Fold in Scade Suite is confusing me - c++

So I know how the reduce, accumulator and how fold works in C++, Python, etc... But for some reason in Scade Suite it's kinda confusing to me.
Scade Suite Example That is confusing me
What I'm not understanding from the example is are the two arrays multiplying with each other without the accumulator value? How are both arrays being stepped through, how are they being multiplied by each other and if that can happen what's the point of having an accumulator value in the first place. Can someone break this down for me. I'm dumb.

In the way the fold in Scade is defined, the output of the operator contained in the fold construct (here, Output1 of mult_scalar) from the previous iteration is fed as input (here, Acc) for the next iteration as we progress through the array.
There is an accumulator, defined implicitly as the "+"-operation in mult_scalar. Its initial value is defined as "a"-marked input of fold. Note that in each iteration mult_scalar adds the product of two elements from the input arrays to the Acc producing Output1.
Fold calls an operator (here, mult_scalar) iteratively supplying it with the following arguments: accumulator values (it may be more than one, there is just one in this case) and respective elements of the input arrays. After each iteration the accumulator value is updated and fed into the next iteration.


Mutating elements of a list in Prolog

I am supposed to write a rule in SWI Prolog, which takes a list of characters as input and then replaces each letter by a random other character with a probability of 0.01.
?- mutate([a,b,c,d,e,f,g],MutatedList).
MutatedList = [a,b,c,a,e,f,g].
Can anyone tell me how that could be implemented? I am totally clueless so far about how this could work out in Prolog.
Thanks to anyone who can help!^^
This is relatively easy. You can use maplist/3 to relate the elements of the lists in a pairwise way. (Take a look at some of my notes on maplist/3].
For each pair [InputItem,OutputItem] sampled from [InputList,OutputList], maplist/3 will call a predicate, call it choose(InputItem,OutputItem).
That predicate will relate InputItem to the same value, InputItem or to a randomly chosen character (atom of length 1), which can be generated by selecting it randomly from a list of characters. The choice on whether to perform mutation can be made using random_float/0 for example.
Of course, choose(InputItem,OutputItem) is not really a predicate (it is just called that way, both in name at runtime), as it does not behave "predicatly" at all, i.e. it will have different outcomes depending on the time of day. It's an Oracle getting information from a magic reservoir. But that's okay.
Now you are all set. Not more than 4 lines!

Why does the shuffle' function require an Int parameter?

In System.Random.Shuffle,
shuffle' :: RandomGen gen => [a] -> Int -> gen -> [a]
The hackage page mentions this Int argument as
..., its length,...
However, it seems that a simple wrapper function like
shuffle'' x = shuffle' x (length x)
should've sufficed.
shuffle operates by building a tree form of its input list, including the tree size. The buildTree function performs this task using Data.Function.fix in a manner I haven't quite wrapped my head around. Somehow (I think due to the recursion of inner, not the fix magic), it produces a balanced tree, which then has logarithmic lookup. Then it consumes this tree, rebuilding it for every extracted item. The advantage of the data structure would be that it only holds remaining items in an immutable form; lazy updates work for it. But the size of the tree is required data during the indexing, so there's no need to pass it separately to generate the indices used to build the permutation. System.Random.Shuffle.shuffle indeed has no random element - it is only a permutation function. shuffle' exists to feed it a random sequence, using its internal helper rseq. So the reason shuffle' takes a length argument appears to be because they didn't want it to touch the list argument at all; it's only passed into shuffle.
The task doesn't seem terribly suitable for singly linked lists in the first place. I'd probably consider using VectorShuffling instead. And I'm baffled as to why rseq isn't among the exported functions, being the one that uses a random number generator to build a permutation... which in turn might have been better handled using Data.Permute. Probably the reasons have to with history, such as Data.Permute being written later and System.Random.Shuffle being based on a paper on immutable random access queues.
Data.Random.Extras seems to have a more straight forward Seq-based shuffle function.
It might be a case when length of the given list is already known, and doesn't need to be calculated again. Thus, it might be considered as an optimisation.
Besides, in general, the resulting list doesn't need to have the same size as the original one. Thus, this argument could be used for setting this length.
This is true for the original idea of Oleg (source -
-- examples
t1 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [0,0,0,0]
-- "abcde"
-- Note, that rseq of all zeros leaves the sequence unperturbed.
t2 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [4,3,2,1]
-- "edcba"
-- The rseq of (n-i | i<-[1..n-1]) reverses the original sequence of elements
However, it's not the same for the 'random-shuffle' package implementation:
> shuffle [0..10] [0,0,0,0]
[0,1,2,3random-shuffle.hs: [shuffle] called with lists of different lengths
I think it worth to follow-up with the packages maintainers in order to understand the contract of this function.

Prolog Recursion with lists

I am having a difficult time understand recursion in prolog. I can read examples and sometimes understand, but I mostly have a difficult time implementing them. For example, could someone code me how to find the summation all the elements in a list, and go through it? and tips on how to approach a question like this? Thanks!
A general "good" explanation is not possible, because a good explanation needs to link to the previous knoledgment of the person. I'm going, by example, assume you are able to made a "proof by induction".
Step1: Let start by the initial fact, "the sum of a set with a single element is the element itself". In prolog:
Step2: if the sum of a set Q is SQ, the sum of this set adding one element H is H+SQ. In prolog:
sum([H|Q],R) :- sum(Q,SQ), R is H+SQ.
thats all, you have the problem solved. But...
In general, we try to start by the most basic set, the empty one, so replace "step 1" that becames now: the sum of the elements of an empty set is 0:
Finally, prolog is more efficiente if the rules are tail recursive (if the execution environment is not able to optimice by itself). That means a little change:
sum([H|Q],SQ,R) :- T is SQ+H, sum(Q,T,R).
these rules can be understood as: Assume (assert) that sum of Q is SQ. In this case, sum of set Q plus an element H is SQ+H. The first one means, when there are no more elements in the pending set, the result is directly the acumulated sum.
Thinking recursively can be hard. See my answer to the question "Prolog programming - path way to a solution" for links to good resources on how to think recursively.
For instance, most recursive problems can be broken down into a few (1 or 2) special cases, and then, the general case. In your case — computing the sum of a list of numbers — one might look at it has having 1 or two special cases. First, you have to make a decision: What is the sum of an empty list? One might argue either that the sum of an empty list is zero, or that an empty list has no sum. Either is, arguable, a perfectly valid point-of-view.
In either event, the special cases are
[]. The empty list. The sum of the empty list is either 0, or nothing (in which case your predicate should fail.)
[100]. A list of length one. The sum of a list of length 1 is obviously that value of the first and only entry.
And the more general case:
[100,101,102]. The sum of a list of length greater than 1 can be computed by taking the value of the first item in the list and computing the sum of the remainder. Note that
The solution is defined in terms of itself, and
The problem is made smaller (by removing the 1st item from the list).
Eventually, the problem will degenerate into one of the special cases, right?
Given all that, let us suppose that we've decided that the sum of the empty list is to be 0. That means our 2nd special case (a single element list) goes away, leaving us with a solution that can be described as
The sum of an empty list is 0.
The sum of a non-empty list is computed by
removing the 1st item from the list,
computing the sum of the remaining items,
adding the value of the 1st item to the sum of the remainder.
And since prolog is a declarative language, our solution is going to be pretty much identical to the description of the solution:
sum_of_list( [] , 0 ) .
sum_of_list( [N|Ns] , S ) :-
sum_of_list(Ns,T) ,
S is T+N
The c

Finding the index position of the nearest value in a Fortran array

I have two sorted arrays, one containing factors (array a) that when multiplied with values from another array (array b), yields the desired value:
a(idx1) * b(idx2) = value
With idx2 known, I would like find the idx1 of a that provides the factor necessary to get as close to value as possible.
I have looked at some different algorithms (like this one, for example), but I feel like they would all be subject to potential problems with floating point arithmetic in my particular case.
Could anyone suggest a method that would avoid this?
If I understand correctly, this expression
will return the the index into a of the first occurrence of the value in a which minimises the difference. I expect that the compiler will write code to scan all the elements in a so this may not be faster in execution than a search which takes advantage of the knowledge that a and b are both sorted. In compensation, this is much quicker to write and, I expect, to debug.

About lists:suffix/2 in Erlang

The source code:
suffix(Suffix, List) ->
Delta = length(List) - length(Suffix),
Delta >= 0 andalso nthtail(Delta, List) =:= Suffix.
How about rewriting it like the follow:
suffix(Suffix, List) ->
prefix(reverse(Suffix), reverse(List)).
If Delta >=0, the first one will traverse four times, and the second one will traverse three times, is it correct?
The first one (from stdlib lists.erl) will traverse both lists twice each, yes. On the other hand, on the second traversal all the list cells will probably be in L2 cache, and it doesn't have to allocate any data. Your suggestion works too, but has to build two reversed temporary lists on the heap, which both has a cost in allocating and initializing data structures as well as causing garbage collection to happen more often on average.
If you think about the same problem in C (or any similar language): testing whether one singly linked list is a suffix of another singly linked list, it becomes more obvious why it's hard to do efficiently, in particular if you want to avoid allocating memory, and you aren't allowed to use tricks like reversing pointers.
I don't think it is correct. As far as I know, length is a build in function which does not need to traverse the list to get the result (it is the reason why it is allowed in guard test), and the andalso is a kind of shortcut. if the first term is false, it does not evaluate the second term and directly return false.