How to use multi project multi environment deployment using google deployment manager and google cloud build - google-cloud-platform

Currently we're having a dev environment in a gcp project. We're using GDM templates and other stuffs along with repo in bitbucket. Whenever we push any changes in bitbucket it builds and deploy to this dev environment. Suddenly, we've decided to have a new gcp project as test environment and we want to deploy automatically to this environment like dev environment. Our preference will be to deploy to this environment from the cloudbuild execution in dev environment. Can you suggest us any guideline that'll help us to set up things in one place that'll automatically deploy this in multiple projects as multiple environments automatically?

You can use Terraform to achieve this.
There's a lot of information on how to start here.
However, I would suggest having projects in separate deployments. This way you limit the blast radius and protect production from errors occurring in other environments.

You need separate calls for separate projects. Just like almost all Google API resources deploymentmanager/deployments lives inside a project ([PROJECT]/global/deployments), thus you cannot deploy to multiple projects in one call.


Create a new GCP project from existing

I created a Project on GCP. It has a postgres database, a node Appengine web app, and some other stuff. Now I am developing the app, and when everything is set up and running nicely I'd like to clone this project somehow and create a staging and a production environment/project.
So my project now is called dev-awesomeapp. Can I somehow make a staging-awesomeapp for staging and a awesomeapp for production from my existing dev-awesomeapp?
Edit: there is an other question from 2017 that asks the same thing, but maybe it's possible now after 2,5 years?
You can't, but if you don't want to configure everything form the beginning each time, you can use "architecture as code" with tools like deployment manager or Terraform.
This could help you in replicating your infrastructure, moreover it can be really helpful in automating any architectural changes if you use it in a CI/CD pipeline, making your release phase quicker and more reliable :)

can we deploy whole project in Google Cloud using only Code?

I have a project in Google cloud using the following resources
-BigQuery, Google functions (Python), google storage, Cloud Scheduler
is it possible to save the whole project as code and share it, so someone else can just use that code and deploy it using his own tenant ?
the reason, I am asking, I have published all the code and SQL queries in Github, but some users find it very hard to reproduce, they are not necessarily very familiar with Google Cloud, in an ideal situation, they need just to get a file and click deploy ?
When you create a solution for GCP we will commonly find that it consists of code, data and configuration. The code and data you can save in a source repository like GitHub ... but what of the configuration? What if your "solution" expects to have BQ datasets and tables or GCS buckets or Scheduler jobs defined? This is where you can create "Infrastructure As Code" definitions. Google supports its own IaC technology called Deployment Manager but you can also use the popular Terraform as it too has a GCP provider. The definitions for these IaC coordinators are typically text / yaml files that you can also package with your code. Sprinkle in some Make, Chef, Puppet for building apps and pushing code to deployment environments and you have a "build it from source" story. Study also the concepts of CI/CD and you will commonly find that the steps you perform for building CI/CD overlap with the steps for trivial deployment.
There are also projects such as terraformer that can do some kind of a job of reverse engineering an existing configuration to create IaC description that, when run elsewhere, will recreate the configuration.

best practice for bitbucket pipeline deployment in AWS to live server

I am on a project which is about to release first version. I want to setup bitbucket pipeline when deploying to AWS. When doing so, I am afraid that users on website might be affected while we are deploying. What is the best practice for deploying new feature to the live server without affecting users on the website?
One possible option might be that put maintenance page on the web and deploy new codes when not many users are using the website. is there other way to deploy?
As mentioned in the comment it something that depends on underlying tools and technology, but I will focus on your last question.
One possible option might be that put maintenance page on the web and
deploy new codes when not many users are using the website. is there
other way to deploy?
First thing, you should not deploy a new feature without proper testing as pipeline must include automating testing, as sometimes such code breaks the complete application.
You should not put application under maintenance during deployment, that is why we have CI/CD pipeline. You should design your pipeline in the way that you are sure about the lastest code and feature that It should work in production as expected. Many AWS services support blue/green deployment and in the interesting part of blue/green deployment is rollback. You can explore further in the below links.

GCloud - Where to place project when working with multiple users?

First of all, I'm new to the GCloud platform and to everything cloud related in general.
I want to work with multiple users (with different Google Accounts) on one project in the GCloud.
I already granted the users all the necessary rights, to access my project.
I plan on running a Kubernetes Cluster. I followed this tutorial and everything worked fine. But now I figured out, that other users can't acces my project folder, because it is in /home/USERNAME.
Also when saving some dummy file to /tmp the other users can't see it and I read, that the GCloud Shell is per user and not per project.
My question is, where can I clone my git project to on the GCloud platform so that other users can git pull when there are code changes? Or should I setup my project differently? Also they would need acces to the dockerfile in order to build a new image for Kubernetes.
Do I have to use a CI/CD solution? As I'm working on a school project currently, there is no need for CI/CD.
Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket or any other SCM should do. That way each of the users can have their own local repository of the code you are working on.
CI/CD is not obligatory and you can deploy your applications without it, however it can make your life easier when working with large codebases and when you are deploying often.

Continuous deployment without cloning whole repository

I am searching for a solution to do continuous deployment in a cloud environment, more specific, in an Amazon AWS environment.
The code to be deployed are mainly Microsoft's ASP and PHP, so this framework should work on both platforms. As I have an auto-scale environment, this framework will work if it pulls the new code, like Puppet does.
My first thought was to deploy direct from the VCS, but I ended in a problem where all repository information was mirrored to the servers, as GIT, for instance, works. This is a problem because the repository keeps growing and the servers will demand more and more space.
I found Ansible, that works the way I need, but does not work on Windows environment. It only sends to the servers the production code, not the VCS repository, and keeps track which servers are updated.
Without using an easy-to-setup framework like this, I will need to create a Puppet + Jenkins + a VCS framework, where Jenkins creates the package from a VCS source code and Puppet delivers it.
Does anybody know any small framework for my needs or the Puppet + Jenkins + VCS is the way to go?
Consider CloudMunch ( for this. The platform is built exactly to solve this kind of polyglot requirements.
Disclaimer: I work for CloudMunch