How to run codepipeline from AWS chatbot - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to run AWS codepipeline from slack using AWS chatbot feature. I've configured a chatbot properly and it is giving me appropriate response when I'm running a command
#aws codepipeline list-pipelines --region us-east-1
With this command it is showing me all the configured codepipelines in my AWS account.
However when I'm trying to run a pipeline using
#aws codepipeline start-pipeline-execution --name dev-pipeline
I'm getting following error.
I can't run the command codepipeline start-pipeline-execution because it isn't enabled.
There's no option I can see in AWS Chatbot to enable this pipeline.
I'm able to run this same pipeline using AWS CLI and its working perfectly fine.
Can someone please give me any pointer to configure AWS Chatbot from Slack to run AWS Codepipeline?


How to deploy AWS SAM appllication from AWS console

When I deploy my AWS SAM application from the command line with sam deploy, it works fine.
When I try to deploy it from my corporate account I cannot do it from the command line. in the AWS console, I get the following error:
Any suggestion?

Unable to deploy pipeline to AWS CI/CD account

I am trying to deploy pipeline to CI/CD account. However I'm getting below error.
npm run cdk deploy LandingPagePipelineStack -- --profile cicd
> landingpage#0.3.13 cdk
> cdk deploy LandingPagePipelineStack --profile cicd
Failed to get credentials for "cicd" profile. Make sure to run "aws configure sso --profile cicd && aws sso login --profile cicd"
I have also tried to logged in using below command and it was successful.
aws configure sso --profile cicd && aws sso login --profile cicd
I'm following step number 5 at AWS tutorial.
Please help me to deploy pipeline to CI/CD account.
After you execute the command in the output (aws configure sso --profile cicd && aws sso login --profile cicd) you should be able to simply execute npm run cdk deploy LandingPagePipelineStack -- --profile cicd
Make sure that any time you want to execute cdk with sso context, that you have active temp credentials, by executing sso login

AWS Cli command to get "AWS CLI Export"

When EMR Cluster has been provisioned, I want to get the "AWS CLI Export" output using aws cli command.
Please let me know if someone has an idea to get aws cli export output through aws cli command

AWS CodeDeploy for Azure Virtual Machine

this might come off as a rather far fetched query but please help me out.
Is it possible to register an Azure Virtual Machine with AWS CodeDeploy?
I've done some read up and found that Amazon provides option to install the CodeDeploy agent on On-Premises instances as seen HERE
If it is at all possible, how do we go about it?
My objective is to try and use CodeDeploy as we are already subscribed to it instead of using Azure's DevOps services.
As suggested by #silent, I tried it out and it actually works. Here are the steps:
But before we start, MIND YOU!:
Step 1: Install AWS CLI
Step 2: Configure AWS with a user that has the role of the CodeDeploy IAM user
Step 3: Run the following command
aws deploy register
--instance-name <some name for your VM>
--iam-user-arn <IAM user arn>
--tags Key=<some key for you tag>,Value=<some value>
--region <your region>
Step 4: run aws deploy install --config-file codedeploy.onpremises.yml

How to see the deployment progress via aws cli

I created a deployment using AWS cli:
aws deploy create-deployment --application-name systest1 --deployment-group-name TEST --s3-location bucket=artifacts,bundleType=zip,
and I got the out as
"deploymentId": "d-559F8S41O"
How can I see the status of the deployment?? I believe
aws deploy get-deployment
will show us the status but it will not show continuous progress. Actually, I am using AWS cli so use don't have to go on AWS console and check the deployment status instead he will get the result on gitlab-ci output only. Any suggestion??
Use the below CLI command to get the status:
aws deploy get-deployment --deployment-id d-52EZVE6PC --query "deploymentInfo.[status, creator]" --output text