly pronounced if the data contains a big spike, and the user zooms into a different part of the data.
In my example, try changing the domain from [21,29] to [0,29] and you'll see what I mean. If the graph is fully zoomed-out [0,29], you can see the full gradient (white to green). When the graph is zoomed in [21,29], it also "zooms in" on the gradient, effectively making it disappear.
Is there a way to make the gradient be relative to the screen, so that the user continues to see the gradient regardless of the zoom?
I did try to convert the graph to Vega, and then try to scale the 0-1 gradient offset values based on the zoom, but it turned out rather complicated and messy. I'm wondering if I'm missing something, and if maybe there is a better way.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"description": "Google's stock price over time.",
"data": {"url": "data/stocks.csv"},
"transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol==='MSFT'"}],
"mark": {
"type": "area",
"clip": true,
"line": {"color": "darkgreen"},
"color": {
"x1": 1,
"y1": 1,
"x2": 1,
"y2": 0,
"gradient": "linear",
"stops": [
{"offset": 0, "color": "white"},
{"offset": 1, "color": "darkgreen"}
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "date", "type": "temporal", "scale": {"domain": ["2006-1-1", "2007-1-1-"]}},
"y": {"field": "price", "type": "quantitative", "scale": {"domain": [21, 29]}}

How can I compare two AWS Rekognition collections?

I have two images with 40+ faces of people in it. I want to detect which faces are repeated in both images using AWS Rekognition service.
The original approach was to use the IndexFaces function of Rekognition and store all the faces of one image in one collection and the faces of the other image in another collection and then compare them using their FaceId. I thought that IndexFaces would provide a fingerprint for each face but it happens to be the FaceId is just a random identifier and not a fingerprint of the face.
I found this answer How to compare faces in a Collection to faces in a Stored Video using AWS Rekognition? but that compares all the faces in a collection with faces appearing in a video, so I would be forced to convert one of the images to a 1 second video containing the image as only frame.. which I think defeats the purpose of easy usage.
It has to be a way to compare two rekognition collections in order to check for repeated images that Im failing to find.
There are two ways you could go about this:
Option 1: Use ExternalImageID
This is similar to your method.
The important part is that when a face is added to a collection, you can provide an ExternalImageID. Later, when this face is matched with an image, Amazon Rekognition will return the ExternalImageID for the face.
For example, you could store a person's name or unique identifier in the ExternalImageID.
So, your process could look like this:
Call DetectFaces() on image 1
It will return a list of FaceDetails with a bounding box for each face
Loop through each returned face and use the provided bounding box to call IndexFaces() for each individual face, providing an ExternalImageID each time (it could just be an incrementing number)
Then, call IndexFaces() on image 2
If it finds any faces in the collection generated from image 1, it will provide the ExternalImageID of the matching face
Option 2: Use CompareFaces()
Compares a face in the source input image with each of the 100 largest faces detected in the target input image.
This takes one input face (the largest in the source image) and compares it to all faces in the target image. Therefore, you would follow a similar process to above:
Call DetectFaces() on image 1
It will return a list of FaceDetails with a bounding box for each face
Loop through each returned face and use the provided bounding box to call CompareFaces() for each individual face, comparing it to image 2
You will be provided with a confidence level of each potentially matching face
See: Comparing Faces in Images - Amazon Rekognition
So, the second method is easier if you are just comparing two images. The first method is better if you have already stored individual faces that you wish to use again in future calls.
Thanks to #John Rotenstein I was able to make a quick prototype using the was console:
Assuming that we have all the permissions and AWS console installed on the system and a S3 bucket called 'TestBucket' where all the images are stored, I did the following:
1.- Created a "Main Collection"
> aws rekognition create-collection --collection-id "MainCollection"
2.- Added one of the people I want to detect, I extracted the face from an individual face and ran IndexFace
> aws rekognition index-faces --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"TestBucket","Name":"cristian.jpg"}}' --collection-id "MainCollection" --max-faces 100 --quality-filter "AUTO" --detection-attributes "ALL" --external-image-id "cristian.jpg"
The resulting FaceID is 'a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9'
3.- I added the second image to the collection:
> aws rekognition index-faces --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"TestBucket","Name":"ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg"}}' --collection-id "MainCollection" --max-faces 100 --quality-filter "AUTO" --detection-attributes "ALL" --external-image-id "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg"
resulted in 40+ entries like this one, showing only one for brevity:
"FaceRecords": [
"FaceDetail": {
"Confidence": 99.99859619140625,
"Eyeglasses": {
"Confidence": 54.99907684326172,
"Value": false
"Sunglasses": {
"Confidence": 54.99971389770508,
"Value": false
"Gender": {
"Confidence": 54.747318267822266,
"Value": "Male"
"Landmarks": [
"Y": 0.311367392539978,
"X": 0.1916557103395462,
"Type": "eyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3120582699775696,
"X": 0.20143891870975494,
"Type": "eyeRight"
"Y": 0.3355730175971985,
"X": 0.19253292679786682,
"Type": "mouthLeft"
"Y": 0.3361922800540924,
"X": 0.2005564421415329,
"Type": "mouthRight"
"Y": 0.32276451587677,
"X": 0.19691102206707,
"Type": "nose"
"Y": 0.30642834305763245,
"X": 0.1876278519630432,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft"
"Y": 0.3037400245666504,
"X": 0.19379760324954987,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowRight"
"Y": 0.3029193580150604,
"X": 0.19078010320663452,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowUp"
"Y": 0.3041592836380005,
"X": 0.1995924860239029,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft"
"Y": 0.3074571192264557,
"X": 0.20519918203353882,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowRight"
"Y": 0.30346789956092834,
"X": 0.2024637758731842,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowUp"
"Y": 0.3115418553352356,
"X": 0.1898096352815628,
"Type": "leftEyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3118479251861572,
"X": 0.1935078650712967,
"Type": "leftEyeRight"
"Y": 0.31028062105178833,
"X": 0.19159308075904846,
"Type": "leftEyeUp"
"Y": 0.31250447034835815,
"X": 0.19164365530014038,
"Type": "leftEyeDown"
"Y": 0.31221893429756165,
"X": 0.19937492907047272,
"Type": "rightEyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3123391270637512,
"X": 0.20295380055904388,
"Type": "rightEyeRight"
"Y": 0.31087613105773926,
"X": 0.2013435810804367,
"Type": "rightEyeUp"
"Y": 0.31308478116989136,
"X": 0.20125225186347961,
"Type": "rightEyeDown"
"Y": 0.3264555335044861,
"X": 0.19483911991119385,
"Type": "noseLeft"
"Y": 0.3265785574913025,
"X": 0.19839303195476532,
"Type": "noseRight"
"Y": 0.3319154679775238,
"X": 0.196599081158638,
"Type": "mouthUp"
"Y": 0.3392537832260132,
"X": 0.19649912416934967,
"Type": "mouthDown"
"Y": 0.311367392539978,
"X": 0.1916557103395462,
"Type": "leftPupil"
"Y": 0.3120582699775696,
"X": 0.20143891870975494,
"Type": "rightPupil"
"Y": 0.31476160883903503,
"X": 0.18458032608032227,
"Type": "upperJawlineLeft"
"Y": 0.3398161828517914,
"X": 0.18679481744766235,
"Type": "midJawlineLeft"
"Y": 0.35216856002807617,
"X": 0.19623762369155884,
"Type": "chinBottom"
"Y": 0.34082692861557007,
"X": 0.2045571506023407,
"Type": "midJawlineRight"
"Y": 0.3160339295864105,
"X": 0.20668834447860718,
"Type": "upperJawlineRight"
"Pose": {
"Yaw": 4.778820514678955,
"Roll": 1.7387386560440063,
"Pitch": 11.82911205291748
"Emotions": [
"Confidence": 47.9405403137207,
"Type": "CALM"
"Confidence": 45.432857513427734,
"Type": "ANGRY"
"Confidence": 45.953487396240234,
"Type": "HAPPY"
"Confidence": 45.215728759765625,
"Confidence": 50.013206481933594,
"Type": "SAD"
"Confidence": 45.30225372314453,
"Type": "CONFUSED"
"Confidence": 45.14192199707031,
"AgeRange": {
"High": 43,
"Low": 26
"EyesOpen": {
"Confidence": 54.95812225341797,
"Value": true
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.02271346002817154,
"Top": 0.28692546486854553,
"Left": 0.1841897815465927,
"Height": 0.06893482059240341
"Smile": {
"Confidence": 53.493797302246094,
"Value": false
"MouthOpen": {
"Confidence": 53.51670837402344,
"Value": false
"Quality": {
"Sharpness": 53.330047607421875,
"Brightness": 81.31917572021484
"Mustache": {
"Confidence": 54.971839904785156,
"Value": false
"Beard": {
"Confidence": 54.136474609375,
"Value": false
"Face": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.02271346002817154,
"Top": 0.28692546486854553,
"Left": 0.1841897815465927,
"Height": 0.06893482059240341
"FaceId": "570eb8a6-72b8-4381-a1a2-9112aa2b348e",
"ExternalImageId": "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg",
"Confidence": 99.99859619140625,
"ImageId": "7f09400e-2de8-3d11-af05-223f13f9ef76"
3.- Then I issued a SearchFacesById using the FaceId detected previously:
> aws rekognition search-faces --face-id "a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9" --collection-id "MainCollection"
and Voila! I got the face detected on the second source image as needed...
"SearchedFaceId": "a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9",
"FaceModelVersion": "4.0",
"FaceMatches": [
"Face": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.022825799882411957,
"Top": 0.31017398834228516,
"Left": 0.4018920063972473,
"Height": 0.06067270040512085
"FaceId": "bfd58e70-2bcf-403a-87da-6137c28ccbdd",
"ExternalImageId": "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg",
"Confidence": 100.0,
"ImageId": "7f09400e-2de8-3d11-af05-223f13f9ef76"
"Similarity": 92.36637115478516
So now I have to do the same thing for all the other face images detected in the source image nº1 and then compare them to the ones detected from the source image nº2 using the same set of commands!

JSON formatting error using Boost JSON parser

I'm attempting to use Boost to read a JSON file from my Firefox configuration folder called sessionstore.js, where the information on the current/last Firefox session is saved for purposes of recovery. I've written a program based on the XML-based tutorial from the Boost website, simply swapping out the XML parts for the JSON parts, which can be seen below
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <exception>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
using namespace std;
const string FILENAME = "sessionstore.js";
const string WINDOW_TAG = "windows";
struct session_settings
void load (const string &FILENAME);
void session_settings::load (const string &FILENAME)
ptree pt;
read_json (FILENAME, pt);
int main()
session_settings Settings;
catch (exception &e)
cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 0;
The contents of the JSON file I'm trying to read are
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and when I tried to load that with my program I got the error
Error: sessionstore.js(1): expected value
Since the file is formatted all on a single line, this meant the error could be anywhere in the file, so I ran it though a Javascript beautifier, keeping the default options, and pasted the results back into the original file and executed the program.
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The error
Error: sessionstore.js(179): expected value
now identifies the fault as being on the third-last line, the one that reads "lastUpdate": 1305658398727. From what I've read about the JSON format, this sounds to me like a comma or bracket is missing from this line, but this is a file that has been produced my Mozilla to work with Firefox, and I don't believe that they would make a mistake like that, so I am lead to believe that there is a problem with the JSON parser in Boost. Can anyone please confirm if this is the case, or if I'm the one doing something wrong?
I think the problem is this value is bigger than an int or a double. I don't know what data type uses BOOST JSON for reading numbers. To test this, just change the number to be a string and parse it again. In the standard, numbers are not limited, but you have to select a data type to represent them, and maybe they selected double, clearly not enough for this number. I'll take a look to see if you can configure the type used for numbers.
Looking again at the implementation, the "number" rule is implemented using Spirit as follows:
= strict_real_p
| int_p
Looking at Spirit strict_real_p uses double as the underlying type, and int_p actually uses an int.
The bad news is that, for what I see in the code, this is not configurable, so you have to change the JSON to be interpreted.
After receiving answers from Diego Sevilla and c-smile, I did a bit of Googling to figure out how I would incorporate their suggestions into Boost, since changing the JSON file unfortunately isn't an option in my case, and I came across this ticket on the Boost bug tracker that describes my exact problem. It has since been fixed and released with Boost 1.45. I, however, am using version 1.42 from the Ubuntu repositories, so will need to install the newer version manually.
As Diego said that is because 1305658398727 does not fit into neither strict_real_p nor int_p production.
I suspect you will need either other JSON parser or to modify Spirit definitions by yourself.
Either like this:
= strict_real_p
| int_p
| int64_p
or just as:
= real_p;
Ideally date/time in JSON should be presented by strings in ISO format. In this case you will not have such problems. I suspect that data there is just a number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 (JavaScript Date.valueOf())