List of member reflection in C++ [duplicate] - c++

Is there a way to enumerate the members of a structure (struct | class) in C++ or C? I need to get the member name, type, and value. I've used the following sample code before on a small project where the variables were globally scoped. The problem I have now is that a set of values need to be copied from the GUI to an object, file, and VM environment. I could create another "poor man’s" reflection system or hopefully something better that I haven't thought of yet. Does anyone have any thoughts?
EDIT: I know C++ doesn't have reflection.
union variant_t {
unsigned int ui;
int i;
double d;
char* s;
struct pub_values_t {
const char* name;
union variant_t* addr;
char type; // 'I' is int; 'U' is unsigned int; 'D' is double; 'S' is string
#define pub_v(n,t) #n,(union variant_t*)&n,t
struct pub_values_t pub_values[] = {
pub_v(somemember, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember2, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember3, 'U'),
const int no_of_pub_vs = sizeof(pub_values) / sizeof(struct pub_values_t);

To state the obvious, there is no reflection in C or C++. Hence no reliable way of enumerating member variables (by default).
If you have control over your data structure, you could try a std::vector<boost::any> or a std::map<std::string, boost::any> then add all your member variables to the vector/map.
Of course, this means all your variables will likely be on the heap so there will be a performance hit with this approach. With the std::map approach, it means that you would have a kind of "poor man's" reflection.

You can specify your types in an intermediate file and generate C++ code from that, something like COM classes can be generated from idl files. The generated code provides reflection capabilities for those types.
I've done something similar two different ways for different projects:
a custom file parsed by a Ruby script to do the generation
define the types as C# types, use C#'s reflection to get all the information and generate C++ from this (sounds convoluted, but works surprisingly well, and writing the type definitions is quite similar to writing C++ definitions)

Boost has a ready to use Variant library that may fit your needs.

simplest way - switch to Objective-C OR Objective-C++. That languages have good introspection and are full-compatible with C/C++ sources.
also You can use m4/cog/... for simultaneous generation structure and his description from some meta-description.

It feels like you are constructing some sort of debugger. I think this should be doable if you make sure you generate pdb files while building your executable.
Not sure in what context you want to do this enumeration, but in your program you should be able to call functions from Microsofts dbghelp.dll to get type information from variables etc. (I'm assuming you are using windows, which might of course not be the case)
Hope this helps to get you a little bit further.

Since C++ does not have reflection builtin, you can only get the information be teaching separately your program about the struct content.
This can be either by generating your structure from a format that you can use after that to know the strcture information, or by parsing your .h file to extract the structure information.


Is it possible to create a user-defined datatype in a language like C/C++(or maybe any) from a string as user input or from file

Well this might be a very weird question but my curiosity has striken pretty hard on this. So here it goes...
NOTE: Lets take the language C into consideration here.
As programmers we usually define a user-defined datatype(say struct) in the source code with the appropriate name.
Suppose I have a program in which I have a structure defined as:
struct Animal {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
And also I have started the execution of this program.
Now, my question here is;
What if I want to define a new structure called "Plant" just like "Animal" mentioned above in my program, without writing its definition in the source code itself(which is obviously impossible currently) but rather from a user input string(or a file input) during runtime.
Lets say my program takes input string from a text file named file1.txt whose content is:
struct Plant {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
What I want now is to have a new structure named "Plant" in my program which is already in execution. The program should read the file content and create a structure as written in the file and attach it to itself on-the-go.
I have checked out a solution for C++ in the discussion Declaring a data type dynamically in C++ but it doesnt seem to have a very convincing solution.
The solution I am looking for is at the compiler-linker-loader level rather than from the language itself.I would be very pleased and thankful if anyone is looking forward to sharing their ideas on this.
What you're asking about is basically "can we implement C as a scripting language?", since this is the only way code can be executed after compilation.
I'm aware that people have been writing (mostly in the comments) that it's possible in other languages but isn't possible in C, since C is a compiled language (hence data types should be defined during compile time).
However, to the best of my knowledge it's actually possible (and might not be as hard as one would imagine).
There are many possible approaches (machine code emulation (VM), JIT compilation, etc').
One approach will use a C compiler to compile the C script as an external dynamic library (.dll on windows, .so on linux, etc') and than "load" the compiled library and execute the code (this is pretty much the JIT compilation approach, for lazy people).
As mentioned in the comments, by using this approach, the new type is loaded as part of an external library.
The original code won't know about this new type, only the new code (or library) will be "aware" of this new type and able to properly use it.
On the other hand, I'm not sure why you're insisting on the need to use static types and a compiler-linker-loader level solution.
The language itself (the C language) can manage this task dynamically (during execution time).
Consider Ruby MRI, for example. The Ruby language supports dynamic types that can be defined during runtime...
...However, this is implemented in C and it's possible to use the code from within C to define new modules and classes. These aren't static types that can be tested during compilation (type creation and identification is performed during runtime).
This is a perfect example showing that C (as a language) can dynamically define "types".
However, this is also a poor example because Ruby's approach is slow. A custom approved can be far faster since it would avoid the huge overhead related to functionality you might not need (such as inheritance).

Creating A Typedef In C++

What Searching I've Done:
Hello, so typedefs are a new topic to me, and I have already read a page about them. ( But that's the best information I could find, the only problem is because I have no idea how it's working enough, I'm unable to rework it and use it for my situation.
Also, for the heads up; I'm trying to create a type like the 'App' type that you write when creating a CLR Form in C++. (Visual Studio) The only difference is it will be used for a different reason, so don't copy the code from it please.
My Code:
#pragma once
class Application {
typedef class App; // Runnable C++ object (TEST PLEASE DON'T JUDGE)
void Run(App myApp) { // ERROR: incomplete type is not allowed
How You Can Help Me:
Explain what a typedef is used for. (Examples will work)
Explain in what type I should create the 'App' type. (Eg. Class, String, Int, etc.) Or explain in what other way I can do so.
You can also just create an example with comments explaining.
Thanks for the help! I tried to keep this question real explainable and sleek.
In C++, typedef simply creates an alias for another type, such that referencing the new type is identical to referencing the original type.
// create a alias for the int type
typedef int my_new_type;
// here a and b have the same type
int a = 1;
my_new_type b = 1;
The above is a contrived example, generally the types you use typedef for would be more complex (like std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>>). For your use case, I'm not sure a typedef is what you are looking for.
I think you're looking for
typedef Application App;
But I'm not sure why you don't just do
class Application {
void Run(Application myApp) {
As for usage, one use for typedef is to define types whose underlying type may vary depending on the build configuration, target platform and compiler. For example if you are writing a game that will run on PS4 and XBOX One, you might be using two different compilers depending on which platform you are building for.
#if defined(MSVC)
typedef __int64 TInt64;
#elif defined(GCC)
typedef int64_t TInt64;
This allows more of your code to be platform-agnostic and abstracts away compiler/platform details making app code more readable and encapsulating the assumptions we're interested in. It also reduces codebase size and preprocessing which can improve your compile times.
// We can assume this will be exactly 64 bits on all our target platforms.
TInt64 myInt = 0x1000000000000000;
P.S. Although it doesn't cover typedefs in general Marshall Cline's C++ FAQ is an great resource for beginners and experts alike.

parsing a C structure in C++

I'm looking for a way to parse a C structure in order to get the the name and the type of the variables.
For example I have a structure like this:
struct MyStruct {
int anInt ;
float aFloat ;
I need to get the types int and float and the 2 strings "anInt" and "aFloat".
After I have to use these values in another function:
addValue<int>("anInt") ;
add Value<float>("aFloat") ;
Do you know how to do this automatically, I guess, at compilation ?
You probably cannot do that with standard C++11 template code.
You could consider customizing your C++ compiler to get such information. For example, if compiling your code with a recent GCC, you might consider customizing it with your MELT extension (MELT is a domain specific language, implemented by a plugin, to customize GCC). You'll need to understand the details of GCC internal representation (so such an extension might take a week or more of your time).
The Qt MOC facility might perhaps be useful or inspirational. It is parsing a limited form of class declaration.
Alternatively you might consider generating the C++ struct or class representation from some other input; e.g. change your build procedure, perhaps your Makefile, to generate some .h header file (and perhaps some .cc C++ translation unit) from your higher level representation.

isDefined function?

In C++ is there any function that returns "true" when the variable is defined or false in vice versa. Something like this:
bool isDefined(string varName)
if (a variable called "varName" is defined)
return true;
return false;
C++ is not a dynamic language. Which means, that the answer is no. You know this at compile time, not runtime.
There is no such a thing in runtime as it doesn't make sense in a non-dynamic language as C++.
However you can use it inside a sizeof to test if it exists on compile time without side-effects.
That will stop compilation if var doesn't exist.
As already stated, the C++ runtime system does not support the querying of whether or not a variable is declared or not. In general a C++ binary doesn't contain information on variable symbols or their mappings to their location. Technically, this information would be available in a binary compiled with debugging information, and you could certainly query the debugging information to see if a variable name is present at a given location in code, but it would be a dirty hack at best (If you're curious to see what it might look at, I posted a terrible snippet # Call a function named in a string variable in C which calls a C function by a string using the DWARF debugging information. Doing something like this is not advised)
Microsoft has two extensions to C++ named: __if_exists and __if_not_exists. They can be useful in some cases, but they don't take string arguments.
If you really need such a functionality you can add all your variables to a set and then query that set for variable existance.
Already mentioned that C++ doesn't provide such facility.
On the other hand there are cases where the OS implement mechanisms close to isDefined(),
like the GetProcAddress Function, on Windows.
No. It's not like you have a runtime system around C++ which keeps remembers variables with names in some sort of table (meta data) and lets you access a variable through a dynamically generated string. If you want this, you have to build it yourself, for example using a std::map that maps strings to some objects.
Some compile-time mechanism would fit into the language. But I don't think that it would be any useful.
In order to achieve this first you need to implement a dynamic variable handling system, or at least find some on the internet. As previously mentioned the C++ is designed to be a native language so there are no built-in facilities to do this.
What I can suggest for the most easy solution to create a std::map with string keys storing global variables of interest with a boost::any, wxVariant or something similar, and store your variables in this map. You can make your life a bit easier with a little preprocessor directive to define a variables by their name, so you don't need to retype the name of the variable twice. Also, to make life easier I suggest to create a little inline function which access this variable map, and checks if the given string key is contained by the map.
There are implementation such a functionality in many places, the runtime property handling systems are available in different fashion, but if you need just this functionality I suggest to implement by yourself, because most of these solutions are quite general what you probably don't need.
You can make such function, but it wouldn't operate strings. You would have to send variable name. Such a function would try to add 0 to the variable. If it doesn't exists, an error would occur, so you might want to try to make exception handling with try...throw...catch . But because I'm on the phone, I don't know if this wouldn't throw an error anyways when trying to send non-existing variable to the function...

Enumerate members of a structure?

Is there a way to enumerate the members of a structure (struct | class) in C++ or C? I need to get the member name, type, and value. I've used the following sample code before on a small project where the variables were globally scoped. The problem I have now is that a set of values need to be copied from the GUI to an object, file, and VM environment. I could create another "poor man’s" reflection system or hopefully something better that I haven't thought of yet. Does anyone have any thoughts?
EDIT: I know C++ doesn't have reflection.
union variant_t {
unsigned int ui;
int i;
double d;
char* s;
struct pub_values_t {
const char* name;
union variant_t* addr;
char type; // 'I' is int; 'U' is unsigned int; 'D' is double; 'S' is string
#define pub_v(n,t) #n,(union variant_t*)&n,t
struct pub_values_t pub_values[] = {
pub_v(somemember, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember2, 'D'),
pub_v(somemember3, 'U'),
const int no_of_pub_vs = sizeof(pub_values) / sizeof(struct pub_values_t);
To state the obvious, there is no reflection in C or C++. Hence no reliable way of enumerating member variables (by default).
If you have control over your data structure, you could try a std::vector<boost::any> or a std::map<std::string, boost::any> then add all your member variables to the vector/map.
Of course, this means all your variables will likely be on the heap so there will be a performance hit with this approach. With the std::map approach, it means that you would have a kind of "poor man's" reflection.
You can specify your types in an intermediate file and generate C++ code from that, something like COM classes can be generated from idl files. The generated code provides reflection capabilities for those types.
I've done something similar two different ways for different projects:
a custom file parsed by a Ruby script to do the generation
define the types as C# types, use C#'s reflection to get all the information and generate C++ from this (sounds convoluted, but works surprisingly well, and writing the type definitions is quite similar to writing C++ definitions)
Boost has a ready to use Variant library that may fit your needs.
simplest way - switch to Objective-C OR Objective-C++. That languages have good introspection and are full-compatible with C/C++ sources.
also You can use m4/cog/... for simultaneous generation structure and his description from some meta-description.
It feels like you are constructing some sort of debugger. I think this should be doable if you make sure you generate pdb files while building your executable.
Not sure in what context you want to do this enumeration, but in your program you should be able to call functions from Microsofts dbghelp.dll to get type information from variables etc. (I'm assuming you are using windows, which might of course not be the case)
Hope this helps to get you a little bit further.
Since C++ does not have reflection builtin, you can only get the information be teaching separately your program about the struct content.
This can be either by generating your structure from a format that you can use after that to know the strcture information, or by parsing your .h file to extract the structure information.