Aws Lambda function triggers on a delay time for 2 out of 3 cron jobs - amazon-web-services

I have a Lambda function that has 3 event triggers here are the Cron job for each:
Cron 1: cron(50/1 22 * * ? *)
Cron 2: cron(50/1 12 * * ? *)
Cron 3: cron(*/15 * * * ? *)
Now Cron 2 Timestamp logs reads as follows, which is ok. Notice that it starts 2-3 seconds into the intended trigger:
BUT Cron 1 & 3 starts over 30+ seconds into the intended trigger. I compared everything possible and there are no settings that are different (to my knowledge). Any idea why 2 of the 3 events have a delay but one doesn't? I understand a small 1-5 second delay by reading here but somethings seems to be off.

The precision of Event Bridge is one minute:
All scheduled events use UTC+0 time zone, and the minimum precision for a schedule is one minute. Your scheduled rule runs within that minute, but not on the precise 0th second.
So your delays are perfectly fine and within the 1 minute interval.


Can you schedule a cron that starts at a specific minute and hour and repeats?

For example, I'd like it to trigger at 6:30, 6:40, 6:50, 7:00, 7:10, 7:20..etc
Is it possible to schedule a cron job that starts at 6:30 every day and runs every 10 minutes until 10:00?
I've tried (30/10 6-10 ? * * * *), but that triggers 6:30, 6:40, 6:50, 7:30, 7:40 and misses the triggers between 7 and 7:30
This is on AWS EventBridge's scheduler.
With 30/10 it will start after 30 mins for every 10 mins. Due to this for every hour it will miss the 0-30 mins window
Why not try 0/10 6-10 ? * * *
Starting 3 - 6.00 6.10 & 6.20 will be extra but it works for other times

AWS/Cron start schedule specific minute start every 5 minutes

I'm using AWS's Cron validator in EventBridge. I want to run a schedule starting at 8:55 that runs every 5 minutes until 5 P.M. Why is AWS telling me this cron schedule runs every hour starting on the 55-minute?
55/5 13-22 ? * MON-FRI *
Yes, 55/5 13-22 ? * MON-FRI * this means start at 55-minute then continue with 5 min until 59. That means it will run once in a hour.
*/5 14-21 ? * MON-FRI you can use this with 55 13 ? * MON-FRI to handle 8:55.

Cron expression for monitoring schedule on aws Lambda

I can't find the right way to write my cron expression.
I want my function to be triggered every minutes everyday for 10 minutes at 19h20.
So it as to be triggered every minutes from 19h20 to 19h30 everyday.
I'm trying something like this but it's not working:
cron(0/1 19-20 ? * * *)
but this will trigger I think from 19h20 to 20h right ?
The cron expression to run Every minute between 07:20 PM and 07:30 PM is:
cron(20-30 19 * * ? *)
You can get help from pages like this one

Cron expression Aws to run every 5 minutes after EventBridge (Cloudwatch trigger) enables

I've seen several examples and all of them just trigger one job at a specific time, I have right now:
0 */5 * ? * *
and it triggers at mins 0,5,10, and on.
But, I need the trigger to run at +5 of the moment that the trigger was enabled.
So, if service becomes enable at 12:07 pm I need it to run then at 12:12 pm and on.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Like you mentioned offsets are part of the solution to your problem.
0 */5+your_offset * ? * *
Now coming to what could be your offset:
Let's say cloudwatch-event bridge is enabled at some 12:07, (You can get that info from event details timestamp.)
your_offset = 7 + 5
// so your cron becomes : 0 */5+12 * ? * *
Or in general your
offset = the minute part of timestamp + 5
// for your to schedule 5 mins after service is enabled
Solution is simple:
Before create the rule check the minute time at that moment
time_minutes_now */5 * ? * *

Django crontab, running a job every 12 hours

I have a django crontab sceduled to run every 12 hours, meaning it should run twice per day however, it is running more than that.
Can anyone tell me what's wront with it ?
('* */12 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))
Also what changes I need to make if I need it to run every 24 hours?
After every 12 hours you want to run job any particular minute from 0 to 59, not every other minute. So it should be (assuming 0th minute):
('0 */12 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))
For once in a day or every 24 hours (You can decide any specific hour from 0 to 23, assuming at midnight):
('0 0 * * *', 'some_method','>>'+os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log/mail.log'))