Does aws ecs distributed load testing support jmeter mqtt sampler - amazon-web-services

I am performing jmeter distributed load testing, I have been trying to setup aws ecs containers for load testing of mosquitto mqtt.
Does aws distributed load testing support jmeter mqtt sampler plugin
mqtt-jmeter ?

If your test is using any JMeter Plugins - you will need to install the plugin on:
master machine
and all the slave machines
So amend your container building scripts in order to include the plugin and all its dependencies and do this for both master and slave. JMeter Plugins Manager can be executed as a command-line tool
The same applies to any test data like CSV files used in CSV Data Set Config or JMeter Properties
You may find JMeter Distributed Testing with Docker article interesting and get some more ideas on preparing your containers

The anwser is no. aws distriubted testiong work only with http.


What is the best way to host Apache Camel in AWS?

As we move our workloads to AWS I am looking for an ETL tool which is widely used and has the appropriate connectors - Apache Camel appears to fit the bill. However, I am struggling to find information on how Camel can be deployed in AWS - the obvious one is on an EC2 instance, but we would like to avoid the setup and maintenance required by Virtual Machines. I don't see anyone offering it as a managed service, so the option I'd like to explore is running it as a container in ECS, as we will have numerous other containers running.
Containers don't seem to be an installation option on the Apache Camel website - perhaps it is just too limiting for a tool whose purpose is to connect to everything else?
Is it acceptable and practical to run Camel in a container, and where could I find more information about it?
Apache Camel appears to fit the bill.
Indeed the Apache Camel is a great integration framework. And that's the point. It is a framework, not a product. So there are multiple ways to run the Camel flows. As a web app, as a standalone app, as a part if our own code. Camel itself is pretty agnostic to the way you run the flows and that's why you don't have very specific way enforced in the web site.
If you want an out of box product, which can generate containerized deployments with Apache Camel, you could have a look at Apache ServiceMix, Apache Karaf or it's supported RedHat Fuse.
Is it acceptable and practical to run Camel in a container, and where could I find more information about it?
It is perfectly fine.
Question: Can you (are you able) to create a docker container with your (any other) application?. Based on the question this skill is lacking and I really suggest to learn it.
You may check folowing post
FROM java:8-jdk-alpine
COPY ./target/myapp.jar /usr/app/myapp.jar
WORKDIR /usr/app
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "myapp.jar"]
Let's assume you can run your ETL tasks as a standalone application, then just run it in the container as any other standalone application.
it we would like to avoid the setup and maintenance required by Virtual Machines
Question: how do you distribute your camel tasks? I mean - what is result of your build? A war file? A standalone app?
To build a web app you could see
The most convenient way to deploy a war file in AWS is AWS Beanstalk service.
If you build a standalone application (or use servicemix) and you can build a container, then indeed ECS or Fargate seem as natural options.

How do deploy a play application on google cloud

This is my first time deploying an application. I have some idea about it but I am not sure if it is correct. How do I go about deploying a play application on google cloud?
1) I have created a package using dist command. I have the zip file now on my local pc.
2) Do I first need to create a compute resource on gcp? What configuration shall I use for the vm? My app is still in test phase so there are no external users at the moment
3) I suppose play uses netty web server. So do I need to install netty on the compute resource? I have looked online a bit but can't find a resource on how to deploy an application on netty.
deploy an application on netty
Netty is not a web server/application server, but an IO framework which can be used to build web servers or any high-performant IO applications.
If you really want to use netty, you need to write an HTTP server yourself, or just use an HTTP framework built on netty.
If you want to build an application using netty, have a look at the examples on
Deploying a container to the Cloud using Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes Engine
Kubernetes is a way of orchestrating containers in the Cloud, enabling you to do things like auto-scale, fast deploys and manage running versions of containers. You simply create a container and upload it to a container repository. In this example I used Google’s Container Registry, it’s really simple to use and works brilliantly with their Kubernetes implementation.
follow this tutorial might help you with this

How to configure: WS-AT Narayana standalone?

I want to use Narayana - WS-Transaction in a standalone springboot app that calls two different Webservics in a single transaction. One of those internally uses db resource for insert/update.
Is standalone-WSAT-possible with narayana? If yes :
How do I configure UserTransaction, PlatformTransactionManger etc in Springboot java config?
How to add those two WebServiceTemplate (s) as "WS-AT transactional resources"?
The example here does not show those beans:
Unfortunately there is no Narayana Spring Boot WS-AT quickstart that would show you how to utilize the technology. WS-AT is the best integrated in WildFly application server. You can find the Narayana quickstarts containing examples of running it at If you consider using Spring Boot then in general it should be possible but you need to configure all the integration on your own. That's not prepared and/or maintained by the Narayana team. You can get inspiration at quickstarts of itegrating Narayana with Spring Boot at If you want to check how the integration to WildFly is done then a good starting point could be

DC/OS service development with Akka

First of all, I'm new to DC/OS ...
I installed DC/OS locally with Vagrant, everything worked fine. Then I installed Cassandra, Spark and I think to understand the container concept with Docker, so far so good.
Now it's time to develop an Akka service and I'm a little bit confused how I should start. The Akka service should simply offer a HTTP REST endpoint and store some data to Cassandra.
So I have my DC/OS ready, and Eclipse in front of me. Now I would like to develop the Akka service and connect to Cassandra from outside DC/OS, how can I do that? Is this the wrong approach? Should I install Cassandra separately and only if I’m ready I would deploy to DC/OS?
Because it was so simple to install Cassandra, Spark and all the rest I would like to use it for development as well.
While slightly outdated (since it's using DC/OS 1.7 and you should be really using 1.8 these days) there's a very nice tutorial from codecentric that should contain everything you need to get started:
It walks you through setting up DC/OS, Cassandra, Kafka, and Spark
It shows how to use Akka reactive streams and the reactive kafka extension to ingest data from Twitter into Kafka
It shows how to use Spark to ingest data Cassandra
Another great walkthrough resource is available via Cake Solutions:
It walks you through setting up DC/OS, Cassandra, Kafka, and Marathon-LB (a load balancer)
It explains service discovery for Akka
It shows how to expose a service via Marathon-LB

Developing SAPUI5 applications with WebStorm

Looking at some of the delivered SAPUI5 code on HANA I noticed that WebStorm and even RubyMine was used by some SAP developers. I have also heard that various other developers on customer sites use WebStorm for code checked into the ABAP repository.
Both the HANA and ABAP repositories technically look to be proprietary. The default method for syncing SAPUI5 code with HANA and ABAP repos seems to be using Eclipse or the Eclipsed based HANA Studio, via SAP delivered plugins installed.
I searched and couldn't find any plugins or help on how you could check in and out of HANA or ABAP repo easily not using Eclipse or Orion.
For HANA you can put Github in the middle using something like the SAP HANA Deployment Shell and on the ABAP stack you can /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD to manually upload, i have heard alternatives for both where developers have reverse engineered the services eclipse use by listening on the HTTP traffic or de-compiling the plugins.
My question how are others using Webstorm to develop SAPUI5 applications within a team and how do you sync your code with the SAP repository?
I use Webstorm for my UI5 development. We store the code in a GIT repository hosted through an internal Gitlab server ( running on Ubuntu! You could just as easily use cloud solutions such as Gitlab or Bitbucket.
There are two ways to circumvent Eclipse and remove the need for the ABAP team repository:
(1) Use the abap program /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD in t-code SE38 on your Gateway ABAP stack. Just point it to your git directory and execute!
(2) Use the program /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP to do the same thing from a webserver. You could imagine a scenario where you have a HTTP service that triggers the pull on SAP but we always use the first method!
Edit # 03-SEP-14
To clarify my thoughts on (2) the ideal scenario would be to implement a small post commit handler so that on a repository change it would:
Pull the changes from the repository
build the UI (i.e. perform minification/uglify on the JS & CSS) to a separate build folder (create preload files)
perform any unit tests on the code (if they exist)
if the tests pass, upload to Gateway by either:
zip the build folder and post it to a custom Gateway service (or)
call a custom gateway service to then trigger a pull of the build folder via HTTP
(Since master is always deployable :-)!)
You end up with a continuous integration platform that ensures the integrity of your code and ensures that you also deploy only the production code (always a little uncertain of deploying non-minified source code with comments etc. to a productive internet facing server..).
This method is agnostic of the IDE you use and if you do it right, also of the source code repository setup.
Hope this helps & happy developing!