Chronic ripgrep / vim Plugin Error on Load: "-complete Used Without -nargs"? - regex

I recently added ripgrep to my list of vim plugins and, immediately after installation, I began receiving this error message whenever I loaded up vim:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Opening the offending file and reviewing lines 148-149 reveals:
148 command! -nargs=* -complete=file Rg :call s:Rg(<q-args>)
149 command! -complete=file RgRoot :call s:RgShowRoot()
I am well & truly out of my depth here, especially considering that this error was generated by simply installing the plugin; I've made 0 changes to the underlying file (vim-ripgrep.vim).
Has anyone encountered a similarly chronic error after installing ripgrep and, if so, how did you resolve it?

Congratulations, you have found a bug in a FOSS program. Next step is to either notify the maintainer via their issue tracker or, if you know how to fix it, submit a patch.
Case in point, the author assigns a completion method, -complete=file, but custom commands like :RgRoot don't accept arguments by default so the command makes no sense as-is: you can't complete arguments if you can't pass arguments.
It only needs a -nargs=*, like its upstairs neighbour, :Rg, to work properly and the error message is pretty clear about it:
line 149: E1208: -complete used without -nargs
See :help -complete, :help -nargs, and more generally, :help user-commands.

As the other answer stated, it is a bug in this plugin. There is a currently open pull request to fix this: Unfortunately, the repository is currently unmaintained, so it is unlikely to be merged any time soon. This active forks page may help you identify a new maintainer.
Until there is a new maintainer for vim-ripgrep, I suggest checking out that branch in your ~/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep directory and reopening vim.

I met the functionally same error on VIM plugins while using vim ~/.vimrc.
My met error liking yours:
Error detected while processing /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep
I fixed the upstairs with the below:
cd /Users/my_macbook/.vim/plugged/vim-ripgrep/plugin/
git pull --rebase

If you are using vim-plug, try to change
Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}
Here are detail steps:
comment Plug "jremmen/vim-ripgrep"
add Plug "miyase256/vim-ripgrep", {'branch': 'fix/remove-complete-from-RgRoot'}


Demo Code for Detectron Not Detecting Object Instances

I am trying to get the demo code for Detectron2 working locally on my laptop. Everything appears to run correctly, but no object instances are detected, even when I use the image from the Colab demo.
I am running on a non-GPU Mac. I followed the installation instructions to install Detectron. I have the following module versions on my machine:
I copied,, mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml, and Base-RCNN-FPN.yaml from Detectron's github. I then ran inference demo with pretrained model command. The specific command was this:
python --input 000000439715.jpeg --output output --config-file mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl MODEL.DEVICE cpu
000000439715.jpeg is the sample image of the man on horseback from the Colab notebook demo. The last line of the output is
000000439715.jpeg: detected 0 instances in 6.77s
The image in the output directory has no annotation on it.
The logging output looks okay to me. The only thing that may be an indication of a problem is a warning at the top
[08/28 12:35:18 detectron2]: Arguments: Namespace(confidence_threshold=0.5, config_file='mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml', input=['000000439715.jpeg'], opts=['MODEL.WEIGHTS', 'detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl', 'MODEL.DEVICE', 'cpu'], output='output', video_input=None, webcam=False)
[08/28 12:35:18 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: [Checkpointer] Loading from detectron2://COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x/137849600/model_final_f10217.pkl ...
[08/28 12:35:18 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: Reading a file from 'Detectron2 Model Zoo'
WARNING [08/28 12:35:19 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: Some model parameters or buffers are not found in the checkpoint:
I'm not sure what to do about it though.
I tried not specifying the model weights. I also tried setting the confidence threshold to zero. I got the same results.
Am I doing something wrong? What are the next debugging steps?
I met the same question with you, just like:
WARNING [xxxxxxxxx fvcore.common.checkpoint]: Some model parameters or buffers are not found in the checkpoint:
and this warning made my result very bad. Finally I found that I use a wrong weight file.
Hope this can help you.

How to use SublimeLinter's cmd attribute

I'm writing a SublimeLinter (a SublimeText plugin) plugin that uses luacheck for a custom syntax we use. So far I have it working with simply cmd = 'luacheck #', the # being apparently replaced by the filename when SublimeLinter calls luacheck. The problem is that with SublimeLinter on 'background' mode, the warnings don't actually update until the file is saved, e.g. if I remove a line containing a warning the warning will still be there, just highlighting a blank space (until I save, that is). I have a feeling that this is because I'm using the # and since this is replaced by the filename, luacheck won't update till the file is updated. However, the SublimeLinter documentation on cmd is not great, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to write one correctly. None of the plugins on their GitHub seem to use #, either. If I copy the default lua plugin (which uses cmd = 'luac -p * -') and use cmd = 'luacheck * -', luacheck executes but only returns an I/O error. Could someone maybe provide some more insight into how SublimeLinter's cmd attribute works?
EDIT: I was able to fix this issue by using tempfile_suffix = 'lua' in According to the SublimeLinter docs, this is used for linters that don't use stdin, so I suppose my issue could have been with luacheck instead.
I was able to fix this issue by using tempfile_suffix = 'lua' in According to the SublimeLinter docs, this is used for linters that don't use stdin, so I suppose my issue could have been with luacheck instead.

Wmic /format switch invalid XSL?

I have a quick question, should be relatively simple for those who have some more experience in WMI-command processor than I do (and since I'm an absolute beginner thats not hard :-) )
I fail to understand why wmic /format switch works the way it does. I open up cmd.exe and type
wmic process list brief /format:htable > processlist.html
this does exactly what I want and no bothers further on. Whereas if I go to wmic processor, and try to execute the same command exactly as above...
wmic:root\cli>process list brief /format:htable > processlist.html
I receive the error tag: "Invalid XSL format (or) file name."
Here goes the screenshot. Note I have already copied XSL files from wbem to sys32 dir
Can someone explain to me why these 2 commands that for me look exactly the same, with the only difference that one is executed outside wmic environment and the other one is from inside, the latter one doesn't work? I just fail to understand it.
Please advise so I can comprehend this a bit better! :-)
Try this
copy /y %WINDIR%\system32\wbem\en-US\*.xsl %WINDIR%\system32\
And then
wmic:root\cli>process list brief /format:htable.xsl > processlist.html
Note the presence of the extension after "htable"
You are attempting to use CMD.EXE > redirection while you are within the interactive WMIC context. That can't work.
You can use the WMIC /output:filename switch while in interactive mode. Each subsequent command will overwrite the output of the previous command. You can get multiple commands to go to the same file by using /append:filename instead. You can reset the output back to stdout using /output:stdout.
process list brief /format:htable
Did you try specifying a full path in the wmic:root\cli>process call? My bets are that the first worked because it output the file to the current directory.

Strange semantic error

I have reinstalled emacs 24.2.50 on a new linux host and started a new dotEmacs config based on magnars emacs configuration. Since I have used CEDET to some success in my previous workflow I started configuring it. However, there is some strange behaviour whenever I load a C++ source file.
[This Part Is Solved]
As expected, semantic parses all included files (and during the initial setup parses all files specified by the semantic-add-system-include variables), but it prints this an error message that goes like this:
WARNING: semantic-find-file-noselect called for /usr/include/c++/4.7/vector while in set-auto-mode for /usr/include/c++/4.7/vector. You should call the responsible function into 'mode-local-init-hook'.
In the above example the error is printed for the STL vector but a corresponding error message is printed for every file included by the one I'm visiting and any subsequent includes. As a result it takes quite a long time to finish and unfortunately the process is repeated any type I open a new buffer.
[This Problem Is Solved Too]
Furthermore it looks like the parsing doesn't really work as when I place the point above a non-c primitive type (i.e. not int,double,float, etc) instead of printing the type's definition in the modeline an error message like
Idle Service Error semantic-idle-local-symbol-highlight-idle-function: "#<buffer> - Wrong type argument: stringp, (((0) \"IndexMap\"))"
Idle Service Error semantic-idle-summary-idle-function: "#<buffer> - Wrong type argument: stringp, ((\"fXBetween\" 0 nil nil))"
where is the file & buffer I'm currently editing and IndexMap and fXBetween are types defined in files included by the file I'm editing/some file included by the file I'm editing.
I have not tested any further features of CEDET/semantic as the problem is pretty annoying. My cedet config can be found here.
EDIT: With the help of Alex Ott I kinda solved the first problem. It was due to my horrible cedet initialisation. See his first answer for the proper way to configure CEDET!
There still remains the problem with the Idle Service Error (which, when enabling global-semantic-idle-local-symbol-highlight-mode, occurs permanently, not only when checking the definition of the type at point).
And there is the new problem of how to disable the site-wise init file(s).
EDIT2: I have executed semantic-debug-idle-function in a buffer where the problem occurs and it produces a ~700kb [sic!] output. It looks like it is performing some operations on a data container which, by the looks of it, contains information on all the symbols defined in the files parsed. As I have parsed a rather large package (~20Mb source files) this table is rather large. Can semantic handle a database that large or is this impossible and the reason of my problem?
EDIT3: Deleting the content of ~/.semanticdb and reparsing all includes did the trick. I still need to disable the site-wise init files but as this is not related to CEDET I will close this question (the question related to the site-wise init files can be found here).
You need to change your init file so it will perform loading of CEDET only once, not in the hook that will be called for each .h/.hpp/.c/.cpp files. You can change this config as the base, and read more in following article.
The problem that you have is caused because Semantic is trying to analyze header files, and when it tries to open them, then its initialization routines are called again, and again...
The first problem was solved by correctly configuring CEDET which is discribed on Alex Ott's homepage. His answer solves this first problem. The config file specified in his answer is a great start for a nice config; I have used the very same to config CEDET for my needs.
The second problem vanished once I updated CEDET from 1.1 to the bazaar (repository) version, which is explained here and in Alex' article. Additionaly one must delete the content of the directory ~/.semanticdb (which contains the semantic database and was corrupted I guess).
I'd like to thank Alex Ott for his help and sticking with me throughout my journey to the solution :)

review board, post-review and a deleted file

Googling and reading Review Board's documentation (and bugging coworkers) hasn't solved this problem so far.
I'm using Review Board (1.5) for code review. When doing a command line post-review, Review Board doesn't like it when I've deleted a file (svn del, that is).
In other words, r1 for example, had foo.js but r3 has had foo.js svn deleted during a reorganization and cleanup of files no longer used.
When doing the post-review, the error message is:
server$ post-review --revision-range=r1:r3 --submit-as="jody"
Failed to execute command: ['svn', 'info', 'js/app.conf.js']
['js/foo.js: (Not a versioned resource)\n', '\n', 'svn: A problem occurred; see other errors for details\n']
How can one svn del an unneeded file but move forward with the post-review without the error?
I think this is still a bug with review board. I ran into a similar situation but thankfully my latest commit consisted of just deleting one file.
so i could just do post-review --revison-range 192:205 , i.e range one commit earlier than the delete if the commit where i deleted the file was 206.
One hack that worked for me was to reset the working copy to the revision where the file still exists (svn update -r1) and post the review from there. I guess that might not work if you've also added new files along with the deletions.