How to connect to a site's endpoints with wcf client - web-services

I need to connect to a site's endpoints and call it's methods.
Is it possible to do this creating a WCF Client?
I don't know which technology is used by the site for it's
web services. I have only been given the endpoints to communicate.

If you know the local address and port as well as the name of the service, the procedure is the same as the WCF Web service.


OAuth2 in web application connecting to multiple REST services?

How do I set up a web application with OAuth2 authentication, where the web application connects to two underlying REST services (through client-side JavaScript from the user's browser)?
I am controlling all servers, and I need to make sure that nobody accesses the web application and the REST services without authentication.
How should this be done?
Should I configure all three servers (the web application and the two REST services) using a single application id?
BTW:I plan to use IdentityServer4 as the authentication server.
Best regards,
Morten :-)

Is having an endpoint at http: a security risk for the Web Service

I have generated a JAX-WS web service with RAD 8.5 which automatically generated an endpoint for the service at "http:endpoint". I generated a client for the web service from the WSDL and added transport security (SSL) to the web service and added a secure endpoint using the following line of code in my client:
Everything seems to work fine. My question is do I need to do anything about the existence of the original endpoint ant "http:endpoint". This is an in-house web service so all of the apps which use it in house will use the secure endpoint, but is the availability of the unsecure endpoint a security risk for the web service? If so, what do I need to do to fix it? Any help would be appreciated.
I am not familiar with the Framework you are using, but there should be a configuration in your proxy to not allow http calls at all. If you have that option, turn it on so that your service only listens on port 443 (secure port).
An alternative would be to rewrite all http requests with https.

In Web services, what is difference between Endpoint and Remote Gateway

I goggled but I cannot determined what are the difference between endpoint and gateway. Based on their definition, they seems alike.
Description of Endpoint
What is Web Service Gateway? Web Service Gateway is a server-side
application that opens a communication channel between Bentley’s Apps
for mobile devices and Bentley’s project information management
Description of Web Service
Web services expose one or more endpoints to which messages can be
sent. A web service endpoint is an entity, processor, or resource that
can be referenced and to which web services messages can be addressed.
Endpoint references convey the information needed to address a web
service endpoint. Clients need to know this information before they
can access a service.
The endpoint is a connection point where HTML files or active server pages are exposed. Endpoint is the URL where your service can be accessed by a client application. The same web service can have multiple endpoints. An end point indicates a specific location for accessing a service using a specific protocol and data format.
An service Gateway provides a central access point for managing, monitoring, and securing access to your publicly exposed web services. It would also allow you to consolidate services across disparate endpoints as if they were all coming from a single host. A service gateway encapsulates all the details of accessing the service into a single component and hides the component behind an interface that has no direct dependencies on the underlying communications channel.

Deny all access to WCF service via IIS not working when called via a website over TCP

I have built a website and a WCF service. The website calls the WCF service (an application underneath the website) to get data. This connection is made using netTcpBinding (it _should be netNamedPipes but for some reason this refuses to work (only) on the deployment server, so I'm using TCP/IP).
In IIS (7.5) I have used IP Address and Domain Restrictions to deny all unspecified clients to the WCF service. I can see the change reflected in my web.config and I am unable to browse to the WCF service (403.6 Forbidden screen appears).
The problem is that the website is able to connect to the WCF service and get data even when I specify NO IP address is allowed i.e. no matter what I change, the website can still call the WCF service.
Why can the website access the WCF service?
Did you make those same IP restrictions on your website? Since your website is the one calling the WCF service, making those same IP restrictions there would make sense also.

publicly available java secure web service

I am trying to write a web service client using Jax-ws for a secured webservice hosted by a third party. While doing so, I am facing a lot of issues and somehow wanted to find out if the issue is with my client or the hosted web service.
Do we have any publicly available and free secure web services on the internet? I can find many non secure services.
Have a look at this URL:
... where you can find a bunch of published webservices.