Equivalence of if-then and implies in OCL statements - ocl

Are the following two OCL statements equivalent for some function context?
post: if a > 0 then b < c
post: b < c implies a > 0

In OCL, the construct is if ... then ... else ... endif so your first example can only be 'equivalent' to a different syntax error.
The logical operations are rewritable using if constructs, but considerable care is necessary to ensure that the possibilities with null or invalid inputs do not crash the if condition term which must be a 2-valued Boolean.


C++ parsing expressions, breaking down the order of evaluation

I'm trying to write an expression parser. One part I'm stuck on is breaking down an expression into blocks via its appropriate order of precedence.
I found the order of precedence for C++ operators here. But where exactly do I split the expression based on this?
I have to assume the worst of the user. Here's a really messy over-exaggerated test example:
if (test(s[4]) < 4 && b + 3 < r && a!=b && ((c | e) == (g | e)) ||
r % 7 < 4 * givemeanobj(a & c & e, b, hello(c)).method())
Perhaps it doesn't even evaluate, and if it doesn't I still need to break it down to determine that.
It should break down into blocks of singles and pairs connected by operators. Essentially it breaks down into a tree-structure where the branches are the groupings, and each node has two branches.
Following the order of precedence the first thing to do would be to evaluate the givemeanobj(), however that's an easy one to see. The next would be the multiplication sign. Does that split everything before the * into a separate , or just the 4? 4 * givemeanobj comes before the <, right? So that's the first grouping?
Is there a straightforward rule to follow for this?
Is there a straightforward rule to follow for this?
Yes, use a parser generator such as ANTLR. You write your language specification formally, and it will generate code which parses all valid expressions (and no invalid ones). ANTLR is nice in that it can give you an abstract syntax tree which you can easily traverse and evaluate.
Or, if the language you are parsing is actually C++, use Clang, which is a proper compiler and happens to be usable as a library as well.

Why are if expressions and if statements in ada, also for case

Taken from Introduction to Ada—If expressions:
Ada's if expressions are similar to if statements. However, there are a few differences that stem from the fact that it is an expression:
All branches' expressions must be of the same type
It must be surrounded by parentheses if the surrounding expression does not already contain them
An else branch is mandatory unless the expression following then has a Boolean value. In that case an else branch is optional and, if not present, defaults to else True.
I do not understand the need to have two different ways of constructing code with the if keyword. What is the reasoning behind this?
Also there case expressions and case statements. Why is this?
I think this is best answered by quoting the Ada 2012 Rationale Chapter 3.1:
One of the key areas identified by the WG9 guidance document [1] as
needing attention was improving the ability to write and enforce
contracts. These were discussed in detail in the previous chapter.
When defining the new aspects for preconditions, postconditions, type
invariants and subtype predicates it became clear that without more
flexible forms of expressions, many functions would need to be
introduced because in all cases the aspect was given by an expression.
However, declaring a function and thus giving the detail of the
condition, invariant or predicate in the function body makes the
detail of the contract rather remote for the human reader. Information
hiding is usually a good thing but in this case, it just introduces
obscurity. Four forms are introduced, namely, if expressions, case
expressions, quantified expressions and expression functions. Together
they give Ada some of the flexible feel of a functional language.
In addition, if statements and case statements often assigns different values to the same variable in all branches, and nothing else:
if Foo > 10 then
Bar := 1;
Bar := 2;
end if;
In this case, an if expression may increase readability and more clearly state in the code what's going on:
Bar := (if Foo > 10 then 1 else 2);
We can now see that there's no longer a need for the maintainer of the code to read a whole if statement in order to see that only a single variable is updated.
Same goes for case expressions, which can also reduce the need for nesting if expressions.
Also, I can throw the question back to you: Why does C-based languages have the ternary operator ?: in addition to if statements?
Egilhh already covered the main reason, but there are sometimes other useful reasons to implement expressions. Sometimes you make packages where only one or two methods are needed and they are the only reason to make a package body. You can use expressions to make expression functions which allow you to define the operations in the spec file.
Additionally, if you ever end up with some complex variant record combinations, sometimes expressions can be used to setup default values for them in instances where you normally would not be able to as cleanly. Consider the following example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
type Binary_Type is (On, Off);
type Inner(Binary : Binary_Type := Off) is record
case Binary is
when On =>
Value : Integer := 0;
when Off =>
end case;
end record;
type Outer(Some_Flag : Boolean) is record
Other : Integer := 32;
Thing : Inner := (if Some_Flag then
(Binary => Off)
(Binary => On, Value => 23));
end record;
Put_Line("Hello, world!");
end Hello;
I had something come up with a more complex setup that was meant to map to a complex messaging interface at the hardware level. It's nice to have defaults whenever possible. Now I cold have used a case inside of Outer, but then I would have had to come up with two separately named versions of the message field for each case, which really isn't optimal when you want your code to map to an ICD. Again, I could have used a function to initialize it as well, but as noted in the other posters answer, that isn't always a good way to go.
Another place that outlines the motivation for adding conditional expressions to Ada can be found in the ARG document, AI05-0147-1, which explains the motivation and gives some examples of use.
An example of a place where I find them quite useful is in processing command line parameters, for the case when a default value is used if the parameter is not specified on the command line. Generally, you'd want to declare such values as constants in one's program. Conditional expressions makes it easier to do that.
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada;
procedure Main
N : constant Positive :=
(if Command_Line.Argument_Count = 0 then 2_000_000
else Positive'Value (Command_Line.Argument (1)));
Otherwise, without conditional expressions, in order to achieve the same effect you'd need to declare a function, which I find to be more difficult to read;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada;
procedure Main
function Get_N return Positive is
if Command_Line.Argument_Count = 0 then
return 2_000_000;
return Positive'Value (Command_Line.Argument (1));
end if;
end Get_N;
N : constant Positive := Get_N;
The if expression in Ada feels and works a lot like a statement using the ternary operator in the C-based languages. I took the liberty of copying some code from learn.adacore.com that introduces the if expression:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Check_Positive is
N : Integer;
Put ("Enter an integer value: ");
Get (N);
Put (N,0);
S : constant String :=
(if N > 0 then " is a positive number"
else " is not a positive number");
Put_Line (S);
end Check_Positive;
And I translated it to a C-based language - in this case, Java. I believe the main point to notice is that both languages, although syntactically different, are effectively doing the same thing: testing a condition and assigning one of two values to a variable all within one statement. Although I realize this is an oversimplification for most here on stackoverlfow. My goal is to help the beginner to understand the basic concept with introductory examples. Cheers.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class IfExpression {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter an integer value: ");
var N = in.nextInt();
var S = N > 0 ? " is a positive number" : " is not a positive number";

C++ optimization of boolean or operator [duplicate]

I'm new to c++ and am curious how the compiler handles lazy evaluation of booleans. For example,
if(A == 1 || B == 2){...}
If A does equal 1, is the B==2 part ever evaluated?
No, the B==2 part is not evaluated. This is called short-circuit evaluation.
Edit: As Robert C. Cartaino rightly points out, if the logical operator is overloaded, short-circuit evaluation does not take place (that having been said, why someone would overload a logical operator is beyond me).
Unless the || operator is overloaded, the second expression will not be evaluated. This is called "short-circuit evaluation."
In the case of logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||), the second expression will not be evaluated if the first expression is sufficient to determine the value of the entire expression.
In the case you described above:
if(A == 1 || B == 2) {...}
...the second expression will not be evaluated because
TRUE || ANYTHING, always evaluates to TRUE.
FALSE && ANYTHING, always evaluates to FALSE, so that condition will also cause a short-circuit evaluation.
A couple of quick notes
Short circuit evaluation will not apply to overloaded && and || operators.
In C++, you are guaranteed that the first expression will be evaluated first. Some languages do not guarantee the order of evaluation and VB doesn't do short-circuit evaluation at all. That's important to know if you are porting code.
The B==2 part is not evaluated.
Be careful! Don't put something like ++B==2 over there!
C++ applies short circuiting to Boolean expression evaluation so, the B == 2 is never evaluated and the compiler may even omit it entirely.
The compiler handles this by generating intermediate jumps. For the following code:
if(A == 1 || B == 2){...}
compiled to pseudo-assembler, might be:
load variable A
compare to constant 1
if equal, jump to L1
load variable B
compare to constant 2
if not equal, jump to L2
... (complete body of if statement)
(code after if block goes here)
This is short-circuit evaluation, as James says. Lazy evaluation is something entirely different.
No it's not.
Same with &&, if one is wrong, it doesn't bother evaluating the other one.
B == 2 is never evaluated.
See Short-Circuit Evaluation for more information.

computation order of equal priority operands in C

What is the computation order of the equal priority operands in C / C++ ?
For example in following piece of code:
if ( scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && (ch_variable == '\n') )
Can I be sure that 1st expression inside the IF statement is performed before the 2nd (i.e. the value of ch_variable compared, is a newly scanned one)?
Or is it somehow decided by compiler? And if so, how this decision is being made?
BTW, I usually use the following flags for compilation:
-std=c99 -O0 -pedantic -Wall -ansi
Can I be sure that 1st expression inside the IF statement is performed before the 2nd (i.e. the value of ch_variable compared, is a newly scanned one)?
Yes - the first expression (the scanf call) is evaluated first, and what's more the second doesn't happen at all if the scanf call returns 0 - see below. That's short circuit evaluation.
Broader discussion.
Read about the operator precedence at cppreference.com
Summarily - operators are arranged in groups with well-defined relative precedence (e.g. '*' has higher precendence than +, as per usage in mathematics), and left-to-right or right-to-left associativity (e.g. a + b + c is left associative and evaluated as (a + b) + c, but a = b = c is right-associative and evaluated as a = (b = c)).
In your code:
if (scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && (ch_variable == '\n') )
The ( and ) work as you'd expect - overriding any implicit precedence between && and == (but in this case the precedence is the same). && is therefore uncontested, and as a short-circuit operator it ensures its left argument is converted - if necessary - to boolean (so if scanf returns 0 it's deemed false, otherwise true), then if and only if that's true does it evaluate the right-hand-side argument, and only if they're both true does the if statement run the following statement or {} statement block.
This has nothing to do with "priority" (operator precedence), but with the order of evaluation of sub-expressions.
The && operator is a special case in C, as it guarantees order of evaluation from left to right. There is a sequence point between the evaluation of the left operand and the right operand, meaning that the left operation will always be executed/evaluated first.
Many C operators do not come with this nice guarantee, however. Imagine the code had been like this:
if ( (scanf("%c", &ch_variable)!=0) & (ch_variable == '\n') )
This is obfuscated code but it logically does the same thing as your original code. With one exception: the & operator behaves as most operators in C, meaning there are no guarantees that the left operand will get evaluated before the right one. So my example has the potential of evaluating ch_variable before it has been given a valid value, which is a severe bug.
The order of evaluation of such sub-expressions is unspecified behavior, meaning that the compiler is free to evaluate any side first. It doesn't need to document what it will do and it doesn't even need to pick the same side consistently between compilations, or even pick the same side consistently throughout the program.
The language was deliberately designed this way to allow compilers to optimize the code in the best possible way, from case to case.
Yes, absolutely, anything involving && and || (except if you use operator&& or operator|| - which is one of the main reasons NOT to use these operators) is "strict short cutting" - in other words, if the overall outcome of the result can be determined, the rest is not evaluated, and the order is strictly left to right - always, by the language standard. [Of course, if the compiler can be SURE it's completely safe, it may reorder things, but that is part of the "as-if" definition of the standard - if the compiler behaves "as-if" it is doing it the way the standard says].
Beware that:
if(scanf("%c", &ch_variable) && scanf("%c", &second_variable))
may not have set "second_variable" at all in the else part, so it's unsafe to use it at this point.
I would aos use scanf("%c", &ch_variable) > 0 instead - as it could return -1 at EOF, which is true in your case, without an intermediate 0 return value...
It's guaranteed that the first expression is evaluated before the second one.
See Is short-circuiting logical operators mandated? And evaluation order? for a citation of the standard.
Note that if you overload the && operator, the whole expression is equivalent to a function call. In that case both expressions will be evaluated unconditionally (i.e. even if the first expression would be some "falsy" value...).
The order that the operands are evaluated is defined in this case, and it is left-to-right.
This goes for both C and C++.
For a reference of this, see for example page 99 of the C standard: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf.
Hence, in terms of order-of-evaluation, your code will do what you want it to. But it does have some other problems; see the post comments for this.

Initiating Short circuit rule in Bison for && and || operations

I'm programming a simple calculator in Bison & Flex , using C/C++ (The logic is done in Bison , and the C/C++ part is responsible for the data structures , e.g. STL and more) .
I have the following problem :
In my calculator the dollar sign $ means i++ and ++i (both prefix and postfix) , e.g. :
int y = 3;
-> $y = 4
-> y$ = 4
When the user hits : int_expression1 && int_expression2 , if int_expression1 is evaluated to 0 (i.e. false) , then I don't wan't bison to evaluate int_expression2 !
For example :
int a = 0 ;
int x = 2 ;
and the user hits : int z = a&&x$ ...
So , the variable a is evaluated to 0 , hence , I don't want to evaluate x , however it still grows by 1 ... here is the code of the bison/c++ :
int int_value;
double double_value;
char* string_value;
%type <int_value> int_expr
%type <double_value> double_expr
%type <double_value> cmp_expr
| int_expr '&&' int_expr { /* And operation between two integers */
if ($1 == 0)
$$ = 0;
else // calc
$$ = $1 && $3;
How can I tell bison to not evaluate the second expression , if the first one was already evaluated to false (i.e. 0) ?
Converting extensive commentary into an answer:
How can I tell Bison to not evaluate the second expression if the first one was already evaluated to false?
It's your code that does the evaluation, not Bison; put the 'blame' where it belongs.
You need to detect that you're dealing with an && rule before the RHS is evaluated. The chances are that you need to insert some code after the && and before the second int_expr that suspends evaluation if the first int_expr evaluates to 0. You'll also need to modify all the other evaluation code to check for and obey a 'do not evaluate' flag.
Alternatively, you have the Bison do the parsing and create a program that you execute when the parse is complete, rather than evaluating as you parse. That is a much bigger set of changes.
Are you sure regarding putting some code before the second int_expr ? I can't seem to find a plausible way to do that. It's a nice trick, but I can't find a way to actually tell Bison not to evaluate the second int_expr, without ruining the entire evaluation.
You have to write your code so that it does not evaluate when it is not supposed to evaluate. The Bison syntax is:
| int_expr '&&' {...code 1...} int_expr {...code 2...}
'Code 1' will check on $1 and arrange to stop evaluating (set a global variable or something similar). 'Code 2' will conditionally evaluate $4 (4 because 'code 1' is now $3). All evaluation code must obey the dictates of 'code 1' — it must not evaluate if 'code 1' says 'do not evaluate'. Or you can do what I suggested and aselle suggested; parse and evaluate separately.
I second aselle's suggestion about The UNIX Programming Environment. There's a whole chapter in there about developing a calculator (they call it hoc for higher-order calculator) which is worth reading. Be aware, though, that the book was published in 1984, and pre-dates the C standard by a good margin. There are no prototypes in the C code, and (by modern standards) it takes a few liberties. I do have hoc6 (the last version of hoc they describe; also versions 1-3) in modern C — contact me if you want it (see my profile).
That's the problem: I can't stop evaluating in the middle of the rule, since I cannot use return (I can, but of no use; it causes the program to exit). | intExpr '&&' { if ($1 == 0) {/* turn off a flag */ } } intExpr { /* code */} After I exit $3 the $4 is being evaluated automatically.
You can stop evaluating in the middle of a rule, but you have to code your expression evaluation code block to take the possibility into account. And when I said 'stop evaluating', I meant 'stop doing the calculations', not 'stop the parser in its tracks'. The parsing must continue; your code that calculates values must only evaluate when evaluation is required, not when no evaluation is required. This might be an (ugh!) global flag, or you may have some other mechanism.
It's probably best to convert your parser into a code generator and execute the code after you've parsed it. This sort of complication is why that is a good strategy.
#JonathanLeffler: You're indeed the king ! This should be an answer !!!
Now it is an answer.
You almost assuredly want to generate some other representation before evaluating in your calculator. A parse tree or ast are classic methods, but a simple stack machine is also popular. There are many great examples of how to do this, but my favorite is
That shows how to take a simple direct evaluation tool like you have made in yacc (old bison) and take it all the way to a programming language that is almost as powerful as BASIC. All in very few pages. It's a very old book but well worth the read.
You can also look at SeExpr http://www.disneyanimation.com/technology/seexpr.html
which is a simple expression language calculator for scalars and 3 vectors. If you look at https://github.com/wdas/SeExpr/blob/master/src/SeExpr/SeExprNode.cpp
on line 313 you will see the && implementation of he eval() function:
SeExprAndNode::eval(SeVec3d& result) const
// operands and result must be scalar
SeVec3d a, b;
if (!a[0]) {
result[0] = 0;
} else {
result[0] = (b[0] != 0.0);
That file contains all objects that represent operations in the parse tree. These objects are generated as the code is parsed (these are the actions in yacc). Hope this helps.