I have two tables as follows:
I need to calculate people's joins and exits, so to calculate the exists I created the following measure
N exits = IF(CALCULATE(sum(Folha2[exit])-sum(Folha2[join])) < 0,0, sum(Folha2[exit])-sum(Folha2[join]))
And for the joins this
N joins = IF(CALCULATE(sum(Folha2[join])-sum(Folha2[exit])) < 0,0, sum(Folha2[join])-sum(Folha2[exit]))
This is the result, but it is not correct.
My problem is that this way it is not based on the id_person
For example, in the last two rows of the second table, the person with id_person=25 left entity 4 and the person with id_person=12 entered entity 4.
This way he subtracts the two lines not taking into account that they are two different people
The correct thing would be the following number of exists
UP - 1
FCUP - 0
REIT - 2
UPDigital -2
DI - 2
IT - 1
SI - 1
Is it possible to calculate this in Power bi ?
I need help identifying and removing observations that meet certain conditions. My data looks like this:
ID caseID set Var1 Var2
1 1 1 1 0
1 2 1 2 0
1 3 1 3 1
1 4 2 1 0
1 5 2 2 0
1 6 2 3 1
2 7 3 1 0
2 8 3 2 0
2 9 3 3 1
2 10 4 1 0
2 11 4 2 0
2 12 4 3 0
For every set, I want to have one observation in which Var2=1 and two observations in which Var2=0. If they do not meet this condition, I want to delete all observations from the set. For example, I would delete set=4 because Var2=0 for all observations. How can I do this in Stata?
Consider the following new variables:
egen count1 = total(Var2 == 1), by(set)
egen count0 = total(Var2 == 0), by(set)
egen total = total(Var2), by(set)
A literal reading of your question implies that you want to
keep if count1 == 1 & count0 == 2
But if sets are always of size 3 and no values other than 0 or 1 are possible, then you need only count1 == 1 OR count0 == 2 OR total == 1 as a condition.
I'm trying to solve a problem in SAS where I have quantities of customers across a range of groups, and the quantities I select need to be as even across the different categories as possible. This will be easier to explain with a small table, which is a simplification of a much larger problem I'm trying to solve.
Here is the table:
Customer Category | Revenue band | Churn Band | # Customers
A 1 1 4895
A 1 2 383
A 1 3 222
A 2 1 28
A 2 2 2828
A 2 3 232
B 1 1 4454
B 1 2 545
B 1 3 454
B 2 1 4534
B 2 2 434
B 2 3 454
Suppose I need to select 3000 customers from category A, and 3000 customers from category B. From the second category, within each A and B, I need to select an equal amount from 1 and 2. If possible, I need to select a proportional amount across each 1, 2, and 3 subcategories. Is there an elegant solution to this problem? I'm relatively new to SAS and so far I've investigated OPTMODEL, but the examples are either too simple or too advanced to be much use to me yet.
Edit: I've thought about using survey select. I can use this to select equal sizes across the Revenue Bands 1, 2, and 3. However where I'm lacking customers in the individual churn bands, surveyselect may not select the maximum number of customers available where those numbers are low, and I'm back to manually selecting customers.
There are still some ambiguities in the problem statement, but I hope that the PROC OPTMODEL code below is a good start for you. I tried to add examples of many different features, so that you can toy around with the model and hopefully get closer to what you actually need.
Of the many things you could optimize, I am minimizing the maximum violation from your "If possible" goal, e.g.:
min MaxMismatch = MaxChurnMismatch;
I was able to model your constraints as a Linear Program, which means that it should scale very well. You probably have other constraints you did not mention, but that would probably beyond the scope of this site.
With the data you posted, you can see from the output of the print statements that the optimal penalty corresponds to choosing 1500 customers from A,1,1, where the ideal would be 1736. This is more expensive than ignoring the customers from several groups:
[1] ChooseByCat
A 3000
B 3000
[1] [2] [3] Choose IdealProportion
A 1 1 1500 1736.670
A 1 2 0 135.882
A 1 3 0 78.762
A 2 1 28 9.934
A 2 2 1240 1003.330
A 2 3 232 82.310
B 1 1 1500 1580.210
B 1 2 0 193.358
B 1 3 0 161.072
B 2 1 1500 1608.593
B 2 2 0 153.976
B 2 3 0 161.072
Proportion MaxChurnMisMatch
0.35478 236.67
That is probably not the ideal solution, but figuring how to model exactly your requirements would not be as useful for this site. You can contact me offline if that is relevant.
I've added quotes from your problem statement as comments in the code below.
Have fun!
data custCounts;
input cat $ rev churn n;
A 1 1 4895
A 1 2 383
A 1 3 222
A 2 1 28
A 2 2 2828
A 2 3 232
B 1 1 4454
B 1 2 545
B 1 3 454
B 2 1 4534
B 2 2 434
B 2 3 454
proc optmodel printlevel = 0;
set CATxREVxCHURN init {} inter {<'A',1,1>};
set CAT = setof{<c,r,ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} c;
read data custCounts into CATxREVxCHURN=[cat rev churn] n;
put n[*]=;
var Choose{<c,r,ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} >= 0 <= n[c,r,ch]
, MaxChurnMisMatch >= 0, Proportion >= 0 <= 1
/* From OP:
Suppose I need to select 3000 customers from category A,
and 3000 customers from category B. */
num goal = 3000;
/* See "implicit slice" for the parenthesis notation, i.e. (c) below. */
impvar ChooseByCat{c in CAT} =
sum{<(c),r,ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} Choose[c,r,ch];
con MatchCatGoal{c in CAT}:
ChooseByCat[c] = goal;
/* From OP:
From the second category, within each A and B,
I need to select an equal amount from 1 and 2 */
con MatchRevenueGroupsWithinCat{c in CAT}:
sum{<(c),(1),ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} Choose[c,1,ch]
= sum{<(c),(2),ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} Choose[c,2,ch]
/* From OP:
If possible, I need to select a proportional amount
across each 1, 2, and 3 subcategories. */
con MatchBandProportion{<c,r,ch> in CATxREVxCHURN, sign in / 1 -1 /}:
MaxChurnMismatch >= sign * ( Choose[c,r,ch] - Proportion * n[c,r,ch] );
min MaxMismatch = MaxChurnMismatch;
print ChooseByCat;
impvar IdealProportion{<c,r,ch> in CATxREVxCHURN} = Proportion * n[c,r,ch];
print Choose IdealProportion;
print Proportion MaxChurnMismatch;
For each row of data in a DataFrame I would like to compute the number of unique values in columns A and B for that particular row and a reference row within the group identified by another column ID. Here is a toy dataset:
d = {'ID' : pd.Series([1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3])
,'A' : pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
,'B' : pd.Series([1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,15])
,'REFERENCE' : pd.Series([1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0])}
data = pd.DataFrame(d)
The data looks like this:
In [3]: data
0 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 1 0
2 3 3 1 0
3 4 4 2 0
4 5 11 2 0
5 6 12 2 1
6 7 13 2 0
7 8 14 3 1
8 9 15 3 0
Now, within each group defined using ID I want to compare each record with the reference record and I want to compute the number of unique A and B values for the combination. For instance, I can compute the value for data record 3 by taking len(set([4,4,6,12])) which gives 3. The result should look like this:
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 1 0 2
2 3 3 1 0 2
3 4 4 2 0 3
4 5 11 2 0 4
5 6 12 2 1 2
6 7 13 2 0 4
7 8 14 3 1 2
8 9 15 3 0 3
The only way I can think of implementing this is using for loops that loop over each grouped object and then each record within the grouped object and computes it against the reference record. This is non-pythonic and very slow. Can anyone please suggest a vectorized approach to achieve the same?
I would create a new column where I combine a and b into a tuple and then I would group by And then use groups = dict(list(groupby)) and then get the length of each frame using len()
I would like to create a dummy variable that will look at the variable "count" and label the rows as 1 starting from the last row of each id. As an example ID 1 has count of 3 and the last three rows of this id will have such pattern: 0,0,1,1,1 Similarly, ID 4 which has a count of 1 will have 0,0,0,1. The IDs have different number of rows. The variable "wish" shows what I want to obtain as a final output.
input byte id count wish str9 date
1 3 0 22sep2006
1 3 0 23sep2006
1 3 1 24sep2006
1 3 1 25sep2006
1 3 1 26sep2006
2 4 1 22mar2004
2 4 1 23mar2004
2 4 1 24mar2004
2 4 1 25mar2004
3 2 0 28jan2003
3 2 0 29jan2003
3 2 1 30jan2003
3 2 1 31jan2003
4 1 0 02dec1993
4 1 0 03dec1993
4 1 0 04dec1993
4 1 1 05dec1993
5 1 0 08feb2005
5 1 0 09feb2005
5 1 0 10feb2005
5 1 1 11feb2005
6 3 0 15jan1999
6 3 0 16jan1999
6 3 1 17jan1999
6 3 1 18jan1999
6 3 1 19jan1999
For future questions, you should provide your failed attempts. This shows that you have done your part, namely, research your problem.
One way is:
set more off
*----- example data -----
input ///
byte id count wish str9 date
1 3 0 22sep2006
1 3 0 23sep2006
1 3 1 24sep2006
1 3 1 25sep2006
1 3 1 26sep2006
2 4 1 22mar2004
2 4 1 23mar2004
2 4 1 24mar2004
2 4 1 25mar2004
3 2 0 28jan2003
3 2 0 29jan2003
3 2 1 30jan2003
3 2 1 31jan2003
4 1 0 02dec1993
4 1 0 03dec1993
4 1 0 04dec1993
4 1 1 05dec1993
5 1 0 08feb2005
5 1 0 09feb2005
5 1 0 10feb2005
5 1 1 11feb2005
6 3 0 15jan1999
6 3 0 16jan1999
6 3 1 17jan1999
6 3 1 18jan1999
6 3 1 19jan1999
list, sepby(id)
*----- what you want -----
bysort id: gen wish2 = _n > (_N - count)
list, sepby(id)
I assume you already sorted your date variable within ids.
One way to accomplish this would be to use within-group row numbers using 'bysort'-type logic:
***Create variable of within-group row numbers.
bysort id: gen obsnum = _n
***Calculate total number of rows within each group.
by id: egen max_obsnum = max(obsnum)
***Subtract the count variable from the group row count.
***This is the number of rows where we want the dummy to equal zero.
gen max_obsnum_less_count = max_obsnum - count
***Create the dummy to equal one when the row number is
***greater than this last variable.
gen dummy = (obsnum > max_obsnum_less_count)
***Clean up.
drop obsnum max_obsnum max_obsnum_less_count
In Stata I want to have a variable calculated by a formula, which includes multiplying by the previous value, within blocks defined by a variable ID. I tried using a lag but that did not work for me.
In the formula below the Y-1 is intended to signify the value above (the lag).
gen Y = 0
replace Y = 1 if count == 1
sort ID
by ID: replace Y = (1+X)*Y-1 if count != 1
X Y count ID
. 1 1 1
2 3 2 1
1 6 3 1
3 24 4 1
2 72 5 1
. 1 1 2
1 2 2 2
7 16 3 2
Your code can be made a little more concise. Here's how:
input X count ID
. 1 1
2 2 1
1 3 1
3 4 1
2 5 1
. 1 2
1 2 2
7 3 2
gen Y = count == 1
bysort ID (count) : replace Y = (1 + X) * Y[_n-1] if count > 1
The creation of a dummy (indicator) variable can exploit the fact that true or false expressions are evaluated as 1 or 0.
Sorting before by and the subsequent by command can be condensed into one. Note that I spelled out that within blocks of ID, count should remain sorted.
This is really a comment, not another answer, but it would be less clear if presented as such.
Y-1, the lag in the formula would be translated as seen in the below.
gen Y = 0
replace Y = 1 if count == 1
sort ID
by ID: replace Y = (1+X)*Y[_n-1] if count != 1