Is there support for Turkish language? - app-actions

The docs implies that there's no support for non-english locales but I can clearly search "something" on Gmail using Google Assistant. My understanding is that it translates my command to English and then executes it.
The main problem is that I want to "call" someone in my app but in Turkish "call" also means "search". So I can't use CREATE_CALL bult-in-intent... Any suggestions?
Also; I know Dialogflow allows developers to define other pronunciations for application name, is there anything similar in App Actions specifically?

With App Actions, each BII has different language support. You will need to consult the reference documentation for your chosen BII to find out what languages it supports. You can see from the CREATE_CALL docs that Turkish is not supported. In fact, current, Turkish is not supported by any BII.
The way voice is handled in Google applications is not necessarily any indication of how App Actions can work for your app. If you don't see it in the docs, then it's not supported.


Language compatiblity issue in choregraphe

Current Project running in pepper supports both German and English language. When I try to run one new Project which supports only English language using Choregraphe. It doesn't work and gives me the below error message.
I change the robot language to English by accessing web-page of robot IP. But it still doesn't work. I also added to German language to the new Project. But the Problem remains same.
Any help would be appreciated.
[ERROR] ALAutomaticAnnotation :setCurrentLanguage:0 Cannot annotate the language: German
[ERROR] behavior.translator :load:0 Fail to load translation for '/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/.lastUploadedChoregrapheBehavior' lang 'de_DE'
[ERROR] audio.alspeechrecognition :xTryTriggerSignsAndFeedback:0 Didn't trigger ExpressiveBit EndSpeechRecognitionEars: Cannot find service 'ALSignsAndFeedback' in index
What and how the necessary changes Need to be done in order to run new Project perfectly?
Thank you!
If your robot supports two languages then for each application you must add German as supported language. Maybe later you wish to install the app on another robot which support Japanese. Then you must have English, German and Japanese as supported languages.
For future reference, make sure the language support is enabled in project properties.

Start my program at login in MacOSX

I am developing a program in C++ in MacOSX, and I want to add an option to start my program at login. I investigated some possible solutions in MacOSX, but I did not understand well which is the best/the official suggested one nowadays. Some of them are easy, some more complicated, and it seems that the easier ones are not the suggested ones for the future.
Here a resume of what I found:
using OsaScript: it seems the simplest one, but I really would like a C/C++ API, and not using the osascript command
From the official documentation, I can see the 'Service Management framework', but I want the user be able to see my app started at login in the preference, and I would not like to create another helper bundle...
Again from the official documentation, I can see Launch Services Reference, but I am not sure it is what I need. I did not find any example in C/C++, and if I search for the 'Login' keyword, I just see two deprecated functions therein...
Technical Note TN2228 it seems a complete guide and with also some example therein, but it speaks about creating a 'authorization plug-in'. Do I really need that to start my app at login?
Creating Launch Daemons and Agents it seems the preferred way to launch a Daemon, but my app is not really a daemon...
So, what do you suggest me to do?
Do you know some other way to make my programm running at login?
Which one do you think is the easiest but not deprecated solution?
Do you have some example in C/C++? All the example I found are in other languages...
Thanks everybody
At the end I chose the OsaScript solution (one line of code...)
From this example you can see that you can set the property "name" when you add your item so that you can delete it later.
I am still looking for a easy C++ solution...

Mac App Development: How to select app language while installing?

I am currently developing a Mac app using C++.
In this app, we have provided language selections for users.
But for some resource files, users can change it while using the app. So I want the the language version of the resource files to be chosen during installation and can not be changed after installation.
I have tried to package the app as a .pkg file using packagemaker and iceberg, but I can not find a way to provide a dialog to let users choose language.
For example, when I use iceberg to package a Mac App, it provides those options:
I can not find any way to give a language selection for end users.
So, my question is, how can I implement this requirement?
As a rule, this just is not done. On the Mac, and within iOS, there is a nearly thirty-year history of supporting a single binary with multiple user interface languages. The reason that there are few, if any, tools that support installation of just one is that it is considered to be against e way the platform is supposed to work.
Consider, just as an example, a computer in a lab in Quebec where it is not uncommon to have a mix if students speaking English and French. In is case, lab computers installed with just French would be useful only to users who speak Frennche, as changing the language to English for a new user (at login for example) would result in your application continuing to run in French.
With few exceptions, Applications should contain all languages available and gracefully handle language changes during use (often waiting until they are restarted to change the interface language, but your tactic may very).

Free Language Identifier Service?

Do any of you guys know of a free online (or offline if it's in java) language identifier service? (I don't want a tool you use manually. I need a service, sice I have to do this identifying programatically.)
I've got a form and I'd like to figure out what language a user has written in.
Come to think of it, shouldn't this be doable through a Google thingy somehow? Since they detect page languages and all, and they're mostly open source...
Thanks for any help. Cheers!
[I added a "google-translate" tag since there isn't anything regarding text-recognition (there's image and voice but no text)]
Language Detection Library for Java looks like the kind of thing you are looking for.
Also see for more links.
Language Detection API has free plan. You can pass text via HTTP POST and receive JSON result with detected languages and scores.

Any way to display C++ on a webpage?

Is there a relatively easy way to display the output of a C++ program on a webpage? And I don't mean manually, in other words, you see it on a webpage as it runs not as in I make a code tag and write it in myself.
EDIT: Just so everybody can get this clear I am going to post this up here. I am NOT trying to make a webpage in C++. Please excuse me if this sounds spiteful or anything but I am getting a lot of answers relating to that.
Step one, get yourself a server-side language. Be that PHP, ASP, Python, Ruby, whatever. Get it set up so you can serve it.
Step two, find your language's exec equivalent. Practically all of them have them. It'll let you run a command as if it were from the command line, usually with arguments and capture the output. Here's PHP's:
Of course, if you're passing user-input as arguments, sanitise!
I've just seen that you accepted Scott's answer. I usually wouldn't chase up a SO thread so persistently but I fear you're about to make a mistake that you'll come to regret down the line. Giving direct access to your program and its own built-in server is a terrible idea for two reasons:
You waste a day implementing this built-in server and then getting it to persist and testing it
More importantly, you've just opened up another attack vector into your server. When it comes to security, keep it simple.
You're far better having your C++ app running behind another (mature) server side language as all the work is done for you and it can filter the input to keep things safe.
You could write a CGI app in C++, or you could use an existing web server language to execute the command and send the output to the client.
You want to use Witty.
Wt (pronounced 'witty') is a C++
library for developing interactive web
The API is widget-centric and similar
to desktop GUI APIs. To the developer,
it offers complete abstraction of any
web-specific implementation details,
including event handling, graphics
support, graceful degradation (or
progressive enhancement), and pretty
Unlike many page-based frameworks, Wt
was designed for creating stateful
applications that are at the same time
highly interactive (leveraging
techinques such as AJAX to their
fullest) and accessible (supporting
plain HTML browsers), using automatic
graceful degradation or progressive
The library comes with an application
server that acts as a stand-alone web
server or integrates through FastCGI
with other web servers.
I am not sure this is what you are looking for but you may want CGI You may want to look at this SO question, C++ may not be the best language for what you want to do.
based off the questions you posted Writing a web app like what you want is no simple task. What I would recommend is use some other library (this is one i found with a quick google) to get a web console on your server and give the user it is running under execute deny permissions on every folder except the folder you have your app installed.
This is still is a risky method if you don't set up the security correctly but it is the easiest solution without digging around too much on existing libraries to just have the application interactive.
The "Best" solution is learn AJAX and have your program post its own pages with it but like I said, it will not be easy.
It sounds like you want something like a telnet session embedded in a webpage. A quick google turns up many Java telnet apps, though I'm not qualified to evaluate which would be most ideal to embed in html.
You would set up the login script on the host machine to run your c++ app and the user would interact with it through the shell window. Note though that this will only work for pure command line apps. If you want to use a GUI app in this way, then you should look into remote desktop software or VNC.
It may be worth looking into Adobe's "Alchemy" project on Adobe Labs
This may help you with what you're trying to achieve.
Are you looking for something like what does? I believe they explain how they did it here.
There is a library called C++ Server Pages - Poco. I used it for one of my college project, its pretty good. There is also good documentation to get started with, u can find it here