Regex to match series and numbers starting with predefined characters - regex

Is it possible to match just the numbers from a predefined set of characters looking like:
What I want: 113151
What I'm trying: FACTURA[ ]*([a-z0-9A-Z]+)
What I get: SBG113151
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks.

You can use
FACTURA *[a-zA-Z]*([0-9]+)
See the regex demo. The point is to match and consume the chars before the digit sequence you need to extract.
FACTURA - a word
* - zero or more spaces
[a-zA-Z]* - zero or more letters
[^0-9]* - in the other regex, matches zero or more chars other than digits
([0-9]+) - Group 1: one or more digits


What is the Regex pattern "words with numbers in them" but not a number itself

How does a regex look like for
Rood Li-Ion 12 G6
"Rood" "Li-Ion" "G6"
I tried
\b[\w-]+\b /g
But that matches the "12" also!
2.I tried
But that didn't match G6.
I want all words even if they have a number in them but I dont want only numbers to match. How is this possible. Whitespace also shall not be part of the match.
"Rood Li-Ion 12 G6" shall become 3 strings of "Rood","Li-Ion","G6"
You can use
See the regex demo. It matches strings between whitespaces or start/end of string, and only when this non-whitespace chunk is not a digit only chunk.
Also, it won't match a streak of hyphens as your original regex.
(?<!\S) - a left whitespace boundary
(?!\d+(?!\S)) - no one or more digits immediately to the right capped with whitespace or end of string is allowed
\w+(?:-\w+)* - one or more word chars followed with zero or more repetitions of - and one or more word chars
(?!\S) - a right whitespace boundary
This should suit your needs:

Working with regex for alphanumeric

I'm trying a regex fro Alpha Numeric of length 7 (with positions 1,3,4 as characters and positions 2,5,6,7 as digits).
Can someone help me?
The sequence "character, digit, character, character, digit, digit, digit" is expressed in regex as
If you're working in PCRE (with say, PHP):
^ - from the start of the string
([a-zA-Z]) - match and capture a single character in the ranges given: a-z, A-Z
([0-9]) - match and capture a single character in the ranges given: 0-9
(?1){2} - redo the regex in the first group twice (recursive subpattern)
(?2){3} - redo the regex in the second group 3 times (recursive subpattern)
$ - the end of the string
If you want to match this in the middle of a sentence, exchange ^ and $ for \b - which will match a word boundary
See the demo
If you're not using PCRE:
Which does the same thing, but has some copy-paste involved

How do you complete the following Regex

I am looking for a regex expression that will accept the following: The capital letter A followed by any number of digits. This might also be a decimal number. All of these are valid: A1, A500, A543.987
This is NOT OK to accept: Apple, AE100
Currently I have [A]\w.[0-9]* but it accepts App and AE100.
You may use the following regex if the entire string should match:
Or, to match these strings as whole words:
See the regex demo.
^ - start of string / \b - a word boundary
A - an A
[0-9]+ - 1+ digits
(?:\.[0-9]+)? - an optional sequence of . and then 1+ digits
$ - end of string / \b - a word boundary.
I would suggest "A\d+(\.\d+)?". \d represents all digits, the + is one or more characters and the (\.\d+)? is a . followed by one or more digits. But the ? specifies it's optional.

Regex: find all strings which include at least 3 numeric chars and that there's at least one space between them, how can it be done?

I have a regex that matches strings with alphanumeric chars which are 12 chars and longer:
I want it to return matches with only more than 2 digits and at least one of them must be separated than the other 2.
abcdefghijk9lmn8 - no match
abcdefghijklmn987 - no match
abcdefg9hijklmn87 - match
abcdefg9hijkl8mn7 - match
Can you please help me with that regex?
You can use this regex with 2 lookaheads:
RegEx Demo
(?=(?:[a-zA-Z]*\d){3}) - Lookahead to assert at least 3 digits in input
(?=.*\d[a-zA-Z]+\d) - Lookahead to assert that at least 2 digits have an alphabet in between

Regex Match for Valid Dates only

I am trying to create a regex that only matches for valid dates (in MM/DD or MM/DD/YY(YY) format)
My current regex (\d+)/(\d+)/?(\d+)? is very simple but it matches any number that has a / before/after. I.e. if a string is 2015/2016 12/25 it will see both of these as matches but i only want the 12/25 portion.
Here is a link to some sample RegEx.
You can add word boundaries (\b) to make sure you match the date string as a whole "word" (so that the match does not start in the middle of a number) and restrict the occurrences \d matches with the help of limiting quantifiers:
See the regex demo
The regex breakdown:
\b - word boundary to make sure there is a non-word character or start of string right before the digit
(\d{2}) - match exactly 2 digits
/ - match a literal /
(\d{1,2}) - match and capture 1 to 2 digits
/? - match 1 or 0 /
(\d{4}|\d{2})? - match 1 or 0 occurrences of either 4 or 2 digits
\b - trailing word boundary