AWS EC2 Windows Server 2019 billing free tier - amazon-web-services

I'm just wondering about the free tier. I've created an EC2 instance with windows server 2019. When I selected it it said "free tier eligible". Does this mean it'll be free forever, will I be charged for something and how can I prevent any extra charges?

I believe you get 750 Hours per month for a single free tier instance during your first 12 months. Meaning you should just be able to keep it running for the first year of your membership.
More details can be found here.


Can I shift an existing EC2 instance to free-tier?

I made a free tier server on my account and configured it there. Then I had to shift the server to my client's account I made an image of that server and copied it to my client's account so that I wouldn't have to configure all of it again. Turns out it kept all the configurations EXCEPT the free-tier one.
So is there a way for me to make this ec2 instance free tier? Or do I have to build a free tier ec2 from scratch again?
Launch the instance in free tier using AMI(Image of the) as you already have the AMI with you.
And there is no way to move existing instance to free tier,just terminate it after launching the new one in free tier.
The AWS Free Tier is a billing discount.
For Amazon EC2, it provides:
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
750 hours per month of Windows t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
So, each month, any usage that matches the above is not charged (up to the appropriate number of hours). This means you could run one Linux instance for an entire month, or two instances for half a month, or even 30 instances for 1 day.
You cannot nominate specific resources to be included in the Free Tier. It is calculated based upon total usage, so might cover multiple EC2 resources.

Is f1-micro VM machine type forever free?

When I try to create an f1-micro package, below the month fees appears this message:
Your first 720 hours of f1-micro instance usage are free this month.
Currently is November, which has 30 days. 720 divided by 30 is 24 hours. It appears as the f1-micro package is for free the whole month.
I tried looking up for some information online, but I wasn't able to find any helpful information. It looks like the f1-micro is always free for the first month. Now, the question is, if the f1-micro will be for free even after this period. Have anyone some experience with this?
UPDATE(Aug, 2021): From Augest 1st, 2021, the Free Tier F1-micro VM is changing to the E2-micro VM as the VM to use for free. On August 1, 2021, E2-micro Free Tier will be introduced. Follow these steps to change your machine type to E2-micro to avoid incurring charges for continuing to use F1-micro after August 31, 2021.
Yes, a single f1-micro instance falls within the "Always Free Tier" and will be free for the entire month (the number of hours adjusts per month), as long as it is in one of the allowed regions (As of this writing, that means us-west1, us-central1, or us-east1). Also note that the disk image for this instance will also be free, as long as it is 30GB or less and not SSD.
This program is not limited to the current month -- it renews every month (though of course the # of hours are slightly different each month). At least, until Google changes the terms of the program :)
Additionally, when GCP starts charging for external IP addresses at the beginning of 2020, a single external IP address, as long as it is in use, will also be free for the entire month.
It is important to note that the always free tier is not set up as "1 instance" it is set up as a number of instance hours (or instance months, or ip-address-months). So, you could run 3 instances concurrently for a third of a month as well (as long as they each only had no more than a 30GB disk attached each -- the limit of total disk usage is 30GB-months).
Finally, while some services (such as certain click to deploy Cloud Platform marketplace solutions) directly consume GCE resources and therefore are able to benefit from the GCE free tier, others do not, even though they specify instance types. For example, a micro Cloud SQL instance will not be within the free tier. GKE also cannot operate fully in free tier, as Google no longer supports f1-micro node pools for GKE.

AWS RDS free tier: Is free usage reset every month?

I'm using AWS RDS by free tier.
I created a database in January, and created another databse in February.
Today morning, I got a message that I was charged 12 dollars for overusage.
I checked my AWS cost management, and found out that the cost for March so far is $0.
I know that the free tier gives me 750 hours.
But does it mean that I can use 750 hours every month?
If so, can I use one database for free every month because 750/24 = 31?
And did I get charged because I am activating two databases?
From the AWS documentation:
750 hours of Amazon RDS Single-AZ db.t2.micro Instance usage running MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle BYOL or SQL Server (running SQL Server Express Edition) – enough hours to run a DB Instance continuously each month
so if you run two instances, that will be a total of 1500 hours of usage, so you will be charged extra. But you can run one instance for free each month. Note that the RDS instance is part of the 12 months free tier in AWS. That means that this offer only holds for 12 months after creation of your AWS account.
I created an AWS account and use it for several years now. Now, I was experimenting with the RDS instance (free tier) and this started to change me.
So, I believe that the free tier is only free within 12 months of the AWS account creation.
CHECK DAILY THE AWS ACCOUNT, I had another mistake earlier that cost me $300 for that.

Is my free tier over?

I created an aws account a year ago. And I reserved a t2.small instance for 1 year. Now I want to switch to t2.micro and I was wondering if I am still eligible for free tier? During the previous year I was also using ESB 30gib under the free tier.
Yes, your free tier is over. The free tier is up to 1 year from the date of your AWS account creation
Even AWS do let you know whenever you are about to launch any Instance whether is it in the free tire or not.

EC 2 free tier charges

I have an Amazon AWS account, with a few EC2 running instances (3) in different locations. I subscribed the 12 month trial. Suddenly, my billing dashboard started to stack up costs, updating every day.
The instances are virtual machines with windows server 2012, all configured under the free tier settings. I use them mainly form testing, with few downloads/uploads and streaming.
They Are charging for a few bucks for data transfer,and also a reasonable amount described as EC2.
I've read somewhere that one could create more than one EC2, and for what i supposed, the 750 hours limit is for each instance, But this probably is Wrong.
So, what can one do and not do, under the free Absolutely free tier limit ?
Based on the documentation you can run 750 hours of a Linux t2.micro or t1.micro instance plus 750 hours of a Windows t2.micro or t1.micro instance each month for the first 12 months under the free tier. So in your case you have exceeded the free tier limitations, by starting 3 Windows Server 2012 instances and keep them running more than 2/3 of the month.
Since AWS Free Tier involves 750hrs of Free Time per month, you could ideally start 750 EC2 instances, 1 hour/per month.