Is it possible to make a parent route a 404, but the child route a specific route - ember.js

In my router.js file, I have something that looks like the following
import EmberRouter from '#ember/routing/router';
const Router = EmberRouter.extend({}); () {
this.route('index', { path: '/' });
this.route('foo', function() {
this.route('bar', function() {
this.route('notfound', { path: '/*path' });
export default Router;
The problem is that I want the path /foo/bar/cat to route to the route, but I don't want the paths /foo or /foo/bar to route to anything except a 404. In my case, the foo and bar routes are essentially useless. I just want the url to have 3 levels for aesthetic purposes.

I actually realized what made more sense was to just avoid creating foo and bar routes and create a path for the route I wanted.
So instead of doing this in ember-cli:
ember g route foo/bar/cat
I just did
ember g route cat
And then I set the desired path in the router. () {
this.route('index', { path: '/' });
this.route('cat', { path: '/foo/bar/cat'});
this.route('notfound', { path: '/*path' });
That gives me the correct route for foo/bar/cat, but foo and foo/bar both get routed to the notfound route.


What is the difference between route and path in EmberJs

What is the difference between route and path in EmberJs () {
this.route('contact', { path: '/getting-in-touch' });
The first argument to route is the name of the route. It's used to find the right files to load app/routes/about.js and to provide links <LinkTo #route="about">About</LinkTo>. If you provide a path option it is used to create the URL you see in the location bar for the browser.
From the ember guides
You can leave off the path if it is the same as the route name.
For your case the following are equivalent: () {
this.route('about', { path: '/about' });
this.route('contact', { path: '/getting-in-touch' });
}); () {
this.route('contact', { path: '/getting-in-touch' });
Will results in Ember knowing how to load URLs for and
And for <LinkTo #route="contact">Contact Us</LinkTo> to create a link with HTML like Contact Us

Add a parent route in ember for existing routes

Here is my problem,
assume I am having an ember app with following ember route configuration: {
this.route('todos', function() {
this.route('view', {
path: "/:id"
this.route('articles', function() {
this.route('view', {
path: "/:id"
Now i want to add the add the prefix for each route based on some user information i would be fetching.
For eg:
Below are the two user information
dev = {
id: 1,
workspace: 'DEV'
qa = {
id: 2,
once the dev is landing in the app, route must be like:
and same for the other users.
once the qa is landing in the page, route must be like:
to solve this i know we generate the parent route and add all the other route as child, need to change the file structure for this case.
Here is Ember :
ember-cli: 2.13.3,
ember-data: 2.18.5
This is straight forward in Ember.js using the router's path as URL paths can be customized easily.
For your case, the todos route should have a dynamic segment (say, workplace) and hence, the router entry will be like: {
this.route('todos', { path: '/:workplace/todos' }, function() {
And if you are transitioning to new todo page using this.transitionTo('', 'TEST'), then URL will be updated as TEST/todos/new.
This twiddle has a tiny demo. Hope that helps :)

Arbitrary depth slash-delimited param value in Ember route

I have a route defined as: {
this.route('folder', { path: '/f/:path' }, function() {} );
And the route itself as:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
const path = params.path;
console.log(`path=${ path }`);
return path;
works but
throws a Uncaught UnrecognizedURLError {message: "/f/folder/subfolder", name: "UnrecognizedURLError"} since the router is expecting me to define a route at each level.
Use case is the ability for users to build an arbitrary tree of folders. Is there a way to do this?
I should have read one more paragraph here:
What I'm looking for is a wildcard / globbing route. {
this.route('folder', { path: '/f/*path' });
Gives me the output I was hoping for:

How do I version a route in Ember properly?

I have an application where I would like to namespace a specific route. But I'm seeing that Ember renders the ancestor route (which is similarly named).
Ember 1.12.0
this.resource('campaign', { path: ':campaign_id' }, function() {
// some more routes
this.resource('campaign_v2', { path: 'v2/:campaign_id' }, function() {
// new routes
Link in campaign template
{{link-to "Check out V2!" "campaign_v2" classNames="btn btn-primary"}}
Expect: When visiting campaign.index and I click on "Check out V2!", I expect to be taken to campaign_v2.index
Result: I am taken to campaign_v2.index but campaign also renders
Here is the result in Ember Inspector:
However, if I reload the route, I get:
Don't use the resource helper and instead use the route helper. Also, you might consider using a route namespace (instead of the _v2 suffix).
this.route('campaign', { path: ':campaign_id' }, function() {
// more routes
this.route('v2', function() {
this.route('campaign', { path: ':campaign_id' }, function() {
You can then refer to the v1 and v2 route via: campaign and v2.campaign respectively.

Catch-all route is getting priority over star route in ember

I have a route that catches all missing routes and renders a 404-style page. I would like to create a route that matches any url starts with "/browse/" such as "/browse/shoes/red". This seems like the correct way to do that: {
this.route('browse', { path: '/browse/*fields' });
this.route('missing', { path: '/*badPath' });
However, ember's RouteRecognizer always picks the missing route over the browse route. (The logic that does this is in sortSolutions of route-recognizer.js .) Is this a bug in Ember? Is there a right way to use glob routes and still have a 404 handler?
By the way, I can create a resource for browse instead of making it a route like this: {
this.resource('browse', { path: '/browse' }, function() {
this.route('baz', {path: '/*'});
this.route('missing', { path: '*' });
This still has the same problem.
I think this must be a bug...
Here's a JSBin :
Here you can see it going directly to the 'missing' route as expected:
And a failed attempt at going directly to a 'browse' route :