How to encapsulate parent/child relationship in webcomponents? - css-grid

I'm trying to implement webcomponents with a parent/child relationship, and it seems like what I want to do is impossible. Please tell me I'm wrong!
I'm trying to build a grid layout. I have a component called grid and one called cell, a grid will contain multiple cell children.
I want to encapsulate the particular way I'm implementing the layout. I might use CSS grid, I might use a table, I might do all the rendering in SVG. I want the number of rows and columns to be properties of a grid and the specific row/column to be properties of a cell.
In this case I'm using CSS grid, and I'm generating my webcomponents using Svelte. I don't think Svelte is the problem, I think it's inherent to how webcomponents work.
So I want to be able to write:
<grid rows="3" cols="3">
<cell row="1" col="1" />
<cell row="1" col="2" />
My resulting DOM looks like this in the inspector:
<grid cols="3" rows="3">
#shadow-root /* style includes display:grid, columns and rows settings */
<cell col="1" row="1">
#shadow-root /* style includes grid-column:1; grid-row:1; */
<cell col="1" row="2">
#shadow-root /* style includes grid-column:1; grid-row:2; */
The grid component has all the CSS styles to display a 3x3 grid. And it does show a grid, but the cells aren't in the correct order.
The problem is that the grid-column and grid-row CSS attributes for the cells are set in their shadow-roots and apply to their divs. The immediate children of the HTML element that has display: grid; as a style are the cells, and they don't have grid-column or grid-row styles. The div under each of the cell's shadow-root has those styles. So those styles are ignored and the cells get laid out in the order they appear in the DOM.
I can get it to lay out correctly by rendering each cell with its own style setting the row/column, as in:
<grid rows="3" cols="3">
<cell style="grid-column:1; grid-row:1" />
But now I have a leaky abstraction, the user of the grid and cell webcomponents has to know that grid uses CSS grid to do its layout, and has to apply CSS grid styles to the cells to place them correctly. I want to encapsulate this parent/child implementation detail entirely within the webcomponents.
Unless there's a way, in a webcomponent, to apply a CSS style to the component itself, above the shadow-root, it seems like what I'm trying to do is impossible. Is this an inherent limitation of webcomponents?
Thanks for your help!

To answer my own question: yes, you can access the webcomponent from within, penetrating the shadowRoot upwards.
In CSS, you can access the component with the :host selector. In my case, I use CSS vars:
:host {
grid-column: var(--cell-col);
grid-row: var(--cell-row);
I still need to set the values of the variables in the DOM, and setting them in the top-level element of the component (the div) won't work. In Svelte, I can use bind:this to bind the div element to a variable (topEl). Then I add an onMount handler that navigates up from the topEl to its host and sets the CSS variables from the Svelte component variables:
onMount(() => { += `--cell-col:${col} --cell-row:${row}`


How do I style the disclosure triangle element in react markdown in md file?

I'm working with react markdown for the first time. I'm creating an FAQ space and decided to use the collapsible disclosure widgets. I want the topics to be collapsible and the questions inside of them to also be collapsible. When I add any or styling elements to the first summary, the disclosure triangle moves to the line above so I'd like to remove it all together. Is there any way to remove the disclosure triangle in only the topic summary? I don't really want to touch any css here but if I have to I can..
<summary>This is a question?</summary>
> This is an answer.
*Expand to view frequently asked questions*````
My .jsx wrapper looks something like this, could I style the summary (or details?) class there, and how?
rehypePlugins={[rehypeRaw, rehypeSanitize]}
h4: ({node, ...props}) =\> \<div style={{fontSize: "24px", color: "#3D3B36" }} {...props} /\>,
h5: ({node, ...props}) =\> \<div style={{fontSize: "20px", color: "#3D3B36" }} {...props} /\>,
p: ({node, ...props}) =\> \<div style={{color: "#6c757d", marginLeft: "13px", marginBottom: "10px"}} {...props} /\>,

Sitecore SPEAK UI configure ListControl to display icon and button

Is there a way in Sitecore SPEAK UI (7.5) to configure a ListControl (ViewMode set to DetailList) to contain a column with images, and another column containing buttons?
I've created a ListControl Parameters item beneath my PageSettings item and have added a few ColumnField items for the required columns - but cant find any other template types to add for different types of column data. I've also tried playing around with the Formatter and HTMLTemplate fields of the ColumnFields but am not sure how these are meant to be used.
Considering button means hyperlink. You can try adding the following in the HTMLTemplate:
For Image:
<img src="{{YourImageSourceField}}" ..../>
For Hyperlink:
You can also consider reading Martina Welander Speak Series for some information on this kind of custom implementations.
I've also used the custom title property of the ListView by setting ViewMode to TileList. Then used Knockout to databind to a custom tile using standard cshtml, if this is any use?
<div class="sc-tile-default" data-bind="attr: {id: Id}">
<div style="min-height: 98px;">
<img width="112" data-bind="attr: {src: Path}" />
<div class="sc-iconList-item-title">
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
See this project

Add enclosing tag for only UnOrdered list from Rich Text Editor in UL

I need to style UL's coming from Rich Text Editor in Sitecore. I am trying to find out if there is a class that I can add to all UL's coming from Sitecore's Rich Text Editor.
Thanks in Advance
The easiest solution is just to wrap your FieldRenderer with an HTML element with appropriate class applied in code:
<div class="rich-text">
<sc:FieldRenderer ID="frRichTextField" runat="server" FieldName="MyFieldName" />
And then add in some CSS styles to handle your UL's within this:
.rich-text ul {
/* add in your styling */
You can also use the before and after properties of the FieldRenderer to pass in your tag:
<sc:FieldRenderer ID="frRichTextField" runat="server" FieldName="MyFieldName"
Before="<div class='rich-text'>" After="</div>" />
If you wanted to be more drastic then you could add in your own renderField pipeline processor to ensure your control is always wrapped with the required tag or you could make use of the enclosingTag property and patch the AddBeforeAndAfterValues pipeline instead:
namespace MyCustom.Pipelines.RenderField
public class AddBeforeAndAfterValues
public void Process(RenderFieldArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object)args, "args");
if (args.Before.Length > 0)
args.Result.FirstPart = args.Before + args.Result.FirstPart;
if (args.After.Length > 0)
RenderFieldResult result = args.Result;
string str = result.LastPart + args.After;
result.LastPart = str;
if (args.EnclosingTag.Length == 0 || args.Result.FirstPart.Length <= 0 && args.Result.LastPart.Length <= 0)
// check if a css class paramter has been passed in
string cssClass = args.Parameters.ContainsKey("class") ? args.Parameters["class"] : String.Empty;
// add the class to the enclosing tag property
args.Result.FirstPart = StringExtensions.FormatWith("<{0} class='{1}'>{2}", (object)args.EnclosingTag, cssClass, (object)args.Result.FirstPart);
args.Result.LastPart = StringExtensions.FormatWith("{0}</{1}>", (object)args.Result.LastPart, (object)args.EnclosingTag);
Patch the Sitecore config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<configuration xmlns:patch=""
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.GetLinkFieldValue, Sitecore.Kernel"
set:type="MyCustom.Pipelines.RenderField.AddBeforeAndAfterValues, MyCustom.Pipelines" />
And then call the FieldRenderer with the EnclosingTag set and pass in your class parameter:
<sc:FieldRenderer ID="frRichTextField" runat="server" FieldName="MyFieldName"
EnclosingTag="div" Parameters="class=rich-text" />
This really doesn't add much over using the before/after properties though and I would generally try to stay away from overwriting default Sitecore processors to save heartache when upgrading.
You could either tap into relevant pipelines or update your sublayouts so that you always have a fixed class around every instance of the rich text field rendering:
<div class="rtf">
<sc:Text ID="scContent" runat="server" FieldName="Content" />
You will have to make sure as a developer that all current and future instances of rich text field renderings are enclosed by a tag with this class.
You could then include in the global CSS, a common style for this class.
.rtf ul {
If you don't want to have to add this wrapper for every single rtf rendering, you could tap into a relevant pipeline. (Note - this might be a better approach with regard to code maintainability)
You could choose to use one of the two:
renderField pipeline
or the
saveRichTextContent pipeline
So you would add a new processor for either of these pipelines, in which you could access the text within rich text fields only and process that as you please (easier to manipulate the html using the html agility pack)
If you use renderField pipeline - the text within the rich text field in sitecore will not change, the code you write will execure only while rendering the field - in preview / page editor or normal mode.
Using saveRichTextContent pipeline on the other hand, will update the in the rich text field when the content author clicks on save (after entering the text) in content editor mode.
You can see the following examples for these:
renderField - (Sample of HtmlUtility is also present here - instead of selecting all tags, you could select all and add your desired class attribute.)
saveRichTextContent -
Hope this helps.
Best practice would be to just add the Class to the Rich Text Editor for use in the Editor.
There are lots of good articles on doing this. Here are a couple:
These are minimal changes that provide you with the ability to put the styling ability in the hands of the Content Author, but still controlling what styles and classes they can use inline.

Aligning text within a 'hover over' jquery

I am designing a site that has images that when hovered over fade a text appears.
I have used the below thread to do this, all went well however when the text I am adding in goes to the full width and height of the image it's going over. I've tried to add padding to the text through my CSS but it doesn't work.
DIV with text over an image on hover
Here is my amended code, amended
p1{font-size:1.3em;text-align:left;color:#ffffff;font-family: 'geosanslightregular';margin:100px 20px 0px 20px;padding:0;}
div.texts{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; display:none; z-index:10}
<div class="grid_8">
<a href="cncpt.html">
<div class="containerdiv">
<img src="images/cncpt.jpg" alt="background">
<div class="texts">
<!-- end .grid_8 -->
Still no joy! it's showing the image fine but no text is showing over it or anywhere on the page for that matter!
Any ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
A simple answer using CSS is to use the :hover pseudo class on an anchor tag.
Set you image container as position:relative in CSS.
Create a div containing your text, formatted using html and CSS inside the image container. Position this absolute in CSS. Absolute positioning positions elements relative to the parent container positioned relative. If no element is set to position relative it will take its position from the body tag. It is important to set a width to the element too.
<div class="container">
<a><img src="img.jpg" alt="background">
<div class="text">I will show on hover</div>
div.text{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; display:none; z-index:10;}
a:hover div.text{display:block;}
This will position the text over the container you set to position relative aligning to the top left corner. The z-index stacks elements one above the other. The higher the z-index the higher the element is in the stack.
w3 schools have some excellent definitions and examples on all the code above if it is new to you.
The effect you are after can be achieved with html and css alone. I would advise you focus on:
design your site on paper
layout your page with html and CSS
add your rollover effects and jQuery animations
before adding the jQuery animation
CSS3 transitions are not compatible with all browsers, there are work arounds in CSS though a jQuery fallback is often used.

Sitecore Field Renderer - add markup inside rendering

As part of an SEO enhancement project, I've been tasked with adding the following property inside the markup for the image that the field renderer is generating on the page:
itemprop="contentURL" - before the closing tag.
<sc:FieldRenderer ID='FieldRenderer_MainImage' Runat='server' FieldName='Homepage Image'
CssClass="_image" Parameters="w=150" itemprop="contentURL" />
When I tried to place this inside the Field Renderer, or add it as a "parameter" - it doesn't work.
Is there another way to do this, without having to create a control file and generate the output in the code-behind?
You need to use the "Parameters" property for setting extra properties on both the and control.
You can to it like this :
<sc:FieldRenderer ID="PageImage" runat="server" FieldName="ContentImage" Parameters="ControlType=C4Image&rel=relString" />
<sc:Image ID="SCPageImage" runat="server" Field="ContentImage" Parameters="ControlType=C4Image&rel=relString" />
That will be rendered like this :
<img width="1232" height="637" controltype="C4Image" rel="relString" alt="" src="~/media/Images/DEMO backgrounds/background2.ashx">
Note: This works in 6.5 and 6.6 - not sure which version is being used in this question.
Couldn't this be done by extending the RenderField pipeline? You could potentially decompile (using Reflector or ILSpy) the GetImageFieldValue and add your own logic to adjust the output from the ImageRenderer?
Reference Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.GetImageFieldValue.
In cases where "Parameters" doesn't work or trying to create a Custom control, and instead of wrapping the control in a classed div like this:
<div class="my-class">
<sc:FieldRenderer runat="server" />
You can use this:
<sc:FieldRenderer Before="<div class='my-class'>" After="</div>" runat="server" />
Notice the Single quotes in the class declaration of the div above.
This keeps it a little cleaner and in context with the Sitecore control instead of a Web Developer adding an external div that might later lose its context if changes occur.
I recommend saving yourself some trouble and using the MVC version of Sitecore though, now, (when starting new Sitecore projects), as you can very simply add a class to it like so:
How can I get Sitecore Field Renderer to use a css class for an image
You actually cannot do this on a FieldRenderer. You're options are:
Extend the FieldRenderer with the ability to do this (this will likely require a high level of effort)
Use a regular .NET control and bind the data from the Sitecore item via the C# code-behind.
You may want to try using the <sc:image /> tag.
If you add a custom parameter there, it's added as an attribute to the img tag.
In your case the tag will look like this:
<sc:image runat="server" field="Homepage Image" width="150" itemprop="contentURL" class="_image" />
using mvc, I found this was easier than extending the FieldRender, should be reusable, but will have to test a bit more. WIP.
var image = "<span class=\"rightImage\">" + FieldRenderer.Render(contentBlock, "Image", "mw=300") + "</span>";
var text = FieldRenderer.Render(contentBlock, "Text");
model.Text = FieldRendererHelper.InjectIntoRenderer(text, image, "<p>");
public static HtmlString InjectIntoRenderer(string parentField, string injectField, string injectTag)
return new HtmlString(parentField.Insert(parentField.IndexOf(injectTag, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) + injectTag.Length, injectField));