Get Facebook Page review - reviewer field is empty - facebook-graph-api

I pull page reviews with graph api.
But the reviewer field is empty.
The page access token has this permissions:
My facebook app doesn't have any permission or review.
What is the problem?
Best regards,

The soultion is that the app need pages_read_engagement permission.
Not the standard access, but the advanced access.
To get this have to to send app to review.


Get instagram ID from facebook graph API without manage_pages permission

I'm creating an app that's using facebook login to get instagram follower insights. Currently I've followed and and successfully made the soloution written here:
But here's the problem. Facebook won't approve the "manage_pages" permission for my app. Without manage_pages I have no idea how to get the instagram account id.
I've tried for a couple of weeks now, and facebook won't give any explanation other than "This permission is not required for your app's intended function, or it doesn't appear to enhance the user experience" and then referencing this
I currently have a facebook support ticket regarding the issue but they haven't replied for almost 2 weeks. And I'm getting a little desperate.
Using below URL for version 3.0 and 3.2 to get the instagram accounts - It works with "manage_permissions" but without it the response is empty.
Facebook has finally replied to my support ticket and accepted my app review! The approach and guide I was using above was correct.
I have similar problem to get Instagram Id without extra manage_pages permission. I see no point to ask users for manage page permissions (just read it - its includes ads/create/delete etc permissions, crazy) just to get their Instagram accounts id connected to the page. I've found pages_read_engagement permission will provide this data! So, read only permission fixed my problem. Try it! Its better than manage_pages I guess.

Facebook API page subscription

I am trying to subscribe other's Facebook user's page to my application. Application has permissions like pages_messaging, public_profile, etc. Basically this is a messenger. But it complains and keep saying that I need a "manage_pages" permission. Why? I can't find docs in FB api regarding it. Thanks
Hi you should apply for manage pages permission in your app.To create a subscription you should have the manage_pages permission.

what permissions does my canvas app need to post to the feed on its own page?

The page that I'm starting as a compliment to my canvas app is one where a certain user action will add a post to the feed of that page. I know that if I want to post to a page that the user personally administers, I have to get the manage_pages permission, but no one administers this page but me as the developer, so why would I ask the user for that permission? So aside from the publish_stream permission what do I need to do to make this work?
This isn't something I can do in open graph because you can only post open graph stories to the users own feed.
You require no permission if you want to post on your page on user's behalf. You just require to retrieve and save your Page's access token, retrieved by your extended access token with manage_pages and publish_stream permission so that it doesn't expires, and use the same to post on your page.
If you want the same to be posted on the user's timeline then you may ask for the publish_stream permission from the user to post on his timeline.
Just as a word of caution, you should moderate the content that would be posted on your Page's wall just to be sure, so that your Page is not filled with spam posts.

Is it possible to get a list of facebook pages with insights access without the "manage_pages" permission?

I'm trying to find out if a Facebook User is able to view the insights of a certain Facebook page. I know that this is possible using the Open Graph API with an access token that has the "manage_pages" permission. Is this the only possible solution? I don't want to request the "manage_pages" permission just to find out if this certain user can view the insights. My app only requests the "view_insights" permission and I'd like to keep it that way.
If its a specific page then you can get <PAGE_ID>/insights with the Graph API, all it requires is read_insights permission.
For getting list of pages a user administrating using either Graph API (<USER_ID>/accounts) or FQL (SELECT page_id FROM page_admin WHERE uid=<USER_ID>) you'll have to request the manage_pages permissions

Posting photos to a Facebook page as a non-admin

A client wants the ability for people to upload photos from within their website and have them post to their Facebook page. I'm personally an admin of the Facebook page in question, so I can post the photo myself without issue. However, I'm trying to determine if there is a way for a non-admin to post a photo to an album within the page.
Originally, there was an offline_access scope which would allow me to get a single access token (logged in as myself) to be used on the third party website, but this is no longer the case. It's looking more and more like there is no way to write any kind of information to a Facebook page (including wall even wall posts) via the open graph api unless you're an admin and have a manage_pages enabled token.
Any thoughts?
You shouldn't need manage_pages permission. You want publish_stream.
manage_pages just allows you to obtain an access token to "log in as" an admin to a page the user has access to. Publish stream allows you to make comments and post on people's wall.
With publish_stream, you should be able to post pictures to the pages wall as long as that page's permissions allow you to do so. You won't be able to upload them to the pages album though, as that needs to be performed by an admin to the page. Just like your friends can post pictures to your wall, but they can't add photos to your albums.
Using the graph protocol, you can perform any action that both:
The user you're authenticated as has permission to perform
Your application has been granted permission to perform on the user's behalf.
So it's important to understand both the permission settings of both the actor (authenticated user) and the victim (the object being changed).