How does this alignment works? ((n + ZBI_ALIGNMENT - 1) & -ZBI_ALIGNMENT) - c++

I'm trying to understand how this alignment works. It should align an uint32 address to its nearest 8 byte aligned address
static inline uint32_t
ZBI_ALIGN(uint32_t n) {
return ((n + ZBI_ALIGNMENT - 1) & -ZBI_ALIGNMENT);
Let's take n=10, and ZBI_ALIGNMENT=8. The nearest address should be 16
returns ((10 + 8 -1) & -8) = 17 & -8
Why this should be aligned?

The key to this formula is that it is only valid if ZBI_ALIGNMENT happens to be a power of two, which is not a big deal because alignment requirements tend to fulfil that criteria.
A number being aligned to (aka being a multiple of) a power of two means that all bits smaller than that power of two are set to 0. You can convince yourself of that easily by looking at a few 8-bit numbers:
15: 00001111
16: 00010000 <--- aligned to 16
17: 00010001
31: 00011111
32: 00100000 <--- aligned to 16
48: 00110000 <--- aligned to 16
Assuming that we have a mask that happens to have only have the bits higher or equal to 16 set, N & mask, would be a no-op for all multiples of 16, and give us the previous multiple of 16 for all other values.
16: 00010000
mask for 16: 11110000
15 & mask -> 00000000 : 0
16 & mask -> 00010000 : 16
17 & mask -> 00010000 : 16
32 & mask -> 00100000 : 32
In order to get the right value directly, we can use (N + 15) & mask instead. If N is a multiple of 16 already, N + 15 will land just shy of the next multiple. Otherwise, it will always "bump" the value to the next range. e.g. 1+15 = 16, 16 + 15 = 31, etc... This generalises as (N + (DESIRED_ALIGMENT - 1)).
So all that's left to figure out is how to calculate the mask for a given desired alignment.
Conveniently, in two's complement representation (which all signed integers have to use), negative values of powers of two happen to be exactly the mask we need.
For 8 bit numbers it looks like this:
-1 -> 11111111
-2 -> 11111110
-4 -> 11111100
-8 -> 11111000
So mask can simply be computed as -ZBI_ALIGNMENT.
Putting all this together, we get:


Understanding two's complement

I don't understand why an n-bit 2C system number can be extended to an (n+1)-bit 2C system number by making bit bn = bn−1, that is, extending to (n+1) bits by replicating the sign bit.
This works because of the way we calculate the value of a binary integer.
Working right to left, the sum of each bit_i * 2 ^ i,
i is the range 0 to n
n is the number of bits
Because each subsequent 0 bit will not increase the magnitude of the sum, it is the appropriate value to pad a smaller value into a wider bit field.
For example, using the number 5:
4 bit: 0101
5 bit: 00101
6 bit: 000101
7 bit 0000101
8 bit: 00000101
The opposite is true for negative numbers in a two's compliment system.
Remember you calculate two's compliment by first calculating the one's compliment and then adding 1.
Invert the value from the previous example to get -5:
4 bit: 0101 (invert)-> 1010 + 1 -> 1011
5 bit: 00101 (invert)-> 11010 + 1 -> 11011
6 bit: 000101 (invert)-> 111010 + 1 -> 111011
7 bit: 0000101 (invert)-> 1111010 + 1 -> 1111011
8 bit: 00000101 (invert)-> 11111010 + 1 -> 11111011

IP header bit order not clear

I read the IP RFC and in there it says the 4 first bits of the IP header is the version. In the drawing it also shows that bits 0 to 3 are the version.
But when I look at the first byte of the header (as captured using pcap lib) I see this byte:
This is a version 4 IP header but obviously bits 4 to 7 are equal to 4 and not bits 0 to 3 as I expected.
I expected doing a bitwise and on first byte and 0x0F will get me the version but it seems that I need to and with 0xF0.
Am I missing something? Understanding something incorrectly?
You should read Appendix B of the RFC:
Whenever an octet represents a numeric quantity the left most bit in the
diagram is the high order or most significant bit. That is, the bit
labeled 0 is the most significant bit. For example, the following
diagram represents the value 170 (decimal).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
|1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|
Which means everything is correct except for your assumption that the “first four bits” are the least-significant, while those are the most-significant.
E.g. in the 7th and 8th bytes, containing the flags and the fragment offset, you can separate those as follows (consider that pseudocode, even though it is working C#):
byte flagsAndFragmentHi = packet[6];
byte fragmentLo = packet[7];
bool flagReserved0 = (flagsAndFragmentHi & 0x80) != 0;
bool flagDontFragment = (flagsAndFragmentHi & 0x40) != 0;
bool flagMoreFragments = (flagsAndFragmentHi & 0x20) != 0;
int fragmentOffset = ((flagsAndFragmentHi & 0x1F) << 8) | (fragmentLo);
Note that the more significant (left-shifted 8 bits) portion of the fragment offset is in the first byte (because IP works in big endian). Generally: bits on the left in the diagram are always more significant.

c++ bmp bitwise operator

for(unsigned int h=0; h<ImageBits.iHeight; h++)
for(unsigned int w=0; w<ImageBits.iWidth; w++)
// So in this loop - if our data isn't aligned to 4 bytes, then its been padded
// in the file so it we check for this and skip over the padded 0's
// Note here, that the data is read in as b,g,r and not rgb as you'd think!
unsigned char r,g,b;
fread(&b, 1, 1, fp);
fread(&g, 1, 1, fp);
fread(&r, 1, 1, fp);
ImageBits.pARGB[ w + h*ImageBits.iWidth ] = (r<<16 | g<<8 | b);
}// End of for loop w
//If there are any padded bytes - we skip over them here
if( iNumPaddedBytes != 0 )
unsigned char skip[4];
fread(skip, 1, 4 - iNumPaddedBytes, fp);
}// End of if reading padded bytes
}// End of for loop h
I do not understand this statement and how does it store the rgb value of the pixel
ImageBits.pARGB[ w + h*ImageBits.iWidth ] = (r<<16 | g<<8 | b);
i did a read up on the << bitwise shift operator but i still do not understand how it works.Can someone help me out here.
You need to convert separate values for Red, Green and Blue into a single variable, so you push them 16 and 8 bits to the "left" respectively, so they align 8 bits for Red (begin - 16), then you get 8 bits for Green (begin - 8) and the remaining color.
Consider the following:
Red -> 00001111
Green -> 11110000
Blue -> 10101010
Then RGB -> that has 24 bits capacity would look like this initially ->
-> 00000000 00000000 00000000
(there would actually be some random rubbish but it's easier to
demonstrate like this)
Shift the Red byte 16 places to the left, so we get 00001111 00000000 00000000.
Shift the Green byte 8 places to the left, so we have 00001111 11110000 00000000.
Don't shift the Blue byte, so we have 00001111 11110000 10101010.
You could achieve a similar result with unions. Here's an ellaboration as to why we do it like this. The only way for you to access a variable is to have it's address (usually bound to a variable name, or an alias).
That means that we have an address of the first byte only and also a guarantee that if it's a variable that is 3 bytes wide, the following two bytes that are next to our addressed byte belong to us. So we can literally "push the bits" to the left (shift them) so they "flow" into the remaining bytes of the variable. We could also pointer-arithmetic a pointer there or as I've mentioned already, use a union.
Bit shifting moves the bits that make up the value along by the number you specify.
In this case it's done with colour values so that you can store multiple 1 byte components (such as RGBA which are in the range 0-255) in a single 4 byte structure such as an int
Take this byte:
which is equal to 3 in decimal. If we wanted to store the value 3 for the RGB and A channel, we would need to store this value in the int (the int being 32 bits)
00000011 00000011 00000011 00000011
As you can see the bits are set in 4 groups of 8, and all equal the value 3, but how do you tell what the R value is when it's stored this way?
If you got rid of the G/B/A values, you'd be left with
00000011 00000000 00000000 00000000
Which still doesn't equal 3 - (in fact it's some massive number - 12884901888 I think)
In order to get this value into the last byte of the int, you need to shift the bits 24 places to the right. e.g.
12884901888 >> 24
Then the bits would look like this:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011
And you would have your value '3'
Basically it's just a way of moving bits around in a storage structure so that you can better manipulate the values. Putting the RGBA values into a single value is usually called stuffing the bits
let's visualize this and break it into several steps, and you'll see how simple it is.
let's say we have the ARGB 32 bit variable, that can be viewed as
int rgb = {a: 00, r: 00, g: 00, b: 00} (this is not valid code, of course, and let's leave the A out of this for now).
the value in each of these colors is 8 bit of course.
now we want to place a new value, and we have three 8 bit variables for each color:
unsigned char r = 0xff, g=0xff, b=0xff.
what we're essentially doing is taking a 32 bit variable, and then doing this:
rgb |= r << 16 (shifting the red 16 bit left. everything to right of it will remain 0)
so now we have
rgb = [a: 00, r: ff, g: 00, b: 00]
and now we do:
rgb = rgb | (g << 8) (meaning taking the existing value and OR'ing it with green shifted to its place)
so we have [a: 00, r: ff, g: ff, b: 00]
and finally...
rgb = rgb | b (meaning taking the value and ORing it with the blue 8 bits. the rest remains unchanged)
leaving us with [a: 00, r: ff, g: f, b: ff]
which represents a 32 bit (24 actually since the Alpha is irrelevant to this example) color.

represent negative number with 2' complement technique?

I am using 2' complement to represent a negative number in binary form
Case 1:number -5
According to the 2' complement technique:
Convert 5 to the binary form:
00000101, then flip the bits
11111010, then add 1
=> result: 11111011
To make sure this is correct, I re-calculate to decimal:
-128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 2 + 1 = -5
Case 2: number -240
The same steps are taken:
00010000 => recalculate this I got 16, not -240
I am misunderstanding something?
The problem is that you are trying to represent 240 with only 8 bits. The range of an 8 bit signed number is -128 to 127.
If you instead represent it with 9 bits, you'll see you get the correct answer:
011110000 (240)
100001111 (flip the signs)
000000001 (1)
-256 + 16 = -240
Did you forget that -240 cannot be represented with 8 bits when it is signed ?
The lowest negative number you can express with 8 bits is -128, which is 10000000.
Using 2's complement:
128 = 10000000
(flip) = 01111111
(add 1) = 10000000
The lowest negative number you can express with N bits (with signed integers of course) is always - 2 ^ (N - 1).

Bitfields in C++

I have the following code for self learning:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct bitfields{
unsigned field1: 3;
unsigned field2: 4;
unsigned int k: 4;
int main(){
bitfields field;
return 0;
I know that unsigned int k:4 means that k is 4 bits wide, or a maximum value of 15, and the result is the following.
For example, filed1 can be from 0 to 7 (included), field2 and k from 0 to 15. Why such a result? Maybe it should be all zero?
You're overflowing your fields. Let's take k as an example, it's 4 bits wide. It can hold values, as you say, from 0 to 15, in binary representation this is
0 -> 0000
1 -> 0001
2 -> 0010
3 -> 0011
14 -> 1110
15 -> 1111
So when you assign 18, having binary representation
18 -> 1 0010 (space added between 4th and 5th bit for clarity)
k can only hold the lower four bits, so
k = 0010 = 2.
The equivalent holds true for the rest of your fields as well.
You have these results because the assignments overflowed each bitfield.
The variable filed1 is 3 bits, but 8 takes 4 bits to present (1000). The lower three bits are all zero, so filed1 is zero.
For filed2, 17 is represented by 10001, but filed2 is only four bits. The lower four bits represent the value 1.
Finally, for k, 18 is represented by 10010, but k is only four bits. The lower four bits represent the value 2.
I hope that helps clear things up.
In C++ any unsigned type wraps around when you hit its ceiling[1]. When you define a bitfield of 4 bits, then every value you store is wrapped around too. The possible values for a bitfield of size 4 are 0-15. If you store '17', then you wrap to '1', for '18' you go one more to '2'.
Mathematically, the wrapped value is the original value modulo the number of possible values for the destination type:
For the bitfield of size 4 (2**4 possible values):
18 % 16 == 2
17 % 16 == 1
For the bitfield of size 3 (2**3 possible values):
8 % 8 == 0.
[1] This is not true for signed types, where it is undefined what happens then.