aws cloudwatch agent for ecs service discovery - amazon-web-services

The question:
Does anyone now how to configure cwagent to make it only create service discovery files for prometheus?
I am trying to find an approach to monitor my amazon ECS services with prometheus. So I'd prefer to do this via some sort of "service discovery". Unfortunatelly, prometheus cannot do this from scratch. However, I found this article:
Well, cloudwatch agent has the worst documentation I ever seen.
Does anyone now how exactly should I configure cwagent to make it only create service discovery files for prometheus?
Ideally, I want to run it as a side container in a kubernetes pod with prometheus. The only thing cwagent should do is to hit API (in different accounts) via roles and then create sd file for prometheus to scrape.


What's the proper way to forward ECS service logs to AWS CloudWatch?

So my understanding is that when I deploy a new service to ECS using AWS Copilot, logs are forwarded to CloudWatch automatically by default.
Copilot creates log groups for each service, I can see that in CloudWatch Logs.
However, according to AWS docs, logging can be also implemented using Copilot sidecars and AWS FireLens, which uses FluentD or FluentBit to collect logs, and then it forwards stuff CloudWatch.
I don't understand why is this necessary. I mean, why to create a sidecar for logging to CloudWatch, when logging seems to work automatically, without any sidecar.
There is an example here for logging via FireLens. What's the benefit of doing this over the logging mechanism that just works by default?
Thanks in advance!
AWS Copilot builds an image for you application that already has an agent configured to forward logs to CloudWatch, however you might want to deploy other images to ECS that don't have this agent installed. For example, suppose you wanted to deploy an nginx container to ECS, you might choose to use a sidecar to forward logs instead of customizing the nginx image.

Trying to build end to end jmeter AWS instance testing architecture

I am trying to build on demand AWS jmeter(can be any testing tool like SOAP UI, Selenium ) instance to using Jenkins. Not looking for Server client Jmeter distribution architecture.
This is to provide cost effective solution to the spawn on demand jmeter(Not containerization )instance using Jenkins. New instance need JNLP or jenkins agent to establish connectivity with Jenkins Master.
Can some one provide me any documentation and codes(CLI) to spin up aws instance with or without AMI ?
You can use AWS CLI to manage instances (create, launch, shut down, terminate, etc.)
Example command would be:
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id your_image_id --count how_many_instances_you_want --instance-type desired_EC2_instance_type --key-name your_key_pair --security-groups your_EC2_security_group_name
Make sure that the security group allows the following ports:
the port you define as server_port, by default 1099
the port you define as server.rmi.localport
the port(s) you define as client.rmi.localport
More information:
Remote hosts and RMI configuration
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Am not sure if your are looking for this kind of setup.
Use terraform, infra as code. You will be able to spawn all the resources that are required for your test. The steps will follow like this,
Create a jmeter Docker image
Push it to ECR
Create a Cluster in ECS
Create a Task definition
Create a service in ECS cluster where it uses the Jmeter image and you can use fargate serverless.
On all the above you can use Jenkins CI/CD where you can trigger you terraform code.

how to collect logs on AWS from dockerized spring boot?

In spring boot logs by default go to stdout. that's nice standard - less config, no directory configuration etc. but I want to build a docker image and run it on aws.
how can i get all the logs from dockerized spring-boot stdout? does cloudwatch support it? is there a simple solution or do i have to switch to logging to a file, doing docker volumes mount etc?
It depends how your architecture looks like and what do you want to do with logs.
Nowadays you can use a myriad of tools in order to read logs. You can use AWS Cloudwatch Logs and through this you can configure alertings through CloudWatch itself.
In order to use it, you can configure your slf4j backend.
<appender name="cloud-watch" class="io.github.dibog.AwsLogAppender">
<clientConfig class="com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration">
<pattern>[%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n</pattern>
Obviously it depends from your architecture: if you have for example filebeat, you can configure filebeat to use cloudwatch.
If you use ecs-optimized AMI for the ec2 instances (it should be at least 1.9.0), you can also use the aws logdriver for your containers:
1. Before launch the ecs agent, you must change /etc/ecs/ecs.config and adjust ECS_AVAILABLE_LOGGING_DRIVERS with: ["json-file","awslogs"]
2. Activate the auto-configuration feature to create log group for ecs tasks (you can also create the groups manually, but I think you want here more automation)
For more informations about aws logdriver, you can look on aws documentation:
AWS Logs Driver
Install ECS Agent

AWS ECS custom CloudWatch metrics

I'm looking for a way to establish custom metrics over StatsD protocol for Amazon Elastic Container Service. I've found a documentation on how to establish Amazon CloudWatch Agent on EC2. It works well. However I'm failing to find a correct configuration for Dockerfile. Quite probably some set of custom IAM permissions will also be required there.
Is it possible to have Docker containers working from AWS ECS with custom metrics using StatsD reporting to AWS CloudWatch?
Rather than building your own container, you can use the one provided by Amazon. This article explains how, including a link to an example daemon service task configuration.

How does "type: LoadBalancer" creates external Load Balancer in Kubernetes?

How does Kubernetes knows what external cloud provider on it is running?
Is there any specific service running in Master which finds out if the Kubernetes Cluster running in AWS or Google Cloud?
Even if it is able to find out it is AWS or Google, from where does it take the credentials to create the external AWS/Google Load Balancers? Do we have to configure the credentials somewhere so that it picks it from there and creates the external load balancer?
When installing Kubernetes cloud provider flag, you must specify the --cloud-provider=aws flag on a variety of components.
kube-controller-manager - this is the component which interacts with the cloud API when cloud specific requests are made. It runs "loops" which ensure that any cloud provider request is completed. So when you request an Service of Type=LoadBalancer, the controller-manager is the thing that checks and ensures this was provisioned
kube-apiserver - this simply ensure the cloud APIs are exposed, like for persistent volumes
kubelet - ensures thats when workloads are provisioned on nodes. This is especially the case for things like persistent storage EBS volumes.
Do we have to configure the credentials somewhere so that it picks it from there and creates the external load balancer?
All the above components should be able to query the required cloud provider APIs. Generally this is done using IAM roles which ensure the actual node itself has the permissions. If you take a look at the kops documentation, you'll see examples of the IAM roles assigned to masters and workers to give those nodes permissions to query and make API calls.
It should be noted that this model is changing shortly, to move all cloud provider logic into a dedicated cloud-controller-manager which will have to be pre-configured when installing the cluster.