How to detect stack unwinding in C++20 coroutines? - c++

The typical advice in C++ is to detect stack unwinding in the destructor using std::uncaught_exceptions(), see the example from :
struct Foo {
int count = std::uncaught_exceptions();
~Foo() {
std::cout << (count == std::uncaught_exceptions()
? "~Foo() called normally\n"
: "~Foo() called during stack unwinding\n");
But this advice looks no longer applicable to C++20 coroutines, which can be suspended and resumed including during stack unwinding. Consider the following example:
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
struct ReturnObject {
struct promise_type {
ReturnObject get_return_object() { return { std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this) }; }
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
void unhandled_exception() {}
void return_void() {}
std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> h_;
struct Foo {
int count = std::uncaught_exceptions();
Foo() { std::cout << "Foo()\n"; }
~Foo() {
std::cout << (count == std::uncaught_exceptions()
? "~Foo() called normally\n"
: "~Foo() called during stack unwinding\n");
struct S
std::coroutine_handle<ReturnObject::promise_type> h_;
~S() { h_(); }
int main()
auto coroutine = []() -> ReturnObject { Foo f; co_await std::suspend_always{}; };
auto h = coroutine().h_;
S s{ .h_ = h };
std::cout << "Exception being thrown\n";
throw 0; // calls s.~S() during stack unwinding
catch( int ) {}
std::cout << "Exception caught\n";
It uses the same class Foo inside the coroutine, which is destructed normally (not due to stack unwinding during exception), but still prints:
Exception being thrown
Exception caught
~Foo() called during stack unwinding
How one can re-design class Foo to properly detect stack unwinding in coroutines as well?

The archetypal reason for wanting to know if a function is being executed due to stack unwinding is for something like rolling back a database transaction. So the situation looks rather like this:
Your function does some database work. It creates a database transaction governed by a RAII object. That object is on the function's stack (either directly or indirectly as a subobject of some other stack object). You do some stuff, and when that RAII object leaves the stack, the database transaction should commit or rollback, depending on whether it left the stack normally or because an exception passed through the function itself respectively.
This is all pretty neat and tidy. There is no explicit cleanup code needed in the function itself.
What does this mean for a coroutine? That becomes exceedingly complicated, because a coroutine can be terminated for reasons outside of its own execution.
For a normal function, it either completes or throws an exception. If such a function fails, it happens internally to the function. Coroutines don't work like that. Between suspend points, the code that schedules the resumption of the coroutine might itself fail.
Consider asynchronous file loading. You pass a continuation function to the file reader, and the continuation will be given the file data as it gets read to process it. Partially through this process, a file read error happens. But that happens in the external code that's accessing the file, not the continuation function that is consuming it.
So the external code needs to tell the consuming function that an error happened and it should abort its process. This cannot happen via an exception (at least not by default); the interface between these two pieces of code must have a mechanism to transmit that the process failed. There are ways to have this interface actually throw an exception within the continuation function itself (ie: the continuation gets some object that it calls to access the currently read data, and it throws if a read error happened), but that is still a cooperative mechanism.
It doesn't happen by itself.
So even if you could solve this problem in a coroutine, you would still need to account for cases when a coroutine needs to terminate for reasons outside of an exception thrown from within. Since you're going to need explicit code to do cleanup/rollbacks/etc anyway, there's little point in relying on purely RAII mechanisms to do this.
To more directly answer the question, if you still want to do this, you need to treat the code between suspend points as if they were their own functions. Each suspend point is effectively a separate function call, with its own exception count and so forth.
So either a RAII object lives entirely between suspend points, or you need to update the exception count every time a suspend point starts.


How Can this == nullptr Ever be true Without Invoking Undefined Behavior? [duplicate]

Does it ever make sense to check if this is null?
Say I have a class with a method; inside that method, I check this == NULL, and if it is, return an error code.
If this is null, then that means the object is deleted. Is the method even able to return anything?
Update: I forgot to mention that the method can be called from multiple threads and it may cause the object to be deleted while another thread is inside the method.
Does it ever make sense to check for this==null? I found this while doing a code review.
In standard C++, it does not, because any call on a null pointer is already undefined behavior, so any code relying on such checks is non-standard (there's no guarantee that the check will even be executed).
Note that this holds true for non-virtual functions as well.
Some implementations permit this==0, however, and consequently libraries written specifically for those implementations will sometimes use it as a hack. A good example of such a pair is VC++ and MFC - I don't recall the exact code, but I distinctly remember seeing if (this == NULL) checks in MFC source code somewhere.
It may also be there as a debugging aid, because at some point in the past this code was hit with this==0 because of a mistake in the caller, so a check was inserted to catch future instances of that. An assert would make more sense for such things, though.
If this == null then that means the object is deleted.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means that a method was called on a null pointer, or on a reference obtained from a null pointer (though obtaining such a reference is already U.B.). This has nothing to do with delete, and does not require any objects of this type to have ever existed.
Your note about threads is worrisome. I'm pretty sure you have a race condition that can lead to a crash. If a thread deletes an object and zeros the pointer, another thread could make a call through that pointer between those two operations, leading to this being non-null and also not valid, resulting in a crash. Similarly, if a thread calls a method while another thread is in the middle of creating the object, you may also get a crash.
Short answer, you really need to use a mutex or something to synchonize access to this variable. You need to ensure that this is never null or you're going to have problems.
I know that this is old but I feel like now that we're dealing with C++11-17 somebody should mention lambdas. If you capture this into a lambda that is going to be called asynchronously at a later point in time, it is possible that your "this" object gets destroyed before that lambda is invoked.
i.e passing it as a callback to some time-expensive function that is run from a separate thread or just asynchronously in general
EDIT: Just to be clear, the question was "Does it ever make sense to check if this is null" I am merely offering a scenario where it does make sense that might become more prevalent with the wider use of modern C++.
Contrived example:
This code is completely runable. To see unsafe behavior just comment out the call to safe behavior and uncomment the unsafe behavior call.
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
class SomeAPI
SomeAPI() = default;
void DoWork(std::function<void(int)> cb)
void DoAsync(std::function<void(int)> cb)
std::cout << "SomeAPI about to do async work\n";
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [](auto cb)
std::cout << "Async thread sleeping 10 seconds (Doing work).\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 10 });
// Do a bunch of work and set a status indicating success or failure.
// Assume 0 is success.
int status = 0;
std::cout << "Executing callback.\n";
std::cout << "Callback Executed.\n";
}, cb);
std::future<void> m_future;
class SomeOtherClass
void SetSuccess(int success) { m_success = success; }
bool m_success = false;
class SomeClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SomeClass>
SomeClass(SomeAPI* api)
: m_api(api)
void DoWorkUnsafe()
std::cout << "DoWorkUnsafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Call DoWork on the API.
// DoWork takes some time.
// When DoWork is finished, it calls the callback that we sent in.
m_api->DoWork([this](int status)
// Undefined behavior
m_value = 17;
// Crash
void DoWorkSafe()
// Create a weak point from a shared pointer to this.
std::weak_ptr<SomeClass> this_ = shared_from_this();
std::cout << "DoWorkSafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Capture the weak pointer.
m_api->DoWork([this_](int status)
// Test the weak pointer.
if (auto sp = this_.lock())
std::cout << "Async work finished.\n";
// If its good, then we are still alive and safe to execute on this.
sp->m_value = 17;
void ReportSuccess()
// Tell everyone who cares that a thing has succeeded.
SomeAPI* m_api;
std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> m_data = std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass>();
int m_value;
int main()
std::shared_ptr<SomeAPI> api = std::make_shared<SomeAPI>();
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> someClass = std::make_shared<SomeClass>(api.get());
// Comment out the above line and uncomment the below line
// to see the unsafe behavior.
std::cout << "Deleting someClass\n";
std::cout << "Main thread sleeping for 20 seconds.\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 20 });
return 0;
FWIW, I have used debugging checks for (this != NULL) in assertions before which have helped catch defective code. Not that the code would have necessarily gotten too far with out a crash, but on small embedded systems that don't have memory protection, the assertions actually helped.
On systems with memory protection, the OS will generally hit an access violation if called with a NULL this pointer, so there's less value in asserting this != NULL. However, see Pavel's comment for why it's not necessarily worthless on even protected systems.
Your method will most likely (may vary between compilers) be able to run and also be able to return a value. As long as it does not access any instance variables. If it tries this it will crash.
As others pointed out you can not use this test to see if an object has been deleted. Even if you could, it would not work, because the object may be deleted by another thread just after the test but before you execute the next line after the test. Use Thread synchronization instead.
If this is null there is a bug in your program, most likely in the design of your program.
I'd also add that it's usually better to avoid null or NULL. I think the standard is changing yet again here but for now 0 is really what you want to check for to be absolutely sure you're getting what you want.
This is just a pointer passed as the first argument to a function (which is exactly what makes it a method). So long as you're not talking about virtual methods and/or virtual inheritance, then yes, you can find yourself executing an instance method, with a null instance. As others said, you almost certainly won't get very far with that execution before problems arise, but robust coding should probably check for that situation, with an assert. At least, it makes sense when you suspect it could be occuring for some reason, but need to track down exactly which class / call stack it's occurring in.
I know this is a old question, however I thought I will share my experience with use of Lambda capture
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class foo {
foo(int no) : no_(no) {
template <typename Lambda>
void lambda_func(Lambda&& l) {
cout << "No is " << no_ << endl;
int no_;
int main() {
auto f = std::make_unique<foo>(10);
f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable {
cout << "lambda ==> " << endl;
cout << "lambda <== " << endl;
return 0;
This code segment faults
$ g++ -std=c++14 uniqueptr.cpp
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I remove the std::cout statement from lambda_func The code runs to completion.
It seems like, this statement f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { processes lambda captures before member function is invoked.

Async constructor in C++11

Sometimes I need to create objects whose constructors take very long time to execute.
This leads to responsiveness problems in UI applications.
So I was wondering if it could be sensible to write a constructor designed to be called asynchronously, by passing a callback to it which will alert me when the object is available.
Below is a sample code:
class C
// Standard ctor
// Designed for async ctor
C(std::function<void(void)> callback)
void init() // Should be replaced by delegating costructor (not yet supported by my compiler)
std::chrono::seconds s(2);
std::cout << "Object created" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto msgQueue = std::queue<char>();
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
auto notified = false;
// Some parallel task
auto f = []()
return 42;
// Callback to be called when the ctor ends
auto callback = [&m,&cv,&notified,&msgQueue]()
std::cout << "The object you were waiting for is now available" << std::endl;
// Notify that the ctor has ended
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _(m);
notified = true;
// Start first task
auto ans = std::async(std::launch::async, f);
// Start second task (ctor)
std::async(std::launch::async, [&callback](){ auto c = C(callback); });
std::cout << "The answer is " << ans.get() << std::endl;
// Mimic typical UI message queue
auto done = false;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
auto msg = msgQueue.front();
if(msg == 'x')
done = true;
std::cout << "Press a key to exit..." << std::endl;
return 0;
Do you see any drawback in this design? Or do you know if there is a better approach?
Following the hints of JoergB's answer, I tried to write a factory which will bear the responsibility to create an object in a sync or async way:
template <typename T, typename... Args>
class FutureFactory
typedef std::unique_ptr<T> pT;
typedef std::future<pT> future_pT;
typedef std::function<void(pT)> callback_pT;
static pT create_sync(Args... params)
return pT(new T(params...));
static future_pT create_async_byFuture(Args... params)
return std::async(std::launch::async, &FutureFactory<T, Args...>::create_sync, params...);
static void create_async_byCallback(callback_pT cb, Args... params)
std::async(std::launch::async, &FutureFactory<T, Args...>::manage_async_byCallback, cb, params...);
static void manage_async_byCallback(callback_pT cb, Args... params)
auto ptr = FutureFactory<T, Args...>::create_sync(params...);
Your design seems very intrusive. I don't see a reason why the class would have to be aware of the callback.
Something like:
future<unique_ptr<C>> constructedObject = async(launchopt, [&callback]() {
unique_ptr<C> obj(new C());
return C;
or simply
future<unique_ptr<C>> constructedObject = async(launchopt, [&cv]() {
unique_ptr<C> ptr(new C());
cv.notify_all(); // or _one();
return ptr;
or just (without a future but a callback taking an argument):
async(launchopt, [&callback]() {
unique_ptr<C> ptr(new C());
should do just as well, shouldn't it? These also make sure that the callback is only ever called when a complete object is constructed (when deriving from C).
It shouldn't be too much effort to make any of these into a generic async_construct template.
Encapsulate your problem. Don't think about asynchronous constructors, just asynchronous methods which encapsulate your object creation.
It looks like you should be using std::future rather than constructing a message queue. std::future is a template class that holds a value and can retrieve the value blocking, timeout or polling:
std::future<int> fut = ans;
auto result = fut.get();
I will suggest a hack using thread and signal handler.
1) Spawn a thread to do the task of the constructor. Lets call it child thread. This thread will intialise the values in your class.
2) After the constructor is completed, child thread uses the kill system call to send a signal to the parent thread. (Hint : SIGUSR1). The main thread on receiving the ASYNCHRONOUS handler call will know that the required object has been created.
Ofcourse, you can use fields like object-id to differentiate between multiple objects in creation.
My advice...
Think carefully about why you need to do such a long operation in a constructor.
I find often it is better to split the creation of an object into three parts
a) allocation
b) construction
c) initialization
For small objects it makes sense to do all three in one "new" operation. However, heavy weight objects, you really want to separate the stages. Figure out how much resource you need and allocate it. Construct the object in the memory into a valid, but empty state.
Then... do your long load operation into the already valid, but empty object.
I think I got this pattern a long time ago from reading a book (Scott Myers perhaps?) but I highly recommend it, it solves all sorts of problems. For example, if your object is a graphic object, you figure out how much memory it needs. If it fails, show the user an error as soon as possible. If not mark the object as not read yet. Then you can show it on screen, the user can also manipulate it, etc.
Initialize the object with an asynchronous file load, when it completes, set a flag in the object that says "loaded". When your update function sees it is loaded, it can draw the graphic.
It also REALLY helps with problems like construction order, where object A needs object B. You suddenly find you need to make A before B, oh no!! Simple, make an empty B, and pass it as a reference, as long as A is clever enough to know that be is empty, and wait to it is not before it uses it, all is well.
And... Not forgetting.. You can do the opposite on destruction.
Mark your object as empty first, so nothing new uses it (de-initialisation)
Free the resources, (destruction)
Then free the memory (deallocation)
The same benefits apply.
Having partially initialized objects could lead to bugs or unnecessarily complicated code, since you would have to check whether they're initialized or not.
I'd recommend using separate threads for UI and processing, and then use message queues for communicating between threads. Leave the UI thread for just handling the UI, which will then be more responsive all the time.
Place a message requesting creation of the object into the queue that the worker thread waits on, and then after the object has been created, the worker can put a message into UI queue indicating that the object is now ready.
Here's yet another pattern for consideration. It takes advantage of the fact that calling wait() on a future<> does not invalidate it. So, as long you never call get(), you're safe. This pattern's trade-off is that you incur the onerous overhead of calling wait() whenever a member function gets called.
class C
future<void> ready_;
ready_ = async([this]
cout << "I'm ready now." << endl;
// Every member function must start with ready_.wait(), even the destructor.
~C(){ ready_.wait(); }
void foo()
cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
int main()
C c;;
return 0;

Managing thread life-cycle in derived class

I have a Base class which acts as an interface to multiple strategies for synchronous event processing. I now want the strategies to process the events asynchronously. To minimize code refactor, each strategies will have its own internal thread for asynchronous event processing. My main concern is how to manage the lifecycle of this thread. The Derived strategies classes are constructed and destructed all around the codebase so it would be hard to manage the thread lifecycle (start/stop) outside of the strategies classes.
I ended up with the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
struct Base
virtual ~Base()
std::cout << "In ~Base()" << std::endl;
// For testing purpose: spend some time in Base dtor
virtual void processEvents() = 0;
void startThread()
_thread.reset(new boost::thread(&Base::processEvents, this));
void stopThread()
std::cout << "Interrupting and joining thread" << std::endl;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> _thread;
struct Derived : public Base
virtual ~Derived()
std::cout << "In ~Derived()" << std::endl;
// For testing purpose: make sure the virtual method is called while in dtor
virtual void processEvents()
// Process events in Derived specific way
// Emulated interruption point for testing purpose
std::cout << "Processing events..." << std::endl;
catch (boost::thread_interrupted& e)
std::cout << "Thread interrupted" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Base* b = new Derived;
delete b;
return 0;
As you can see, the thread is interrupted and joined in the Derived class destructor. Many comments on Stackoverflow argues that it's a bad idea to join a thread in a destructor. However, I can't find a better idea considering the constraint that the thread lifecycle must be managed through the construction/destruction of the Derived class. Does someone has a better proposition?
It is a good idea to release resources a class creates when the class is destroyed, even if one of the resources is a thread. However, when performing any non-trivial task in a destructor, it is often worth taking the time to examine the implications in full.
A general rule is to not throw exceptions in destructors. If a Derived object is on a stack that is unwinding from another exception, and Derived::~Derived() throws an exception, then std::terminate() will be invoked, killing the application. While Derived::~Derived() is not explicitly throwing an exception, it is important to consider that some of the functions it is invoking may throw, such as _thread->join().
If std::terminate() is the desired behavior, then no change is required. However, if std::terminate() is not desired, then catch boost::thread_interrupted and suppress it.
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&)
/* suppressed */
It looks as though inheritance was used to for code reuse and minimizing code refactoring by isolating the asynchronous behavior to be internal to the Base hierarchy. However, some of the boilerplate logic is also in Dervied. As classes derived from Base are already having to be changed, I would suggest considering aggregation or the CRTP to minimize the amount of boilerplate logic and code within these classes.
For example, a helper type can be introduced to encapsulate the threading logic:
class AsyncJob
typedef boost::function<void()> fn_type;
// Start running a job asynchronously.
template <typename Fn>
AsyncJob(const Fn& fn)
: thread_(&AsyncJob::run, fn_type(fn))
// Stop the job.
// Join may throw, so catch and suppress.
try { thread_.join(); }
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&) {}
// into the run function so that the loop logic does not
// need to be duplicated.
static void run(fn_type fn)
// Continuously call the provided function until an interrupt occurs.
while (true)
// Force an interruption point into the loop, as the user provided
// function may never call a Boost.Thread interruption point.
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&) {}
boost::thread thread_;
This helper class could be aggregated and initialized in Derived's constructor. It removes the need for much of the boilerplate code, and can be reused elsewhere:
struct Derived : public Base
: job_(boost::bind(&Base::processEvents, this))
virtual void processEvents()
// Process events in Derived specific way
AsyncJob job_;
Another key point is that the AsyncJob forces a Boost.Thread interruption point into the loop logic. The job shutdown logic is implemented in terms of interruption points. Thus, it is critical that an interruption point be reached during iterations. Otherwise, it could be possible to end up in a deadlock if the user code never reaches an interruption point.
Examine whether it is the thread's lifetime that must be associated with the object's lifetime, or if it is the asynchronous event processing that needs to be associated with the object's lifetime. If it is the latter, then it may be worth considering using thread pools. A thread pool could provide finer grain control over thread resources, such as imposing a maximum limit, as well as minimize the amount of wasted threads, such as threads doing nothing or time spent creating/destroying short-lived threads.
For example, consider the case where a user creates an array of 500 Dervied classes. Are 500 threads needed to handle 500 strategies? Or could 25 threads handle 500 strategies? Keep in mind that on some systems, thread creation/destruction can be expensive, and there may even be maximum thread limit imposed by the OS.
In conclusion, examine the tradeoffs, and determine which behaviors are acceptable. It can be difficult to minimize code refactoring, particularly when changing the threading model that has implications to various areas of the codebase. The perfect solution is very rarely obtainable, so identify the solution that covers the majority of cases. Once the supported behavior has been clearly defined, work on modifying existing code so that it is within the supported behavior.

Checking if this is null

Does it ever make sense to check if this is null?
Say I have a class with a method; inside that method, I check this == NULL, and if it is, return an error code.
If this is null, then that means the object is deleted. Is the method even able to return anything?
Update: I forgot to mention that the method can be called from multiple threads and it may cause the object to be deleted while another thread is inside the method.
Does it ever make sense to check for this==null? I found this while doing a code review.
In standard C++, it does not, because any call on a null pointer is already undefined behavior, so any code relying on such checks is non-standard (there's no guarantee that the check will even be executed).
Note that this holds true for non-virtual functions as well.
Some implementations permit this==0, however, and consequently libraries written specifically for those implementations will sometimes use it as a hack. A good example of such a pair is VC++ and MFC - I don't recall the exact code, but I distinctly remember seeing if (this == NULL) checks in MFC source code somewhere.
It may also be there as a debugging aid, because at some point in the past this code was hit with this==0 because of a mistake in the caller, so a check was inserted to catch future instances of that. An assert would make more sense for such things, though.
If this == null then that means the object is deleted.
No, it doesn't mean that. It means that a method was called on a null pointer, or on a reference obtained from a null pointer (though obtaining such a reference is already U.B.). This has nothing to do with delete, and does not require any objects of this type to have ever existed.
Your note about threads is worrisome. I'm pretty sure you have a race condition that can lead to a crash. If a thread deletes an object and zeros the pointer, another thread could make a call through that pointer between those two operations, leading to this being non-null and also not valid, resulting in a crash. Similarly, if a thread calls a method while another thread is in the middle of creating the object, you may also get a crash.
Short answer, you really need to use a mutex or something to synchonize access to this variable. You need to ensure that this is never null or you're going to have problems.
I know that this is old but I feel like now that we're dealing with C++11-17 somebody should mention lambdas. If you capture this into a lambda that is going to be called asynchronously at a later point in time, it is possible that your "this" object gets destroyed before that lambda is invoked.
i.e passing it as a callback to some time-expensive function that is run from a separate thread or just asynchronously in general
EDIT: Just to be clear, the question was "Does it ever make sense to check if this is null" I am merely offering a scenario where it does make sense that might become more prevalent with the wider use of modern C++.
Contrived example:
This code is completely runable. To see unsafe behavior just comment out the call to safe behavior and uncomment the unsafe behavior call.
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
class SomeAPI
SomeAPI() = default;
void DoWork(std::function<void(int)> cb)
void DoAsync(std::function<void(int)> cb)
std::cout << "SomeAPI about to do async work\n";
m_future = std::async(std::launch::async, [](auto cb)
std::cout << "Async thread sleeping 10 seconds (Doing work).\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 10 });
// Do a bunch of work and set a status indicating success or failure.
// Assume 0 is success.
int status = 0;
std::cout << "Executing callback.\n";
std::cout << "Callback Executed.\n";
}, cb);
std::future<void> m_future;
class SomeOtherClass
void SetSuccess(int success) { m_success = success; }
bool m_success = false;
class SomeClass : public std::enable_shared_from_this<SomeClass>
SomeClass(SomeAPI* api)
: m_api(api)
void DoWorkUnsafe()
std::cout << "DoWorkUnsafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Call DoWork on the API.
// DoWork takes some time.
// When DoWork is finished, it calls the callback that we sent in.
m_api->DoWork([this](int status)
// Undefined behavior
m_value = 17;
// Crash
void DoWorkSafe()
// Create a weak point from a shared pointer to this.
std::weak_ptr<SomeClass> this_ = shared_from_this();
std::cout << "DoWorkSafe about to pass callback to async executer.\n";
// Capture the weak pointer.
m_api->DoWork([this_](int status)
// Test the weak pointer.
if (auto sp = this_.lock())
std::cout << "Async work finished.\n";
// If its good, then we are still alive and safe to execute on this.
sp->m_value = 17;
void ReportSuccess()
// Tell everyone who cares that a thing has succeeded.
SomeAPI* m_api;
std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> m_data = std::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass>();
int m_value;
int main()
std::shared_ptr<SomeAPI> api = std::make_shared<SomeAPI>();
std::shared_ptr<SomeClass> someClass = std::make_shared<SomeClass>(api.get());
// Comment out the above line and uncomment the below line
// to see the unsafe behavior.
std::cout << "Deleting someClass\n";
std::cout << "Main thread sleeping for 20 seconds.\n";
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 20 });
return 0;
FWIW, I have used debugging checks for (this != NULL) in assertions before which have helped catch defective code. Not that the code would have necessarily gotten too far with out a crash, but on small embedded systems that don't have memory protection, the assertions actually helped.
On systems with memory protection, the OS will generally hit an access violation if called with a NULL this pointer, so there's less value in asserting this != NULL. However, see Pavel's comment for why it's not necessarily worthless on even protected systems.
Your method will most likely (may vary between compilers) be able to run and also be able to return a value. As long as it does not access any instance variables. If it tries this it will crash.
As others pointed out you can not use this test to see if an object has been deleted. Even if you could, it would not work, because the object may be deleted by another thread just after the test but before you execute the next line after the test. Use Thread synchronization instead.
If this is null there is a bug in your program, most likely in the design of your program.
I'd also add that it's usually better to avoid null or NULL. I think the standard is changing yet again here but for now 0 is really what you want to check for to be absolutely sure you're getting what you want.
This is just a pointer passed as the first argument to a function (which is exactly what makes it a method). So long as you're not talking about virtual methods and/or virtual inheritance, then yes, you can find yourself executing an instance method, with a null instance. As others said, you almost certainly won't get very far with that execution before problems arise, but robust coding should probably check for that situation, with an assert. At least, it makes sense when you suspect it could be occuring for some reason, but need to track down exactly which class / call stack it's occurring in.
I know this is a old question, however I thought I will share my experience with use of Lambda capture
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class foo {
foo(int no) : no_(no) {
template <typename Lambda>
void lambda_func(Lambda&& l) {
cout << "No is " << no_ << endl;
int no_;
int main() {
auto f = std::make_unique<foo>(10);
f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable {
cout << "lambda ==> " << endl;
cout << "lambda <== " << endl;
return 0;
This code segment faults
$ g++ -std=c++14 uniqueptr.cpp
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I remove the std::cout statement from lambda_func The code runs to completion.
It seems like, this statement f->lambda_func([f = std::move(f)] () mutable { processes lambda captures before member function is invoked.

Are destructors of automatic objects invoked when terminate is called? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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What happens when we throw from a destructor? I know that it causes terminate() to be called, and memory is indeed freed and the destructor is called, but, is this before or after throw is called from foo? Perhaps the issue here is that throw is used while the stack is unwinding that is the problem.
Is this before or after throw is called from foo?
This is what is happening:
foo() is called
An object a of type A is created on the stack
The next statement throws
Now, the dtor for a is called, which throws another exception
std::terminate is called -- which is nothing but abandoning the exception handling mechanism:
From C++0x draft:
15.5.1 The std::terminate() function
1 In the following situations exception
handling must be abandoned for less
subtle error handling techniques:
— when the destruction of
an object during stack unwinding
(15.2) exits using an exception, or
2 In such cases, std::terminate() is
called (18.7.3). In the situation
where no matching handler is found, it
is implementation-defined whether or
not the stack is unwound before
std::terminate() is called. In all
other situations, the stack shall not
be unwound before std::terminate() is
called. An implementation is not
permitted to finish stack unwinding
prematurely based on a determination
that the unwind process will
eventually cause a call to
Note: Emphasis mine
Here's what happens in g++:
#include <stdio.h>
class A {
fprintf(stderr, "in ~A\n");
throw "error";
void foo()
A a;
fprintf(stderr, "in foo\n");
throw "error";
int main()
try {
catch (const char*) {
return 1;
return 0;
[~/ecc/ellcc/ecc] main% ./a.out
in foo
in ~A
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char const*'
[~/ecc/ellcc/ecc] main%
As you can see, the throw in foo happens first, then the throw in ~A causes the error.
You got is slightly wrong and that's why you don't understand it. You see, throw in destructor is not causing teriminate() function to be called, it is a bad practice, but it is not fatal for program execution. What is fatal is that some code throws while there's still active exception. C++ can't decide what exception to propagate further, new one or old one and it can't propagate them both. It is considered fatal for program execution and that's why terminate is called.
So, you see, without throw in foo, terminate wouldn't be called but there will be an exception thrown from ~A. So, naturally, throw in foo has to be called first and then during the second throw everything breaks.
If I'm not mistaken, once terminate is called, no (further) stack unwinding would occur.
terminate calls a handler function (which you can set with set_terminate):
The type of a handler function to be
called by terminate() when terminating
exception processing.
A terminate_handler shall terminate execution of the program
without returning to the caller.
Default behavior:
The implementation's default terminate_handler calls abort().
At least I don't know of a way to "terminate execution without returning to the caller" that would allow you to unwind the stack.
You can modify the example to see what you can expect:
#include <cstdio>
class A
~A() {
puts("Entered A destructor");
throw "error";
void foo()
A a, b;
throw "error";
int main()
try {
} catch (const char*) {
return 1;
Now there are two A instances, and the destructor of the second one is never called, because the execution was terminated as soon as the destructor of the first A finished and let another exception escape.
Object a is a stack object, so there is no dynamic memory to be freed. Once control goes out of the scope of foo(), the stack frame, and therefore the object, no longer exists.
To illustrate, here's what happens in Microsoft C++:
#include <iostream>
class A {
~A() {
std::cout << "in ~A" << std::endl;
throw "error";
void foo() {
A a;
std::cout << "in foo" << std::endl;
throw "error";
int main() {
try {
catch (void *) {
std::cout << "exit: 1" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "exit: 0" << std::endl;
return 0;
And the result:
in foo
in ~A
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.