Something to change front-end with respect to back-end? - django

I want to know that is there anything that check backend for data if it is changed or not. If the data is changed then it will update frontend also without reloading the page, without any click or some event or without using setInterval method (Javascript).
Please help.
(Note: I am using Django as backend framework.)

No, there's no magical "something" that didn't involve frontend code such as (e.g.; there are other options, surely)
polling the backend periodically using setInterval
opening a server-sent events connection to the backend
opening a websocket to the backend (using e.g. Django channels)


Do we need to render templates when using ReactJS as a front-end?

So I just created a website's front-end using ReactJS. Now all I need is a backend database that I will fetch data from using requests.
The question is whether I need to render templates using my backend or just use my server to make requests (eg get, post etc)
PS. I will be using Django as my backend.
Thank you everyone who will help me out.
Doing both is recommended. Based on the requirements and use cases we must use both ways to render.
For example, Some products use initial html as a Server side rendered page with all essential data required inserted as scripts and so on. This helps in loading primary content faster. If we are not following this in applications that require data initially. Then it might take more time to fetch React chunks, scripting and after seeing an API makes request, and then getting data and then displaying the primary content. So when a page needs more data (like More API calls) then server side rendering might be a good way.
For other scenarios like getting user details, All these can be done using React.
No, because you will use DRF (Django Rest Framework) to communicate between frontend and backend. Basically you will write your own APIs in the that will respond with JSON data, at least in major of cases this will be enough. So, you don't need templates, since template are really Djangos' frontend, that you will not be using at all.
But, this heavily depends on what you are doing and what is your setup.

How can I monitor which routes and urls commonly requested?

We have an app made from reactjs and django and it is hosted on heroku. We use axios in reactjs to make and get and post request to the django side, now are there any method in heroku that we could monitor these url requests, e.g. which url path is most commonly requested and how much are they costing at the end of the month.
If Heroku doesn't offer anything out-of-the-box, you could utilize Google Analytics to fire off an event using the library react-ga. You could put this in the finally() portion of your fetch call after the then() and catch() functions, this way you're able to view the number of requests attempted regardless of whether or not it was successful.

Django: implementing websockets to work with my existing MVT-based app (Channels seems to need me to throw out my entire existing code)

I have an existing Django project in the sports domain with apps that are built on the Model-View-Template structure. Many of the models and views are fairly sophisticated and work well currently. Data from the database (scores etc) is combined with some incoming user inputs through forms (HTTP POST requests) to be displayed on a web page via templates.
However, I now need live data to be displayed to users and be automatically refreshed to all the users continuously, either because one of the users entered something new (in the front-end), or because the scores changed during the game (directly enters the back-end).
I've done some research on Stack Overflow as well as tutorials on Youtube/ rest of the web and it appears that for me to use Django Channels, I'd have to start from scratch and build everything ground-up, which I'd like to avoid. How do I use the websocket protocol for my Django app easily without having to completely rework everything that I've done so far?
You don't really need to start from scratch or anything. You just need to add a module using channels. I am assuming that currently, the data is fetched only when the page is refreshed. What you need to do is write a consumer that is used to send messages directly to the client via websocket. Then in the front you can update the widget with the scores on each message received in the websocket. You can also stream user actions through the websocket to the server which will then be broadcasted by the consumer to needed clients. You may not even need to change anything in the existing code.
It will be easier to understand how this works and how you can incorporate it to your project by reading the channels tutorials. It became clearer to me after reading it so I would advice you do the same

How to implement message notification in React App?

I am now building an application using React and Redux as the frontend and Django as the backend. What i am trying to realize is whenever an end user upload a file, all the end users that are related to this file should receive a notification.
I am thinking of using websocket/ but I am not sure if that works well with Django. Or any experience or suggestions of using any other technologies to implement the message notification function?
A simple Google search revealed Django Channels
Channels is a project that takes Django and extends its abilities beyond HTTP - to handle WebSockets, chat protocols, IoT protocols, and more. It’s built on a Python specification called ASGI.
Using the field_field.files[0].file.slice() method in javascript you can send a file in chunks over a websocket. Using field_field.files[0].size you can get the total size and divide the total of what you've sent and the size of the file to build a progress bar. Make sure you wrap your file writes in the #sync_to_async decorator as doing it without that would block the event loop. That method is part of Channels and found in Asgiref.
Channels Redis can be used to notify any or all of the users that an event has occurred, such as a file being uploaded.

Django - load new objects via ajax

In django app I need to periodically check for if new object of particular model are created.
I want to this by ajax.
I was thinking about something like this:
render current timestamp into template, load current objects.
Then, every x seconds do ajax request and ask for objects which are created later then this timestamp.
What do you think? Is there maybe a better way?
What you want is a way for the client to know whether something has changed in the server. Generally there are three ways to stimulate this subscriber/broadcaster, or pull/push, relationship. The first is Ajax long-polling, which is roughly what you described. The second is implemented via WebSocket, which unfortunately not all browser supports. The third is HTTP streaming, or a long polling at the HTTP level. All three are available in
A newer technology is Webhooks, which allows you to subscribe to server changes via URL ( Check it out here for an early Django adaptation: