Recommended way to have backward compatible concepts in C++20 - c++

I'm fairly new to concepts but I like them so far and wanted to use them in a project. The problem is I also wanted the project to compile with earlier C++ standards. So far I've come up with the following pragmatized solution:
#if ISCPP20
template<NumT number = double,Index index = int,CoordinateContainer<number> coords>
template<class number = double,class index = int,class coords>
where NumT, Index, and CoodinateContainer are defined concepts. The solution works but I don't like the verbosity. Is there a recommended method to introduce concepts into a codebase while not breaking backward compilation compatibility?

As a practical matter, if you want to be able to easily remove concepts from code with a macro check, you should not use any kind of compact concept syntax. That means you should always use explicit requires clauses. This makes the syntax easier to #if around.
If you have overloaded concepts, where multiple definitions exist with more restrictive concepts, that's not something that is easy to just remove. It's a part of your interface that you can pass types with different interfaces and the compiler picks which template gets instantiated through a complex overloading scheme.
So you'll have to use some form of SFINAE to do the equivalent. But exactly what you have to do depends on exactly how you're doing it. In some cases, it can be easy, such as with simple template functions that you might be able to convert to just if constexpr blocks inside a single definition.
But other cases are much more difficult. You can put requires clauses on non-template members of a template class. Doing an equivalent thing with SFINAE is much more difficult.
So how to get the same effect will depend on exactly what effect you're trying to achieve.


What are the use cases of C++20 Concepts?

I found about Concepts while reviewing C++20 features. I found that they add validation to templates arguments but apart from that I don't understand what are the real world use cases of C++20 concepts.
C++ already has things like std::is_integral and they can perform validation very well.
I'm sure I am missing something about C++20 concepts and what it enables.
SFINAE (see here & here) was an accidentally Turing complete sublanguage that executes at overload resolution and template specialization selection time.
Turns out it is used a lot in template code.
Concepts and requires clauses are an attempt to take that accidentally useful language feature and make it suck less.
The origin of concepts was going to have 3 pieces; (a) describing what is required for a given bit of template code in a clean way, (b) also provide a way to map other types to satisfy those requirements non-intrusively, and (c) check template code so that any type which satisfies the concept is guaranteed to compile
All attempts at (a) plus (c) sucked, usually taking forever to compile and/or restricting what you can check with (a). (b) was also dropped to ensure (a) was better; you can write such concept map machinery manually in many cases, but C++ doesn't provide it for you.
So, now what is it good for?
auto sum( Addable auto... values )
that uses the concept of Addable to concisely express an interface of a template. Error messages you get when passing a non-addable highlight it isn't Addable, and the expression that doesn't work.
template<class T, class A>
struct vector{
bool operator==(vector<t,A>const& o)requires EquallyComparible<T>;
here, we state this vector has a == if and only if the T does. Doing this before concepts is an annoying undertaking, and even adding the specs to the standard is.
This is the turing tar pit; everyting is equivalent, but nothing is easy. All programs can be written with I/O plus a (a=(a-b);(a<0)?goto c:next 3 argument instruction; but a richer language makes programs suck less. Concepts takes an esoteric branch of C++, SFINAE, and makes it clean and simpler (so more people can leverage it), and improves error messages.

Why is std::pair<A,B> not the same as std::tuple<A,B>? (Is there really no way?)

Why is std::pair<A,B> not the same as std::tuple<A,B>? It always felt strange to not be able to just substitute one with the other. They are somewhat convertible, but there are limitations.
I know that std::pair<A,B> is required to have the two data members A first and B second, so it can't be just a type alias of std::tuple<A,B>. But my intuition says that we could specialize std::tuple<A,B>, that is a tuple with exactly two elements, to equal the definition of what the standard requires a std::pair to be. And then alias this to std::pair.
I guess this wouldn't be possible as it is too straight-forward to not to be already thought of, yet it wasn't done in g++'s libstdc++ for example (I didn't look at the source code of other libraries). What would the problem of this definition be? Is it "just" that it would break the standard library's binary compatibility?
You've gotta be careful about things like SFINAE and overloading. For example, the code below is currently well-formed but you would make it illegal:
void f(std::pair<int, int>);
void f(std::tuple<int, int>);
Currently, I can disambiguate between pair and tuple through overload resolution, SFINAE, template specialization, etc. These tools would all become incapable of telling them apart if you make them the same thing. This would break existing code.
There might have been an opportunity to introduce it as part of C++11, but there certainly isn't now.
This is purely historical. std::pair exist since C++98 whereas tuple came after and was initially not part of the standard.
Backward compatibility is the biggest burden for C++ evolution, preventing some nice things to be done easily !
I've not tried this and don't have the bandwidth right now to do so. You could try making a specialisation of std::tuple, derived from a sd::pair. Someone please tell me this won't work or is particularly horrible idea. I suspect you'd run into trouble with accessors.

How can I make switching between arithmetics easy in C++?

I am making a project that will use mathematic computations a lot. Also I want to be able to simply change the implementation of real numbers. Let's say between float, double, my own implementation and gmplib float types.
So far I thouht of two ways:
I create a class "Number" which will interface with the rest of the program.
I typedef the arithmetic type and write global functions to interface with the rest of the program.
The first choice seems to be more elegant, but the second seems to have less overhead. Is there a third better choice? Also I am worried by the elementary mathematical functions such as sine, cosine, exp... I figured out that to make the switching easy, I should implement them as templates, but my implementations are hopelessly slow.
I am generally new to programming in C++. I was brought up in the comfortable Matlab and Mathematica environments, where I did not have to worry about such things.
You'll want to use templates with constraints to avoid re-implementing things.
For instance, say you want to use sin in your program differently for float and double. You can overload based on type and create specialized templates.
template<class T> T MySin(const T& f) {
return genericSin(f);
template<> float MySin<float>(float f) {
return sinf(f);
template<> double MySin<double>(double d) {
return sin(d);
For functions. The syntax is similar when partially specializing a Math class if you want to go the OO route. This will enable you to call your routines with any type and have the most specialized and most efficient routine called.
Templates are the way I have done this. it makes it easy to specialize what must be specialized, and provides a good way to reuse implementations when it applies to multiple types.
The number type can be done, but it's actually not simple to do right and introduces some restrictions (compared to templates).
Multiple types are just hopelessly complex, if you want something even close to fast, accurate, and simple to maintain. You'd likely end up using templates to implement these correctly if you were to create a global typedef.
Templates provide all the power, control, and flexibility you would need, and they will be faster than the alternatives posted (technically, #2 could be as fast if you resorted to... templates).
a template class like real numbers should work for you. in that you can overload the required functions and if required use template specializations.
in order to improve efficiency use STL algorithms instead of hand written loops.
good luck
Both alternatives are equivalent in terms of encapsulation: There will be a single point in your program where you'll have to change the number type, and this one change will affect your whole program. If presented with those two alternatives, choose the typedef; it is less elegant (=> simpler, and simpler is better) and has the same power.
When you get more comfortable with C++, templating your functions will be a better fit, since the determination of the number type can be made locally instead of globally. With templates, you determine the number type at the instantiation point (most likely the call site), giving much greater flexibility. However, there is a number of pitfalls in templates, and I'd recommend to you that you get a little more experience with C++ first and then start templating.

Are there technical limitations that prevent built-ins from having static members?

I find this atrocious:
And really wish I could just write this:
Yes, there is INT_MAX and friends. But sometimes you are dealing with something like streamsize, which is a synonym for an unspecified built-in, so you don't know whether you should use INT_MAX or LONG_MAX or whatever. Is there a technical limitation that prevents something like int::max from being put into the language? Or is it just that nobody but me is interested in it?
Primitive types are not class types, so they don't have static members, that's it.
If you make them class types, you are changing the foundations of the language (although thinking about it it wouldn't be such a problem for compatibility reasons, more like some headaches for the standard guys to figure out exactly what members to add to them).
But more importantly, I think that nobody but you is interested in it :) ; personally I don't find numeric_limits so atrocious (actually, it's quite C++-ish - although many can argue that often what is C++-ish looks atrocious :P ).
All in all, I'd say that this is the usual "every feature starts with minus 100 points" point; the article talks about C#, but it's even more relevant for C++, that has already tons of language features and subtleties, a complex standard and many compiler vendors that can put their vetoes:
One way to do that is through the concept of “minus 100 points”. Every feature starts out in the hole by 100 points, which means that it has to have a significant net positive effect on the overall package for it to make it into the language. Some features are okay features for a language to have, they just aren't quite good enough to make it into the language.
Even if the proposal were carefully prepared by someone else, it would still take time for the standard committee to examine and discuss it, and it would probably be rejected because it would be a duplication of stuff that is already possible without problems.
There are actually multiple issues:
built-in types aren't classes in C++
classes can't be extended with new members in C++
assuming the implementation were required to supply certain "members": which? There are lots of other attributes you might want to find for type and using traits allows for them being added.
That said, if you feel you want shorter notation for this, just create it:
namespace traits {
template <typename T> constexpr T max() {
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
int m = traits::max<int>();
using namespace traits;
int n = max<int>();
Why don't you use std::numeric_limits<streamsize>::max()? As for why it's a function (max()) instead of a constant (max), I don't know. In my own app I made my own num_traits type that provides the maximum value as a static constant instead of a function, (and provides significantly more information than numeric_limits).
It would be nice if they had defined some constants and functions on "int" itself, the way C# has int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue and int.Parse(string), but that's just not what the C++ committee decided.

Creating serializeable unique compile-time identifiers for arbitrary UDT's

I would like a generic way to create unique compile-time identifiers for any C++ user defined types.
for example:
unique_id<my_type>::value == 0 // true
unique_id<other_type>::value == 1 // true
I've managed to implement something like this using preprocessor meta programming, the problem is, serialization is not consistent. For instance if the class template unique_id is instantiated with other_type first, then any serialization in previous revisions of my program will be invalidated.
I've searched for solutions to this problem, and found several ways to implement this with non-consistent serialization if the unique values are compile-time constants. If RTTI or similar methods, like boost::sp_typeinfo are used, then the unique values are obviously not compile-time constants and extra overhead is present. An ad-hoc solution to this problem would be, instantiating all of the unique_id's in a separate header in the correct order, but this causes additional maintenance and boilerplate code, which is not different than using an enum unique_id{my_type, other_type};.
A good solution to this problem would be using user-defined literals, unfortunately, as far as I know, no compiler supports them at this moment. The syntax would be 'my_type'_id; 'other_type'_id; with udl's.
I'm hoping somebody knows a trick that allows implementing serialize-able unique identifiers in C++ with the current standard (C++03/C++0x), I would be happy if it works with the latest stable MSVC and GNU-G++ compilers, although I expect if there is a solution, it's not portable.
I would like to make clear, that using mpl::set or similar constructs like mpl::vector and filtering, does not solve this problem, because the scope of the meta-set/vector is limited and actually causes more problems than just preprocessor meta programming.
A while back I added a build step to one project of mine, which allowed me to write #script_name(args) in a C++ source file and have it automatically replaced with the output of the associated script, for instance ./ args or ./ args.
You may balk at the idea of polluting the language into nonstandard C++, but all you'd have to do is write #sha1(my_type) to get the unique integer hash of the class name, regardless of build order and without the need for explicit instantiation.
This is just one of many possible nonstandard solutions, and I think a fairly clean one at that. There's currently no great way to impose an arbitrary, consistent ordering on your classes without just specifying it explicitly, so I recommend you simply give in and go the explicit instantiation route; there's nothing really wrong with centralising the information, but as you said it's not all that different from an enumeration, which is what I'd actually use in this situation.
Persistence of data is a very interesting problem.
My first question would be: do you really want serialization ? If you are willing to investigate an alternative, then jump to the next section.
If you're still there, I think you have not given the typeid solution all its due.
// static detection
template <typename T>
size_t unique_id()
static size_t const id = some_hash(typeid(T)); // or boost::sp_typeinfo
return id;
// dynamic detection
template <typename T>
size_t unique_id(T const& t)
return some_hash(typeid(t)); // no memoization possible
Note: I am using a local static to avoid the order of initialization issue, in case this value is required before main is entered
It's pretty similar to your unique_id<some_type>::value, and even though it's computed at runtime, it's only computed once, and the result (for the static detection) is then memoized for future calls.
Also note that it's fully generic: no need to explicitly write the function for each type.
It may seem silly, but the issue of serialization is that you have a one-to-one mapping between the type and its representation:
you need to version the representation, so as to be able to decode "older" versions
dealing with forward compatibility is pretty hard
dealing with cyclic reference is pretty hard (some framework handle it)
and then there is the issue of moving information from one to another --> deserializing older versions becomes messy and frustrating
For persistent saves, I usually recommend using a dedicated BOM. Think of the saved data as a message to your future self. And I usually go the extra mile and proposes the awesome Google Proto Buffer library:
Backward and Forward compatibility baked-in
Several format outputs -> human readable (for debug) or binary
Several languages can read/write the same messages (C++, Java, Python)
Pretty sure that you will have to implement your own extension to make this happen, I've not seen nor heard of any such construct for compile-time. MSVC offers __COUNTER__ for the preprocessor but I know of no template equivalent.