Were you aware of this behavior ? (PBI filterpane over slicer visual, sellect all/none selected issue) - powerbi

Hello I am trying to raise awareness about his subject I am facing this issue, I've posted on microsoft PBI community as wel, Did you even know about this, if so, how did you do to workaround this?
As stated in the post, I have just found half a paragraph hinting about this behaviour and all the people that I've talked to did not even know it behaved this way.
TL:DR. If you use the filter panel to filer a slicer (filter on this visual) in order to restrict the selection of a slicer (so your end user does not get lost in too many options or you want a dynamic slicer showing last x months, TOP N , basically any other advanced filtering optins given using this feature).
It only visually filters the slicer so if the user ends up using "select all" or even clearing the selection, all the data would be selected even the data you (as designer) wanted to filter out. Which is misleading since the end user would see the tag "all" over the slicer selection but when clicking on it it would only show the filtered out values, so they would naturally assume that "all" means just those values and not allvalues (hidden values included).
there are only two values to be selected in the slicer but the select all option actally seelcts all values including hidden ones

One thing to check first, I bet you did not apply the filtered values in the filter pane on the whole page, rather you applied it only on the visual. Try to apply that on the whole page and it seems to work for me.


Get slicer to affect other tab in Power Bi

I have a report like this:
It's got three tabs, based on three separate SQL queries (and Power bi queries) of our database.
One tab is based on all the subjects we have in our program
One tab is a query of a database with all the staff associated with all the
subjects in our database
The third tab (that I am working on now) is from a query of all the subjects in our database that need reconsent. The way I envision all three tabs working is that you start in the first tab, filter to the subjects you care about, and then those slicers/filters affect the next two tabs.
My problem is:
I dont know how to get the slicers/filters in the first tab to affect the others. I was able to get the second tab linked by just merging those two queries (there's pretty much 100% overlap) and just using "one" dataset for both.
I've tried "manage relationships" and created a relationship between the first query subject mrn and the third query subject mrn... but even though there's a 'relationship' between the two... thats not enough for slicers on the first tab to affect anything on the third tab. How do I do that?
I asked this on the power bi forum as well and was given some followup questions that I'll add info from here:
The sync slicers setting is on:
And if I go look at the table on the third tab, it says a bunch of slicers are currently affecting it:
(I changed the slicer values between taking these screenshots, dates look different in each)
Also here is a photo of the relationship between queries in the model:
So to repeat/rephrase:
Let's say I use slicers on the first tab to filter to 10 people coming in the next week (which are in one query). Lets say 1 of those people exists in the third query as someone who needs reconsent. How do I get only that one guy to show up on the third tab with his info from that query?

Smart slicer to filter out already selected value

I am looking for a way to build smart Slicer [Slice_2] that options out already selected option in Slicer [Slicer_1]. For instance if proj_short_name = NBA-UC-02 is selected on Slicer 1, Slicer 2 should display rest all except NBA-UC-02 as shown below.
Excel attached for quick reference: excel
As user #Mik said in a comment:
Hardly believe that this can be possible even in theory. The purpose of a slicer - filtering, so, If you have 2 slicers that contradicts each other nothing will be filtered. It's better to find an other idea for a data manipulation.

Power BI Selected Visuals BookMark

1.I have a bookmark built on selected visuals.
How to identify the selections used to create that bookmarK
Bookmarks only make certain selections in/visible so you can go through them and observe which one change their nature.
If you have only one, create one with full visibility to see which ones are being adjusted.
It's far from neat, like a list that you are probably looking for, but I'm not aware of any such option in PowerBI

Is there a way that POWERBI does not agregate all numeric data?

so, I got 3 xlsx full of data already treated, so I pretty much just got to display the data using the graphs. The problem seems to be, that Powerbi aggregates all numeric data (using: count, sum, etc.) In their community they suggest to create new measures, the thing is, in that case I HAVE TO CREATE A LOT OF MEASURES...Also, I tried to convert the data to text and even so, Powerbi counts it!!!
any help, pls?
There are several ways to tackle this:
When you pull a field into the field well for a visualisation, you can click the drop down in the field well and select "Don't summarize"
in the data model, select the column and on the ribbon select "don't summarize" as the summarization option in the Properties group.
The screenshot shows the field well option on the left and the data model options on the right, one for a numeric and one for a text field.
And, yes, you never want to use the implicit measures, i.e. the automatic calculations that Power BI creates. If you want to keep on top of what is being calculated, create your own measures, and yes, there will be many.
Edit: If by "aggregating" you are referring to the fact that text values will be grouped in a table (you don't see any duplicates), then you need to add a column with unique values to the table so all the duplicates of the text values show up. This can be done in the data source by adding an Index column, then using that Index column in the table and setting it to a very narrow with to make it invisible.

Displaying nothing in card values until a single slicer selection is made

Current setup:
I have a basic report with a number of charts on the page that are all controlled by once Slicer element at the top of the page.
As required, the default selection of the slicer is "All", which shows all data across the charts as is required. Once you filter on this value, the charts all filter as normal to the value of said slicer. All good so far, all working and happy with that.
At the top of the page, I have 4 cards, these are all counts and sums. These cards behave the same way. When no value is selected in the slicer, ALL of the data in these cards is summed and counted (as you would rightly expect) and when the slicer has a value, these cards display the correct values as per the slicer selection.
This default behaviour is not what I am looking for with respect to the cards. I only want the cards to display a value when the slicer has one single selection. Multiple selections or "All" should display blank, 0, n/a or something of the sort in the cards values.
As far as I understand, the default way of handling this is to create another measure which sets "Y" or "N" and then add this in as a visual level filter, only showing values when the measure is set to Y: EG
SlicerCheck = if(calculate(distinctcount([SlicerColumn]),allselected([SlicerColumn]))=1,"Y","N")
Other options suggest using functions that are not available in Direct Query mode.
This does not work for cards by default. Does anyone know a good way to achieve this solution?
I would approach this by adding conditions to my count and sum measures. E.g.
SumForCard = IF(HASONEVALUE([SlicerColumn]), SUM(TableName[ColumnToSum]), BLANK())
What you can do with the new feature of Field Parameters (check in Preview features):
Create a Column Called None with all blank values of ""
Create a Field Parameter to select None field as well as the other fields you want (this lets you combine the fields together into 1 Slicer).
Make Field Parameter into a Slicer.
Now you will have a Slicer with None option that will give a blank result. Select for this as the default to not show any results. Save the dashboard in this state to keep the selection this way. You can select the other fields to populate data.