WSO2 identity Server: can not login? - wso2-identity-server

I have create a service provide use OIDC. When I login to this.'invalid_grant, Invalid authorization code received from token request' Occured. How can I change my configuration on service provide so that I can login?

This should not be a configuration issue in most of the cases and might be an issue with the token request which you send to exchange the authorization code into an access token.
Tip: You may validate whether the client id used in the /oauth2/authorize request is matching with the one sent in the /oauth2/token request.


Introspection endpoint is not getting called

I am looking to create an API using the Django REST Framework which will authenticate using a separate authentication server by means of its introspection endpoint. The authorization flow should look something like the following.
The client provides either user credentials or a refresh token to the token endpoint on our authentication server.
If the provided credentials or refresh token are valid, the authentication server responds with an access token and a refresh token.
The client then sends the access token to the API when requesting a resource.
The API verifies the provided access token using the introspection endpoint on our authentication server.
The authentication server responds letting the API know if the access token is valid.
If the access token is valid, the API responds to the client with the requested resources.
Step 4 is the part I'm after, and the Django OAuth Toolkit looks like it provides an option for exactly this. In the section about setting up a separate resource server it states that it allows the application to verify access tokens by use of an introspection endpoint.
So I followed the setup for the Django OAuth Toolkit, and pointed the RESOURCE_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_URL toward the introspection endpoint on our authentication server. Then I acquired an access token from our authentication server and provided it to the API as an Authorization header, but I get the following response.
Content-Type: application/json
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="api",error="invalid_token",error_description="The access token is invalid."
Vary: Accept
Content-Length: 58
"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
If I don't provide a token I get the same response body, but no WWW-Authenticate header. The strange part is that the introspection endpoint never receives a POST request, which it should be sending to verify the access token.
So did I misread the documentation, or am I doing something wrong? Why isn't this working as I expect?

Can I use/trust an id_token to both validate a request and extract the user's information on the server?

I'm using node.js, lambda, cognito. An authenticated client sends tokens in the header to authenticate requests. The lambda function is verifying the JWT signature using the jsonwebtoken package.
I am trying to avoid making an external call on the server for each request to get the user's identity from their access_token, and I can see the id_token contains the information I require.
However, I read that using the id_token for request validation is not good.
If I call jwt.verify() on an id_token, am I right in thinking that:
1) It checks the id_token has not been tampered with by checking it against the signature?
2) The server can trust the id_token's payload once verified?
3) The id_token expires at the same time the access_token does?
If that's the case, then why not use the id_token in place of the access_token for requests with the server?
Or should I send both and check both?
In response to your questions:
You can use the id_token to validate requests. The Cognito docs say "The ID token can also be used to authenticate users against your resource servers or server applications"
Technically the id_token is for verifying identity and the access_token is for verifying access, but you can use the id_token for both if you wanted.

How to secure web services when authentication is done at client side (frontend)

I have web application which structure is as-
webapi : django web services [NOT REST] no security implemented
frontend : Angular2. authentication implemented via SAML
Database : Mongodb
Can you please suggest best way to secure webapi, as currently anyone can access web services who has server[api] url
It will be big help if you suggest the authentication and authorization flow because I am totally stuck.
Thanks in advance.
Implement an /authentication on your API which accepts Basic authentication. Make sure you do that over HTTPS. Username and password will be collected by your Angular app and sent back to /authentication. If the user authenticates, return a session token, for example JWT (check pyjwt).
All the following communications between the front and back should contain the token, which is issued only if the user authenticated. The token is inclued in the request headers and specifically in Authororization header using the Bearer schema:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
A JWT contains the username so you can use that on each future request. Furthermore, you are not required to keep record of the issued JWT since each one is self-contained and can have predetermined expiration data.

Authenticate against WSO2 Identity Server with no browser and get SAML2 assertion message

I am trying to setup a service provider that uses WSO2 IS for authentication via SAML2. Now, wehave a use-case in which the user is a machine (i.e. an external program) that needs to access the service provider. Since the user is a machine, there is no browser and cannot use the WSO2 login form to complete the authentication steps, though it has been given a username and password since it is still a user.
My question is how can this non-GUI user participate in the SAML2 workflow (specifically pass credentials to WSO2 to obtain a SAMLV2 Assertion message) and access the service provider?
I tried to do the following as a simulation but I failed
1) curl -v -k http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
2) Extracting the SAML message from the response:
curl --user username:password -v -k https://localhost:9443/samlsso?SAMLRequest=<ENCODED_REQUEST>
Basically, I was expecting to get a redirect response from WSO2 back to the service provider with SAML assertion message, but instead I got the following:
https://localhost:9443/authenticationendpoint/;jsessionid=7QON18982323HWIH?commonAuthCallerPath=%2Fsamlsso&forceAuth=false&passiveAuth=false&tenantDomain=carbon.super&sessionDataKey=122JhQ-JQOJ-H8123&relyingParty=test-saml2&type=samlsso&sp=test&isSaaSApp=false&authenticators=BasicAuthenticator:LOCAL, which is the same url that is used when a human user authenticates using a browser.
I also tried using HTTP-POST Binding with "sectoken" form param as suggested in this article: . But it didn't work either.
I also tried making SOAP requests to WSO2's AuthenticationAdminHttpsSoap12Endpoint service, specifically the "login" method. I used the JSESSIONID I got from the SOAP response to the above steps but the effect was the same. This is not a surprise to me since WSO2 does not use JSESSIONID to check if you are authenticated already (at least not for trying to grab SAML responses).
1.Get login form
curl -v http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
Extract SAMLRequest and SSOAuthSessionID (if RelayState presents extract it too)
2.Send saml request to IDP using extracted valuses in step1(In browser this will happen through redirection)
Endpoint : https://<is_host>:9443/samlsso
Verb :post
SAMLRequest:<value from previous step>,
SSOAuthSessionID:<value from previous step>,
RelayState :<value from previous step>]
This will give IS login page.Extract sessionDataKey from that.
3. Login by providing user name password
Verb :post
Parameters: [tocommonauth:true,username:xxxx,password:xxx,sessionDataKey:<extracted from previous step>]
Extract SAML response
5.Post the saml resposne to ACS url of service provider

WSO2IS does not respect the requested GET binding in SAML2

The SAML2 request is sent to WSO2 Identity Server with HTTP-GET binding, but it still POSTs the response. Any idea to let WSO2IS respect the request?
[2014-03-06 17:52:25,961] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.saml.util.SAMLSSOUtil} - Request message <samlp:AuthnRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="_73d5b9c1-d448-4076-9e9d-98767f1e2a2d" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2014-03-06T17:52:21" ProtocolBinding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-GET" AssertionConsumerServiceURL="http://host.tld/java-saml/consume.jsp"><saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">http://host.tld/java-saml/</saml:Issuer><samlp:NameIDPolicy Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified" AllowCreate="true"></samlp:NameIDPolicy><samlp:RequestedAuthnContext Comparison="exact"></samlp:RequestedAuthnContext><saml:AuthnContextClassRef xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport</saml:AuthnContextClassRef></samlp:AuthnRequest>
results in firefox:
You are now redirected back to http://host.tld/java-saml/consume.jsp If the redirection fails, please click the post button.
Any idea to fix it? In the request or in WSO2IS do I need to configure?
Yes.. It must be the expected behavior, SAML response must be sent as POST from IDP to the SP. (can not use HTTP Redirect) It is defined in the specification. Please check the saml-profile spec. WSO2 identity Server may not support for Artifact binding, therefore it does HTTP POST.
The identity provider issues a <Response> message to be delivered by the user agent to the service provider. Either the HTTP POST, or HTTP Artifact binding can be used to transfer the message to the service provider through the user agent. The message may indicate an error, or will include (at least) an authentication assertion. The HTTP Redirect binding MUST NOT be used, as the response will typically exceed the URL length permitted by most user agents.
I guess, POST button and the page that you shown can be changed and modified.