django- host a website without python app on cpanel? - django

I am going to host a website build on the Django framework. There are tutorials on youtube on how to host but they all are using the python app already on Cpanel. But my hosting provider Hostgator does not give the python app in Cpanel. is there any other way to host the Django website without the python app on Cpanel?

you can host django on digital ocean, with ssh command in the terminal, where you can configure your server with nginx and gunicorn.
follow the taps.


Not able to run Django website without port 8000(for eg: website.example:8000) using cyberpanel and openlitespeed

I am trying to host website on cyberpanel with openlitespeed server, CentOS operating system. but whenever I am trying to make the project live it is not coming on the specified domain but running only on the
I did all the changes in the file related to project.

How can i see my installed Django on Centos 7 server?

I newly installed django on centos 7 server but how can i see my working django website.
I have server ip address and also website. Firstly Do I need to change the domain dns with the server ip address?
In addition i didnt installed to the root, i installed django to the root/iki path.
It seems you didn't deploy your app and just installed Django. For deploying your Django app on a server you should use nginx.
You can find a good guide for Django deployment here.

Publish Django Project on Windows Server

I have a home server(OS: WindowsServer 2016 STD) with ip static and i want publish my Django project on a windows server from my home server.
What should i do to other people can access my project using my ip static!?
If you want to use it as development server then you can simply do:
python runserver and then access it using your IP address.
Else you can follow this link to deploy Django on your Windows IIS server for production.

Strategic error on Python/Flask deploy

I'm new to web development and deployment however I developed a web site using Python 2.7 and Flask. I can't get the site to load when the user hits the site. When testing on the server using SSH the program starts like it did on my development PC but does not render the first template and shows this error: WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
In researching that error I found an article that says Flask is not meant for a multi-user public web environment. Further investigation said: If you want to run Flask in production, be sure to use a production-ready web server like Nginx, and let your app be handled by a WSGI application server like Gunicorn.
I think what this is telling me is:
Find a provider that supports Nginx.
Install Gunicorn and then configure it to run on that host.
Doing that should allow my program to run on the host server and be accessible to the world.
Would folks with experience with Python/Flask web apps please confirm the direction I should be heading as I can't afford to go down the wrong path again.

What are the localhost URLs for OpenShift hosted Django apps

I created a Django application locally and then using the django openshift template from
here I uploaded it to OpenShift successfully. Now I'm trying to work on the local repository for adding additional features but when I run the server locally, I get a bad url error.
What I would like to know is how do I locally host a OpenShift Django App?
I also tried rhc tail -a appname but that only gets me a small amount of debug info If I can't locally host it then is there a way with which I can see the python print() output for the app hosted on OpenShift?