Have screen reader pronounce Country codes in a text input as individual letters - screen-readers

I am working on an Angular app that displays selected Country codes in a text field. This input displays Country codes because of space constraints:
<input type="button" #countryListTrigger matInput readonly i18n-placeholder placeholder="COUNTRIES" [ngModel]="selectedCountries" />
Here's what the control looks like with Country codes displayed:
Countries Widget
Right now, screen readers would read the AU like the letter "o" and AT like "#". I know about the tag, but is there a way to achieve the same result on an input value? Otherwise, I could add another (hidden) control that is read instead perhaps?

It starts getting messy if you try to force a screen reader to announce things phonetically. If you add an aria-label that has aria-label="A U" or aria-label="A T", then braille users will be out of luck because they'll read "A space U".
It's unfortunate there isn't really a good solution for this. The screen reader user can read the input value one character at a time so if it sounds weird to them, they have a work around. It's not a great user experience but having screen readers mispronounce stuff has been a problem for a long time.


Error when showing the value of VBDKR-WAERK in Form Painter ABAP

I am trying to fix a bug in the Form Painter which is related to the VBDKR-WAERK. The problem is as shown in the screenshot below:
So in place of VBDKR-WAERK should be EUR. The code in Form painter for this part is:
May anyone know what the problem may be?
Please do tell me if you need additional information.
Thank you all in advance!
Field names in SAPScript always have to be entered with leading and closing '&':
Although the question is not about Smart Forms, I just saw that SAPScript and Smart Forms interpret differently the notation &'pre-text'symbol'post-text'&. SAPScript accepts symbols in pre-text and post-text, but Smart Forms doesn't (with &'(='SKONTOWERT1(ICZ)' &VBDKR-WAERK&)'&, I get the exception FORMATTING_ERROR, message ID SSFCOMPOSER, message number 308, message "Fields within fields are not allowed (SKONTOWERT1).").
This notation works in both technologies:
Text "(="
followed by variable/symbol SKONTOWERT1 (with ICZ being 3 individual characters each meaning respectively initial value (zero) not output, compress spaces, omit leading zeroes)
followed by one space
followed by variable/symbol VBDKR-WAERK
followed by text ")"

How to extract a column based on it's content in PowerBI

I have a column in my table which looks like below.
I want a new column called 'Trimmed Resource Identifier' which looks at ResourceIdentifier and if the value starts with "arn", then returns value after last "/", else returns the whole string.
For eg.
arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:7XXXXXX1:instance/i-09TYTYTY79716  ---> i-09TYTYTY797168
i-02XXXXXXf0 --> i-02XXXXXXf0
How do I do this ? I tried creating a new column called "first 3 letters" by extracting first 3 letters of the ResourceIdentifier column but I am getting stuck at the step of adding conditional column. Please see the image below.
Is there a way I can do all of this in one step using DAX instead of creating a new intermediate column ?
Many Thanks
The GUI is too simple to do exactly what you want but go ahead and use it to create the next step, which we can then modify to work properly.
Filling out the GUI like this
will produce a line of code that looks like this (turn on the Formula Bar under the View tab in the query editor if you don't see this formula).
= Table.AddColumn(#"Name of Previous Step Here", "Custom",
each if Text.StartsWith([ResourceIdentifier], "arn") then "output" else [ResourceIdentifier])
The first three letters bit is already handled with the operator I chose, so all that remains is to change the "output" placeholder to what we actually want. There's a handy Text.AfterDelimiter function we can use for this.
Text.AfterDelimiter([ResourceIdentifier], "/", {0, RelativePosition.FromEnd})
This tells it to take the text after the first / (starting from the end). Replace "output" with this expression and you should be good to go.

React - Using Regex for highlighting text inside of dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Not working reliably

The goal is to highlight text parts (strings) inside of a dangerouslySetInnerHTML. Therefore I try to match the desired text part inside of the html, and wrap it in a "span" with appropriate styling. I am using the following code that works for certain texts (html) flawlessy, but for certain texts not at all. Please find a working an a not working example below. Trying for hours to understand the difference, or why the regex does not work... but I can't figure it out. Banging my head agains the wall.
My question is: Why is the regex failing in some cases and working in others? Even though in all cases the text ("quote") is there.
Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks so much for your help!!!
Highlighting Component JSX:
import React from "react";
class HighlightQuote extends React.Component {
render = () => {
//zitat is for getting rid of any quotation marks in the beginning or end.
var zitat = this.props.quotes.map(x => x.replace(/^[“”"’()]+|[“”"’()]+$/g, ""));
if (this.props.quotes.length === 0) {
var highlightedHtml = this.props.newcontent
else {
var zitat = this.props.quotes.map(x => x.replace(/^[“”"’()]+|[“”"’()]+$/g, ""));
const regex = new RegExp(`(${zitat.join('|')})`, 'g');
var highlightedHtml = this.props.content.replace(
'<span class="hl">$1</span>'
console.log ('highlightedHtml:');
console.log (highlightedHtml);
return (
<div className="reader" ref="test" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: highlightedHtml }} />
export default HighlightQuote;
Working example (console.log ('highlighted html')
<div class="post" id="post-17660">
<p class="postcontents">
<article> <div class="post-inside">
<p>One of the things I have disliked the most about the crypto sector is the idea that people should “hodl” or “hold on for dear life.”</p>
<p>I have written many times here at AVC that one should take profits when they are available and diversify an investment portfolio.</p>
<p><span class="hl">The idea that an investor should hold on no matter what has always seemed ridiculous to me.</span></p>
<p>Now, the crypto markets are in the eighth month of a long and painful bear market and we are starting to see some signs of capitulation, particularly in the assets that went up the most last year.</p>
<p>Whether this is the long-awaited capitulation of the HODL crowd or not, I can’t say.</p>
<p>But capitulation would be a good thing for the crypto markets, releasing assets into the market that until now have been locked up by long-term holders.</p>
<p><span class="hl">Until then it is hard to get excited about buying anything in crypto.</span></p>
</div> </article>
</p> </div>
Quotes that are highlighted as expected:
"The idea that an investor should hold on no matter what has always seemed ridiculous to me."
"Until then it is hard to get excited about buying anything in crypto."
Failing example (console.log ('highlighted html')
<div><article id="story" class="Story-story--2QyGh css-1j0ipd9"><header class="css-1qcpy3f e345g291"><p class="css-1789nl8 etcg8100"><a class="css-1g7m0tk" href="https://www.nytimes.com/column/new-sentences">New Sentences</a></p><div class="css-30n6iy e345g290"><div class="css-acwcvw"></div></div><figure class="ResponsiveMedia-media--32g1o ResponsiveMedia-sizeSmall--3092U ResponsiveMedia-layoutVertical--1pg1o ResponsiveMedia-sizeSmallNoCaption--n--T0 css-1hzd7ei"><figcaption class="css-pplcdj ResponsiveMedia-caption--1dUVu"></figcaption></figure></header><div class="css-18sbwfn StoryBodyCompanionColumn"><div class="css-1h6whtw"><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0"><em class="css-2fg4z9 ehxkw330">— From Keith Gessen’s second novel, “A Terrible Country” (Viking, 2018, Page 4). Gessen is also the author of “All the Sad Young Literary Men” and a founding editor of the journal n+1.</em></p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">All authors have signature sentence structures — deep expressive grooves that their minds instinctively find and follow. (That previous sentence is one of mine: a simple declaration that leaps, after the break of a long dash, into an elaborate restatement.)</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Here is one of Keith Gessen’s:</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">“As for me, I wasn’t really an idiot. But neither was I not an idiot.”</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">“I hadn’t been yelling, I didn’t think. But I hadn’t not been yelling either.”</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">“Cute cafes were not the problem, but they were also not, as I’d once apparently thought, the opposite of the problem.”</p></div><aside class="css-14jsv4e"><span></span></aside></div><div class="css-18sbwfn StoryBodyCompanionColumn"><div class="css-1h6whtw"><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Sentence structures are not simply sentence structures, of course — they are miniature philosophies. Hemingway, with his blunt verbal bullets, is making a huge claim about the nature of the world. So is James Joyce, with his collages and frippery. So are Nikki Giovanni and Samuel Delany and Ursula K. Le Guin and John McPhee and Missy Elliott and Dr. Seuss and anyone else who converts thoughts into prose.</p><p class="css-1i0edl6 e2kc3sl0">Likewise, Keith Gessen’s signature sentence structure — “not X, but also not not X” — suggests an entire worldview. It is a universe of in-betweenness, in which the most basic facts of life, the things we absolutely expect to understand, spill and scatter like toast crumbs into the gaps between the floorboards. It is a world of embarrassingly trivial category errors. The sentences above come from Gessen’s new novel, “A Terrible Country,” the story of a 30-something American man who goes to Russia to care for his elderly grandmother. He falls into the gaps between huge concepts: youth and age, purpose and purposelessness, progress and stasis. He is not Russian but also not not Russian, not smart but also not not smart, not heroic but also not not heroic. Such is the way of the world. No matter how much we try, none of us is ever only one thing. None of us is ever pure.</p></div><aside class="css-14jsv4e"><span></span></aside></div><div class="bottom-of-article"><div class="css-k8fkhk"><p>Sam Anderson is a staff writer for the magazine.</p> <p><i>Sign up for </i><i>our newsletter</i><i> to get the best of The New York Times Magazine delivered to your inbox every week.</i></p></div><div class="css-3glrhn">A version of this article appears in print on , on Page 11 of the Sunday Magazine with the headline: From Keith Gessen’s ‘A Terrible Country’<span>. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe</span></div></div><span></span></article></div>
The quote that should be highlighted:
"Sentence structures are not simply sentence structures, of course — they are miniature philosophies"
The reason for the failing regex matches were html entities. Some of the parsed texts inside of the dangerouslySetInnerHTML used entity references. In the failing example above the quote includes a "—" character that in the html is decoded as — .
In order to get rid of the html entities I used the "he" library https://github.com/mathiasbynens/he a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.
var contentDecoded = he.decode(this.props.content);
var highlightedHtml = contentDecoded.replace(
'<span class="annotator-hl">$1</span>'

web browser innertext data how received in textbox?

I have posted my HTML below. In which I want to get the name value from within my textbox area. I've tried several processes and I'm still not getting any valid solution. Please check my HTML and code snippet, and show me a possible solution.
The name prefix will always stay the same when I refresh the page. However, the last name within the "name" area will change, but will always contain the literal "mr." as the first 3 digits. regex as ([mM]r.\ ) - Four digits if you consider the literal space. Below is my table example.
<tr><td><b>Your Name is </b> mr. kamrul</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>your age </b> 12</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>job title</b> sales man</td></tr>
As shown below I am trying this process using listbox but I am not receiving anything.
HtmlElementCollection bColl =
foreach (HtmlElement bEl in bColl)
if (bEl.GetAttribute("table") != null)
If anyone ca give me an idea of how I am able to receive all in the browser window as ("mr. " + text) within my list box I would appreciate it. Also, if you can explain the answer verbosely and with good comments I would appreciate it, as I'd like to understand the answer in greater detail as well.
Here is one simple way using Regex, assuming that the format of your html page doesn't change.
Regex re = new Regex(#"(?<=<tr><td><b>Your\sName\sis\s?</b>\s?)[mM]r\.\s.+?(?=</td></tr>)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
foreach (Match match in re.Matches(webBrowser1.DocumentText))

Why can't I add these two strings together?

on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
set faceNumber's setStringValue() to faceNumber's stringValue() & "1"
end oneButtonClicked_
I get this error: "Can’t make «class ocid» id «data optr000000000058B37BFF7F0000» into type list, record or text. (error -1700)"
faceNumber is a label and when the user clicks the button, I want to add string of "1" to it. So for example, if the user clicked the button 5 times
stringValue returns an NSString(wrong answer) CFString. You have to make a real AppleScript String to use it.
BTW your code set faceNumber's setStringValue() is not correct. The reasons are:
The Cocoa handlers are always using the underscore.
If you use the setter setStringValue() you don't need to use set x to
If you want to use setStringValue() you must give the parameter between the parentheses
Now put everything together:
on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
faceNumber's setStringValue_((faceNumber's stringValue) as string & "1")
end oneButtonClicked_
or (to have it clearer):
on oneButtonClicked_(sender)
tell faceNumber
set currentValue to (its stringValue) as string
setStringValue_(currentValue & "1")
end tell
end oneButtonClicked_
I hope you like the answer, after pressing the button twice you have an 11 at the end of the label.
Cheers, Michael / Hamburg