AWS - CloudWatch Alarm - how to get metric count from AWS CloudWatch Console? - amazon-web-services

I am struggling to match CloudWatch metric count (as shown in CloudWatch Console ) with count shown in Billing (Estimate for current month ). Attached here are both screen shots.
1) According to below billing screen shot, I should have 10+9.597 = 19.597 metric Alarms
2) According to CloudWatch Console, I have only 3 Alarms. Infact I don't remember of creating more.
I have couple of In Alarms, but in current month ( billing period July ), have only one, see screen shot below.
Couple of In Alarms are shown in red, but they are for last month, which is already billed.
Let me know please if you need more information or any specific screen shot from aws console.
4) Output of aws query
aws cloudwatch describe-alarms --query 'MetricAlarms[*].[AlarmName]' --region us-east-2 > metric-alarams

To view the alarm names of all the billable CW alarms in the us-east-2 region, use the following AWS CLI command:
aws cloudwatch describe-alarms --query 'MetricAlarms[*].[AlarmName]' --region us-east-2
You can delete them using:
aws cloudwatch delete-alarms --region us-east-2 --alarm-names ...


How visualize the count of AWS IAM users in AWS Managed Grafana?

How visualize the count of AWS IAM users in AWS Managed Grafana? Is it some Cloudwatch metrics (f.e. AWS/Usage)?
AWS cli can show this info aws iam get-account-summary with the response:
"SummaryMap": {
"Users": 27,
After thorough googling I found no Cloudwatch metrics for the IAM or other ways.

AWS Cloudwatch Alarms - One alarm for multiple dimension values possible?

In my AWS organization we have multiple (5+) accounts and a Cloudtrail trail for management events with Cloudwatch log group for all the accounts and regions in the org.
For the log group there is a series of generic metric filters setup, each with a Cloudwatch alarm. These are all tied to one or more SNS topics and associated subscriptions and all out of the box.
For example:
aws logs put-metric-filter --log-group-name CLOUDWATCH-LOG-GROUP --filter-name FILTER-NAME --metric-transformations metricName=METRIC-NAME,metricNamespace=NAMESPACE,metricValue=1 --filter-pattern '{ ($.eventName = ConsoleLogin) && ($.errorMessage = "Failed authentication") }'
Creates a metric filter for any failed logins on console for any of the accounts that sets the metric value to 1 when a match for the filter pattern is found in the log.
Paired with
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name METRIC-NAME-alarm --metric-name METRIC-NAME --statistic Sum --period 300 --threshold 1 --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold --evaluation-periods 1 --namespace NAMESPACE --alarm-actions SNS-TOPIC-ARN
This creates a simple alarm that fires an event to the SNS topic.
The major drawback here however is if my org account ID is #1234 and my worker account ID is #4321 and the failed login happens at the worker account, the Alarm that is sent refers only to the org account ID and I need to login and look to figure out where this happened.
Now, I can add a dimension to the metric-transformation to include something to help me differentiate (for example recipientAccountId). That would look something like
aws logs put-metric-filter --log-group-name CLOUDWATCH-LOG-GROUP --filter-name FILTER-NAME --metric-transformations metricName=METRIC-NAME,metricNamespace=NAMESPACE,metricValue=1,dimensions={"Account"=($.recipientAccountId)} --filter-pattern '{ ($.eventName = ConsoleLogin) && ($.errorMessage = "Failed authentication") }'
But, in order for the Cloudwatch alarm to trigger, it appears that the dimension must also be included there, it isn't possible to have one Alarm for all the possible Value that exist. Which then seems to require one Alarm per recipientAccountId (ACCOUNT-ID in the below).
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name METRIC-NAME-alarm --metric-name METRIC-NAME --statistic Sum --period 300 --threshold 1 --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold --evaluation-periods 1 --dimensions Name=Account,Value=ACCOUNT-ID --namespace NAMESPACE --alarm-actions SNS-TOPIC-ARN
Is this correct?
All of this is really just to include some metadata with the alarm to let me know which Account triggered, is there a better solution?

How to use Cloudtrail to get who created IAM user

How to use Cloudtrail to get who created IAM user , how to get this from logs
If the IAM user was created inside the last 90 days, you can find who created the user using CloudTrail Event history.
Using the AWS CLI:
aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=CreateUser --region us-east-1
Using the Console: Go to Event History in CloudTrail Service, choose the EventName filter with a value of CreateUser. You have to use the region us-east-1 to view the events.
If the IAM user was created outside the 90 days time window, you can still find out who created the user if you have a trail enabled in CloudTrail. You can use Amazon Athena or some other method to search the log files created by CloudTrail in S3.
References: (Note the disclaimer for global services post November 22, 2021)

Ansible: How to enable monitoring (group metrics collection) on AWS Auto Scaling Group?

I'm using Ansible to configure AWS Auto Scaling Groups (ASG). Looking at the ec2_asg_module options, there's none for enabling Monitoring in cloudWatch. However, that option can be enabled either form the AWS CLI or the AWS Console.
In the Console, it is labeled as "Group Metric Collection".
Keep in mind that I do not want to monitor the EC2 instances, but the Auto Scaling Group itself.
Thank you.
I submitted a PR last year to add 2 AWS modules : boto3 and boto3_wait.
These 2 modules allow you to interact with AWS API using boto3.
For instance, you could enable group metrics on the ASG by calling enable_metrics_collection method on AutoScaling service :
- name: Enable group metrics
service: autoscaling
region: us-east-1
operation: enable_metrics_collection
AutoScalingGroupName: my-auto-scaling-group
Granularity: 1Minute
Feel free to give the PR a thumbs-up if you like it! ;)

AWS CLI: Attach an existing cloudwatch alarm to an existing auto scaling policy

I'm having trouble attaching previously created alarms to an auto scaling group policy. I have created the policy like so:
aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --policy-name my-scaleout-policy --auto-scaling-group-name my-group --scaling-adjustment 2 --adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity
However, I can't seem to find the correct CLI command to attach an already created alarm my-cpu-alarm to the policy.
Update the existing alarm & add the policy ARN in --alarm-actions parameter.
You can use the put-metric-alarm command for this.
Note that you will have to give all the original parameters to update the alarm as they are overwritten.
You can get the alarm parameters using describe-alarm.