AWS cloudformation: How to run cfn-nag locally in Windows - amazon-web-services

I have a cloud formation template where I have all the resources and details for the project.
I have the cfn-lint setup locally and it is running perfectly fine. However when I push the code changes, build fails at deployment stage due to cfn-nag stating some simple changes which could be fixed.
I'm using windows machine and I need a way to run this cfn-nag locally so that I could check this just like cfn-lint and fix them locally instead of waiting 40 minutes for build till it reaches deployment stage.
I referred several posts online, found below two helpful
What is the difference between cfn-nag and cfn-lint and why lint is not failing on what cfn-nag is complaining about?
The above links have some instructions on Ruby and Brew but I'm using Nodejs, felt lost. Please help.

CFN-Nag looks for patterns in AWS CloudFormation templates that may indicate insecure infrastructure,
IAM rules that are too permissive (wildcards),
Security group rules that are too permissive (wildcards),
Access logs that aren’t enabled,
Encryption that isn’t enabled,
CFN-Lint scans the AWS CloudFormation template by processing a collection of Rules, where every rule handles a specific function check or validation of the template. It validates against AWS CloudFormation Resource specification.
This collection of rules can be extended with custom rules using the --append-rules argument.
Ex: Whitespaces, alignment(YAML), type checks, valid values for resource properties, and other best practices.
Those two links you previded above have all the information needed, just not directly for a Nodejs developer using a Windows machine.
Step1: Pull the docket image stelligent/cfn-nag
Step2: Add the script to your package.json for cfn-nag
"scripts" : {
"cfn:nag": "cfn-nag"
If you're using docker-compose.yml
Add the cfn-nag image details to your docker-compose.yml like below
image: "stelligent/cfn-nag"
-./path_of_cfn_file_to_copy: /path_to_copy_to
command: ${COMMAND: -/path_to_copy_tp/cfn_file}
Just set the scripts in package.json to run via docker-compose
"cfn:nag": "docker-compose run --rm cfn-nag"


Created a pipeline using AWS copilot, original push worked but when I make changes to code and push them to github they don't show up

would appreciate any help with this:
I've followed the guide for AWS copilot here: and then the guide for creating a pipeline and connecting it to github here: That all appears to have worked and I can view the react app I'm working on at the url indicated in aws.
My problem is that when I make changes to my code and then push it to the tracked github branch, the changes don't appear when viewing the app at the url. However, when I make the push to github, the pipeline does register that a change has occured. It indicates that a change has been made and goes through the flow of creating a new build. But whatever I try, the changes don't seem to actually show up.
I assume that I'm missing something simple here, and that for some reason, docker is building the app based on the original code. But I can't figure out why that would be. Maybe something is weird with my DockerFile?
My docker file looks like this:
FROM node:16.14
ENV PATH /app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
RUN npm i
COPY . ./
CMD ["npm", "run", "server"]
My understanding of how this should work, is that I push up new code to github, that is sent to the aws pipeline and a new image is generated based on that code, which is then used to create a container that is hosted on ECS. But clearly I am missing something.
copilot deploy does work. I'm unsure if
the problem is that my pipeline is successfully building (as it does not throw an error in the console) and then just not hosting it at the same url as copilot deploy. Or
the pipeline is hitting an error that just doesn't show up in the pipeline console. Digging into the logs I find this:
echo "Cloudformation stack and config files were not generated. Please check build logs to see if there was a manifest validation error." 1>&2;
Which seems to point towards the second option. Any suggestions on how resolve whatever it going on in the container if that is the problem?
The error suggests that I check build logs but these are the build logs. Are there more granular build logs I can examine?
When running containers in ECS, unless your container is already crashing because of an error, it often won't pick up code changes from your new image unless you force a new deployment. You can do this from the command line using the AWS CLI with the following:
aws ecs update-service --cluster <cluster_name> --service <service_name> --force-new-deployment --profile <aws_profile_name>
Note that the profile is optional if you're using your default aws cli configuration profile.

Serverless and AWS deploy issue

I have to update a website on aws using serverless deploy.
This website were not created by me, it's the first time I work with serverless and AWS solutions.
I have the source code, deploy files, etc, from the last person in charge.
I run a before-deploy.js script to create all local files, check them to see if the updates went ok. Everything's fine.
But anytime I try to deploy using the simple command "serverless deploy", it fails printing this error :
CREATE_FAILED: MainStaticSite (AWS::S3::Bucket)
“” already exists
I don’t really understand this error, as I know the website already exists but I just want to update it.
I tried more specific commands like :
serverless deploy -v --stage production --region eu-west-1
But this one only shows this output :
Framework Core: 3.10.1
Plugin: 6.2.0
SDK: 4.3.2
And doesn't updates the website.
I changed the keys on AWS, maybe it's because of this ?
Looks like he doesn’t want to overwrite the existing files, but no idea why.
If someone has an answer or a lead.
Thank you :)

Accessing Airflow REST API in AWS Managed Workflows?

I have Airflow running in AWS MWAA, I would like to access REST API and there are 2 ways to do this but doesn't seem to work for me.
Overriding api.auth_backend. This used to work and now AWS MWAA won't allow you to add this, it is consider as 'blocklist' and not allow.
api.auth_backend = airflow.api.auth.backend.default
Using MWAA Cli(Python). This doesn't work if any of the DAGs uses packages that are in requirments.txt file.
a. as an example, I have "paramiko" in requirements.txt because I have a task that uses SSHOperator. The MWAA Cli fails with "no module paramiko"
b. Also noted here,
"Any command that parses a DAG (such as list_dags, backfill) will fail if the DAG uses plugins that depend on packages that are installed through requirements.txt."
We are using MWAA 2.0.2 and managed to use Airflow's Rest-API through MWAA CLI, basically following the instructions and sample codes of the Apache Airflow CLI command reference. You'll notice that not all Rest-API calls are supported, but many of them are (even when you have a requirements.txt in place).
Also have a look at AWS sample codes on GitHub.

MQ Custom Docker Image - MQM Group Not Found

Description: Getting the following error when running a docker build. I thought mqm group would be automatically created by default. Doesn't mention otherwise in the site link below. Can someone else try this?
System Notes:(VS Code- Docker build), windows machine.
useradd: group 'mqm' does not exist
Reference site for instructions:
IBM MQ Customer Docker Image Instructions
Docker File:
FROM ibmcom/mq
USER root
RUN useradd alice -G mqm && \
echo alice:passw0rd | chpasswd
USER mqm
COPY 20-config.mqsc /etc/mqm/
Duplicate of ibmcom/mq docker image backward compatibility issue
From 9.1.5 the container does not use OS based users or groups. This is to conform to cloud best practices. Instead a file based system is being used. This is so that when you roll-out the container in a cloud into production you can switch to an LDAP based system.
The 9.1.5 container uses htpasswd, with the relevant file in /etc/mqm/
For development, if you are not going to create new users, then you can use the 9.1.5 container. If you want to create new users, then you can use 9.1.4 or earlier, or use htpasswd with bcrypt to create the users.
I was using a deprecated site apparently that's in the docker repo link. I guess its a problem with docker and they can`t remove it. Please follow the instructions here. I had no issue.

Elastic Kubernetes Service AWS Deployment process to avoid down time

Its been a month I have started working on EKS AWS and up till now successfully deployed by code.
The steps which I follow for deployment are given below:
Create image from docker terminal.
Tag and push to ECR AWS.
Create the deployment "project.json" and service file "project-svc.json".
Save the above file in "kubectl/bin" path and deploy it with following commands below.
"kubectl apply -f projectname.json" and "kubectl apply -f projectname-svc.json".
So if I want to deployment the same project again with change, I push the new image on ECR and delete the existing deployment by using "kubectl delete -f projectname.json" without deleting the existing service and deploy it again using command "kubectl apply -f projectname.json" again.
Now, I'm in confusing that after I delete the existing deployment there is a downtime until I apply or create the deployment again. So, how to avoid this ? Because I don't want the downtime actually that is the reason why I started to use the EKS.
And one more thing is the process of deployment is a bit long too. I know I'm missing something can anybody guide me properly please?
The project is on .NET Core and if there is any simplified way to do deployment using Visual Studio please guide me for that also.
Thank You in advance!
There is actually no need to delete your deployment. Just need to update the desired state (the deployment configuration) and let K8s do its magic and apply the needed changes, like deploying a new version of your container.
If you have a single instance of your container, you will experience a short down time while changes are applied. If your application supports multiple replicas (HA), you can enjoy the rolling upgrade feature.
Start by reading the official Kubernetes documentation of a Performing a Rolling Update.
You only need to use the delete/apply if you are changing (And if you have) the ConfigMap attached to the Deployment.
Is the only change you do is the "image" of the deployment - you must use the "set-image" command.
Kubectl let you change the actual deployment image and it does the Rolling Updates all by itself and with 3+ pods you have the minimum chance for downtime.
Even more, if you use the --record flag, you can "rollback" to your previous image with no effort because it keep track of the changes.
You also have the possibility to specify the "Context" too, with no need to jump from contexts.
You can go like this:
kubectl set image deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME DEPLOYMENT_NAME=IMAGE_NAME --record -n NAMESPACE
OR Specifying the Cluster
As an Eg:
kubectl set image deployment nginx-dep nginx-dep=ecr12345/nginx:latest -n nginx --cluster eu-central-123-prod --user eu-central-123-prod --record
The --record is what let you track all the changes, if you want to rollback just do:
kubectl rollout undo deployment.v1.apps/nginx-dep
More documentations about it here:
Updating a deployment
Roll Back Deployment