How to get post views with the help of Facbook API Graf - facebook-graph-api

I'm trying to get post statistics on Facebook. I need to get the number of likes, dislikes, veiws and comment. I have already found the way to get post information:{page_name}?fields=name,posts&access_token=_____
But when I'm trying to get likes and comments, I get nothing:{page_name}?fields=name,posts{reactions,comments}&access_token=

You are likely not getting any specific reactions and comments, because you lack the right to access those. (They contain user data, and user data is only available if the individual user gave your app permission.)
If you only need the overall count, then ask for the summary:


API RESTful Resource Naming

I always have the doubt that you can see below when i need to create theresource URLs for a REST API. I wonder if some one can help me.
Let's suppose that i have two models.
User can submit his own posts and can comment his own and another posts.
Main resources URLs for User would be:
GET /users # Retrieve all users.
POST /users # Create a new user.
GET/DELETE/PUT /users/{user_id} # Get, remove and update an user.
Main resource URLs for Post would be:
GET /posts # Retrieve all posts.
POST /posts # Create a new post.
GET/DELETE/PUT /posts/{post_id} # Get, remove and update a post.
My problem come when for example i want:
Top 10 submitters (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /users/top?type=ext
GET /users/top?type=disc
GET /users/top # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /users?top=ext
GET /users?top=disc
GET /users?top=all
The same but with posts:
Top 10 commented post (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /posts/comments?type=ext
GET /posts/comments?type=disc
GET /posts/comments # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /posts?top=ext
GET /posts?top=disc
GET /posts?top=all
Any of above options are good for you or it should be another way?
I like to think of the REST URI as a model representation in itself.
So /users/top doesn't make a lot of sense but /posts/comments seems to be fine (as comments could also be a different model). But for your case, I recommend other set of query parameters as they're widely used for filtering & sorting requests. So in your case, I'd recommend something like:
GET /users?sort=ext&order=desc&limit=10
which would help me understand that I'm requesting 10 user resources which have been sorted for ext in the descending order. (you can even change it to type=ext if you want)
As usual; REST doesn't care what spellings you use.
One place you might look for inspiration is... stack overflow itself. Do these URI look familiar?
The API has pretty decent documentation, which will also offer hints at decent spellings to deal with paging and search ranges.
That said, IMDB takes a different approach - The Shawshank Redemption uses a straight forward "I am an element of a collection" spelling
But the top rated titles of all time? they appear as a chart
But i want to know if there is a standard according to #Hawkes answer or there is no standard at all.
No standard at all; just local spelling conventions. Which is, to some degree, part of the point of REST: the server can use whatever spellings for URI make sense, and the client just "follows its nose" based on its understanding of the processing rules for the media type and the data provided by the server.

how to get likes counts from a Facebook page using Graph Explorer 2.4

While this question has been asked a lot, I've still haven't find a way to do it.
I'm passing this to Graph Api Explorer
this gives me the, Picture to every status, created time , message - user status and likes which gives me array of data and users that likes the status.
i'm trying to get count of those users and remember there were a field 'summary' but I don't see it in the JSON Results.
Am I missing something with 2.4 api version ?
any help will be appreciate.
You need to request the summary:
And if you are only interested in the total count, but not the individual users that liked, you might want to set the limit for likes to 0, so as not to request unnecessary data:

how to get the all the likes from a post in restFB

i have been trying to get few information details that somehow always return as null. the one that is most needed for me is likes count (or even better, just all the likes. i want to know who liked the post).
my code is
FacebookClient fc = ~my facebook client in version 2.3~;
Post post = fc.fetchObject(anID, Post.class ;
System.out.println("Likes Count - "+ post.getLikes().getData().size());
im trying like so cause this way i get the number 25. so i got it , its limited to 25. how do i get all of the likes??
by the way , if ill just try post.getLikesCount() ill get nothing.
if anyone knows how to handle this situation he might also know how to get Attribution , Shares and FeedTargeting.
thanks for you attention!
To get all Likes of a Post you can request the <postid>/likes endpoint. You can iterate over the pages and the likes.
Perhaps there's a way to use the field expansion, but I'm not sure atm.

Graph API: Number of Comments for Posts Are Inconsistent Among Various API Calls

Hello Graph API experts,
When you call /[post_id , the result contains "comments" field which has "count" field that is supposed to have the total number of comments for this particular post.
Now, if you call /[post_id]/comments , you get the actual comment data, one by one.
The problem I am facing is that, when I compare the "comments.count" field's value and the number of all of the actual comment data returned, they are different.
What's even worse, if you then look at the same post on's Timeline where you can see the number of comments for that post (i.e. "view all * comments" link), this number is also different from the "comments.count" field value.
And this is not only happening to one post, but to many of them - I observe this tend to happen more to posts with more than 100 comments (I actually counted all the comments on Timeline, and it matched the number of the actual comment data returned from /[post_id]/comments API call).
Is this a normal API behaviour? Which number should I or would you trust if this is the way it is?
ok, when you looking some facebook comment counts on some timeline posts, you woulld see that count for ex. 16 comments, and when you try to count comments manually on the post you may see it's looking 15 comments, so where is it that missing comments ? is that a wrong count by facebook ? no not actually, it's because, some people changing profile privacies as like don't show my comments people who aren't my friends, or we haven't any mutual friends, etc. it's because you cannot get these privatized comments from graph api, but these comments aren't excluding in total count. So what's the solution, just be sure get all the data correctly what facebook provide you. And compare it, how many comments looking like missing, and show missing counts as private comments count in your application. I think is much better.
Welcome to the world of Facebook API programming. Yes, this is normal (but apparently not desired) API behavior. This is one of the inconsistencies we're faced with when programming around their API. CBroe is probably correct in his comment above, it is data inconsistencies between servers in their API cluster.
in addition to this there are problems with pagination, you can use the offset + limit parameters to say how much data you want and from where to take it, if you deal with number of posts, you can say offset=0 and limit=50 and it'll work, but then if you try offset=100 and limit=50 it might return empty data, but then try offset=100 and limit=100 and it'll return 100 posts.
the api is just buggy and full of inconsistencies which don't seem to have any way to solve them.
I think we got oversold on the opengraph, I don't think it's what facebook told us it would be and I'm starting to feel the burn from selling that to my boss and finding out that I perhaps can't deliver :(

How can I retrieve all comments on a Facebook post using the php SDK?

I'm building an app which allows users to post articles to their facebook wall. When an article is posted, I retrieve the post id and store that in the database along with the rest of the article details. Now I want to be able to show the comments made on that post when someone views the article in my site; I would also like to allow users to add comments to the post from my site.
I know that the user is always logged into Facebook when they are viewing the article, as the system checks for that earlier on.
I've been using the PHP SDK, and thought all I had to do was something like:
$post_comments = $facebook->api('/' . $post_id . '/comments');
However, when I do this, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. thrown in /APP_PATH/facebook/src/facebook.php on line 560
I really don't have much of a clue what I'm doing here, to be honest, as I'm very new to the Facebook Graph API, and I can't seem to find a lot of documentation on it.
Can anyone tell me what I should be doing here, or point me to some documentation I could read about it?
It should work.
Here is the code I am using which is working for me.
$comments = $facebook->api($postid . '/comments');
Make sure your postid is a valid one.
Alternatively, you can directly type that url in browser to get details like this<postedid>/comments
Please refer this link for further reference
I don't know what your PHP library is doing, but you can actually access comments by reading<post_id>/comments. Indeed, try with this one from the doc.
Are your sure of your post id? Try to call the buggy function with 19292868552_118464504835613 as post id. It has to work.