Is AWS SNS required for Firebase Cloud Messaging? - amazon-web-services

I have a production server running an application and also a mobile app for the same, I want to use FCM as my push notification service , but what I'm seeing from the google website and most stack overflow answers is somewhat conflicting. Stack has a lot of answers on how to get FCM running on SNS, I want to know is it possible to simply use FCM (as its free) or would I need SNS , if not why bother setting up SNS for FCM? Keep in mind I only want to use FCM through an API for a django server and not through the firebase console.

The Firebase documentation is clear on how to get started, and nowhere does it state that SNS is required. Just follow the documentation for your client app platform.
If you want to send messages from your AWS backend, you can just use the Firebase Admin SDK for your chosen backend OS. It will also not require SNS.
If you are having a specific problem with FCM, you should ask a new question explaining what you've done so far that doesn't work the way you expect, along with your code and links to the documentation you're working with.


How to use FCM pkg on Django?

I'm using the fcm_django package to send notifications API to Firebase but I have some confusion about those two concepts on Firebase like so: (registeration_id and device_id)
I placed the "server_key" of Firebase to registration_id but don't understand what does device_id means and what is the value I should put on it?
after answering the above questions I tried to send notification from Django by the admin page on Django by creating registration_id which is "server_key" and defining the type which is a "web", but when I created this object I didn't see any message has been sent to Firebase cloud.
I want to send notifications to only one device not many users.
so, can anyone help me to achieve this mission succeeded?
Thanks in advance
The device_id is a token that is generated by the Firebase SDK on each device/app combination that wants to receive messages from FCM.
To learn how to access this token, have a look at the documentation for Android, Web and iOS.
Once you have the token on the specific client, you will need to send it to a place where the fcm-django package can then also access it; typically a cloud hosted database, such as the Realtime Database or Firestore that are also part of Firebase.
From there your Django can then get the token, and pass it to the fcm-django API.

How to send push notifications only to users having app version > 4.1.1

I have an app released recently with new pages and I want to send push notifications (which points to those new pages) to only those users having the latest app version(4.1.1).
I am using AWS-SNS to push notifications from backend code(ruby on rails)
Can anyone please tell me how we could achieve this?
Amazon SNS service doesn't have capability to detect endpoints (i.e users using a particular app version). Therefore, I would like to refer you to another AWS service called Amazon Pinpoint which from my research supports this use-case.
In summary, when using Amazon Pinpoint service with your app and users install the app Amazon Pinpoint creates endpoints (i.e a repository of audience data). This data consists of:
Any custom attributes or metrics that you record.
Demographics. See sample illustration below:
Using the sample demographics data as shown above you can do the following :
Create Segment that include users using app version(x.x.x). See sample illustration below:
Create a push notification Campaign that a targets the Segment created above.

Check details of SMS in RingCentral

I am using Python SDK for sending SMS via programing. I will be integrating the application with a web application. SMS is working fine with Python SDK.
Is there any way to check the history of SMS that I have send using the Python SDK?
How can be done with an API where I get all the details of my SMS history.
So far I can check the details from RingCentral online account and get the details. But I want to get it via API. What is the option on that?
Call Log is one of the the way to check the history
You can find the endpoints to check sms history in the Call Log and "Messages" sections.
Alternately you can get the history in RingCentral App's Settings section in logs.

RapidSMS Twilio Django - SMS Application Architecture

I am learning SMS application dev with RapidSMS Django. I came across rapidsms-twilio for backend. I am lost here and trying to make sense of overall architecture and technologies associated with each layer. It will help me in future research of better alternatives. Similar to web applications JS/Ajax/css/html are front end tech with java in app layer and db on backend how could i layout SMS application framework?
From my understanding Twilio will provide a number so whenever text is received on number it will receive it in SMMP format and convert it to HTTP and call app server URL mapped against it which could be in django. Where and what does rapidsms do here?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I have never used RapidSMS, but as far as I can tell, it does the handling and sending of SMS via a chosen backend processor that receives and sends SMS messages. It comes with some built in backends, like Kannel which is an SMS gateway, but there are third party backends available too.
rapidsms-twilio is a third party backend that allows you to use RapidSMS as the dashboard/user interface and send and receive messages via Twilio

Capabilities of Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications

I have a project in my mind where an administrator sends a push notification to all users from his Smartphone, if a shopkeeper has to notify all his customers for instance. The procedure will be as follows:
1. Admin Mobile-to-Cloud
2. Cloud-to-UserMobiles
Does Amazon SNS support this procedure ?. I have made a quick research and it seems like that it only supports Cloud-to-Mobile and not the other way round.
AWS Mobile SDK for Android and iOS support AWS SNS API, so you can easily implement the functionality by going through the steps in this link if you're using Android:
Remember to implement the functionality in step 4 in an Android project instead of Java (this will be an administrator app in your case).